2,029 search results for “honorary doctorate” in the Public website
Clara van Dam gives seminar for Lund University about EU guidance in the national legal order
On 18 March 2021, Clara van Dam gave an online seminar for Lund University about EU Commission guidance in the national legal order. The seminar was hosted by Professor Henrik Wenander.
Gitta Veldt wins Meijers prize and Van Wersch Springplank prize
The Meijers prizes are awarded each year for the best published article from each faculty research programme. Veldt received the prize for her contribution to the research programme ‘Coherent Privaatrecht’ with her article ‘De betekenis van Europese productnormen voor privaatrechtelijke normstelling’…
Stephanie Rap neemt KNAW Young Career Award in ontvangst
Op dinsdag 4 februari 2020 kreeg universitair docent kinderrechten Stephanie Rap de KNAW Early Career Award 2019 uitgereikt. Ze kreeg de prijs voor haar onderzoek naar de betekenis van internationale kinderrechten.
Camille Lefebvre selected as one of the 30 finalists vying for a spot in scholarship of The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation
Camille Lefebvre has been selected as one of the 30 finalists vying for a spot in the 2022–2025 scholarship of The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.
Leakey Foundation funds fieldwork in the Turkana Basin
Dr. Josephine Joordens, post-doctoral researcher of the Human Origins Group, has been awarded a grant of EUR 15.000 to conduct fieldwork in the Turkana Basin, “the cradle of mankind”, in Kenya.
'Digital Arms for Digital Consumer Harms’ book by Constanta Rosca
On 19 December 2024, Dr Constanta Rosca’s monograph, ‘Digital Arms for Digital Consumer Harms: Mapping Legal and Technical Solutions for Dark Patterns in EU Consumer Law’, was published as an open access book by the institutional, library-led publisher of Maastricht University, Maastricht University…
ACPA alumna Nicoleta Paraschivescu has released her CD -PARTIMENTI NAPOLETANI, a musical complement to her book Paisiellos Partimenti: Wege zu einem praxisbezogenen Verständnis (SCBS 6), soon to be published by Schwabe Verlag in Basel.
Call for proposals: Imagining the Non-Present
The annual Orpheus Doctoral Conference, organised by the second year docARTES PhD students, will take place on 28 and 29 May 2020. The call for proposals is now open. Proposals for presentations of any kind are welcomed: from scholarly papers to performances.
Welcome Janice McNab
We welcome artist Janice McNab to ACPA as a post-doc scholar.
Mees Vergouwen wint Mitchell B. Carroll Prize voor proefschrift
Mees Vergouwen heeft op 28 oktober de Mitchell B. Carroll prijs van de International Fiscal Association (IFA) ontvangen. De fiscalist won de prijs met zijn proefschrift over ‘botsende belastingregels’.
Sophie Vériter Discussant at Annual Dahrendorf Lecture, Oxford University
On 29 April, doctoral researcher Sophie Vériter will join the annual Ralf Dahrendorf Memorial Lecture at St Antony’s College, Oxford University as a discussant.
Michelle Sweering (17) best math girl in the world
The Dutch Michelle Sweering became the best math girl in the world at the International Mathematical Olympiad in South Africa. She is the only girl who won a golden medal.
Succesful first MOSE Young Researcher Workshop
On 28 and 29 June researchers from across the EU came together at Leiden Law School for the first MOSE Young Researcher Workshop.
Astronomers from Leiden write IEEE Software Impact column
Professor Simon Portegies Zwart and doctor Jeroen Bédorf had the honour to write for the IEEE Software magazine.
Archaeologist Omar Aguilar Sánchez receives Mexican youth prize
On October 21st, 2019, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, handed out the National Prize for the Youth in the academic achievement category to our PhD candidate Omar Aguilar Sánchez. He received this honour for his work on Mixtec pictorial manuscripts.
Jan Vleggeert appointed Professor Tax Law and Economics
Jan Vleggeert is a tax specialist with an independent and critical voice in the debate on tax avoidance by multinationals. His appointment commenced on 1 October 2019.
Willy de Heer in De Monitor about highly gifted children and education
Willy de Heer, who obtained a doctorate from Leiden University's Dual PhD Center, did her PhD research into giftedness and education for highly gifted children, or in other terms very easy learning children.
Branda Katan benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar Corporate Litigation
Branda Katan is per 1 maart 2023 benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar Corporate Litigation aan de Universiteit Leiden. Deze leerstoel gaat uit van de Vereniging Corporate Litigation.
Barbora Budinská speaks on the application of national law by the European Central Bank
On 12 and 13 May, the University of Luxembourg organised a workshop titled ‘The Politics, Law and Political Economy of European Banking Union: The First Decade of Operation.’ Barbora Budinská presented a paper on the application of national law by the European Central Bank (ECB) within the Single Supervisory…
First call for LEaDing Fellows Postdocs Programme
Ninety young researchers who recently obtained a doctorate can apply for a post-doc position in the LEaDing Fellows Postdocs Programme from 1 February.
The Popular Culture of Illegality: Santa Muerte and Narco Cultus in Mexico
NWO has granted a 4-year subsidy to the project The Popular Culture of Illegality, ellaborated in collaboration between the University of Amsterdam, University Utrecht and Leiden University. This research focuses on the esthetic representations and practices in visual, musical and symbolical forms of…
Sandrine Gallois second place in prestigious Rising Talent Prize
Sandrine Gallois, a post-doctoral research in the HARVEST project, was awarded second place in the prestigious L'Óreal UNESCO For Women In Science Rising Talent prize. Sandrine, along with her supervisor Amanda Henry and collaborator Tinde van Andel attended the awards ceremony at the Koninklijke Hollandsche…
Yao Yuan’s Research Visit at the Lauterpacht Centre, University of Cambridge
Yao Yuan, a PhD candidate from the Company Law Department, has recently concluded a research visit at the Lauterpacht Research Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge. This experience has significantly advanced her doctoral work and enhanced her international academic connections.
New text work ‘A and Z’ by Janice McNab at Page Not Found bookshop
Janice McNab's Open Letter now occupies the storefront window of Page Not Found bookshop in The Hague.
Seminar: Challenges for Public Sector Employees
June 6th and 7th, the Institute of Public Administration hosted a seminar on the Challenges for public sector employees caused through the increasing demands that their work environment poses.
LCCP Working seminar autumn 2021
The seminar is dedicated to the work-in-progress of Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy staff and doctoral students. The paper is sent in advance and discussed in the meeting. The seminar is open to all.
Gianclaudio Malgieri interviewed on 'Shifting Privacy Left' podcast
Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor at eLaw, was interviewed by Debra Farber on her Shifting Privacy Left podcast. The Episode was released on 25 June 2024 and is entitled 'Why we need Fairness Enhancing Technologies rather than PETs'.
Rick Lawson participates in Europaeum panel on Rule of Law and Democracy
On 12-13 April Rick Lawson took part in the event 'Democracy in Europe', organised by the Europaeum and hosted by the University of Bologna.
Nicoleta Paraschivescu receives hiboux award
docARTES alumna Nicoleta Paraschivescu to record Paisiello's Partimenti
Els de Busser on Panel during EuroDIG 2019
On 20 June 2019, dr. Els De Busser was a panelist during the EuroDIG 2019 Conference in The Hague at the World Forum.
What determines motivation for the teaching profession?
The motivation of student teachers for the teacher's profession depends on various factors. Teacher training can influence the commitment of students. That is stated in the doctoral thesis of Ikupa Moses, who graduates from the Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON) on 7 September 201…
Leiden alumnus Surya Tjandra appointed Deputy Minister in Indonesia
Surya Tjandra has been appointed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo as Deputy Agrarian and Spatial Planning Minister.
Book Review of Sofia Ranchordas’ scholarship in the American Journal of Comparative Law
The prestigious American Journal of Comparative Law (2016, pp. 790-4) just published a book review of Sofia Ranchordas monograph ‘Constitutional Sunsets and Experimental Legislation’ (Edward Elgar). The book is partially based on her PhD dissertation for which she was awarded a cum laude doctorate degree…
Wout Broekema on shortlist Els Witte Prize
Wout Broekema is shortlisted for the Els Witte Prize 2019, an award for best Doctoral dissertation in political science. The prize is instated by the Nederlandse Kring voor de wetenschap der Politiek (NKWP).
Yannick van den Brink appointed Assistant Professor at the Child Law Department
Y.N. (Yannick) van den Brink (LL.M, MA) will be appointed Assistant Professor at the Child Law Department of the Leiden Law School as of 1 August 2016.
IIASL alumni win awards at NLF gala
On 1 November 2019, the annual awards of the NLF (Nederlands Lucht- en Ruimtevaartfonds) were presented at a Gala Dinner at the Hotel van Oranje in Noordwijk.
In Memoriam: Robert Louw 1936-2023
On 18 February 2023, our esteemed former colleague Robert Louw passed away. Rob was 86 years old.
- Alumni Stories
Seyyed Hassan Taqizadeh: A Political Biography
On the 24th of June Hossein Pourbagheri successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Beyond the PhD
This section contains information on:
- Career prospects
- Career prospects
- Career prospects
LUCRIS Graduate School Management (GSM) is a system for the registration of all formal steps regarding admission, progress, and graduation during the PhD track. LUCRIS GSM supports various approvals (by the supervisor (promotor), dean, and secretary) that occur during the PhD track. Some documents,…
Ancient Networks
The archaeology of transregional exchange (1st millennia BCE-CE)
The work of abyss and time: towards an emancipatory poetics of the tropics and critical autoethnographic practices of research within media art
This doctoral project by artist and educator Luiz Zanotello engenders a postcolonial understanding of time, space and movement by means of artistic research methods. The project examines the contradictory effects of the abyssal line of thought within the tropics as a starting point.
Academics' role identities and role transitions at new universities: Novel researcher roles alongside current teacher roles
How do academics develop into novel researcher roles alongside current teacher roles in the context of new universities in transition?
Postdoctoral Researcher in Ancient Near Eastern Studies (fixed term 2 years; 1,0 fte)
Humanities, Institute for Area Studies
Cancer pathogenesis and therapy
With cancer, a person’s body cells grow uncontrollably. Putting together a detailed picture of how this comes about makes it possible to develop efficient therapies. Researchers at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) and Leiden University are working together to gain a better understanding…
PhD candidates are encouraged to start thinking about job prospects well before the defence of their thesis. Many PhD graduates find employment in an academic or semi-academic environment.