2,361 search results for “komen studies” in the Public website
Stone Artefact Production and Exchange among the Lesser Antilles
Learn more about International Studies and Urban Studies during the Experience Day
How does a lecture work? What does Urban Studies entail? What are International Studies’ career prospects? During the Experience Day, prospective students were given the opportunity to learn more about the programmes of the Humanities Faculty in The Hague.
Urban Studies students receive diploma: ‘I want to make cities better places’
Lecture hall A0.06 in the Schouwburgstraat in The Hague was packed with parents, friends and other loved ones on Friday, 27 September. No fewer than 61 graduates received their Urban Studies diploma there, the highest number in the four years since the programme started.
Studying Ghana’s civil service
Bureaucrats appointed based on merit are not necessarily more professional or autonomous than those who have been, for instance, ‘politically installed’. Furthermore, patronage does not only have negative effects. These are two conclusions reached by Abdul-Nasir Abubakar, PhD candidate at Leiden University’s…
Does this study programme suit me? First study programmes start with matching modules
From the Open Days and Student for a Day events to the option of following Online Experience modules: the university tries to prepare prospective students for their new study programme as well as possible. In this context, the bachelor’s programmes Dutch Language and Culture and English Language and…
Conversations of Motherhood
The subject of motherhood is interwoven with themes of survival, power and identity. It is also at the heart of any consideration of women’s writing. Conversations of Motherhood sensitively charts common themes, intersecting experiences and related topics within the cultural specificities of South African…
Food production and food procurement in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age (2000-500 BC) (2000)
ASLU 7 - A.E. de Hingh
A Crusader, Ottoman, and Early Modern Aegean Archaeology
Built Environment and Domestic Material Culture in the Medieval and Post-Medieval Cyclades, Greece (13th – 20th Centuries AD)
Sharia Incorporated
Sharia Incorporated: A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present
Laminar Technology and the Onset of the Upper Paleolithic in the Altai, Siberia
The Altai region has yielded a cluster of Middle and Upper Paleolithic stratified sites that have been recently excavated using a multidisciplinary approach.
The town, its waste and the cesspit
The rise and fall of the cesspit in an urban context
Hoven in Holland, 900-1300
In welke mate hebben domaniale structuren de machtsvorming en nederzettingsontwikkeling in en van het gewest Holland bepaald?
Nubian Voices II
New Texts and Studies on Christian Nubian Culture
Life after Security Studies: five alumni share their thoughts about the bachelor programme
Five students who graduated from the Bachelor Security Studies share their experiences. Where did they end up after graduation? Are they still using the skills they gained during their studies?
Iranian orientalism: notions of the other in modern Iranian thought
This study addresses and explains the issue of negative descriptions of the Arab Other in modern Iranian thought.
Collaboration BSc Security Studies and the Police Academy: 'Looking for the best students'.
An internship at the Police Academy in Apeldoorn. This will be possible for the first time for third-year students of the bachelor's programme Security Studies as of September 2021, now that Leiden University and the Police Academy have joined forces. ‘The internships offer students a unique opportunity…
"African Studies has a problematic origin"
African Studies is a field notoriously lacking in African scholars. Miriam Siun, research master student in this field, noticed this from the moment she started the programme. She decided to take matters into her own hands and hold a seminar reflecting on this issue.
Pursuing Whiteness in the Colonies: Private Memories from the Congo Freestate and German East Africa (1884–1914)
Pursuing Whiteness in the Colonies offers a new comprehension of colonial history from below by taking remnants of individual agencies from a whiteness studies perspective. It highlights the experiences and perceptions of colonisers and how they portrayed and re-interpreted their identities in Afric…
Pop-up study spaces in Stadsgehoorzaal
Students from Leiden University will be able to study in the Stadsgehoorzaal on Breestraat in Leiden from Saturday 5 to Tuesday 15 December. The main auditorium of this city centre concert hall has been transformed into a unique pop-up study area that will provide temporary study spaces for over 200…
Call for papers: 2022 International Empirical Legal Studies Conference – deadline extended to 1 May
Abstract submission is now open for the international conference of the ELS Academy, in Amsterdam on September 1 and 2.
Dutch Studies Open Day: broad and varied
From the new street language Smibanese to 17th-century manuscripts: the first national Dutch Studies Open Day explores a wide range of topics. The Open Day will take place on Saturday 7 March in Leiden. Frits Spits will broadcast his radio programme ‘De Taalstaat’ (The Language State’) from the Kamerlingh…
The Merovingian cemetry of Posterholt-Achterste Voorst
In this second book of the series
After antiquity
Ceramics and Society in the Aegean from the 7th to the 20th century A.C. A Case Study from Boeotia, Central Greece (2003)
Vulnerable yet resilient: representations of migrant workers in contemporary Chinese prose
On Tuesday 3 December 2024 Shuang Liu successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Challenging the Buddha's Authority: How Buddhist Narrative Traditions Negotiate Religious Authority
Channi Li defended her thesis on 15 October 2019.
Riches Beyond the Horizon
Long-distance Trade in Early Medieval Landscapes (ca. 6th-12th centuries)
Call for papers: Medieval Studies Day 2023
The Utrecht Centre for Medieval Studies invites PhD's and other ECRs to present their research on the Medieval Studies Day 2023. Deadline for abstracts: September 30.
- The Merovingian cemetery of Bergeijk-Fazantlaan
Tiempo y Comunidad: Herencias e Interacciones Socioculturales en Mesoamérica y Occidente
ASLU 29 Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen, Valentina Raffa (2015)
Applying Sharia in the West
Facts, Fears and the Future of Islamic Rules on Family Relation in the West
Times fade away
The neolithization of the southern Netherlands in an antropological and geographical perspective
Hermeneutics and the Humanities
Hermeneutics and the Humanities: Dialogues with Hans-Georg Gadamer / Hermeneutik und die Geisteswissenschaften: Im Dialog mit Hans-Georg Gadamer
Conceptualizing Authorship in Late Imperial Chinese Philology
Daniel Stumm defended his thesis on 16 April 2020.
The Articulation of a 'New Neolithic'
The meaning of the Swifterbant Culture for the process of neolithisation in the western part of the North European Plain (4900-3400 BC)
Life in Transition
This research investigates the impact of socioeconomic developments on the physical condition of medieval populations in Holland and Zeeland between AD 1000 and 1600 through the analysis of human skeletal remains from three archaeological sites.
International Studies students receive their diplomas
No fewer than 194 students received their bachelor's diplomas in International Studies on Friday 26 August.
International Studies students receive their diploma
325 students received their Bachelor’s Diploma of International Studies on 30 August 2019. The students received their diplomas in the historic Pieterskerk in Leiden, in front of a large audience of family and friends. With more than 1100 people present, including 325 graduates, this was the largest…
Lecture: Operational deployment of armed forces (Dutch)
Museum Lab
The Dutch museum landscape is among the most forward-thinking worldwide, in terms of innovations in engaging diverse audiences and stakeholders. Building on the museum studies and art history programmes at Leiden University, the Museum Lab furthers students’ engagement with museums.
The Flag of Zhenyan Flies Again: The Taiwanese Resurrection of Esoteric Buddhism through Wuguang’s Appropriation of Imperially Imported Shingon
This study elucidates a critical facet of modern global Buddhism that has escaped the attention of the scholarly community by exploring the life, teachings and influence of Master Wuguang 悟光上師 (1918-2000).
‘Do Not Say They Are Dead’: The Political Use of Mystical and Religious Concepts in the Persian Poetry of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88)
The chief aim of this study is to explore how classical Persian poetry and the Persian mysticism that is interwoven with the poetry have been used in the new politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially during the Iran-Iraq war.
Dialogues Between Artistic Research and Science and Technology Studies
'Dialogues Between Artistic Research and Science and Technology Studies', edited by Henk Borgdorff, Peter Peters and Trevor Pinch, will be published by Routledge on November 18
Virtus Thesis Award for Nobility Studies
For the third time, the Society for Nobility Studies will present the Virtus Thesis Award for Nobility Studies for the best (Research) Master’s thesis devoted to (an aspect of) the study of the nobility. To be eligible for submission, the thesis must have been produced in completion of an academic Master’s…
International Studies students receive their diploma
On 30 August 2024, 330 students received their Bachelor Diploma of International Studies. The students were awarded their diplomas in the historic Pieterskerk in Leiden. A large audience of about 1000 people consisting of friends, family, and staff members gathered to celebrate the graduates’ achievements…
Journal of Sonic Studies 23 online
The editors of the Journal of Sonic Studies are proud to announce that its 23th issue is online.
Workshop: Interdisciplinary Research Design for Global Studies
What does it mean to do “global research”? Global studies is an emerging field that focuses on transboundary, international, and global processes and systems, such as climate change, global social media, and globalization. These issues call for researchers to think beyond conventional state actors or…
Pre-study Commission the Winter
The report of the Commission the Winter, a pre-study on violence against children in youth care, was launched May 17th 2016.
Start of a new patient study
Navigation Lab Leiden has launched a study on the effects of the navigation training program we have developed, called Wayfinder. Milan van der Kuil is the main researcher on this project and studies how navigation ability can be improved in patients with acquired brain injury.
Studying abroad - what's it really like?
What's it like studying abroad? Noor Ismail and Charlot Oltmans share their experiences in videos made in Hhangzhou and Oslo.
Third European Symposium in Celtic Studies
The Department of Humanities of the University of Pavia will host the Third European Symposium in Celtic Studies from 7 to 9 September 2022. Papers are invited on any aspect of Celtic Studies, including language, literature, history, archaeology and culture from any period. Deadline for submission:…