2,277 search results for “cognitive and language” in the Public website
Career prospects
What are the possibilities after completing the ICCL programme? We will tell you more about the career prospects in the international legal practice
Learning Problems and Impairments (international track) (MSc)
This master specialization offers you a combination of theories about learning problems and impairments and intervention and prevention strategies from a developmental perspective.
Tuition fees exchange
In general, students joining Leiden University via an exchange agreement do not need to pay tuition fees. For most other students, tuition fees do apply.
Indo-European Etymological Dictionary
Set up in 1991, this unique project aims to identify and describe the common lexical heritage of the most important Indo-European languages and language branches. The project has thus far resulted in twelve volumes published as The Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series (Brill, Leiden).
Voces del Dzaha Dzavui (mixteco clásico)
Análisis y Conversión del Vocabulario de fray Francisco de Alvarado (1593)
Seascape Corridors
There is little evidence of the routes connecting Amerindian communities in the Caribbean prior to and just after 1492. Uncovering possible canoe routes between these communities can help to explain the structure, capabilities, and limitations of the physical links in their social and material networks.…
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe Volume I, Negotiating Modernity in the 'Long Nineteenth Century'
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe is a two-volume project, authored by an international team of researchers, and offering the first-ever synthetic overview of the history of modern political thought in East Central Europe.
Determine your entry level
Before you enroll in one of our courses, it is important to determine your current level of proficiency.
Philosophy in World Traditions (MA)
This master’s programme combines advanced levels of philosophical analysis with the study of non-Western sources, in particular Chinese, Indian, and Arabic sources.
Experience Day South and Southeast Asian Studies
Study information
Are you interested in taking up an extra challenge during your master’s programme? Have you thought about applying for the world teachers programme or are you interested in developing your personal leadership style?
Are you interested in taking up an extra challenge during your master’s programme? Have you thought about applying for the World Teachers Programme or are you interested in developing your personal leadership style?
Are you interested in taking up an extra challenge during your master’s programme? Have you thought about applying for the world teachers programme or are you interested in developing your personal leadership style?
Are you interested in taking up an extra challenge during your master’s programme? Have you thought about applying for the world teachers programme or are you interested in developing your personal leadership style?
Are you interested in taking up an extra challenge during your master’s programme? Have you thought about applying for the world teachers programme or are you interested in developing your personal leadership style?
First TEAL Workshop
Workshop | TEAL series
Research themes
LUCAS hosts a wide variety of research. Here we outline some of the most important research themes.
Fall of Misinformation Series: Mark Leiser
Misinformation spreads easily and fast. It gets presented as news, whereas actual news gets dismissed as fake. Conflicting streams of information allows all sides to cherry-pick whatever is most comfortable, boosting degrees of confidence and confusing the deliberation of both politicians and voters.…
Research finds WiFi isn’t the only thing connecting us during video calls: so are our bodies
Can we truly connect with each other through video calls? Yes, according to a recent study. Psychologists found our bodies synchronise almost as much in digital conversations as in real life. But this doesn’t mean we should skip in-person meetings altogether, says researcher Fabiola Diana.
Syncing up for a good conversation: Cognitive mechanisms of conversational alignment
Lecture, LACG Meetings
From pixels to patterns: AI-driven image analysis in multiple domains
This thesis investigates the application of deep learning techniques in image analysis across various domains, focusing on four main themes: feature extraction, classification, segmentation, and integration, demonstrating the transformative potential of these technologies.
Max Boot
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Yena Kim
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Markus Davidsen
Faculty of Humanities
The Institute of Psychology is committed to play a prominent role in teaching and research at the national and international level.
Taking care of your health
Health is a wonderful gift, both for humans and for society. If we are able to prevent both physical and mental illnesses, we can spare a lot of suffering and fight rising health costs. Social scientists and physicians in Leiden are working closely together to conduct research on the human mental, behavioural…
Programme structure
The International Bachelor in Psychology (IBP) offers a broad academic development, with knowledge of several subdisciplines, such as clinical (neuro)psychology, developmental psychology, social and organisational psychology, economic and consumer psychology, cognitive psychology and health psycholo…
Robots that empathise with humans
If we want to build robots and computer systems that are not only smarter but also possess more social skills, we first need to find out more about how humans interpret information. Max van Duijn and Tessa Verhoef conduct research at the intersection of cognitive science and AI.
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Creative Intelligence & Technology (previously Media Technology) at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
Topic: Psychological factors in Itch and pain
Since itch and pain can be very burdensome, especially when individuals suffer from (either of) these symptoms chronically, it is important to know the factors by which these sensations are influenced. It becomes more and more clear that psychological factors play an important role in the experience…
‘Brain scanners are bringing about a revolution in neurolinguistics’
Brain scanners have radically changed neurolinguistics. They are increasing our understanding of how the brain processes language. Professor Niels Schiller has produced a standard work on this.
Language maintenance and revitalization across the world
Invisible Agents Women and Espionage in Seventeenth-Century Britain
Nadine Akkerman's book Invisible Agents is the very first study to analyse the role of early modern women spies. The book foregrounds the agency of early-modern women, offering a corrective to the gender bias implicit in modern historiography.
Women Writing Mexico (WWM)
Women Writing Mexico (WWM) is a network of women and men concerned with the human rights crisis in Mexico and more specifically, with the impact of structural forms of poverty, everyday violence, and discrimination based on gender, race, social class, and ethnicity, that particularly have an impact…
Discover the Realities of North Korea: An Evening with Defectors Lee Young-Hyeon and Lee Byung-Lim
World Teachers Programme
The World Teachers Programme (WTP) is a bilingual profile of the Initial Teacher Education programme geared towards bilingual and international education.
Multilingualism of Frisian children: Evelyn Bosma wins Keetje Hodshon Prize
Postdoc and linguist Evelyn Bosma receives the Keetje Hodshon Prize for her dissertation. For her research on the multilingualism of Frisian children, Bosma previously won the Klokhuis Science Prize and the Campus Fryslân Science Prize.
‘The linguist’s work is by no means done’
Brain research and statistics are advancing our understanding of language and language acquisition. Linguists are still essential, however, says Professor of Dutch Linguistics Sjef Barbiers. Inaugural lecture on 8 December.
- Social and Behavioural Sciences
Ghanaian Sign Language(s): History, Linguistics, and Ideology
PhD defence
Colours and symbols to support dyslexic students
In the very first Korean class that teacher Eun-ju Kim taught, there were already students with dyslexia. With a background in special education and clinical developmental psychology, she developed a new method to help them, partly based on teaching methods from Dutch first language education.
Eveline Crone in the media
In the Dutch media lots of articles have recently appeared based on interviews with Eveline Crone about the adolescent brain.
Flexibilisation, globalisation and technological change: consequences for labour markets and social security.
This research project is funded by a subsidy from Instituut Gak.
Topic: Persistent physical symptoms
Persistent somatic symptoms are long term symptoms that lack a clear medical explanation. These symptoms have a high prevalence where most people know someone who experiences such symptoms or they experience such symptoms themselves. Symptoms can vary greatly in and between people. While one person…
Career prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
Our people
Some examples of AI-research done at Leiden.
The research carried out within the unit Health, Medical and Neuropsychology investigates the psychological factors of health and disease, and the development of innovative treatment.
Group behaviour: one for the team
Researchers at Leiden study group behaviour. One of their findings is that when people make sacrifices for another member of their group, it is probably instinctive. Insights of this kind enable us to better understand and influence the social processes in a neighbourhood or company.
The Nature of the Workmen's Marks and Their Interaction with Writing
The project concerns the nature, the usages and functions of pictographic systems in relation to writing in societies with (restricted) literacy.
Do internationally adopted children in the Netherlands use more medication than their non-adopted peers?
Adoptees in the Netherlands generally do not use more medication than their non-adopted peers.