2,361 search results for “komen studies” in the Public website
Insolvency Close-out Netting: A comparative study of English, French and US laws in a global perspective
On 1 December 2020, Bernadette Muscat defended her thesis 'Insolvency Close-out Netting: A comparative study of English, French and US laws in a global perspective'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. M. Haentjens and Prof. B. Wessels.
Conceptualisation of the Rule of Law in its External Relations: Case Studies on Development Cooperation and Enlargement
On 26 June 2019, Lisa Louwerse defended her thesis 'The EU’s Conceptualisation of the Rule of Law in its External Relations: Case Studies on Development Cooperation and Enlargement'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. C.A.P. Hillion.
Monika Baar new Professor of Central European Studies
The Foundation for Austrian Studies and the Institute for History are very glad to announce that Monika Baár has been appointed as the holder of the Special Chair for Central European Studies.
Karla Paola Cabrera Acuña
Faculty of Humanities
Visit the International Studies Experience Day on February 28!
Are you interested in the BA programme International Studies but not yet sure what it all means?
Graduation ceremony BSc Security Studies: 'Look beyond your own beliefs'
On Monday 26 August, students were warmly welcomed at the Wijnhaven location with a blue carpet and live music. Accompanied by their friends and family, they gathered to receive their BSc Security Studies diploma.
App helps students study better
Cramming from a book, making notes or learning summaries. In the past these were about the only ways to memorise your course material. But that has long since changed. Multimedia is the code word. But is it effective?
Spatial Narratives of Historical Experiences: 3D Visualizations of Prisoner Art as Tools for Knowledge Production and Transfer at Holocaust Memorials
Lecture, Austria Centre Leiden Lunch Talk
Introducing 'Everyday Postsocialism in Eastern Europe: History Doesn't Travel in One Direction' (Purdue Univ. Press, 2024)
Lecture, Austria Centre Leiden Lunch Talk
Alumna interview International Studies: Beatrice Noun
Beatrice Noun (alumna BA International Studies) currently lives in Paris and works for the World Bank as a consultant while doing a master’s degree at Sciences Po in International Development. We caught up with her and asked her a bunch of questions like which steps lead her to this career path? And…
Collaboration BSc Security Studies and the Royal Netherlands Air Force
Interested in an internship at the Dutch Ministry of Defence? Good news! Leiden University and the Royal Netherlands Air Force have formalized their cooperation to offer students an unique opportunity to conduct an internship at an active military base in Woensdrecht, the Netherlands.
individual level effect of symbolic representation: An experimental study on teacher-student gender congruence and students’ perceived abilities
Studies on representative bureaucracy have often confirmed the positive performance effects of bureaucracies mirroring the demographic characteristics of their clientele. However, little is known about the underlying individual level mechanisms leading to these outcomes.
Corinna Jentzsch
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Tessa de Boer
Faculty of Humanities
Thijs Brocades Zaalberg
Faculty of Humanities
Cramsey's "Uprooting the Diaspora" wins the Kulczycki Book Prize in Polish Studies
Sarah Cramsey's first book, Uprooting the Diaspora: Jewish Belonging and the
Memory and Identity
Research conducted in this group aims at furthering our understanding of how communities and individuals deal with social change, conflict and trauma through remembrance and commemoration as well as forgetting in the arts.
Borders and Mobility Control in and between Empires and Nation-States | Studies in Global Migration History, Volume: 46/14
In a modernist interpretation of migration controls, nation states play a major role. This book challenges this interpretation by showing that comprehensive migration checks and permanent border controls appeared much earlier, in early modern dynastic states and empires, and predated nation states by…
Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Maikel Kuijpers
Faculteit Archeologie
Florian Schneider
Faculty of Humanities
Jürgen Zangenberg
Faculty of Humanities
Joni Reef
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Jan Wim Buisman
Faculty of Humanities
Rene Kleijn
Lettie Dorst
Faculty of Humanities
Nidesh Lawtoo
Faculty of Humanities
Centre Leiden Supports Young Researchers at the Association for Jewish Studies Conference
For the second year in a row, the Austria Centre Leiden sponsored a festive gathering for the Paula Hyman Mentorship Program at the Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, which convened in San Francisco, California, USA in December 2023. This meeting allowed Hyman Committee Members…
Matrilineal Islam: State Islamic Law and everyday practices of marriage and divorce among people of Mukomuko-Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia
On 13 December 2023 Alf Farabi successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
From Newry to The Hague: A Journey Through International Studies and Community
In this article in The Irish Times, Pádraig Corrigan talks about his experience studying abroad at Leiden University College in The Hague.
What do complex molecules tell us about star formation?
How do you progress from an immense gas cloud somewhere in the universe to a star with planets? Research by Astronomy PhD student Martijn van Gelder sheds more light on the earliest phases of this process. He will receive his doctorate on November 24th.
Journalistiek in Irak tweegesprek met Judit Neurink en Sakir Khader
LUCIS organiseerde op woensdag 4 maart een speciale avond over journalistiek in Irak. Journaliste Judit Neurink en programmamaker Sakir Khader vertelden over hun ervaringen en recente werkzaamheden in het land. De avond stond onder leiding van Wendelmoet Boersema (politiek redacteur van dagblad Trou…
Gebruiker proof of concept toegang Digitaal Magazijn KB
Voor deze use case zoeken wij een gebruiker die voor onderzoeksdoeleinden interesse heeft in de auteursrechtelijk beschermde collectie van de KB en ons kan helpen met het opstellen door wensen, noden en ervaringen te delen.
Descendants and Ancestors: A study of Arabic inscriptions from the Arabian Peninsula (1st-4th c. AH/7th-10th c. CE)
On the 20th of October Abdullah Alhatlani successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Early Jaina epistemology: a study of the philosophical chapters of the Tattvārthādhigama; With an English translation of the Tattvārthādhigamabhāṣya
Lucas den Boer defended his thesis on 23 April 2020
Podcast series introduces you to the BSc Security Studies
With this podcast series 'Introduction to Security Studies', you will get to know more about the bachelor's programme Security Studies at Leiden University in The Hague and life as a student in The Hague.
The Ottoman Crisis in Western Anatolia
Turkey's Belle Epoque and the Transition to a Modern Nation State
Check out the new International Studies alumni video
What are International Studies Alumni doing after graduation? Get to know Guido, Paulien and Lennart. They all studied International Studies at Leiden University in The Hague and are now working in three different fields.
Narrative reflective self-understanding: the corporeal
This PhD project analyses the politics and aesthetics of depictions of torture in American and European ‘war on terror’ films.
KNAW subsidy for the project ‘Religious studies in secondary education'
Markus Altena Davidsen and colleagues Michaël van der Meer, Maurits Berger and Kim Beerden received a subsidy from the KNAW-Pilotfund. They will use the 10.000 € for an inspiration book for teachers religion/worldview.
Stefano Cucurachi
developments in automated structure solution and crystallographic studies of the Sso10a2 and human C1 inhibitor protein
Promotor: J.P. Abrahams, Co-Promotor: N.S. Pannu
allosteric modulator induces an anti-inflammatory effect: in vivo studies and molecular mechanism of action
Source: Mediators Inflamm (2014)
Students International Studies receive their diploma
Exactly 230 students received their Bachelor’s Diploma of International Studies on 1 September 2017, in front of a large audience of family and friends. With almost 1,000 people present this was the largest graduation ceremony of the programme since its founding in 2012.
'Non-Istanbulites' of Istanbul : the right to the city novels in Turkish literature from the 1960s to the present
Nuran Buket Cengiz defended her thesis on 13 June 2017
Taking Up Space: Waste and Waste Labor in Developing South Korea
On 25 January 2024 H.J. Pak successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
A different perspective on the Carolingian economy
Material culture and the role of rural communities in exchange systems of the eighth and ninth centuries
Body and Ki in GiCheon: Practices of Self-Cultivation in Contemporary Korea
Yeonhwa Jeon defended her thesis on 6 July 2017.
(hERG)-induced cardiotoxicity: a molecular insight from a binding kinetics study of prototypical Kv 11.1 (hERG) inhibitors
Source: Br. J. Pharmacol., Volume 172, Issue 3, pp. 940-55 (2015)
Graduation of the first class of BSc Security Studies
A fully corona proof graduation at Campus The Hague and the first class of graduates for the Bachelor Security Studies. It was a day to be remembered for 36 students and their families.