1,394 search results for “inaugural lecturer” in the Public website
‘All the members of the Young Academy Leiden have a strong sense of responsibility'
The Young Academy Leiden (YAL) acquired six new members on 1 September. We talked to the new and former chair of this platform for young academics about what they have achieved over the recent period and what is on the agenda for the coming year.
Common frame for analyzing complex systems in Physics and Economics
Scientists often need to make sense of complex systems without knowing the important parameters or even without access to all the information. A collaboration of network theorists, including Diego Garlaschelli (IMT Lucca/Leiden), has now published a review article in the inaugural issue of Nature Reviews…
Honouring a mathematical legacy: Edixhoven fellow tries to understand millennia-old problems
Not all problems are easy to solve, but with enough bright minds, you make progress step by step. ‘The kind of problems I am interested in have been occupying mathematicians for over two millennia,’ says theoretical mathematician David Lilienfeldt. In September, he started at the Mathematical Institute…
Code red: we're barely prepared for a borderless crisis
Worldwide, countries are barely prepared for major borderless crises such as extreme natural disasters or other unexpected calamities that destabilise society, Professor of Political Science, Arjen Boin, warns. In his inaugural address on 23 October he makes some recommendations.
Double Lecture on Ecocritical Perspectives in Japanese Art
Guest lecture by Sjef Barbiers
Lecture, Special Topics in Dialectology (2023)
LUCIP/LTP Lecture "Could There Be a Buddhist Physicalism?"
Lorentz Center Lecture: 'Do People Get Radicalized on the Internet?'
Leiden Literature Lunch Lecture (and reading) - Literary Leiden
Lunch Lecture (and reading)
LCCP Lecture The Social Dimension of Critical Phenomenology
LCCP Lecture “Heideggerian Subjectivity between Subjectivism and Impersonalism”
School absenteeism: A universal problem in need of solutions
The International Network for School Attendance launched an inaugural conference in Norway, playing host to 14 countries, 254 participants. Lead of this international network for the Netherlands is psychologist David Heyne of Leiden University.
Ariane Briegel appointed as Medical Delta professor
Yesterday, eight professors were simultaneously inaugurated as ‘Medical Delta professor’, at Leiden University, LUMC, TU Delft, Erasmus University and Erasmus MC. Ariane Briegel, researcher of the Institute of Biology Leiden of Leiden University, also received the double appointment.
Archaeologist Arjan Louwen joins Young Academy Leiden: ‘I would like to further explore academic outreach’
On September 16th, 2024, Dr Arjan Louwen was inaugurated to the Young Academy Leiden. This platform serves to bring young, enthusiastic and driven early career (post-PhD) academics together. ‘I find it a really inspiring and welcoming group.’
Third International Ismaili Studies Conference (2021) Program & Registration
We are pleased to announce the Program for the “Third International lsmaili Studies Conference: Histories, Philosophies and Communities” (ISC2021), organized by the Leiden University Shii Studies Initiative. This year, ISC2021 will be held virtually on Zoom from Friday, August 6 to Tuesday, August 10,…
2017 editions of annual report and sustainability report published
Leiden University's 2017 annual report has now been published. This year for the first time the University has also published a separate sustainability report. Leiden University is the first university to produce a separate report on the progress of its sustainability policies.
Dr. Joris Larik presents research at Paris Peace Forum
On 11-13 November, Dr. Joris Larik, Assistant Professor for Comparative, EU, and International Law at LUC The Hague, took part in the inaugural Paris Peace Forum. The Forum is a new annual gathering focused on tackling global challenges through international cooperation launched by French President…
First Open Science Centre engages rural communities with science
The first location of the Open Science Centre network was opened on 7 July in Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, Portugal. A Portuguese Minister and a State Secretary inaugurated the Plataforma de Ciência Aberta, which is a collaboration between Leiden University and the municipality of Figueira de Castelo…
Vanessa Mak and Herman Paul new KNAW members
The KNAW has appointed 17 new members, including Leiden University's Vanessa Mak, Professor of Private Law, and Herman Paul, Professor of History. The KNAW has approximately members, who are outstanding scientists and scholars from all disciplines.
Rector Bijl presented the “Best Thesis in Jewish Studies” Award at the Leiden Jewish Studies Association first annual conference
On December 6th, 2024, Rector Hester Bijl welcomed participants at the Leiden Jewish Studies Association’s First Annual Conference “Jews at Home: From Creation to Corona” and also presented two Leiden University students with the inaugural Leiden Jewish Studies Association “Best Thesis in Jewish Studies”…
Ewine van Dishoeck in Board of Trustees Institute for Advanced Study
The Institute for Advanced Study has appointed astronomer and chemist Ewine Fleur van Dishoeck to its Board of Trustees, effective 5 May, 2018.
Successful launch of the Leiden Competition Talks on Regulation 1/2003
On 16 November 2022, the Europa Institute hosted an online panel discussion on the fragmentation of the application of the EU antitrust rules across the EU. The event inaugurated the Leiden Competition Talks webinar series on the functioning of the EU antitrust enforcement framework.
LUCIP Lecture: The Wind in the Sails: Vīrya in Bodhicāryāvatāra
LeidenASA Lecture: Inclusive growth and venture capital in Africa
- NIPV lecture series: A closer look at the Dutch crisis governance system
Augustinians reveal recipe for close friendships
It is a holy grail among behavioural scientists: can you predict how close a group will become? An international research team from Leiden, Oxford and Helsinki has investigated the development of friendships within the Leiden student association Augustinus and obtained some remarkable results.
Special Guest Lecture: Colonialism, Citizenship and the challenges for Decolonial work in the Netherlands
Guest Lecture | SSEALS
Huizinga Lecture 2024: 'We Are the Times: History in Times of Crisis'
Alumni event, Lezing
Minister Dijkgraaf: ‘We must narrow the gap between science and society’
The speed at which science is changing our lives gives rise to tensions and concerns. In his talk at Leiden University, Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf (Education, Culture and Science) said we should talk more about science’s relationship with society and political decision-making.
LUCIP lecture by Fan Lin and Doreen Müller: Evoking Zhuangzi’s Butterfly Dream
10th Stephen Ellis Annual Lecture: Season of Rains, Africa in the World Today
Public lecture: On the Diversity and the Formation of Creole Languages
Special Guest Lecture: Civilian Internment in India: Omissions and Exceptions, Incarceration camps of the Pacific War
Guest Lecture | SSEALS
Special Guest Lecture: Maps, manuscripts, and the colonial division of the Malay world
Guest Lecture | SSEALS
Lecture on Russian military concepts and the war in Ukraine
- Opening Lecture Owada Chair: Global Diversity and the Living International Human Rights Law
Public lecture by Erik Kwakkel - Writing on the Wall: Medieval Advertisement Sheets in Perspective
Public lecture
Van de Waal Lecture 2024 - Barkcloth: wrapping people, places and ideas
Alumni event, Lecture
LTA lunch lecture - Gamification in Higher-Ed: Promises, Practices, and Pitfalls
Hall of Fame 2022
In 2022, many of our staff and students won fantastic prizes and were awarded important research grants.
Forum Antiquum Lecture Spring 2023: 'De mythen van Plato als denkinstrumenten'
Public Lecture: 'How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market'
LUCIP Lecture "Queer Desires and Buddhist Asceticism: Negotiating Dharma and Diverse Embodiments"
LTP Lecture: “Bounding Belief: the problem of logical omniscience and the value of logical modeling”
CANCELLED: LED3 Lecture: Covalent Drug Discovery
LCCP Lecture "Deleuze and Guattari, Ecological Thinkers?"
LED3 Lecture: Oxygenases - From Mechanisms to Medicines
LIC Lecture: Photoswitchable self-assembly
LED3 Lecture: Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. M.E. Numans
Valedictory lecture