1,465 search results for “nederlandse politics” in the Public website
Changing power relations and rising stars
The norms, institutions and power relations that have defined the last decades of international political and economic relations in the European Union are undergoing major transformations. With the return of competition between great and ambitious powers, like the US, China, EU and Russia, the need…
Leiden Researchers Participate in the Fourth International Conference on Legislation and Law Reform, Washington D.C.
On 17 and 18 November 2016 the World Bank in Washington, D.C. hosted the Fourth International Conference on Legislation and Law Reform.
Andrew Gawthorpe in The Guardian about the Republicans’ more radical agenda
University lecturer Andrew Gawthorpe argues in The Guardian that the Republican's new agenda for a second Trump term is more radical than the first. He says that they seek to take control of federal agencies by replacing civil servants with ‘American First footsoldiers’.
A legal solution to avoid a Hard Brexit: Armin Cuyvers on UK Constitutional Law Blog
In his blog, Armin suggests two legal tools that may jointly help avoid a hard Brexit: delayed exit and decreasing membership.
Jan Erk elected Smuts Memorial Fellow at Cambridge University
Jan Erk, political scientist at Leiden University, has been selected as the 2016-2017 Smuts Memorial Fellow at the University of Cambridge. During his residency at the renowned British academy, he will work on his research project ‘The Enduring Impact of Africa’s extinct kingdoms and invisible chief…
Sexuality and the interactional micro-politics of belonging
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
Consortia awarded grant for research into pressing issues
Various consortia in which Leiden University is represented are beginning interdisciplinary research, which will bring scientific and societal breakthroughs within reach. Knowledge institutions, government and private parties are working closely together on the projects.
What norms and values do international banks uphold during financial crises?
The 22nd of march 2023, political scientist Lukas Spielberger will defend his dissertation ‘Lessons from Europe for the study of international bank cooperation’. He wrote his thesis about the cooperation of central banks during international financial crises: ‘central banks pay more attention to shared…
‘Woolly’ King's Speech reflects broad coalition
The 2018 King's Speech was a string of statements containing little or no substance. It was obvious that, in an attempt to keep all the coalition parties happy, the speech covered more issues than in 2017. This is confirmed by an analysis of the speech carried out by public administration experts Gerard…
In Memoriam Anique Schüller, duizendpoot in de gebarentaalkunde
On the passing of Anique Schüller
Sara Polak: 'We have seen a failed attempt at a revolution'
A flood of news reports, push notifications and even extra news broadcasts: on Wednesday, the world was shocked by the storming of the Capitol in Washington. Americanist Sara Polak discusses the events.
Leiden discovery of planetary births is worldwide news
In Germany, the United States and even in Vietnam: all over the world, the Leiden discovery of the birth of two planets was shared. Astronomer Sebastiaan Haffert and his team were able to record multiple planets in the making for the first time and published their findings in Nature Astronomy. A unique…
Bart Custers writes blog post on judge who used ChatGPT
This month, it came out that a subdistrict court judge used ChatGPT to formulate a ruling. The judge included some text generated by the popular AI chatbot in his decision. This resulted in a lot of media commotion, raising doubts as to whether using ChatGPT in court is permissible and responsible.
Branda Katan benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar Corporate Litigation
Branda Katan is per 1 maart 2023 benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar Corporate Litigation aan de Universiteit Leiden. Deze leerstoel gaat uit van de Vereniging Corporate Litigation.
Heritage project showcased in EU brochure
In the EU brochure 'Creative Europe: rediscovering our cultural heritage' 15 successful heritage projects are presented. Among these projects is NEARCH, in which staff members of the Faculty of Archaeology participated.
Exhibition Archaeology&ME at Leiden Central Station
What triggers archaeology in you? Over 300 people show their answer in the travelling, pop-up exhibition ‘Archaeology&ME’, which can be visited at Leiden Central station on May 5th and 6th 2018.
New Van Steenis exhibition: What is Archaeology for YOU?
Starting on Thursday 16 May 2019, the Faculty of Archaeology features a new mini exhibition, ‘Archaeology&ME’. Ten showcases address the public’s connection with archaeology. They show how archaeology matters to them and how it constitutes a bridge between the past, present and future.
Europa Institute delegation attends FIDE conference Budapest
From 18th -21st May, a delegation of the Europa Institute attended the 27th biannual FIDE congress in Budapest, Hungary.
International attention for solution long-standing scientific problem
Solving a scientific problem after decades: it’s a long-lasting dream for many scientists. Consequently, the research of Leiden and Eindhoven chemists gained a lot of media attention, for instance from the Belgian news website VRT Nieuws and science website Phys.org.
CPP/LCCP Colloquium 'Meritocratic democracy: A cross-cultural political theory'
President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, Wants to Suspend the Polish Disciplinary Chamber Urgently
The controversial Disciplinary Chamber of the Polish Supreme Court is one of many other judiciary reforms which the PiS, the Polish nationalist ruling party, carried out since 2015. The Disciplinary Chamber allows for judges to be fined, degraded and discharged. Von der Leyen expects the highest European…
CPP/LUCIP Colloquium 'Meritocratic democracy: A cross-cultural political theory'
Roundtable 1: Comparative perspectives on campaigning, polarisation, and political violence
Television appearance Jelle van Buuren on Dutch children in a Jihadist environment
During an episode of Dutch television talk show PAUW on Monday 24 July, presenter Jeroen Pauw discussed the new threat assessment recently published by the Dutch National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV). Jelle van Buuren, Assistant Professor Terrorism and Political Violence at Leiden…
Where does the hegemony lie in the 21st century?
The book: Hegemony and World Order: Reimagining Power in Global Politics will be published this week. Jan Aart Scholte: 'We hope that students, lecturers and policy makers will start to think differently because of this book'
CPP Colloquium: "Vindicating equal political power within anti-caste egalitarianism"
Why is it now that the Left has momentum in Latin America (and how long it will last)
The left is gaining more and more ground on the political map of Latin America, with the elections in Colombia as the most recent example. But what’s behind this pull to the left? Professor of Modern Latin American History Patricio Silva talks about the current political situation in the region.
University Entrance Exam: The Videogame 'Chinese Parents' and Its Political Potentials
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
AI & Art: Aesthetics and Politics of Artificial Neural Networks
Arts and culture, Artist Lecture & Workshop
Joris Larik on BBC World Service Radio about Brexit
Joris Larik was interviewed by BBC World Service radio on the state of Brexit negotiations, the Irish border issue and ongoing Dutch preparation.
Church and Politics, Humanity and Resistance: The Case of the Bethel Church Asylum in The Hague
Pieter Slaman moved by the LUS Education Prize: ‘The most beautiful prize there is’
Interview with Pieter Slaman who received the LUS Education Prize. What makes the award so special to him and does he already know how he will use his prize money?
The world wakes up with President Trump
Should we be deeply concerned about the America of Donald Trump? Or will he bring about positive change? This was the main topic of discussion between researchers and students at the Big Leiden Presidential Breakfast on 9 November.
‘If you want to understand China, read what Chinese scholars are writing’
Contrary to what one might expect, societal actors influence China’s foreign policy. PhD candidate Sabine Mokry investigated how Chinese academics and think tanks impact the authoritarian leadership’s views on what constitutes the country’s national interest in the international arena. On 14 November…
Grammar school pupils visit Wijnhaven
Professor Bibi van den Berg welcomed a class of grammar school pupils to the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs on 10 May 2019. The children were given and introduction to the university and together with their teachers they discussed the internet and online security.
A matter of life and death: non-state actors and the Right to Wage War
Claire Vergerio, political scientist at Leiden University, has been awarded a VENI grant by Dutch research organisation NWO. This will allow her to conduct an in-depth analysis of the legal rights and duties of non-state actors involved in warfare. The aim is to tackle some persistent blindspots in…
Security Studies awarded bronze medal EW Best Studies 2023
The Security Studies bachelor's programme has received a bronze medal in EW Best Studies 2023. Every year, EW Best Studies selects the top programmes in Dutch higher education.
Daan Weggemans discusses the reintegration of Syrian people in the Netherlands
Daan Weggemans, researcher at the Institute for Security and Global Affairs, discusses in the morning podcast of NU.nl whether the Netherlands is able to judge and guide the return of Syrian mothers and children.
More than 100,000 participants in the MOOC Terrorism and Counterterrorism
The MOOC Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory & Practice by Prof. Edwin Bakker, co-developed by the Centre for Innovation, has now attracted over 100,000 participants. It is the first MOOC of Leiden University to reach this magic number.
MOOC Terrorism and Counterterrorism launches updated version after three successful years
The MOOC Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory & Practice was one of the first MOOCs of Leiden University to go live back in September 2013. More than three years have passed and the MOOC has attracted over 100,000 people coming from more than 100 countries.
European Female Jihadists in Syria: Exploring an Under-Researched Topic
The number of young Western women travelling abroad to join the
Alumni event: from peacekeeping to making connections for the future
On Thursday 6 May 2021, alumni of the Bachelor Security Studies (BaSS) and the Master Crisis and Security Management (CSM) were gathered in an online event arranged by the Institute of Security and Global Affairs and the study association L.S.A. Custodia.
In hoeverre kunnen de coalitiepartijen de Grondwet nog waarborgen na Wilders uitlatingen op X?
Na de 7 oktober demonstraties schoffeerde Wilders burgemeester Halsema, door op X te roepen dat zij het land moet verlaten. Volgens experts overtreedt Wilders hiermee de gemaakte afspraken met de coalitiepartijen. Wim Voermans, hoogleraar Staatsrecht, hierover aan het woord in het Parool.
People Diplomacy in East Asia and Europe
“The ideas from society should be heard in order to narrow the gap between government and the people”. These words from Kwagjin Choi, Korean diplomat and co-architect of South Korea’s People Diplomacy sum up why, in the view of this guest speaker at ISGA, foreign ministries should pay much more attention…
Hoe kan de gemeente Leiden het contact met internationals verbeteren? Studenten Bestuurskunde zoeken het uit
Tweedejaars studenten van de Bachelor Bestuurskunde, track Bestuur Beleid en Organisatie (BBO), hebben tijdens het vak BBO II: Multi-level governance gewerkt aan een praktijkopdracht voor de gemeente Leiden. De bevindingen werden aan elkaar gepresenteerd tijdens een interactieve sessie.
The Political Economy of an Enigma: Exploring Vietnam's Domestic Dynamics and International Role
Lecture, LAC Asia Academy
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn on NPO 1 on ‘returners’ from Jihadist war zones
Compared to its European neighbouring countries, the Netherlands undertake relatively few attempts to bring back women and children from Iraq and Syria. De Roy van Zuijdewijn explains why on Dutch NPO 1 radio.
Jelle van Buuren and Daan Weggemans on books on jihad in Vught prison library
Radical books on Islam glorifying armed jihad and humiliating Jews and Christians are available in the Vught prison library.
Lunch lecture: ‘Geo’-Politics and Animist Social Contracts in the New Himalayas
Declutter, disconnect, dismantle! Reflections on degrowth and cultural politics