1,108 search results for “recognition read” in the Public website
Arianna Pranger: ‘I pack as much creativity as possible into my teaching’
Arianna Pranger has lost her heart to teaching. A senior lecturer on the master’s programme in Pharmacy, she won the LUS Teaching Prize 2020. The programme trains students to be pharmacists.
Are autistic youngsters less prosocial?
A common notion is that autistic people feel no need for social contact, that they are socially clumsy and show little prosocial behavior. But is that image correct? According to developmental psychologist Carolien Rieffe, an important goal of Autism Awareness Week (March 28 - April 5) is to remove…
Het raakt alle gezinsleden: hoe seksueel misbruik tussen broers en zussen door kan werken in de familie
Seksueel misbruik tussen broers en zussen kan ook na jaren nog grote impact op de familierelaties. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van Sheila van Berkel, Iva Bicanic en Anja van der Voort, die slachtoffers met elkaar in gesprek brachten over hun ervaringen. ‘Ouders ontkenden of minimaliseerden het misbruik…
Leiden University presents Scaliger medal to the Europaeum academic community
The Europaeum academic community was awarded the Scaliger medal on 23 September in recognition of its promotion of academic values. Andrew Graham, trustee to the Europaeum and founder and honorary advisor to the Scholars Programme, was presented with the medal by President of the Executive Board Annetje…
Leiden helps refugee researcher make a new start
What happens if you are an academic forced to flee your home country and find yourself here in the Netherlands with practically nothing? The Hestia scheme offered by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) gives refugee scientists the opportunity to resume their academic career in the Netherlands. The scheme…
Speak up where it will help, not just at the coffee machine
For five years, Pauline Hutten put her heart and soul into the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA), but a short time ago, she handed over the baton to Sanneke Kuipers, who is now Chair. We met up with them both for a joint interview about the importance of particip…
Aline-Priscillia and Ruşen nominated for an ECHO Award
Working towards a more inclusive and diverse society, next to your studies. Humanities students Aline-Priscillia Messi and Ruşen Koç devote a considerable amount of hours to this every week. Now they have been nominated for an ECHO Award.
Executive Board column: Let’s be alert to unacceptable behaviour
This is a difficult time. Above all, for all those directly involved in this horrible case – unacceptable behaviour by a professor and his removal from the University – the case we went public about on 18 October and that has been reported in the media. This is painful and tough for the complainants…
Cleveringa Lecture by Gert Oostindie: Leiden University should also reflect on its colonial history
It is crucial that Leiden University reflects on its colonial history. These were the words of Cleveringa Professor Gert Oostindie in his inaugural lecture on 24 November. ‘As a university community, we must dare to hold up a mirror to ourselves and, where possible and necessary, also take concrete…
Paul Wouters reappointed as Dean of FSW
Paul Wouters has been reappointed as Dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. His second term runs from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2023.
‘Heritage is never neutral. It is always interpreted’
As of 1 September 2019, Prof. Pieter ter Keurs will assume the position of Scientific Director at the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Global Heritage and Development as well as that of Professor of Museums, Collections and Society at the Faculties of Humanities and Archaeology at Leiden University.…
Director of the MIVD General Swillens visits ISGA to talk about intelligence cooperation
On 15 December, Director of the MIVD General Jan Swillens, visited the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) to give a lecture on international intelligence cooperation together with ISGA/NLDA researcher Pepijn Tuinier. This event, co-organised by the Intelligence and Security Group and the…
Trade union grant for psychology research into the effect of a basic income
Psychologists Fenna Poletiek and Erik de Kwaadsteniet have received a grant from the FNV trade union to research people’s attitude to work if they receive a basic income. How do they plan to find answers?
Blog Post | An asset or a hassle? The public as a problem for public diplomats
It is undeniable that the public is central to the practice and study of public diplomacy. Indeed, this field is known as *public* diplomacy.
In memoriam Jan Zaanen 1957-2024: The universe in a speck of rusting copper
This Thursday, January 18th 2024, our esteemed colleague Jan Zaanen passed away. Jan was one of our star scientists, larger than life, with an unabashed, boisterous drive for the best of physics at the Institute Lorentz, at the Leiden Institute of Physics and in the full international scientific community.…
Report of the first post-doc meeting
A Personal Report by Matthew Hobson on the First Meeting of Post-doctoral Researchers at the Institute for History.
Dutch Higher Education Award 2022: second place for The Learning Mindset
The Leiden University College (LUC) education team behind The Learning Mindset (TLM) has received 800,000 euro’s during the Dutch Higher Education Award Ceremony 2022. The LUC team was second behind Universteit Twente. The prize was awarded during the annual Comenius Festival of the Comenius Network.…
‘Could the slide have coronavirus on it?’
What do I do if Mum or Dad gets the virus? Could the slide at the playground have coronavirus on it? Can children die of the virus too? On 15 April, the National Science Agenda organised an hour-long session on Facebook to give children the chance to ask their questions about coronavirus. Leiden psychologist…
Asma Mehan about PortCityFutures, anthropology, and Leiden
Asma Mehan is one of the researchers involved in this project since June 2020 and works at CADS. What exactly is PCF and why is research in port areas important? An introduction to Asma Mehan and PCF.
Roundtable on Slavery: From Scholarly Debates to Public Reckoning
Conference, Histories Connected: Faculty Roundtable
Institute for Philosophy Opening Academic Year 2024-2025
Errance and Border Transgressors: African Mobilities from Dakar to the Atlantic | Research Seminar
Lecture, Research Seminar
SAILS Symposium - Heritage: From physical to digital
Masterclass Dutch KTO - The Enterpreneurial Scientist
FAiM Roadshow!
Birth of beautiful brides: Rise and transformation of the female gender roles and responsibilities among the Maasai pastoralists of Kenya
Regulation of autophagy-related mechanisms during bacterial infection
PhD defence
Random Erasing
Hanna Swaab
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Small Grants Past Research Projects
The LUCDH foster the development of new digital research by awarding a number of Small Grants each year. These are our past awardees.
- Volume 10 (2015)
Interdisciplinary research and teaching at Leiden University
Many of the challenges of our time are too complex to be resolved within the confines of a single discipline. Leiden University is a broad-based university where an incredible number of research fields converge. That makes us the ideal breeding ground for, and practitioners of, interdisciplinary research…
- Volume 11 (2016)
- Volume 5 (2010)
Book series
Diplomatic Studies (DIST) is a peer-reviewed book series that encourages original work on the theory and practice, processes and outcomes of diplomacy.
Cosmopolis seeks to explore the transnational and cultural dimensions of intra-Eurasian encounters through Dutch sources.
- Program
About our Faculty
The Faculty of Humanities offers an inspiring international working environment with room for diversity and innovation to staff and students from home and abroad.
Programme structure
The core curriculum equips students with the conceptual approaches and qualitative empirical research methods necessary to analyze law in context. Specialized electives enable students to dive deeper and focus on particular areas of legal practice—from legal mobilization to regulation and compliance…
EU Privacy and Data Protection Law applied to AI: Unveiling the Legal Problems for Individuals
PhD defence
Efficient Deep Learning
Disentangling citizenship from nationality and inclusion from belonging in Chile
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
Rights Denied, Heritage Stolen
PhD defence
- CMGI Brown Bag Seminars 2023-2024
Award ceremony: Jaap Doek Children's Rights Thesis Award 2024
Dr Graça Machel to visit Leiden Law School
Navigating the Turn to the Indo-Pacific: Perspectives from South and Southeast Asia, and the Netherlands
Panel discussion
Research Seminar Rebecca Bryant
Lecture, Research Seminar
LUCIR Seminar: Refugees and asylum seekers in East Asia: Perspectives from Japan and Taiwan
Intergenerational Justice and Human Rights in a time of Planetary Crises in Africa