2,430 search results for “date or hard hearing” in the Public website
Het toestaan van buitenlandse medicijnen is in strijd met de Geneesmiddelenwet
Er is een nijpend tekort aan medicijnen. Volgens onderzoek van NRC is bijna één op de zeven Nederlandse patiënten aangewezen op geneesmiddelen uit het buitenland. Promovendus Koosje van Lessen Kloeke sprak over dit tekort met Mr.: ‘De Nederlandse geneesmiddelenwetgeving rammelt.’
Connecting the Doelen complex to the Thermal Energy Storage in 2025
Leiden University is working hard to make its buildings more sustainable, also on the Humanities Campus. An important step in this context is the construction of a Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system. Following the successful completion of the first phase, in which the Herta Mohr building was connected…
The effect of trial by media
The trial of Dutch rapper Ali B is receiving massive media attention. Party due to himself, the trial can be followed by the public. How will this affect the upcoming verdict? Dutch newspaper ‘De Volkskrant’ spoke to legal scholars and experts including Jan de Keijser.
Is the Netherlands liable for refugee suffering on Greek islands?
Three NGOs are suing the Dutch state for actively contributing to the suffering of refugees on Greek islands. In Dutch newspaper ‘Trouw’, the organisations say that the suffering was caused by the Netherlands agreeing to the EU-Turkey deal.
Cum laude for new method making parallel programming easier
PhD student Sung-Shik Jongmans of Leiden University and Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica investigated a new programming method to simplify this. On 3 March 2016, he graduated with the exceptional predicate 'cum laude' on his dissertation 'Automata-Theoretic Protocol Programming'. His results are interesting…
Stefano Polla wins Lorentz Master thesis award
Stefano Pollas master thesis 'Quantum Digital Cooling' has been awarded the Lorentz Master thesis award. The award, 3000 euros and a certificate, has been awarded on 25 November at the Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij van Wetenschappen (KHMW) society in Haarlem.
Adam Cohen receives Dr. Saal van Zwanenberg Honorary Prize
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology Adam Cohen from Leiden University received the prestigious Dr. Saal van Zwanenberg Honorary Prize on 12 November. The prize honours a scientist who has distinguished themselves in the field of research that has directly or indirectly led to the development of new medicines…
eScience Grant for LION Neutrino Research
The Netherlands eScience Center has announced to fund a new Path-Finding Project led by Dr. Dorothea Samtleben from the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION). This project aims to make the processing of detection signals more efficient for the KM3NeT neutrino telescope, which is currently under construction…
Lingua rises in Google Scholar-ranking
A linguistics journal based at Leiden University has risen to the ranks of the top-10 journals in the Humanities.
Data science helps in speed skating race for gold
Winning gold in speed skating at the Olympic Games is not just a matter of training hard; data science can also lend a hand. Jeroen van der Eb of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) developed the measuring skate for this purpose, with which he recently won the Nationale Sportinnovator…
New Programme Director for master’s programmes in Law
After more than five years, Professor Armin Cuyvers has handed over the position of Programme Director for the master’s programmes in Law to Marije Schneider, who started on 1 January 2024. Her vision, drive and experience mean she is well placed to fulfil the role.
Olaf van Vliet in Trouw on purchasing power and effects of inflation on labour market
The Dutch Government recently announced measures to limit the loss of purchasing power. These include, for example, raising the minimum wage and healthcare benefits. Another way for households to maintain purchasing power is to work more. Olaf van Vliet, Professor of Economics, explains the effects…
Executive Board distances itself from Van Rijn Committee
The Executive Board of Leiden University has distanced itself from the Minister of Education, Culture and Science’s response to the Van Rijn Committee report. According to the University’s calculations, following the advice would have serious financial consequences for the entire University and would…
Barend Barentsen on increase in strike action
With inflation skyrocketing, more and more workers are willing to take action for better working conditions. From regional transport to municipal officials, and from healthcare staff to pharmacy workers, it’s one strike after another in the Netherlands.
Archaeologist Amanda Henry linked to Naturalis as Professor by Special Appointment on the Evolution of the Human Diet
Starting September 2024, Amanda Henry has started a new role as Professor by Special Appointment on the Evolution of the Human Diet at Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden. She will use this position to draw closer ties between the Faculty of Archaeology and Naturalis, and explore means for public…
Armin Cuyvers: UK can still get out of Brexit
What are the scenarios now the draft Brexit Agreement is on the table? And if the United Kingdom actually proceeds to leave the European Union, what is the time frame? Associate Professor of European Law Armin Cuyvers sheds light on the current state of affairs.
Floske Spieksma appointed professor of Stochastic Decision Theory
As of 1 June, Floske Spieksma has been appointed Professor at the Mathematical Institute in Leiden. Her field of study is Stochastic Decision-Making. Within this field, researchers develop mathematical techniques to analyse and improve processes within organisations. ‘As a professor, I hope to safeguard…
Joris Larik in the Irish Times on the possibility of a EU Office In Northern Ireland
The headline of the Financial Times on 5 May – 'Northern Ireland tensions threaten to derail Brexit long-term EU-UK deal' – was greeted as a blast from the past. This blast from the past led to the EU requesting to set up an office in Northern Ireland. Joris Larik, Assistant Professor at Leiden University…
Nieuwe maatregelen om antisemitisme terug te dringen
Sinds de oorlog in Gaza neemt antisemitisme in Nederland toe. Het kabinet presenteerde vorige week maatregelen om deze opkomst terug te dringen. Marloes van Noorloos, Universitair hoofddocent straf- en strafprocesrecht, gaf bij EenVandaag uitleg over de strafbaarheid van antisemitisme.
Political Science Master’s thesis prize 2024: the nominees
The thesis is a major milestone for master students graduating in Political Science. It demonstrates their ability to conduct research independently and to provide a thorough, objective and sound analysis. That requires instruction, discussion, thinking and hard work. Lots of it. In some cases this…
Going accurate for molecule – metal surface interactions
Researchers from the THEOR CHEM group at Leiden University strive to set new benchmarks in the accuracy of the prediction of interaction energies between molecules and metal surfaces.
UMCs join forces to increase pandemic preparedness
Four university medical centres, including the LUMC, are joining forces to increase pandemic preparedness in the Netherlands.
Leiden University won prize for Best Written Memorials at the European Law Moot Court
The Europa Institute is proud to announce that Leiden University has won the prize for Best Written Memorials at the 2014/15 European Law Moot Court Competition (ELMC) Final in Luxembourg!
Student Maureen Kuijs about receiving the 2020 Global Korea Scholarship
Maureen Kuijs, third-year BA Korean Studies student, is one of the students that received the 2020 Global Korea Scholarship this year. With this scholarship, Maureen can pursue a Master's degree in Korean Language and Literature at Yonsei University, receiving financial support from the South-Korean…
Graduation Security Studies: ‘Stay curious’
On Wednesday 31 August 2022, the graduation ceremony of the BSc Security Studies took place. The ceremony was opened by programme director Daan Weggemans.
Three introduction weeks for Leiden University students. The choice is yours
Leiden or The Hague? Dutch or English? These two questions decide which introduction week new Leiden University students should choose: EL CID, HOP or OWL.
Interdisciplinary research: labour market on the move
Migration, globalisation, technological developments, climate change: the greatest challenges of our time all affect our labour market. But how exactly? And can we influence this? Professor of Economics Olaf van Vliet regards it as his job to reveal how things really are. ‘That way, we can work on solutions…
Festival showcases anthropology students’ work: scope of visual ethnography is widening
Visual ethnography has become an integral part of anthropology in Leiden. The students from the master’s specialisation will present their work at the LUVE festival on 8, 9 and 10 October. ‘For a film you have to negotiate with your research participants.’
Social Science Matters: The (non)sense of conspiracy theories
Climate change is made up, the secret services murdered Pim Fortuyn and JFK, and the moon landing was a fake show. Conspiracy theories are of all times, providing sensation and entertainment, but also unrest and fear. The corona pandemic is new fuel for conspiracy theorists who set fire to 5G masts,…
Flash interview with alumnus Joost Bunk: As a diplomat, you know there's a risk of being declared persona non grata
When Russia attacked Ukraine in the night of 23-24 February, alumnus Joost Bunk, who was working as a diplomat in Russia, knew that everything would change.
Researchers from Leiden visit Indonesia on knowledge mission
A delegation from Leiden University recently embarked on a knowledge mission to various NGOs, universities and government organisations in Indonesia. New partnerships were formed and important knowledge exchanged, and researchers from Leiden gave guest lectures.
Book ‘De Glazen Toren’: ‘The balance isn't quite right anymore’
Writing a book on the recent history of Leiden University in corona times. For educational and policy historian Pieter Slaman (34), this has meant working in the attic of his parents’ house while they looked after his daughter, along with numerous online conversations and very few, if any, visits to…
Farewell to Martijn Ridderbos: ‘We can’t do it alone’
In his leaving interview, Martijn Ridderbos doesn’t have to think long when asked what he is most proud of. ‘Bringing people together; creating things together. Reducing the gap between researchers and the staff who support them because the latter are essential. We’ve achieved that and the seeds have…
Digital Lab
You can find the Digital Lab on the ground floor of the Huizinga building. The Digital Lab is part of a collection of labs designed for staff and students who require a place to work, experiment, and find support for their digital research.
Sound Arguments 2024
Sound Arguments is an innovative laboratory-atelier for creative artists and researchers dealing with sound. Presented by the Orpheus Institute, Ghent (BE), and the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts, University of Leiden (NL), Sound Arguments transcends the boundaries of art school or conservatory,…
Music Cognition
Knowledge and culture subproject 1:
Leiden University Medical Center
In the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) we strive to improve health care and the health of people.
Cyber Security by Integrated Design (C-SIDe)
C-SIDe project involves a broad selection of associates in solving cybersecurity problems. Security of software systems has emerged as a critical need in our interconnected society. Companies developing software products look for Security-by-Design approaches accommodating security into their software…
Education in the LUMC
At the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), you will be prepared for the world of tomorrow. We bring research and patient care together in a unique way in our education.
Florence Nightingale Colloquium
Here you can find the recordings of previous Florence Nightingale Colloquia.
- Student experiences
Cognition in the digital environment laboratory
To develop a new generation of brain science (and train scientists) focused on explaining complex real-world behavioural patterns.
Interviews with over 100 civil servants under Trump reveal worrying picture
It was challenging to get civil servants from the first Trump administration to speak about their work experiences, but sociologist Jaime Lee Kucinskas succeeded. The picture that emerged from her findings, she says, is far from positive. 'The more I spoke with them, the more emotions I saw. They were…
LBSP Career Orientation Speed dates: tell students about your work at the LBSP
Alumni event, Activity for professionals of the LBSP
LBSP Career Orientation Speed dates: tell students about your work at the LBSP
Alumni event, Activiteit voor professionals op het LBSP
SAVE THE DATE: Open Science Week 2024 at the Faculty of Archaeology
Flash interview with alumnus and new Faculty Advisory Council member Yousef Yousef
Yousef Yousef is a 'self-made man'. But he first obtained his bachelor's degree in tax law in Leiden. 'A CEO needs to have a basic understanding of the principles of law', he says.
Only in America: chemist becomes America correspondent
Chemistry, which is what Hans Klis studied in Leiden, is not what one might expect of a general journalist. ‘I’m a late bloomer,’ he says, despite having spent four years as America correspondent and written a book on notorious school shootings by the tender age of 34.
Diversity symposium 2021: small steps can increase inclusion
‘Culture change takes time,’ said Vice-Rector Hester Bijl at the closing panel of the University’s Diversity Symposium on 26 January. She talked about the road to a diverse and inclusive university. The symposium provided plenty of concrete examples of small steps that can already be taken.
Peter Paul van Benthem and the Covid whirlwind
Peter Paul van Benthem is not only head of the ENT department at the LUMC but also chair of the Federation of Medical Specialists. ‘The value is in the mix.’