1,185 search results for “active studies” in the Staff website
Alumni Event Advanced LLM in European and International Human Rights Law
On March 16 students and alumni of the Advanced LLM in European and International Human Rights Law were brought together in an online Zoom event organized by our programme coordinator, Mahshid Alizadeh, and head of the LLM, Rick Lawson.
New Student Well-Being Officer for The Hague gets started on student well-being
Student well-being is more important than ever and is high on Leiden University’s agenda. There are many recent new initiatives, such as Well-Being Week and POPcorner The Hague. To streamline all these new initiatives and create new student well-being activities, a Student Well-Being Officer has recently…
Kloosterman lecture 2024
LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series: Colonial Korean Print Shops through Computer Vision
Holding the Byvanck Chair in times of corona
Professor Caroline Vout, Cambridge University, was awarded the Leiden University Byvanck Chair in 2020. In a pre-Covid-19 world, the Byvanck Chair would stay in Leiden for seminars, lectures, and research activities. Instead, the pandemic disrupted this schedule. Last month, Vout taught her masterclass…
Kilian de Kruyf Molina: ‘I would recommend doing an internship if you want to gain more work experience’
Trail, FGGA’s internship platform will be one-year old in November. In the upcoming weeks, we will be interviewing some FGGA students who went on internships. What did they learn from their internships? And what tasks were assigned to them?
15 million awarded for research into misinformation among youth
Developmental psychologist Ili Ma has been awarded an ERC grant to investigate misinformation among teenagers, aiming to bolster their resilience against its potentially severe consequences.
Merei Huigsloot new head of the LACDR Education Office
Merei Huigsloot will be appointed as the new head of the Education Office of LACDR from September 1. She will be responsible for the organisation and coordination of all education-related activities for the bachelor programme Bio-Farmaceutische Wetenschappen and master programme Bio-Pharmaceutical S…
Meet the Societal Advisory Board
The Faculty of Humanities wants to take a stand in the middle of society with its research and education. That’s why last year, in the middle of a pandemic, the Societal Advisory Board was founded. What are the members’ plans?
Roundtable: 2024 Elections Pakistan, Indonesia and India
Roundtable | SSEALS
Training for lecturers: making skills more visible in curricula
On Tuesday 8 November, a workshop for lecturers was held on skills that students acquire throughout their studies. The workshop was organised by KU Leuven as part of the Erasmus+ project ASSET-H.
Tools and support
Under tools and support you will find information intended to support you in your teaching such as the FLO team, available services and support for students, various tools for teaching and assessment, rules & regulations, and inspiration.
Pim Overgaauw: ‘As Institute Manager, you are the spider in the web’
Pim Overgaauw is at his best when he can support others. His new position as Institute Manager of the Mathematical Institute is therefore a perfect fit. ‘My main goal is to ensure that our mathematicians can focus on the maths.’
New research indicates Hunter-Gatherer impact on prehistoric European landscapes
The starting point of human-induced landscape changes has been under permanent debate. It is widely accepted that the emergence of agriculture strongly increased human impact on their environments. However, foragers can and do actively transform land cover and ecosystems. Ethnographic observations,…
New method for extracting human DNA from archaeological objects yields success
An international team of researchers led by Leiden archaeology professor Marie Soressi and Leipzig senior geneticist Matthias Meyer has recovered the DNA of a woman belonging to an Ancient North Eurasian population from a 20,000-year-old pendant. This is the first time DNA analysis has been used to…
Leiden University is travelling to the past and the future for its 450th birthday
Leiden University is celebrating its 450th anniversary in 2025 with a feast for the eyes, ears and spirit. The anniversary year opens with an extra special Dies Natalis on 7 February. Highlights includes an alumni festival, three exhibitions and a canal concert.
‘My internship changed my view of the public sector’
Hidde studies Public Administration and did an internship at the Kennemerland safety region. During his internship, he conducted research effective collaboration on the Environment and Planning Act at the safety region.
Sander Bax: 'Literature doesn’t confine itself to national borders'
To truly understand Dutch literature, we have to look beyond borders. At least, that is the view of Sander Bax. From 1 August, he will be Professor of Contemporary Dutch Literature and Culture in a Transnational Dynamic.
Executive Board column: Annetje Ottow on the importance of student associations
Now the introduction weeks can go ahead as usual, the new students’ enthusiasm is overwhelming. It’s back to normal for the student associations too, having had a hard time of it during the pandemic.
Elephants in the Room
Ancient History (UMW) Research Seminar
Lecture, Ancient History (UMW) Research Seminar and Ancient Worlds Network Lecture
Network on Greek Sanctuaries Leads to New Perspectives on Antiquity
A group of experts on ancient Greek religious practices has joined forces in the form of the HIERON network. In a grassroots fashion, they decided to host frequent get-togethers in order to share experiences, research ideas, and interdisciplinary views. Leiden archaeologist Michael Kerschner was one…
The assessor’s working week
Let’s take a look behind the scenes of the Faculty Board. Our assessor, Hannah Saberi, shares her typical working week.
PhD track
The PhD track involves many different aspects. As well as important administrative steps that you have to take, for example, there are also introductory activities, a training programme and opportunities for research abroad.
Our vision on teacher development
Teachers at Leiden University are experts in their field and passionate about educating students in their discipline. It is also important that they can work effectively as a member of a team, together with colleagues and students, and that they feel committed to our organisation. We will therefore…
Recap of the 2021 Anthrooplogy PhD Conference
After a long period of isolation under pandemic, the PhD candidates of the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology seized the opportunity to organize an in-person, on-site event: the CADS PhD Conference for 2021. With the theme "Young Scholars at the Intersection of Uncertainty,…
Mental health monitor for Leiden students reveals need for more action
Last month, research by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) revealed that more than half of students in higher professional education and at universities experience psychological complaints and emotional exhaustion, and that a quarter of them suffer from anhedonia (loss…
Tips from lecturers for lecturers
In large numbers, lecturers from the History study programme responded to the call to share tips for online and hybrid education. Everyone can now take a look at these tips on the university website, says chair of education Kim Beerden.
Seminar and book discussion
Lecture, Seminar and book discussion
Vibrant illustrations and mind-boggling graphs - Psychology students share insights into their research
Why do some smokers quit much more easily than others? Can we think ourself to insomnia? And does playing music together help to calm conflicts? Psychology students investigated these questions and presented their findings during the Psychology Science Day 2023.
Notes on the contemporary Art Novel
Lecture, Seminar
Opening of the academic year
University ceremony
Veni grant for ten Leiden researchers
Ten Leiden researchers have been awarded a Veni grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). The grant, of up to 280,000 euros, will enable them to elaborate their ideas over a period of three years.
Opening POPCorner The Hague
Met een openingswoord, een paneldiscussie op de Spaanse Trappen in Wijnhaven en een druk op de rode knop voor het gebouw zelf, is POPcorner The Hague donderdagmiddag officieel geopend door rector magnificus Hester Bijl.
Textbooks not inclusive: roles are stereotypical, heterosexuality is the norm
Mum works in healthcare, dad in engineering and everyone is straight: many textbooks still show men and women in stereotypical roles, PhD candidate Tessa van de Rozenberg has discovered. She also found that children’s views on these topics often closely resemble those of their parents.
Skilled students: this is how the Science Skills Team supports you as a teacher
Education is more than just knowledge transfer: students also develop numerous important skills. But which skills are addressed in which courses? And how can we help students train these skills? The Science Skills team is actively engaging with teachers to answer these questions for all courses. Want…
Prison reward systems do not work well and prisoners are the ones who pay
Ten years ago, a new reward system was introduced in Dutch prisons: the only way prisoners could earn extra ‘freedoms’ was through good behaviour. Jan Maarten Elbers concludes that this system does little to encourage behavioural change and can even be counterproductive.
Meet postdoc Ana Zora Maspoli: ‘I came to Leiden to find a new way to look at the dilemma of Romanisation’
Looking for a different approach in the ongoing discussions on the ethereal matter of Romanisation, Ana Zora Maspoli joined Miguel John Versluys’ research group as a postdoc guest researcher. While she has been active in our Faculty since February 2022, you may not have met her yet due to the Covid-19…
Cod behave differently in noisy environment
Underwater noise from seismic surveys affects the behaviour of Atlantic cod. These are the results of research by Leiden biologists in collaboration with colleagues from Belgium. During such surveys the fish are less active than usual and their circadian rhythm is disrupted; soon after exposure they…
Societal impact
You can apply various means to increase your societal impact: through interaction with professionals, the commercial sector or general audiences. The University can support you in this process in a number of ways.
Success with NWO for social and behavioural scientists
Ten Leiden social and behavioural scientists have successfully applied for the NWO Open Competition. With this Open Competition, NWO gives researchers the chance to start small, high-risk, innovative or promising research projects.
Sustainable The Hague: Sustainable initiatives in your local area
How can you do your bit for sustainability? Students from Leiden University have launched an interactive website with 150 sustainable initiatives in and around The Hague. The website Sustainable The Hague makes it easy to find a sustainable shop, restaurant or community initiative in your local area…
In memoriam Sjoerd van Koningsveld (1943-2021)
We are saddened by the news of the unexpected passing of prof.dr. Pieter Sjoerd van Koningsveld on 28 July 2021.
Put away those textbooks and relax: the Living Room is open
Leiden University opened the doors of its new Living Room on Thursday 16 February. The Living Room is a home from home where Dutch and international students can relax and meet others and is a strictly no-study zone.
Work balance: 5 tips from education coaches
Work balance is an important issue within the Faculty of Humanities. Education coaches Astrid Van Weyenberg and Maarten van Leeuwen also deal with this regularly during their coaching sessions with lecturers. They have listed their most important tips.
Jan Vonk appointed full professor of Mathematics at the Mathematical Institute
As of 1 November, Jan Vonk has been appointed full professor of Mathematics at the Mathematical Institute (MI). The institute is delighted with Jan’s appointment, as is he. ‘At the MI we combine the abstract with the concrete like no other.’
Impact on Russia's war in Ukraine on ecology of Ukraine and Europe
Call for Papers: Localizing the Women Peace & Security Agenda Across Multiple Governance Challenges
Hybrid Workshop: In person and online on 26 – 27 January 2023.
Learning About Digital Governance in Estonia with the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme
The Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) is a short and intensive mobility programme funded by the European Union, that combines online learning with a short trip for in-person teaching.
Greater understanding of specialised cell could prevent strokes
Ilze Bot wants to reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. Her research focuses on mast cells, which protect us from infections but can also make us ill.