3,256 search results for “historical van de universiteit” in the Public website
Gerard van Westen: 'Our model predicts what candidate drugs do in your body'
He’s a fast and animated speaker, which is only logical because Gerard van Westen is driving an express train. His destination? A virtual human, consisting of algorithms that predict what an administered substance will do in the body. The train is already a long way down the line and the pharmaceutical…
Olga van Marion
Faculty of Humanities
Kate Bellamy
Faculty of Humanities
Hartendorp benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar Maatschappelijke Effectiviteit van de Rechtspleging
De nieuwe leerstoel bij de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid is onderdeel van de samenwerking tussen de Universiteit Leiden en de rechtbank Den Haag.
Inventorying and monitoring of laws and policies related to dealing with ‘jihadism’
An international comparative study of the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Reframing the Diplomat. Ernst van der Beugel and the Cold War Atlantic Community
In Reframing the Diplomat Albertine Bloemendal offers a unique window onto the unofficial dimension of Cold War transatlantic relations by analyzing the diplomatic role of the Dutch Atlanticist Ernst van der Beugel as a government official and as a private diplomat.
The Van Manen Collection: Locating Literature, Lived Religion, and Lives in the Himalayas
ERC Starting Grant: The Van Manen Project. This five year project (2023-2028) is made possible with an ERC Starting Grant. It aims to (digitally) reunite all parts of the Van Manen Collection. This enables us to study it as a whole, helping us to understand the process of collection formation. More…
Luuk van Middelaar launches his new book in London at LSE and UCL
This week, Prof. Luuk van Middelaar (Europa Institute) publishes Alarums & Excursions: improvising Politics on the Europen Stage – a revised update of his 2017 book on the decade of EU crises.
Louwerse & Van Vonno, ‘Moving up or down: parliamentary activity and candidate selection’
How do parliamentarians secure their political future? Are their activities in the legislature connected to their place on the candidate list from one election to the next? Political scientists Tom Louwerse and Cynthia van Vonno examine the Dutch case. Their main finding is that speaking in the plenary…
Archaeological Forum: Nathalie Brusgaard and Martin Berger
Joop van Holsteyn & Tom Louwerse, The Dutch 2016 Referendum: Voice, No Exit
Political scientists Joop van Holsteyn and Tom Louwerse (Leiden University) find that the Dutch government is having a hard time coping with referendum outcomes in general, and ‘anti-European’ sentiments among voters in particular.
Joanne van der Leun to chair new knowledge security and fossil industry committees
Leiden University has set up two committees to consider issues that are the focus of much attention within our community and society at large. They are the Knowledge Security Committee and the Fossil Fuel Industry Collaboration Committee. Former dean Joanne van der Leun will chair both.
ACPA alumna Kathryn Cok elected Vice-President of the Historical Keyboard Society
At the recent Historical Keyboard Society of North America Conference which took place from 22-26 June in Hunter New York, Kathryn Cok, Phd was nominated and elected to the position of Vice-President from July 1st by distinguished American and international colleagues.
Lunch Seminar before the summer break with Prof. Pablo Mendes de Leon and Albert van Marwijk Kooy
On Thursday 27 June, the last festive ILS Lunch Seminar of this academic year takes place. This seminar will feature presentations from two distinguished speakers from different departments of Leiden Law School: Prof. Pablo Mendes de Leon and Albert van Marwijk Kooy.
Revolution in Humanist Commentaries on Pliny's Natural History and Mela's De situ orbis (140-1700)
'The World Upside Down. The Geographical Revolution in Humanist Commentaries on Pliny's Natural History and Mela's De situ orbis (140-1700)', in: Enenkel, K.A.E. & Nellen, H. (Eds.), Neo-Latin Commentaries and the Management of Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period (1400-1700).Humanistica…
‘Als onderzoeker leer je veel van projecten die verder reiken dan je eigen expertisegebied’
Als nieuwe hoogleraar Ontwikkelingspsychologie pleit Anna van Duijvenvoorde voor meer samenwerking in de wetenschap. Daarom moedigt ze jonge onderzoekers zich aan te melden bij een netwerk. ‘Het biedt je een bredere blik op de wetenschappelijke wereld.’
The Hague major Jan van Zanen: ‘If you want to strengthen democracy, start close to home’
What is the current state of democracy and how do we understand the effects of public support on democracy? The two-day symposium Support for Democracy: Measurement, Explanation, and Effect
Alumna Gaby van de Wal: 'Don’t worry, you’ll be all right'
'The kind of knowledge you gain in International Studies can take you anywhere,' says Gaby van de Wal (26, The Hague, The Netherlands), who graduated from the programme in 2018. Her own career path is proof that indeed, an International Studies degree comes with many opportunities.
Introducing: Paul van Trigt
Since 1 February 2016, Paul van Trigt is postdoctoral researcher in the project Rethinking Disability: the Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Global Perspective at the Institute for History.
Wim van den Doel wins 2024 Boerhaave Biography Prize
Professor of Contemporary History Wim van den Doel has won the 2024 Boerhaave Biography Prize. Van den Doel receives the prize for his book 'Snouck: Het volkomen geleerdenleven van Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje'.
Funded MA and PhD positions in Historical Studies at CEU, Vienna
From September 2024, the existing departments of History and Medieval Studies will join forces and launch CEU’s new Department of Historical Studies. Our research and teaching are recognized for their innovative approach to graduate education, and our international faculty offers expertise that extends…
The focus will be on recent academic research in Literary Studies at the intersection with Digital Humanities. Lectures and interactive workshops will be given by experts in the field.
Van Vonno, Achieving Party Unity: A Sequential Approach to Why MPs Act in Concert (dissertation)
Cynthia van Vonno, political scientist at Leiden University, explains why individual MPs vote according to the party group line.
Stijl en politiek. Een taalkundig-stilistische benadering van Nederlandse parlementaire toespraken
This dissertation contains the further development of a method for linguistic-stylistic research, which provides a systematic means to interpret global impressions of a text through choices in formulation at word- and sentence level.
The Platform for Postcolonial Readings organizes seminars for MA- and PhD-students and researchers in the field of postcolonial and globalisation studies in Belgium and the Netherlands. As an open network, discussion platform, and reading group, our meetings are open to all.
Carla Cisternas Guasch receives research grant of the Slicher van Bath de Jong Foundation
Carla Cisternas Guasch, PhD candidate at the Leiden Institute for History, is one of the winners of the 2023 call of the Slicher van Bath de Jong Foundation for the advancement of study and research on the history of Latin America. She receives a research grant of €10.000 (max).
- Maintenance of telephony equipment Universiteit Leiden
Memorial Year makes visible the continuing effects of historical slavery
Research into our history of colonialism and slavery, heart-to-heart conversations at a Keti Koti table, exhibitions, lectures and podcasts that establish the link between present and past. Staff and students participated in the national Slavery Memorial Year in many different ways. What have we learned…
Research offers surprising insights into historical crime in The Hague
Theft, prostitution, fortune-telling or murder. Historian Manon van der Heijden and a group of students are researching court records from The Hague from 1600 to 1800. They are tracing crimes and offenders and shedding new light on The Hague’s Gevangenpoort (or Prison Gate). Among their many discoveries…
Pride, Prejudice and Manchurian Heritage: North Korean Migrants and Memories of a Land Left Behind
Christopher Green defended his thesis on 26 February 2020
Frans Preumayr's nineteenth century virtuosic bassoon repertoire
Frans Preumayr's nineteenth century virtuosic bassoon repertoire - An approach with a fine Grenser & Wiesner bassoon from Dresden: Issues of material and technique
I 'Disticha Catonis' di Catenaccio da Anagni. Testo in volgare laziale (secc. XIII ex. - XIV in.)
The Disticha Catonis by Catenaccio of Anagni. A text in vernacular from Latium (late 13th - early 14th century)
50 jaar Universiteit Leiden in Oss
Wat gaat goed en wat kan beter bij de uitvoering van de Wet open overheid?
Wim Voermans en Annemarie Drahmann namen op 13 februari deel aan het Rondetafelgesprek van de commissie Binnenlandse Zaken over de uitvoering van de Wet open overheid. De kernvraag van de bijeenkomst was de vraag 'Wat gaat goed en wat kan beter bij de uitvoering van de Wet open overheid?'
Unlocking the doors of the Leiden treasure rooms
Which plants are depicted, described or collected in these century-old objects? Who made these objects, where and for what purpose? What is their scientific and societal relevance today?
From Gothic to OMG: the 21st conference on English historical linguistics comes to Leiden
The largest international conference on English historical linguistics is coming to Leiden. From 7 June to 11 June 2021, the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) organises the International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL-21). Due to Covid measures, the conference takes…
Departing vice-dean Mirjam de Baar: ‘Straight away I found Leiden's Faculty of Humanities a fantastic environment to work in'
After nine years, Mirjam de Baar is leaving as vice-dean of the Faculty of Humanities. ‘It will take some getting used to letting go of this vice-deanship because the education portfolio is very close to my heart and I’ve worked hard for it in recent years in close cooperation with many colleagues.’
The Leiden Papyrology+ group
Papyrology+, founded in 2014, is a collaboration of Leiden scholars studying (Abnormal) Hieratic, Demotic, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Coptic, and Arabic papyri from a socio-historical, economic and linguistic perspective. Papyrology+ aims to explore new opportunities and directions in the study of ancient…
Van Ham, Thomassen, Aarts & Andeweg (eds), Myth and Reality of the Legitimacy Crisis
This book systematically evaluates the empirical evidence for legitimacy decline in established democracies, the explanatory power of theories of legitimacy decline, and promises new routes in investigating and assessing political legitimacy.
Platform for Postcolonial Readings
The Platform for Postcolonial Readings brings together researchers, especially junior researchers, in Belgium and the Netherlands interested in issues of globalization, inter/transculturality, diversity and inclusivity, intersectionality, and postcoloniality. We are an open group (do join us!) and meet…
‘Grassroots projects can help democracy’
Democracy is under pressure all over the world. With the #DemocracyinAction project, university lecturers Sara Brandellero and Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues want to investigate how grassroots art projects manage to keep democracy alive.
Subsidie voor onderzoek naar de invloed van experts
Johan Christensen, universitair docent bij het Instituut Bestuurskunde, heeft 1,2 miljoen euro subsidie gekregen van de Research Council of Norway. Christensen is co-leider van een project genaamd INFLUEX dat de invloed van experts gaat onderzoeken. Naast Christensen maakt ook Valérie Pattyn van het…
Bepaalt de EU echt 80% van onze wetten?
Tijdens de campagnes voor de Europese Verkiezingen werd beweerd dat 70 of zelfs 80 procent van onze wetten door de EU worden bepaald. Maar klopt dit wel? Hoogleraren Armin Cuyvers en Kutsal Yesilkagit spraken erover met Pointer.
Universe Awareness finalist van de WISE Awards 2015
Universe Awareness is one of fifteen projects chosen by WISE for providing compelling and innovative solutions to today’s most pressing challenges in education.
Wouter den Hollander defends his PhD Thesis De relativiteit van wettelijken normen
On Wednesday 22 June 2016 Wouter den Hollander will defend his PhD Thesis De relativiteit van wettelijke normen ('The Relativity of Statutory Provisions'). The public defence starts at 16.15 hours in the Academy Building.
Leiden in Chicago commemorating 80 years of the Chicago Convention: A historic celebration in aviation
Last week, aviation professionals and leaders from around the world gathered in Chicago to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Chicago Convention, the landmark treaty that laid the foundation for modern international civil aviation and established the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).…
experiment at OverActing festival: 'Practice can help you further in your historical understanding'
What did plays look like in the seventeenth, eighteenth or nineteenth centuries? With the new OverActing theatre festival, university lecturer Jed Wentz is trying to get closer to an answer to that question.
Archeologie en de stad
Op vrijdag 4 april 2025 organiseert de werkgroep Stedengeschiedenis een bijeenkomst bij de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed onder de titel ‘Archeologie en de stad’. De studiedag is gratis en voor iedereen toegankelijk.
Unending Variety: Papyrological Texts and Studies in Honour of Peter van Minnen
The subjects of the texts vary from Demosthenes to the delivery of camels in early Islamic Egypt, and their provenances stretch from the Eastern to the Western Desert, and from the Egyptian Nile valley to Qasr Ibrim in northern Nubia.
Prix de Paris 2021
De Prix de Paris is een aanmoedigingsprijs voor jong, Nederlands talent. Deze prijs (ter waarde van 15.000 EUR) is bedoeld ter stimulering van wetenschappelijk onderzoek over Frankrijk. De deadline voor aanmeldingen is 1 mei 2021.