1,334 search results for “medical history” in the Staff website
Mily Crevels
Faculty of Humanities
Abbas Siavash Abkenar
Faculty of Humanities
Erik Koopman
Faculty of Humanities
Rinske de Kok-Baan
Faculty of Humanities
Irene Urrutia Schroeder
Faculty of Humanities
Hyojin Pak
Faculty of Humanities
Yasmin Saghafi Ameri
Faculty of Humanities
Timothy de Zeeuw
Faculty of Humanities
Petr Koluch
Faculty of Humanities
Rozemarijn Vlijm
Faculty of Humanities
Archaeology students play important role in visit indigenous Ka’apor people
As part of Mariana Françozo’s BRASILAE project, a group of representatives of the Ka’apor people was invited to visit Leiden. The Ka’apor, an indigenous people from Brazil, are some of the present-day relatives of the Tupi-speaking peoples who used to live in the northeastern region of Brazil, claimed…
Maia Casna investigates respiratory disease in the past with an NWO PhD in the Humanities grant
Every year, an NWO PhD in the Humanities grant is awarded to a prospective PhD candidate at the Faculty of Archaeology. This year, the grant went to Maia Casna, enabling her to study respiratory disease in the past. ‘My hypothesis is that the rapid formation of cities in the medieval Netherlands, must…
On this public day on psychedelics, researchers transcend the media hype
Never before has so much research been carried out on the therapeutic effect of psychedelic drugs. Researchers at the LIBC Public Day are happy about the effect the drugs can have on depression, anxiety and PTSS, but at the same time they have some doubts. ‘The hype is bound to crash before long.’
Administering assessments
Practical information and tips for hosting an assessment, including registration procedures, permitted aids, fraud prevention, surveillance and facilities for students with disabilities.
Kiem projects 2024-2025
From health to migration to climate: 25 interdisciplinary research and education initiatives received a Kiem grant in 2024.
The First Great War of the Middle Ages: Sasanians, Byzantines, and the Rise of Islam, 602-642
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Meijers prizes and thesis prizes awarded at New Year’s event
On Tuesday 12 January 2021, the annual Meijers prizes and thesis prizes were awarded at the online New Year’s event broadcast from the Old Observatory.
In Memoriam Johan Lugtenburg
The fastest chemical reaction in the universe takes place inside our eyes.
Introducing: Joshua Mentanko
Since 1 September 2022, Josh Mentanko is postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for History. Below he introduces himself.
Staff symposium on student well-being: ‘Let’s talk more about adversity’
How can we help our students build resilience and prevent unnecessary stress? And how do we break the taboo on failure? These and other questions are what study advisers, lecturers, deans and student support staff discussed at the staff symposium on student well-being at PLNT.
How Atie and Wendy keep things calm in a time of transition
Wendy Werkman has been the new Board Secretary since September; Atie Breugem has worked at the Institute of Psychology for almost eighteen years, the last two as secretary. The two talk about finding their way in a new job, keeping calm when things are changing and the power of a warm welcome.
New Professor Hanneke Hulst is a team player
Hanneke Hulst has held the new Leiden chair in Neuropsychology in Health and Disease since 1 September. From 1 January she will also be chair of the Health, Medical and Neuropsychology (HMN) unit. ‘HMN is my new base. I’m curious to find out about the people who work here, what they do and what motivates…
Lessons to be learned from the corona crisis
Professor Bussemaker and Professor Koenders draw lessons from the handling of the current corona crisis. In a blended guest lecture with some 60 students in Wijnhaven and some 250 online participants, they entered into a discussion led by Willemijn Aerdts. The guest lecture took place on May 25.
Transdisciplinary health improvement in The Hague: ‘Neighbourhoods tell us what they need’
Health conditions and social problems often go hand in hand. To address this complex issue in families in The Hague, researchers, managers, support services, policymakers and residents are joining forces. What are the results of this transdisciplinary approach?
Renske Janssen is the winner of the LUCAS Dissertation Prize 2021
The LUCAS Dissertation Prize has been awarded to Dr. Renske Janssen for her PhD thesis Religio Illicita? Roman Legal Interactions with Early Christianity in Context.
Race against time: Helping the Netherlands secure almost 20 million Pfizer vaccines
The whole world is waiting anxiously for sufficient supplies of coronavirus vaccines. As Launch Navigator at Pfizer, alumnus Dennis de Mik must help ensure that the Netherlands receives 19.8 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. How is he going about this and how has his Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences…
70 years Mathematical Institute - growth, prosperity and (mathematical) challenges
Floreat et crescat. Flourish and grow. That was what was wished for the Mathematical Institute at its opening. Now, the institute proudly celebrates its 70th anniversary. Time to reflect on how it all began. And importantly, how is it doing now?
- Framing Late Antique Religion Lecture Series
How to ask? Politeness strategies in historical letters
Combating loneliness in Living Lab
Master's students of Vitality & Ageing work together with older individuals in the so-called ‘Living Lab’ to combat loneliness. You can watch four brief video’s that show their creative solutions for the course ‘the older individual’ that is coordinated by health psychologist Sandra van Dijk and former…
The Role of Humans in Surgery Automation
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Hadassah Drukarch and Bart Custers from eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies, explore together with Pranav Khanna, eLaw alumnus, the influence of automation on human–robot interaction and responsibility in surgery innovation.
A good start for every child, and how data science can help
Some children start life with a disadvantage. Sometimes even before they are born. A new research project involving Professor Wessel Kraaij of Leiden University investigates how data science can help give these children a good start in life.
How quantum mechanics threatens our digital lives – and makes them safer
Much of the work of Serge Fehr, Professor of Quantum Information Theory, is abstract and theoretical and comprehensible to very few people. But his work helps make the digital world safer so that in future our internet banking will still be problem free, for instance. He will explain more in his inaugural…
PhD candidate develops new device for diagnosing erectile dysfunction
Erection problems can have a huge impact on quality of life and health, but current diagnostic methods are painful, uncomfortable and technologically outdated. PhD candidate Evelien Trip has developed a new device that can measure erections more comfortably and painlessly.
Inkomen en afkomst zijn risicofactoren bij kans op hart- en vaatziekten
Nederlanders met lage inkomens lopen tot 1,5 keer meer risico op het krijgen van een hartaanval of beroerte dan rijkere landgenoten. Bij Surinaamse Hindoestanen is dit risico 1,9 keer hoger. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van het LUMC en het HagaZiekenhuis. Nederlandse artsen kijken tot nu toe niet naar deze…
Call for Participation online workshop Interrogating Speculative Futures
Call for Participation for the online workshop Interrogating Speculative Futures: A workshop on the politics of imagining a future with(out) chronic illness on 19 and 20 July 2021.
Major Leiden symposium on TB bacteria
More than 1.3 million people worldwide die of tuberculosis (TB) each year, making research on its prevention and control essential. Researchers from various disciplines in Leiden are studying TB. A symposium on 24 March will highlight different activities in the hope of boosting nationwide collabora…
Hulpgoederen brengen naar Oekraïne: ‘Ook iemand anders had nu wat aan mijn studie’
Samen met andere studenten bracht Fien Lurvink hulpgoederen naar Oekraïne en nam vluchtelingen mee terug.
Deployment still affects veterans ten years later
Ten years later, a group of veterans still struggle daily with the effects of their deployment to Afghanistan. Sanne van der Wal, a PhD candidate at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), conducted research into the effects of PTSD.
Peak movement in afternoon and evening linked to lower risk of diabetes
People who move most in the afternoon and evening are less insulin resistant than people who move mainly in the morning or spread throughout the day. This makes them at lower risk of type 2 diabetes. These are the results that researchers from the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) have published…
Inexhaustible source of human heart muscle cells allows strong reduction of animal testing
Researchers at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) have managed to culture human heart muscle cells on a massive scale. This is an exceptional achievement because it is very difficult to replicate heart muscle cells outside the body. Using a special technique, the researchers have now created…
Artificial intelligence project to accelerate MRI scans receives 2 million euros
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden University and Philips are jointly receiving over 2 million euros from NWO to set up an artificial intelligence (AI) lab. The aim of this lab is to accelerate and improve MRI scans with AI. This is great for patients, and it helps make MRI more accessi…
SAILS Summer Conference on Law & AI
Leiden Law School is organising a summer conference on Law and Artificial Intelligence as part of the interfaculty and interdisciplinary research programme on Artificial Intelligence (SAILS) at Leiden University.
KiKa grant for mathematician: how statistics helps fight bone cancer
Using mathematics to help children with bone cancer. It sounds a little strange, but for statistician Marta Fiocco, it's just her job. She gets a substantial grant from KiKa for it. With that money, she is going to study the effect of chemotherapy adjustments.
'Migraine requires a gender-specific approach'
Migraine is a brain disease. If it were simple, we would have solved it already'. That is the title of the inaugural lecture delivered by Professor of Neurology Gisela Terwindt on Friday 3 June. In her speech she emphasises the importance of research into the differences between women and men with m…
Drawing and predicting lines: how artificial intelligence is helping doctors
Artificial intelligence can help doctors analyse images such as MRI scans. In future it may even be able to predict how a tumour will grow. And that is badly needed to relieve the pressure on healthcare workers.
Surrogacy processes identified by Leiden University
How many children are born with the help of a surrogate mother in the Netherlands, and which legal obstacles can arise? Through a new interdisciplinary study, researchers at Leiden University are attempting to provide clarity about surrogacy processes.
Multiple KHMW awards for science students
As many as seven first-year students from the Faculty of Science were honoured as young talents. In addition, the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) also lauded three master's students and an astronomy project during a vibrant ceremony on 28 November. Professor of Science Communication…
NWO-XS grants for two innovative research projects
Two Leiden Science researchers received an NWO-XS grant for their research. Both projects are highly promising, but also high-risk. Macrophages that trap bacteria and data storage made from 2D materials convinced the board of their potential.
AI model accurately predicts endometrial cancer recurrence
Researchers from the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) have developed an AI model that accurately predicts the risk of endometrial cancer recurrence.