1,273 search results for “slavery paul” in the Public website
Adam Fairclough
Faculty of Humanities
Legal personhood of enslaved people under Dutch Law
VVI Research Meetings 2022-2023
Getting the Rhythms of Knowledge: an Essay in Three Movements
Valedictory lecture
- Futures from the frontiers of climate science
No moderation in tone at Trump's inauguration
The brand-new American President Donald Trump delivered his inaugural speech on 20 January. There was little sign of conciliation and he was liberal with the truth, in the opinion of a number of Leiden academics. One professor is more positive: 'He wants to take on radical Islam.'
Research at the Faculty in 2018: a sneak preview
A new year that will bring all sorts of developments in the world of research. What are the new year’s resolutions in social sciences research at our faculty? What unites us, and what exciting developments do we anticipate?
Introducing Karlijn Hermans and the Open Science programme at Leiden University
In this interview, Karlijn Hermans, the university's Open Science coordinator, introduces herself and the Academia in Motion programme.
The colour purple: why it's important to our new Dean
During the New Year's Reception at FSW, new Dean Sarah de Rijcke gave her maiden speech. The first official moment at which she's able to share what she stands for and what to expect of her. In case you weren't there, or you want to read the speech at your own pace, below you can find the integral copy…
Lectorate Event of lectorate 'Music, Education and Society' Royal Conservatoire
Arts and culture
BABESCH Byvanck Lecture
CMGI Brown Bag Seminar
Lecture, CMGI Brown Bag Seminar
Leiden University Medical Anthropology Network (LUMAN) launch
Festival, Network Launch
Film Screening: Crip Camp
Arts and culture, Conference | D&I Symposium
Social Science Matters: The (non)sense of conspiracy theories
Climate change is made up, the secret services murdered Pim Fortuyn and JFK, and the moon landing was a fake show. Conspiracy theories are of all times, providing sensation and entertainment, but also unrest and fear. The corona pandemic is new fuel for conspiracy theorists who set fire to 5G masts,…
Hall of Fame 2017
Many of our staff and students have won prizes over the past year. Others have been awarded a subsidy, or, because of their eminence in their field, they have been appointed members of academic societies or have taken up positions in the community. Reasons enough to be proud of them and to include them…
Changing Approaches Towards Restitution and Return of Colonial Heritage: Tracing Experiences and Identifying Shared Decolonial Practices
Hall of Fame 2020
In 2020, many of our staff and students have again won prestigious prizes and been awarded important research subsidies.
Book Launch Beyond Ukraine: Debating the Future of War
Book launch
Inclusive Peace in Ukraine
Debate, Panel Discussion
- Ars Electronica Festival 2020 - Old Observatory
Centre for Public Values & Ethics
The Centre for Public Values & Ethics (CPVE) is an interdisciplinary, academic centre of expertise aiming to conduct and disseminate scientific research on normative issues in the public sector, in particular the fulfillment of public office and the planning, making and executing of public policy, both…
- European Union Diplomacy
Awards and Grants 2020
An overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2020, as well as special appointments at Leiden University and other institutions.
Eurasian Empires. Integration processes and identity formations.
What holds people together and what makes them willing to fit within larger political structures? Our project examines this question in the practices of dynastic rulership in Eurasia ca. 1300-1800.
- Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. P.J.J. Hooykaas
Valedictory lecture
(IN)EQUALIZERS! Social and Economic Histories of Inequalit(ies) and Difference(s), 1500-2000
Conference, Student Workshop
American presidents and their special relationship with Leiden
President John Quincy Adams studied in Leiden. His father, John, who was also president, also stayed here and received a lot of support from professor and publisher Johan Luzac. And how are presidents Bush and Obama linked to Leiden?
Exploiting the Empires of Others: Vici grant for Cátia Antunes
Having mostly ignored the gains Dutch traders, investors and firms attained from serving the French, English and Iberian empires, debate in the Netherlands now demands a re-evaluation of Dutch colonial responsibilities. By recovering knowledge of these gains, this project will measure the wealth obtained…
Indonesia and Leiden University have a shared history – and a shared future
Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker will head a delegation that is visiting Indonesia at the end of June. The visit is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of ‘Leiden’ institute KITLV-Jakarta. What does this institute do and why is Indonesia important to the University?
Global Interactions welcomes five new postdocs in 2016
In November of last year Global Interactions made offers to five out of nearly 90 applicants for our grant-writing postdocs. We are pleased to announce that all have accepted and will be joining various Leiden institutes this year. The five postdocs are Katia Hay, Johannes Müller, Maria-Paz Peirano,…
Two good agents could replace two mobile units
Peter Slort is the highly driven portfolio holder for Diversity with the Dutch National Police. Since November 2016 he has been spreading the importance of diversity throughout the police organisation.
‘Dutch people should take human trafficking more seriously'
Citizens underestimate their role, but they really can make a difference, says legal specialist Corinne Dettmeijer-Vermeulen. Combatting injustice is still the mission of this former National Rapporteur on Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence against Children. She will deliver the Cleveringa lecture…
Cleveringa Lecture by Gert Oostindie: Leiden University should also reflect on its colonial history
It is crucial that Leiden University reflects on its colonial history. These were the words of Cleveringa Professor Gert Oostindie in his inaugural lecture on 24 November. ‘As a university community, we must dare to hold up a mirror to ourselves and, where possible and necessary, also take concrete…
Report of the first post-doc meeting
A Personal Report by Matthew Hobson on the First Meeting of Post-doctoral Researchers at the Institute for History.
Looted art returned to Sri Lanka: ‘It was a job tracing what came from where'
A cannon, a sabre, guns: these Sri Lankan objects had been in the Rijksmuseum for centuries. In early December, they were returned to Sri Lanka. Associate Professor of Colonial History Alicia Schrikker led the research that formed the basis for the restitution and published a volume on the findings…
Michiel and Jort: best friends, political rivals
With the Dutch general elections just around the corner, it’s not always easy when political differences exist within your circle of friends. How do you not lose sight of each other in political discussions? We asked best friends Jort Schaafsma and Michiel van der Velde, both students at Leiden Law…
Standing up for science workshop
Workshop: Making up Migrants / Disabilities
Monthly Reads | Project 0100
Each month we will be spotlighting material we have been reading, or that have been recommended to us that relate to AI and a particular theme.
- LWSK presents: The laserinterferometer Space Antenna
Prof. Roger Brownsword, Hans Franken Lecture 2024
Leiden Classics: Einstein & Friends
Museum Boerhaave commemorated the hundredth anniversary of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity with the exhibition ‘Einstein & Friends’. The exhibition shined light on the famous physicist’s Dutch friends and his love for Leiden. A review featuring seven images can be found below.
Leiden University College The Hague Celebrates The Graduating Class of 2019 ½
On 5 February 2020, Leiden University College celebrated the graduation of its Class of 2019 ½. Referencing Aladdin’s ‘A Whole New World’, Dean Judi Mesman praised the graduates’ achievement and encouraged them to pursue new horizons on their journey that has just took off.
Unstoppable urbanisation of Indonesia calls for interdisciplinary partnerships
More than half of the Indonesian population lives in cities. What does this mean for public health? How sustainable are these megacities? This is the subject of the ‘Urban Transitions’ Summer Academy on West Java. This summer course is also the kick-off for a renewed interdisciplinary partnership…
Leiden Classics: Bibliotheca Thysiana, a 17th century time machine
From once controversial scientific works and historical bibles, to personal shopping lists and clothing bills. The 17th-century Bibliotheca Thysiana and the archive of the collector Johannes Thysius exhibit both the intellectual and everyday life as it was three hundred years ago. Now a brand-new digital…
50 jaar MRI: Hoe het LUMC dit betaalbaar maakt
50 years ago Lauterbur published the basic principle of MRI. Sine then MRI has become more expensive. Professor Andrew Webb describes what is needed to make MRI available for everybody.
Ten years of International Studies: ‘During lectures I sometimes felt my brain was exploding with all the new insights.’
The bachelor's programme in International Studies is celebrating its tenth anniversary. Ko Voskuilen was among the very first batch of students to follow the study, and Sophia Healy graduated this summer. How do they look back on their time at the university?
Willemijn Tuinstra (Leiden University) wins the sixth Uitgeverij Verloren/Johan de Witt-thesis prize
Willemijn Tuinstra has won the Uitgeverij Verloren/Johan de Witt-award for History 2020 with her Master Thesis 'Conscience & connections. Marcellus Franckheim (1587-1644) and his contacts in the Habsburg World at the eve of the Thirty Years War'.
LIFF programmer Nick Hortensius: 'It's great to share your taste with so many people'
Alumnus Nick Hortensius started volunteering at the Leiden International Film Festival (LIFF) in his student days. He has since grown with the festival to become head of programming. How does he look back on his student days? And what can we expect from the festival this year?