2,322 search results for “actief studies” in the Public website
Applying Sharia in the West
Facts, Fears and the Future of Islamic Rules on Family Relation in the West
Times fade away
The neolithization of the southern Netherlands in an antropological and geographical perspective
Hermeneutics and the Humanities
Hermeneutics and the Humanities: Dialogues with Hans-Georg Gadamer / Hermeneutik und die Geisteswissenschaften: Im Dialog mit Hans-Georg Gadamer
Conceptualizing Authorship in Late Imperial Chinese Philology
Daniel Stumm defended his thesis on 16 April 2020.
The Articulation of a 'New Neolithic'
The meaning of the Swifterbant Culture for the process of neolithisation in the western part of the North European Plain (4900-3400 BC)
Life in Transition
This research investigates the impact of socioeconomic developments on the physical condition of medieval populations in Holland and Zeeland between AD 1000 and 1600 through the analysis of human skeletal remains from three archaeological sites.
Tiempo y Comunidad: Herencias e Interacciones Socioculturales en Mesoamérica y Occidente
ASLU 29 Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen, Valentina Raffa (2015)
International Studies students receive their diplomas
No fewer than 194 students received their bachelor's diplomas in International Studies on Friday 26 August.
International Studies students receive their diploma
325 students received their Bachelor’s Diploma of International Studies on 30 August 2019. The students received their diplomas in the historic Pieterskerk in Leiden, in front of a large audience of family and friends. With more than 1100 people present, including 325 graduates, this was the largest…
Lecture: Operational deployment of armed forces (Dutch)
Museum Lab
The Dutch museum landscape is among the most forward-thinking worldwide, in terms of innovations in engaging diverse audiences and stakeholders. Building on the museum studies and art history programmes at Leiden University, the Museum Lab furthers students’ engagement with museums.
The Flag of Zhenyan Flies Again: The Taiwanese Resurrection of Esoteric Buddhism through Wuguang’s Appropriation of Imperially Imported Shingon
This study elucidates a critical facet of modern global Buddhism that has escaped the attention of the scholarly community by exploring the life, teachings and influence of Master Wuguang 悟光上師 (1918-2000).
‘Do Not Say They Are Dead’: The Political Use of Mystical and Religious Concepts in the Persian Poetry of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88)
The chief aim of this study is to explore how classical Persian poetry and the Persian mysticism that is interwoven with the poetry have been used in the new politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially during the Iran-Iraq war.
Dialogues Between Artistic Research and Science and Technology Studies
'Dialogues Between Artistic Research and Science and Technology Studies', edited by Henk Borgdorff, Peter Peters and Trevor Pinch, will be published by Routledge on November 18
Virtus Thesis Award for Nobility Studies
For the third time, the Society for Nobility Studies will present the Virtus Thesis Award for Nobility Studies for the best (Research) Master’s thesis devoted to (an aspect of) the study of the nobility. To be eligible for submission, the thesis must have been produced in completion of an academic Master’s…
International Studies students receive their diploma
On 30 August 2024, 330 students received their Bachelor Diploma of International Studies. The students were awarded their diplomas in the historic Pieterskerk in Leiden. A large audience of about 1000 people consisting of friends, family, and staff members gathered to celebrate the graduates’ achievements…
Journal of Sonic Studies 23 online
The editors of the Journal of Sonic Studies are proud to announce that its 23th issue is online.
Pre-study Commission the Winter
The report of the Commission the Winter, a pre-study on violence against children in youth care, was launched May 17th 2016.
Workshop: Interdisciplinary Research Design for Global Studies
What does it mean to do “global research”? Global studies is an emerging field that focuses on transboundary, international, and global processes and systems, such as climate change, global social media, and globalization. These issues call for researchers to think beyond conventional state actors or…
Start of a new patient study
Navigation Lab Leiden has launched a study on the effects of the navigation training program we have developed, called Wayfinder. Milan van der Kuil is the main researcher on this project and studies how navigation ability can be improved in patients with acquired brain injury.
Studying abroad - what's it really like?
What's it like studying abroad? Noor Ismail and Charlot Oltmans share their experiences in videos made in Hhangzhou and Oslo.
Third European Symposium in Celtic Studies
The Department of Humanities of the University of Pavia will host the Third European Symposium in Celtic Studies from 7 to 9 September 2022. Papers are invited on any aspect of Celtic Studies, including language, literature, history, archaeology and culture from any period. Deadline for submission:…
Tradition and Transformation: Japanese Woodblock Prints from Meiji to 20th Century mokuhanga
Kemalism in the periphery: anti-veiling campaigns and state-society relations in 1930s Turkey
This dissertations studies state-society relations in 1930s Turkey, focusing on the anti-veiling campaigns in the mid-1930s and aiming to understand the ways in which the Kemalist policies were received, interpreted, negotiated, compromised and/or resisted by various actors in the provinces.
Study association LIFE wins competition student surveys
Students from the programmes Life Science & Technology filled out the most National Student Surveys (NSE) out of all Leiden Science students, the assessor announced on 16 March in the Science Club.
The whole world is studying in Leiden
An impressive 1,300 international students from 84 different nations got to know each other at the University in Orientation Week Leiden. Where do they come from and why did they choose Leiden?
Retrospective 75th anniversary African Studies Centre Leiden
A ‘world class institute’ with a ‘vibrant atmosphere’, doing research on a continent that is ‘becoming increasingly important’. That is how Annetje Ottow, president of Leiden University’s Executive Board, described the African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) on its 75th anniversary celebration on 8 September…
Much interest in study trip to Morocco
From 5 to 14 May, the recently reopened NIMAR is organising a study trip to a number of places in Morocco in collaboration with the Leiden Islam Academy. The theme for this trip is ‘Islam, gender and citizenship’. Registration closed down a few weeks ago, but there was a great deal of interest among…
Ten years of International Studies: ‘During lectures I sometimes felt my brain was exploding with all the new insights.’
The bachelor's programme in International Studies is celebrating its tenth anniversary. Ko Voskuilen was among the very first batch of students to follow the study, and Sophia Healy graduated this summer. How do they look back on their time at the university?
Kluitersprijs for excellent students Minor Intelligence Studies
Twenty three students who obtained excellent results in the minor Intelligence Studies received the annual Kluitersprijs.
Did your family also study in Leiden?
Did your grandfather or grandmother also study in Leiden? And your parents, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters...?
Kluitersprijs for excellent students Minor Intelligence Studies
Nineteen students who obtained excellent results in the minor Intelligence Studies received the annual Kluitersprijs.
Students International Studies receive their diploma
More than 300 students received their Bachelor’s Diploma of International Studies on 31 August 2018.
research design on comparing case law review method vs court file studies
Last Friday, during the ELS Academy Annual Event, Loran Kostense (VU), Sofia de Jong (Leiden University), Rieneke Stelma-Roorda (VU) and Anne Verboom (Leiden University) were awarded a €5000 research grant to carry out research on comparing the method of case law reviews versus court file studies. In…
Did your family also study in Leiden?
Did your grandfather or grandmother also study in Leiden? And your parents, uncles, aunts, brother, sister...?
From Sasanian Mandaeans to Sabians of the Marshes
This historical study argues that the Mandaean religion originated under Sasanid rule in the fifth century, not earlier as has been widely accepted. It analyzes primary sources in Syriac, Mandaic, and Arabic to clarify the early history of Mandaeism.
Pots, Farmers and Foragers
Pottery traditions and social interaction in the earliest Neolithic of the Lower Rhine Area
Why Arabic?
In August 2006 a young American called Raed Jarrar discovered Arabic’s potency. Detained by four guards at New York’s Kennedy Airport for wearing a T-shirt with “We will not be silent” on it in Arabic, he was told that he may as well be entering a bank with a T-shirt announcing “I am a robber.”
Sound & Score – Essays on Sound, Score and Notation
Sound & Score brings together music expertise from prominent international researchers and performers exploring the intimate relations between sound, score and notation, and the artistic possibilities that this relationship yields for performers, composers and listeners.
De lichtheid van literatuur: Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving
De lichtheid van literatuur: Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving (The Lightness of Literature: Engagement in the Multicultural Society) is a plea for the social relevance of literature. The book delves into an age-old debate about literature and social engagement, which has recently been reinvigorated…
The ‘harpe organisée’, 1720‐1840, Rediscovering the lost pedal techniques on harps with a single‐action pedal mechanism
The “harpe organisée”, 1720-1840: Rediscovering the lost pedal techniques on harps with a single-action pedal mechanism, is the title of Maria Christina Cleary's PhD thesis. This is the first monographic study on harp pedal techniques, tracing the historical way to pedal on the early pedal harps with…
Buddhist Astrology and Astral Magic in the Tang Dynasty
Jeffrey Kotyk defended his thesis on 7 September 2017
Child Sexual Abuse Material Networks on the Darkweb
PhD defence
‘It’s time to modernise African Studies’
In 1960, not one but 17 African countries became independent. Sixty years later the African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) is offering a wide programme to mark this celebration. African Studies itself proved to be a topic of conversation at the kick-off conference on 30 January.
Lecture Series Radboud Ancient and Medieval Studies
Radboud Ancient and Medieval Studies organises a lecture series for this year as well. The programme for the first semester can be found below. The first lecture will take place on September 25.
How China Studies started in the Dutch East Indies
Leiden has the most highly regarded China Studies programme in Europe. But how did this knowledge find its way specifically to Leiden? For his PhD research Koos Kuiper delved into the unique history of the start of this unique programme.
Towards a “New” Sonic Ecology
How can we let the sonic speak in public urban environments? What is the function and position of sound in our daily encounters with urbanity? How do we experience cities aurally? This was the topic of Marcel Cobussen's inaugural lecture on November 28th, 2016.
GAP - Gender, citizenship and academic power
The primary goal of GAP is to study the impact of globalization and internationalization policies and practices on the gender balance in research and higher education in Norway.
The social history of labor in the Iranian oil industry (1908-1954)
This PhD research sets out to unravel and explain the socio-structural and cultural impacts of oil-industrialization on the local Bakhtiari community in general and the industrial laborers it provided in specific.
Journal of Sonic Studies 24 online
The editors of the Journal of Sonic Studies are proud to announce that its 24th issue is online.