1,859 search results for “koen economie” in the Public website
Exploring the materials and heritage involved in the Belt and Road Initiative
Dr Maikel Kuijpers, a staff member at the Faculty of Archaeology and a guest researcher at the Centre for Environmental Sciences (CML), is participating in an exploratory interdisciplinary study on the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Made possible by a Seed Fund of the Leiden University Global…
LCN2 organizes seminars on the last Friday of each month.
Books for Review
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy regularly publishes book reviews of approx. 800-1000 words, upon invitation by our Book Reviews Editor. We are currently accepting reviews of the selected books below, as well as any other contribution within the field of diplomacy and global affairs.
Gianclaudio Malgieri speaks at PLSC Conference in Washington D.C.
On 30 May, Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor of Law and Technology at eLaw, was a speaker at the Privacy Law Scholars Conference in Washington D.C.
VICI Grant for Dr. David Fontijn
The subsidy funds new research into the: Economies of Destruction. The emergence of metalwork deposition during the Bronze Age in Northwest Europe, c. 2300-1500 BC.
Florian Schneider on China’s digital nationalism
In recent years, online platforms have been utilized more and more to spread Chinese nationalist discourse. In an interview posted on The Diplomat, director of the Leiden Asia Centre Florian Schneider gives his thoughts on how the digital environment has changed the way Chinese activists work.
Common Market Law Review Young Academics Prize 2023
The Common Market Law Review's 2023 Prize for Young Academics has been awarded to Friso Bostoen and David van Wamel for their co-authored article: ‘The Digital Markets Act: A Partial Solution to Antitrust’s Remedy Problem’. Their winning paper will be published in an upcoming issue of the Review.
Media on sustainable energy space uptake
The production of sustainable energy can take up to 1000 times more space than fossil fuels, environmental researcher Paul Behrens concludes in a publication in Energy Policy. Various media reported on this remarkable outcome.
Ben Van Rompuy and Daniel Mandrescu speak at yearly ASCOLA conference
On 25-27 June the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) organized its 15th yearly conference discussing the most recent developments in the context of competition law policy.
Team from Leiden wins the Rotterdam100 with plan for more environmental-friendly ships
Capture the emissions of ships and use it to cultivate algae, which you can then use to make biofuels. This was the idea that won the team from Leiden, led by Public Administration student Hein Laterveer, the Rotterdam100 competition.
Olaf van Vliet in Intermediair on which jobs are threatened by migration, climate transition and digitalisation
Due to technological change, jobs and professions are constantly changing. For instance, it has long been known that some jobs are becoming redundant due to automation. Digitalisation and the rise of artificial intelligence are more recent developments that affect the labour market.
Christa Tobler participant in a fireside chat on the relationship between Switzerland and the EU
This year's “Braunwald Inferno” event, a mixture of winter sports (including an early morning ski race) and political event, took place in the Glarus mountain village of Braunwald Glarus from January 17-19, 2025 in perfect winter conditions.
Olaf van Vliet on migrant workers and general welfare
What would happen if there were fewer migrant workers in the Netherlands? Olaf van Vliet, Professor of Economics, discussed this question on Dutch news site NU.nl.
Christopher Green in Calgary Sun about North Korea's friendly gesture
As South Korean president Moon Jae-in prepares to leave office, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has thanked him for trying to improve relations. Assistant Professor Christopher Green explains in the Calgary Sun what impact North Korea's gesture of goodwill might have.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Pacific Alliance reaffirm cooperation between the two regional blocs
The ASEAN community formed by Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, and The Pacific Alliance formed by Chile, Colombia, México and Perú adopted the ASEAN-Pacific Alliance Work Plan (2021-2025) back in 2021.
LUC student wins Next Generation Womens Leaders Award
LUC student Imane el Morabit is one of the winning students of the Next Generation Women Leaders Award 2017, presented by the consultancy firm McKinsey & Company.
Bart Custers gives conference lecture at ICBDSC in Casablanca
On January 5th 2018, dr. Bart Custers, associate professor and head of research of eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, will give a conference lecture on the (monetary) value of personal data at the International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (ICBDSC 2018)…
Meet the professor in The Hague
Leiden University's professors will be going to elementary schools again to teach about science and research. During the class discovery-based learning will be central. The professors will go to several schools in The Hague. The classes are part of the university's celebration of its 445th birthday…
Book presentation ‘Fit for the future?’
The Dutch government chairs the EU council this year. Researchers from Leiden took this opportunity to reflect on the future of the European Union and to give recommendations where possible. The book will be presented on Friday 29 April, 10.15 AM in Nieuws Poort (Den Haag). Attending the event are Ankie…
Leiden staff make their mark at Labour Law Conference in Stockholm
On 19 and 20 May an international labour law conference is taking place in Stockholm. The theme is ‘New Foundations of Labour Law in the Globalised Market Economy’.
View the Humanities Master’s Open Day presentations
Many thanks for visiting the Master’s Open Day on Friday 2 November! We hope that you enjoyed the day and that all your questions were answered.
Maikel Kuijpers takes an archaeological perspective on the materials that shape our world
Materials like concrete, steel, plastic and fertiliser shape the world around us, but they’re also extremely polluting. If we want to build a more sustainable society, we can learn a lot from archeologists. How do we relate to these materials? And are there alternatives? Maikel Kuijpers is writing a…
Start of second group in data science for policy course at Ministry of IenW
On Wednesday, 5 September 2018, the second group of employees of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) started the managerial track of the Data Science course given by Leiden University (LCDS).
Ben Van Rompuy speaks at Brussels conference on “Competition Policy and Online Markets”
On 24 October 2018, the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe), the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel jointly organized the second “Competition Policy and Online Markets” conference in Brussels.
‘Collaboration is essential to scientific breakthroughs’
How do we create a healthy, inclusive, digital and sustainable society? And how do we keep it that way? If science is to provide answers to these questions, the universities of Leiden, Delft and Erasmus will need to work together. This is what Wim van den Doel, the new figurehead of the LDE Alliance,…
Video | Kim B. Olsen on Geoeconomic Diplomacy: Diplomats, Domestic Agency and the Implementation of Sanctions
In this video, Kim B. Olsen introduces his article "Diplomats, Domestic Agency and the Implementation of Sanctions: The MFAs of France and Germany in the Age of Geoeconomics Diplomacy" for the latest special issue from The Hague Journal of Diplomacy on Ministries of Foreign Affairs.
Dr. Paul Behrens nominated for ''Science Discoverer of the Year'' Award
The Faculty of Science grants two C.J. Kok awards each year: the C.J. Kok Public Award, also known as the award for the ‘Discoverer of the Year’, and the C.J. Kok Jury Award, the award for the best PhD thesis from the past year.
Video: Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Leiden University
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) in Leiden is a unique interdisciplinary master’s programme, considering topics of freedom, justice and citizenship in the 21st century. Watch this video to learn more about the programme!
Grant Byvanckfonds for Dennis Braekmans
Dennis Braekmans receives funding from the Byvanckfonds for the research
Olaf van Vliet discusses staff shortages on Omroep West: Untapped labour potential and higher wages
All of society is having to deal with the effects of staff shortages. Hospitals are unable to fill their duty rosters, primary schools are having to close their doors for one day per week, and trains are being cancelled on a regular basis. But why is that exactly? Professor of Economics Olaf van Vliet…
Analysis of court rulings on ACM decisions under Dutch Competition Act
Prof. Ottervanger, professor emeritus of European Law and Dutch Competition Law has analysed 36 final court judgments concerning decisions by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) in competition cases. The report was part of the review of the ACM that was conducted by the Dutch Ministry…
Mr. Sechie Philip receives Wim Deetman Scholarship
The Grotius Centre congratulates LL.M. Public International Law student Mr. Sechie Philip from Nigeria as one of the recipients of the Wim Deetman Scholarship 2017-2018.
Bart Custers delivers keynote address at Basel University
On May 16th 2018, the Law Faculty of Basel University organised a workshop on Law & Robots, titled Predictive Analytics bei Versicherungen und in der Arbeitswelt: Diskriminierung durch Algorithmen? (Predictive Analytics in Insurance and Labor: Discrimination by Algorithms?). At this event, dr. Bart…
Barbora Budinská speaks on the application of national law by the European Central Bank
On 12 and 13 May, the University of Luxembourg organised a workshop titled ‘The Politics, Law and Political Economy of European Banking Union: The First Decade of Operation.’ Barbora Budinská presented a paper on the application of national law by the European Central Bank (ECB) within the Single Supervisory…
Emerging Powers and Development Finance across the World
On Friday 11 November, GTGC, L-PEG, and LUCIR organized a workshop on Emerging powers and Development Finance across the world.
GTGC Conference 2023
After a successful first conference in June 2022, GTGC was pleased to have announced its second annual Conference at Leiden University's The Hague Campus on 7-9 June.
CARICOM organises a pilot activity to teach regional integration in high schools
Awareness of the functioning of a regional integration process and the benefits it can offer is crucial for its success, as the European Union experience has proven.
MOOC: EU Policy and implementation: making Europe work!
Mooc Eu Policy Europe Europa
Thuiszorghulp voortaan recht op sociale zekerheidsregelingen: 'Baanbrekend'
De rechtbank van Rotterdam geeft zorghulp Carol Kollmann gelijk in haar rechtszaak tegen het UWV. De zorghulpverlener vond dat ze recht heeft op een WW-uitkering en het meetellen van haar arbeidsverleden voor de WW, nadat ze erachter kwam dat ze daar door de zogeheten Regeling dienstverlening aan huis…
Bart Custers delivers big data keynote address in Japan
On October 23rd, dr. Bart Custers, associate professor and head of research of eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden Universitty, delivers a keynote address on the big data and law at the International Conference on Big Data Research (ICBDR 2017) in Osaka, Japan
Meet the Professor in The Hague
Over 1600 pupils from primary schools in Leiden and The Hague were taught by a professor of Leiden University on the 444th anniversary of our university. Three professors from the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, visited several classes of group 7 in The Hague.
Save the date for the FIDE XXIX Congress 20-23 May 2020 - The Hague
After almost 40 years, the biannual congress of the International Federation of European Law (FIDE) returns to the Netherlands!
Restitution workshop in Turin
Maria Vasile and Cristina Grasseni have presented the results of Maria’s ethnography in Turin.
Final presentations Area Study Sustainability: Wheels of Metals
Friday 30 January 2015 were the final presentations of the last course of the Minor Sustainable Development.
EU grant for Bart Custers
The European Commission has granted budget for the project e-SIDES (ethical and societal implications of data science). Dr. Bart Custers, associate professor and head of research at eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies, has written the proposal with two partner organizations within the…
Anar Ahmadov awarded fellowship at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study
Anar Ahmadov, Assistant Professor of Political Economy at LUC, has been awarded NIAS Individual Fellowship by the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW).
Exhibition Archaeology&ME at Leiden Central Station
What triggers archaeology in you? Over 300 people show their answer in the travelling, pop-up exhibition ‘Archaeology&ME’, which can be visited at Leiden Central station on May 5th and 6th 2018.
Numismatics in Leiden: more than two sides to the same coin
Numismatic research of Roman coin hoards in the Netherlands. The use of numismatic sources is incorporated in Claes’s research project “Dialogues of Power”. This project aims to analyse the legitimising dialogue between Roman emperors and their Germanic legions during the so-called “crisis of the third…
Working Paper Series
The Working Paper Series reflects the yet-to-be published work of eLaw researchers and the unedited versions of manuscripts that have been accepted for publication by journals and books.
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Chinese Studies at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.