2,029 search results for “honorary doctorate” in the Public website
Health and Medical Psychology (MSc)
In the specialisation Health and Medical Psychology, part of the Master in Psychology, you will acquire knowledge on clinical and scientific topics in health promotion and disease prevention as well as practical training on clinical skills and behaviour change.
Clinical Neuropsychology (MSc)
In the specialisation Clinical Neuropsychology, part of the Master in Psychology, you will focus on fostering clinical and scientific skills based on a solid theoretical background as well as practical training in neuropsychology and (clinical) neuropsychological research.
What if you lose a parent at a young age? ‘Grief lasts a lifetime’
Adults who lost a parent during childhood tend to experience greater attachment anxiety in romantic relationships, according to Carline van Heijningen’s doctoral research. However, this anxiety was less pronounced among those who recall having a strong bond with their deceased parent during childhoo…
Medical Delta Professor Eline Slagboom: ‘The delta region is where everything comes together’
Professor Eline Slagboom has been studying multiple generations of families for over 20 years. She collects data on why some people age healthily and others decline early.
What makes us ill?
Genes predict whether you have a propensity for an illness but environmental factors often have the last word: nutrition, air pollution, lifestyle, stress. The exposome as both culprit and chance. Large-scale research is being carried out into this at Leiden. Thomas Hankemeier, Professor of Analytical…
Willem van der Does sheds new light on the at times pitch-black history of psychiatry
Piercing through the skull with an ice pick, administering electric shocks without an anaesthetic, or applying leeches to the uterus: these may seem like medieval methods of torture, but they are in fact therapies used in medicine. Willem van der Does writes about all of them in his new book. ‘Physicians…
Spinoza prize for 'migraine professor' Michel Ferrari
Neurologist Professor Michel Ferrari has been awarded the Spinoza prize. 'In biomedical research you can only make breakthroughs at the borders between sciences,' according to Spinoza, doctor and scientist. 'This prize is proof that co-operation works.' Together with clinical and fundamental researchers…
Veni grant for Caspar van den Berg
Caspar van den Berg, researcher and Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, has been awarded a prestigious Veni grant of 250,000 euros from the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NOW) for his international comparative research on politicization of top civil servants.
First ever Joint docARTES and PhDArts session
PhD-programmes, specialized in artistic research, docARTES and PhDArts join forces on March 22 and 23.
LIAS alumnus Dr Ruixuan Chen awarded Ernst Waldschmidt Prize
Dr Ruixuan Chen, an alumnus of the LIAS and now assistant professor in Buddhist Studies at Heidelberg, has been awarded the Ernst Waldschmidt Prize. The award ceremony is postponed due to the pandemic and will take place in Berlin presumably in early 2021.
Prestigious Pierre Elliot Trudeau Fellowship for VVI PhD Student Camille Lefebvre
Camille Lefebvre, PhD candidate at the Graduate School of International Studies of Université Laval and the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society of Leiden Law School, has been selected as a recipient of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fellowship and Leadership Program.
Ida Haisma appointed Director Leiden Bio Science Park
Ida Haisma has been appointed Director of the Leiden Bio Science Park. She will lead the transformation of the Leiden Bio Science Park from science park to innovation district. To this end, she will set up a new park organisation and act as the spokesperson for the park.
Tirza Cramwinckel wins Stevens Award
'Her publications demonstrate a strong combination of science and practice’, according to the jury. Cramwinckel received the Stevens Award on 9 February 2024 in recognition of her scholarly publications and work in practice and education.
Vasiliki Kosta lectures on cultural diversity at EUI Summer Course on “The Law of the European Union”
Dr. Vicky Kosta (Europa Institute, Leiden University), together with Professor Niamh Nic Shuibhne (University of Edinburgh), provided a course on “Cultural Diversity and European Law” at the EUI’s Academy of European Law two-week summer course in June 2023.
dis/cord : Thinking Sound through Agential Realism
ACPA alumnus Kevin Toksöz Fairbairn has just published a new book at Punctum Books - dis/cord: Thinking Sound through Agential Realism.
International Human Rights of Children
Comprehensive, scholarly compilation of legal studies of substantive and procedural children’s rights, breaking new ground by analysing a wide range of international children's rights issues.
Rowie Stolk visiting researcher at UCLA School of Law
Rowie Stolk, PhD candidate at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law has been admitted as a visiting researcher to UCLA School of Law (University of California, Los Angeles) where she will stay during the first semester 2019 – 2020.
Dr. Kabir Duggal awarded the "2018 Academic Prize" by CEPANI
Dr Kabir Duggal, who recently obtained his PhD at Leiden University, has been awarded the
Tazuko van Berkel receives 260 year old prize
The 260 year old prize of the Legatum Stolpianum has been awarded in 2014 to two well written historical studies of high quality and with current significance. Leiden classicist Tazuko van Berkel is one of the two prizewinners.
Investigating Bankruptcies in the Belgian Hospitality Industry
esearchers Strohmaier and Darouei investigate bankruptcies in the Belgian Hospitality Industry The two newly recruited doctoral researchers at the Department of Business Studies, Maral Darouei MSc and Niek Strohmaier MSc, have recently finalized an externally funded project for the research center…
Michelle Achterberg receives Award for PhD Thesis on brain development in children
On June 10, Michelle Achterberg received the prize for best dissertation from the Dutch Neurofederation, the network of Dutch neuroscientists, for her thesis 'Like me, ore else...'. Achterberg obtained her doctorate cum laude from the Gravitation Program 'Samen Uniek' of the Leiden Consortium on Individual…
Netherlands in violation of international convention on work incapacity
The UN is highly critical of the Netherlands over the effect of its Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act (WIA). Contrary to agreements, workers who are less than 35% incapacitated for work receive no benefits and the income of their partner is taken into account when they apply for welfare benefits.…
In memoriam: Professor Cees Fasseur
It is with great sadness that Leiden University has learned of the death of Professor Cees Fasseur (11 December 1938–13 March 2016)
Jan van de Streek appointed Professor of Tax Law in Leiden
Jan van de Streek is a tax scholar who conducts research into the taxation of multinationals. His appointment will commence on 1 January 2021.
Parliamentary questions following PhD research on secure youth care institutions
GroenLinks member of the Dutch House of Representatives Lisa Westerveld has put forward parliamentary questions in response to the dissertation by Maria de Jong-de Kruif, who was awarded a doctorate degree on 7 March 2019 following her research on secure youth care institutions.
Maria de Jong in Mr. Online: 'It's wonderful to mean something to people'
Maria de Jong-de Kruijf was awarded a doctorate degree on 7 March for her research on children in secure residential youth care. The Dutch website for legal professionals, Mr. Online, interviewed her for their ‘lawyer of the week’ column.
Defence Joost Grootens
It is a pleasure to announce that graphic designer Joost Grootens successfully defended his dissertation on April 23 to obtain the doctoral degree at Leiden University. Due to the coronavirus measures, it was not possible to organize a public defence.
Cum laude awarded to Vestert Borger
On 31 January 2018, Vestert Borger was awarded his doctorate cum laude, following the defence of his dissertation: ‘The Transformation of the Euro: Law, Contract, Solidarity’. The dissertation contributes to a better understanding of the euro, and even of the European Union.
Market Power and Competition Law In the Software Industry
On Thursday 11 May 2017, Qiang Yu will defend his doctoral thesis ‘Market Power and Competition Law In the Software Industry’. The defence will start at 15.00 hrs, at the Academy Building of Leiden University, Rapenburg 73. The supervisors of the research are Professor T.R. Ottervanger and Professor…
Marie Curie funding for Simone van der Hof
Simone van der Hof has been awarded funding for a Marie Curie Initial Training (PhD) Network for NETHATE. NETHATE will bring together an interdisciplinary team of world-leading researchers to tackle an ambitious & relevant research project on the nature of hate. The NETHATE Consortium, an international…
Importance of research in medical education
Doctors are expected to apply recent insights from research to improve patient care. This is one of the reasons for integrating research into medical education. Mayke Vereijken (ICLON) concludes in her thesis that students experience engagement in research in different ways in their education. Defence…
Koen Bastiaans wins first Paul & Tatiana Ehrenfest physics thesis prize.
The winner of the Paul & Tatiana Ehrenfest physics thesis prize 2020 is Koen Bastiaans. He carried out his PhD research in the group of Milan Allan and defended his thesis in December 2019 cum laude at Leiden University.
The Hague Program for Cyber Norms welcomes Visiting Fellow Arun Sukumar
We are delighted to welcome Arun Sukumar as Visiting Fellow of The Hague Program for Cyber Norms at Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs from 30 October - 30 November.
Andrew Littlejohn awarded Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship
Dr. Andrew Littlejohn has been awarded a Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. The fellowship provides funds for early-career scholars to write and publish significant monographs that will impact the development of anthropology.
Maintaining Order: Public Prosecutors in Post-Authoritarian Countries, the case of Indonesia
On 21 January 2021, Fachrizal Afandi defended his thesis ‘Maintaining Order: Public Prosecutors in Post-Authoritarian Countries, the case of Indonesia’. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. A.W. Bedner and Prof. J.H. Crijns.
Laurens Hessels appointed Professor of the Social Value of Science
Laurens Hessels was appointed Professor by Special Appointment, lecturing in the Social Value of Science at Leiden University, effective 1 September 2021. His research will focus how best science and industry can work together. Alongside his new position he will continue his work at the Rathenau Institute…
Lisanne Rens wins H.D. Landahl Mathematical Biophysics Award
Lisanne Rens has been awarded the 2017 H. D. Landahl Mathematical Biophysics Award. Rens is a PhD student at the CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica) in Amsterdam and also affiliated with the Leiden University Mathematical Institute.
Knowledge to the neighbourhood about the placebo effect
The tuk-tuk of the European City Of Science Leiden 2022 sent science on its way to the neighbourhood. On the Vijf Meiplein in Leiden, Andrea Evers' placebo team pitched its tent to everyone who wanted to know more about the effect of words and expectations. Experience the day of the placebo effect in…
What's Next? Life as a Researcher: alumni Danica Mast & Lise Stork
With the What's Next? series we hope to inspire current Media Technology MSc students, show the variety of paths taken after the studies, and bring together alumni. Editions of the series are generally organized around a particular theme by Media Technology MSc students themselves, and followed by social…
Call for papers – Geneva Biennial Baroque 2023
The 20th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music will be hosted by the Haute École de Musique de Genève-Neuchâtel at its Geneva campus from Wednesday 28 June 2023 to Sunday 2 July 2023 inclusive.
Europa Institute delegation attends FIDE conference Budapest
From 18th -21st May, a delegation of the Europa Institute attended the 27th biannual FIDE congress in Budapest, Hungary.
Barbora Budinska and Melanie Fink speak on Accountability of EU Administration at the University of Amsterdam
On 21 January 2019 Barbora Budinska and Melanie Fink, researchers at the Europa Institute, spoke at the Workshop ‘Accountability and Control of European Multilevel Administration: Current Challenges in EU Administrative Law’.
Ancois de Villiers receives PeerJ Award for Best Student Presentation
Ancois de Villiers, PhD candidate at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, received the PeerJ Award for Best Student Presentation at the International Mediterranean Ecosystems Conference.
Statement in support of Central European University
Leiden University would like to express its concern about the proposed Hungarian higher education draft law, which, if adopted, would make the functioning of Central European University (CEU) in Budapest nearly impossible. These changes would endanger the academic freedom vital for CEU’s continued operation…
PhD defense: Op zoek naar onderzoek
On Tuesday 14 February 2017 defended Kees van Gageldonk his doctoral thesis ‘Op zoek naar onderzoek. De totstandkoming van de onderzoekfunctie in het hoger beroepsonderwijs' at the Academy Building of Leiden University. Supervisor of the research is Prof.dr. W. Otterspeer with co-supervisor Dr. P.J.…
Freek Vonk gets his own show on Discovery Channel
Biologist Freek Vonk had already appeared in the Time Warp programme, where he was shown milking a snake for its venom, which he needed for his doctoral research. On Friday 18 September, he explained his fascination for snakes to Matthijs van Nieuwkerk in ‘De wereld draait door’, a Dutch news and entertainment…
Leiden University and Royal Academy of Art The Hague launch double degree
Students from the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) can combine their visual arts program from the academic year 2017-2018 with the bachelor program Arts, Media and Society at Leiden University.
Leiden University/LUMC to drop cum laude honour for Master’s in Medicine
As of 1 September 2024, the cum laude honour will no longer be awarded for the Master’s in Medicine. The Executive Board recently decided to grant an exemption to the Leiden University/LUMC Faculty of Medicine. This decision is in line with other medicine programmes in the Netherlands.
Using data science to promote a healthy life style
Movement behaviours, such as physical activity, sleep, and the amount of time we sit each day, impact our health. Recently, more researchers are looking at the influence of these behaviours combined, but this is a challenging task. For example, it is difficult to monitor in what way movement behaviours…
Olga Ceran speaks at summer school on European integration
On 18 July, Olga Ceran held a presentation titled ‘Family law in a united Europe: Child abduction and child relocation’ at a summer school on 'European integration at the Franco-Spanish border: A cross-border perspective' which took place at the Cité des Arts in Bayonne (France).