5,332 search results for “russian and science linguistics” in the Public website
‘Artists seek and research another dimension of science’
In July, Leiden will be hosting the EuroScience Open Forum conference. Humanities scholars from Leiden will make use of the opportunity to stress the importance of art in science. ‘Artists have the ability to show the consequences of science.’
Bringing science to practice: Designing an integrated academic education program for public affairs
Arco Timmermans, Professor by special appointment Public Affairs at Leiden University, brought sience to practice by designing an “ideal” academic education programme on public affairs, to be embedded and taught at the graduate level.
Addressing climate change with behavioural science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
This article describes the creation of an app that can help raise climate awareness and the action globally.
‘Citizens should be able to rely on information provided by Tax and Customs Administration’
Information provided by the Tax and Customs Administration is something that concerns every citizen. So it is not surprising that the Tax hotline receives around 10 million calls each year. The Benefits Affair emphasised the citizen’s perspective in communications with the Tax and Customs Administration.…
LUC The Hague: Celebrating the Class of 2022
On Wednesday 6 July 2022 Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2022. The 170 students received their Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree’s in LUC’s interdisciplinary honours programme Liberal Arts & Sciences: Global Challenges.
How to engage and educate the global public with science?
Massive science communication projects should be based on strong and relevant science cases. They should engage with a large number of stakeholders, not only in research, academia, policy, funding and governance but also in less traditional communities, such as the arts field. This is the outcome of…
Descriptive linguistics at LUCL covers documentation and descriptive analysis of lesser-studied languages as well as typological and historical comparison.
Watañi lāntaṃ
On the 13th of April, Federico Dragoni successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Federico on this achievement!
Digital tools for sign language research: towards recognition and comparison of lexical signs
On the 9th of April, Manolis Fragkiadakis successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Manolis on this achievement!
- Meet our staff
If you have a question, there are various ways to get in touch with us.
Language Description and Documentation
Languages spoken around the world differ vastly from the more familiar Indo-European languages. The courses in this theme aim to introduce you to the immense linguistic diversity still found in the world today.
Stijl en politiek. Een taalkundig-stilistische benadering van Nederlandse parlementaire toespraken
This dissertation contains the further development of a method for linguistic-stylistic research, which provides a systematic means to interpret global impressions of a text through choices in formulation at word- and sentence level.
The Texture of the Lexicon
In this volume, Ray Jackendoff and Jenny Audring embark on a major reconceptualization of linguistic theory as seen through the lens of morphology. Their approach, Relational Morphology, extends the Parallel Architecture developed by Jackendoff in Foundations of Language (2002), Simpler Syntax (2005),…
Urban Sociolinguistics
From Los Angeles to Tokyo, Urban Sociolinguistics is a sociolinguistic study of twelve urban settings around the world.
The Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek
This is the first full-scale reference grammar of Classical Greek in English in a century.
Semantics and pragmatics
Semantics and pragmatics are united in the study of linguistic meaning.
Studies in Tocharian verbal morphology relevant to the cladistic position of Tocharian in Indo-European
On the 24th of September, Louise S. Friis successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Louise on this achievement!
Arabic and its Alternatives
Arabic and its Alternatives discusses the complicated relationships between language, religion and communal identities in the Middle East in the period following the First World War.
LIAS faculty teach and carry out thesis supervision in many programs.
Managing informal interaction. Stancetaking and alignment in Dutch and Indonesian
On December 13th, Maaike van Naerssen succesfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Maaike on this great result.
If you have a question, there are various ways to get in touch with us.
Prescription and Tradition in Language: Establishing Standards across Time and Space
This book contextualises case studies across a wide variety of languages and cultures, crystallising key interrelationships between linguistic standardisation and prescriptivism, and between ideas and practices. It focuses on different traditions of standardisation and prescription throughout the world…
Admission and application
Do you want to apply for the bachelor’s programme Linguistics at Leiden University? Find out how to apply by following the step-by step guide below.
Tense-Switching in Classical Greek A Cognitive Approach
The recently published book 'Tense-Switching in Classical Greek A Cognitive Approach' by Arjan Nijk provides classicists and linguists in general with a complete account of the 'historical present' in Classical Greek.
Dutch Studies (MA)
The MA Neerlandistiek/Dutch Studies at Leiden University provides you with an international view on the Dutch language and culture. You will be able to study the full breadth of Dutch studies: from the Middle Ages to today.
Admission and application
Find out how to apply for Linguistics (research) at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.
ERC Award for Mariska Kret bringing science to the zoo
Mariska Kret, Professor in Cognitive psychology has been awarded the European Research Council (ERC) Public Engagement with Research Awards 2022. Kret convinces the jury with 'RecognizeYourself - Bringing science to the zoo. Involving the public into the study of great apes emotions'.
Three new Leiden bloggers for Faces of Science
What is life like as an academic? Twelve PhD candidates will report on their daily work in videos and blogs on the Faces of Science website (in Dutch). They include three researchers from Leiden who are researching topics such as North Korean support for African liberation movements, how differently…
53rd Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics
15 years Leiden University College
Leiden University College (LUC), an institute of Leiden University in The Hague – the international city of peace, justice, and security – offers the English-taught Bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges since 2010. Inspired by the American university college model, LUC combines…
15 years Leiden University College
Leiden University College (LUC), an institute of Leiden University in The Hague – the international city of peace, justice, and security – offers the English-taught Bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges since 2010. Inspired by the American university college model, LUC combines…
Incorporating Scientific Materialism in an Islamic Worldview: The Perspective of Abdullah Cevdet
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Digging deeper into Soils, Sediment and Society with Peter Houben
A group of 12 LUC students went to the Eifel mountains for the annual field trip within the course 'Soils, Sediment, and Society' of Dr. Peter Houben. Dr. Peter Houben is Assistant Professor of Environmental Earth Sciences and Sustainability at Leiden University College The Hague.
Eduardo Alves Vieira
Faculty of Humanities
LUCL Assessment 2018
In early 2019, the QANU (Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities) published its Report on the Research Review of Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL). This review takes place every 6 years as part of the overall monitoring and safeguarding of research quality in the Netherlands.
The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) aims to demonstrate its relevance to society by means of high-quality research, excellent education and various outreach activities. A few highlights:
About the programme
Learn the newest insights from established scholars.
Open science means better science
Leiden University has an active open science community. Open science means transparency in all phases of research by precisely documenting every step of the way and making this publicly available. ‘It’s time to be open,’ say psychologists Anna van ’t Veer and Zsuzsika Sjoerds. There is increasing awareness…
Over 50 citizen science ideas
From how litter spreads to which languages are spoken in Leiden and The Hague: over 50 interesting, surprising, complex and entertaining questions were sent in for the Citizen Science Project to mark our 444th anniversary.
Niels got his dream job right after graduating: ‘You work with the best here’
What would it be like if you could work with the best in your field every day? Alumnus in International Studies Niels Drost knows just what that’s like. He currently works as a junior researcher at the Clingendael Institute.
The Bosnian Tinderbox: Is Putin Holding the Wick?
In this article, Gerrit Dijkstra and Jos Raadschelders from the Institute of Public Administration, focus on Russia’s role in Bosnia and raise some important questions.
Working on Labor. Essays in Honor of Jan Lucassen | Studies in Global Social History, Volume: 9
This collection of seventeen essays takes its inspiration from the scholarly achievements of the Dutch historian Jan Lucassen. They reflect a central theme in his research: the history of labor.
Voices on Birchbark: Everyday Communication in Medieval Russia
In Voices on Birchbark Jos Schaeken explores the major role that writing on birchbark – an ephemeral, even ‘throw-away’ form of correspondence and administration – played in the vibrant medieval merchant city of Novgorod and other cities in the Russian Northwest.
The Earliest Occupation of Europe
Proceedings of the European Science Foundation Workshop at Tautavel (France), 1993
Modern and Contemporary Studies (1800−Present)
This research cluster centres on regional, national, and global intersections between a variety of artistic and cultural expressions and their role in society from 1800 onwards.
Pre-University Classes
Pre-University Classes are intended for high school students who want to do more than is offered in the regular school curriculum. In the classes, students follow special lecture series and through that are introduced to the world of science.
Executive Board visits Leiden University College The Hague
Leiden University’s Executive Board (CvB) visited Leiden University College in The Hague on Friday 11 November during a working visit tour past the Institutes of the Faculty Governance and Global Affairs. Hester Bijl and Martijn Ridderbos were provided with an overview of the programme, the research,…
Svetlana Gorshenina will be the Central Asia Visiting Scholar in February 2018
Svetlana Gorshenina, Associate Lecturer at Collège de France, Paris, will be the Central Asia Visiting Scholar from 17 February until 25 February 2018. Svetlana Gorshenina will deliver a guest lecture on Tuesday, 20 February and a masterclass on Friday, 23 February within the Central Asia Initiative…
Do you have questions about the Master specialisation Biology and Science Communication and Society? Please contact us!