3,458 search results for “medical history” in the Public website
Language Diversity in the World
This research profile area brings together descriptive, historical and theoretical linguistics, as well as psycho- and neurolinguistics.
Vascular and Regenerative medicine
With an ageing population it is becoming increasingly important to find means to repair cells, tissue and organs through regenerative medicine.
Health Data Science special interest group
Health Data Science Leiden University
Navigation Lab Leiden
The Navigation Lab Leiden is part of the department of Health, Medical and Neuropsychology at Leiden University, and led by Ineke van der Ham We study human spatial cognition, with an emphasis on navigation ability. We examine factors that can explain for individual differences, such as gender and age.…
Biosafety Level 3 laboratory
Within the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) several research projects use pathogenic microorganisms of risk group 3. For working with these pathogens, the LUMC has a high containment research lab to safely perform the experiments for man and environment.
Immunity, Infection and Tolerance
The LUMC has a longstanding tradition researching the role of the immune system in infectious diseases, transplantation and auto-immune diseases.
Childhood precursors of adulthood psychosis
For questions regarding education, you can go to the Student Services Center (ground floor). For other questions, you can go to the unit’s secretariat.
- Centre for Computational Life Sciences (CCLS)
Population PKPD analysis within the “DINO-Trial” evaluating the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of routinely used off-label drugs in premature
Currently, more than 80% of drugs are used in an off-label manner in critically ill neonates.
Why do we use laboratory animals?
We use laboratory animals to address research questions, but only when there is no alternative and the question cannot be answered in any other way. Read here why we conduct animals experiments.
Society Artificial Intelligence and Life Sciences (SAILS)
SAILS aims to forge links between the different disciplines at the University and to initiate new academic partnerships.
Admission and Application
This guide will give you the necessary help and guidance in submitting your application for the master’s specialisation Clinical Neuropsychology at Leiden University.
Violence Studies
In this minor programme, students will become familiar with the nature and scope of violence; the ways in which it impacts public order, and the ways in which society can respond to and, ultimately, prevent violence.
Marie Curie – ITN Project ‘ForSeaDiscovery’
Catia Antunes is one of the main partners in the ‘ForSeaDiscovery – Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery’ project that has been awarded the prestigious Marie Curie – ITN grant for Academic/Civil Society training, cooperation and outreach.
Introducing: Project Group The Scholarly Self
In November 2013, three PhD students started in Herman Paul’s VIDI project ‘The Scholarly Self: Character, Habit, and Virtue in the Humanities, 1860-1930’. In this newsletter they introduce themselves.
Wit and Wisdom in Classical Arabic Literature
This book contains the first three Leiden-Aramco Lectures on Arabic Language and Culture delivered by Petra Sijpesteijn, James E. Montgomery and Geert Jan van Gelder.
Idols of the Mind: Modern Variations on a Baconian Theme, 1800-2000
Drawing on a broad array of sources, this project examines modern retrievals of Bacon’s idols, thereby testing Justus von Liebig’s intriguing observation, back in 1863, that Bacon’s name lived on mainly in mottos or stereotypical phrases. More importantly, it examines the rhetorical purposes served…
The advent of Abrī: the first wave of paper marbling in the long 16th century (ca. 1496-1616CE)
On Thursday 21 November 2024 Jake Benson successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Falling Short of Expectations: Evaluative Languages in Scholarly Book Reviews, 1900-2000
What evaluative languages (errors, mistakes, vices, etc.) did book reviewers employ? To what extent and on what occasions did they invoke early modern vices? And to what extent did this differ across fields or change over the course of the century?
The intimate voice of the Russian Avant-garde: adapting the aesthetic self and the rise of Socialist Realism
This proposed research uses ego-documents from visual artists that were not intended for publication to reassess the scholarly debate on the demise of the Russian Avant-garde aesthetic in the twenties and early thirties of the 20th century.
Hodegetics: Language of Vice in Student Advice Literature, 1700-1900
This project analyzes to what extent hodegetical textbooks relied on each other in warning their readers against vicious habits, how much continuity their catalogs of vice displayed, and to what extent vices that persisted throughout the 18th and 19th centuries were associated with easy-to-remember…
Havar Solheim
Faculty of Humanities
- Histories Connected
- Histories Connected
incredible feeling, rewriting such an iconic event from a country’s history.’
Ever since Nadine Akkerman, Professor of Early Modern Literature & Culture, came across a woman spy in her research, secret agents have kept cropping up in her work. Now there’s Spycraft, a popular history book exploring the espionage techniques used by early modern spies, which she has co-written with…
Jessica den Oudsten wins the eighth Uitgeverij Verloren/ Johan de Witt thesis award
Jessica den Oudsten won this year’s Uitgeverij Verloren/Johan de Witt thesis award for history with her master’s thesis, entitled
Caroline van Eck appointed as Slade Professor in Oxford
The Department of History of Art in Oxford has appointed Leiden University professor Caroline van Eck as Slade Professor of Fine Art for the second semester of academic year 2016-2017. As Slade Professor Van Eck will spend a semester in office at Oxford University and deliver eight public lectures and…
Introducing: Kaarle Wirta
Kaarle Wirta is one of the four PhDs in Cátia Antunes’ ERC Research Project 'Fighting Monopolies'.
Maritime Conflict Management in Atlantic Europe, 1200-1600
Louis Sicking's Maritime Conflict Management in Atlantic Europe was awarded an 'Internationalisation in the Humanities' grant from NWO. What can we learn from how maritime conflicts were managed in the past?
Rachel Schats’ Leiden Experience: ‘I want to contribute to human history and human health.’
Rachel Schats has been a familiar face at the Faculty of Archaeology since she started her bachelor’s in Archaeology in 2005. Now she is an assistant professor, working on her Veni project on malaria in the Middle Ages. ‘I have included in this project so many skeletal collections that no one has ever…
‘Zorgprofessionals in Waardegedreven Zorgteams kunnen niet zomaar samenwerken'
Promovendus Dorine van Staalduinen deed onderzoek naar de implementatie van Waardegedreven Zorg en ontdekte dat structurele samenwerking nog uitdagend is.
- What's New?! Spring Lecture Series 2025
Introducing: David Napolitano
As of 1 February 2015, dr. David Napolitano is postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for History. He is particularly interested in the figure of the medieval city magistrate.
Introducing: Damjan Donev
Damjan Donev is a PhD student in the ERC granted research project 'An Empire of 2000 Cities: urban networks and economic integration in the Roman empire', directed by Luuk De Ligt and John Bintliff (Archaeology).
In the Spotlight: Professor Robert Ross
On the occasion of the retirement of Robert Ross, Professor in African History at Leiden University, his successor and former student Jan-Bart Gewald wrote a valedictory note.
How Leiden became 'the wonder of Europe'
Curiosities from the anatomical theatre, swords from the fencing school and 17th-century portraits of the University's founders. The new University Room in Museum De Lakenhal portrays the turbulent first hundred years of Leiden University.
Huaqi Tang
Laurens Heling
Introducing: Alanna O'Malley
Since August 2013, Alanna O’Malley is the new Assistant Professor for International Studies at the Institute for History, Leiden University.
Introducing: Edgar Pereira
Edgar Pereira is one of the four PhDs in Cátia Antunes’ ERC Research Project 'Fighting Monopolies'.
Introducing: Maria Pereira Bastião
Maria started as a team-member in one of dr. Catia Antunes' research projects in December 2014 as Early Stage Researcher of the Marie Curie – ITN Project ForSEAdiscovery on ‘Portuguese forest resources and timber supply in the Early Modern period’.
A university in times of corona: one year on
It is exactly one year ago that the university had to close, bang in the middle of the academic year. Suddenly, on that third Monday in March, we found ourselves at home, working and studying online – many of us from that cramped attic or student room. The momentous coronavirus year in pictures.
May Shaddel Basir
Faculty of Humanities
Elsemieke Daalder
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Bram Eenink
Faculty of Humanities
Alexandra Tutwiler
Faculteit Archeologie
Rachel Schats
Faculteit Archeologie
Maia Casna
Faculteit Archeologie
Mirjam de Baar
Faculty of Humanities