3,823 search results for “historian van de universiteit” in the Public website
Université de Fribourg - Job offers
The University of Fribourg has a vacancy for both a "professeur" and a "maître d'enseignement et de recherche" in Medieval History. Deadline for application: 30 June 2021.
The Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek
This is the first full-scale reference grammar of Classical Greek in English in a century.
Escher and the Droste effect
Artful Mathematics: The Heritage of M. C. Escher
- First Multistakeholder Global Governance Advisory Board Meeting
Anne Marieke van der Wal-Rémy: ‘The Instagram influencer should also be preserved as a historical source’
Anne Marieke van der Wal-Rémy, assistant professor of African History and International Studies, has received a Comenius Teaching Fellow grant of 50,000 euros. She intends to use the grant to set up an online archive of digital primary sources, together with her students. Van der Wal-Rémy: ‘ “Once on…
Praktische zaken - Toelating en aanmelding
Een medewerker van Frontoffice Studentenzaken legt uit waar je vooral rekening mee moet houden als je je wilt aanmelden bij de Universiteit Leiden.
Carlo Beenakker explains quantum in de Ongelooflijke Podcast on NPOradio1
Are quantum computers the scientific breakthrough of our time? In this podcast, Carlo Beenakker, Professor of Physics at Leiden University, explains quantum technology.
Luuk van Middelaar on EU Green Deal Industrial Plan
Following developments in the US, the EU has now also opened the door for large-scale State aid to its own sustainable industries. A means to curb China’s power. However, this plan is driving the EU and the US apart.
Het op atomaire schaal afbeelden van chemische reacties op oppervlakken
Inaugural lecture
Faculty of Science says goodbye to Dean Geert de Snoo
During the farewell reception on 29 August, the Faculty of Science will say goodbye to Dean Geert de Snoo. On 1 November 2019, he will continue his career as Director of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW). Colleagues talk about his significance for ecology, about his contribution as a…
Leiden University honours Lex van der Eb with University Medal
Leiden University has awarded its prestigious University Medal to Emeritus Professor Lex van der Eb. As a pioneer in genetics and molecular biology, he received this honour for his services to science and his key role in the development of the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP).
Floor van Meer receives news Trial & Error Award
Psychologist Floor van Meer won the first Trial & Error Award for her research on the effect of being distracted while eating on eating behavior. This award from the Journal of Trial & Error (JOTE) honors the often underappreciated aspect of research: learning from errors. For her publication, Van Meer…
Jaap van den Herik receives royal distinction on his retirement
Jaap van den Herik was appointed Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau on 8 October on his retirement as professor of Law and Information Technology.
"Storia de Nhas Pais" interviews’ collection officially handed over to Rotterdam City Archive
A collection of interviews from the oral history project
Conferencia de la Prof.dr. Sayak Valencia en el X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx
El viernes 3 de noviembre a las 11.15 tendremos el gusto y honor de escuchar a la Prof.dr. Sayak Valencia en el marco del X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx. Prof.dr. Sayak Valencia (Tijuana, Mexico, 1980) impartirá la segunda conferencia plenaria del X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx bajo el título:…
Leraar VHO
Leraar worden in het voortgezet onderwijs? Bekijk dan deze video.
- Windows workspace and servers
- Windows workspace and servers
Planetary Thinking in the Era of Global Warming
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Susanna Lindberg On the acceptance of her position of professor of Continental Philosophy at the Universiteit Leiden on Monday November 20, 2023
- Windows workspace and servers
- Windows workspace and servers
- Windows workspace and servers
- Windows workspace and servers
- Windows workspace and servers
- Windows workspace and servers
- Windows workspace and servers
Bienvenidos a la Universidad de Leiden
¡Bienvenidos a la Universidad de Leiden! Estamos encantados de que estés interesado/a en conseguir tu doctorado en nuestra universidad.
Bem-vindos à Universidade de Leiden
Bem-vindos à Universidade de Leiden! Estamos muito contentes com o seu interesse em fazer um doutorado aqui.
- Meet our staff
Hoe gaan we om met oplopende spanningen? ‘De keuze is: vechten of praten’
‘A Muslim and a Jew in the house of God.’ This is how historian Nadia Bouras introduced her recent conversation with colleague Sara Polak in Leiden’s Hooglandse Kerk. They discussed the rising tensions since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war. ‘Dare to ask each other questions.’
Conferencia de Margarita Mateo en Leiden
Es un placer y un gran honor poder contar con la participación de la Prof.dr. Margarita Mateo Palmer durante el X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx. Impartirá una conferenica plenaria bajo el título “Nombrar las cosas: avatares transhispánicos en Cuba” el Jueves 2 de Noviembre a las 9.45 en el edificio…
Sedes del X Congreso de la AHBx
Ya se acerca el X Congreso Internacional Transhispanismos: contactos y contagios, que se llevará a cabo en las ciudades de Leiden (1, 2 y 3 de Octubre), y La Haya (4 de Octubre).
Professor Wim van den Doel new leader of Leiden-Delft-Erasmus partnership
The Executive Boards of Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam have appointed Professor Wim van den Doel as leader of the LDE alliance as of 1 February 2020. He was previously on the Executive Board of the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and Dean of the Faculty…
World History For International Studies
Studying change in the course of human history, in different places, through the lens of a diverse set of core themes; World History for International Studies offers readers a set of windows into different debates historians have been conducting.
Nubian Voices II
New Texts and Studies on Christian Nubian Culture
History of the Humanities: Stories, Sources, and Challenges
What is the history of the humanities? What does this new field look like? How does it relate to the history of science or to the history of individual disciplines (linguistics, history, media studies)? And how can you participate?
Indonesian-Dutch Literature Collective
The aim of the Indonesian-Dutch Literature Collective (which is allied to the Society of Dutch Literature (MNL)) is to support research into the literature of and about the Dutch Indies, from the era of the Dutch East India Company to the present. Starting in 1986, the collective has published its own…
Ben Van Rompuy speaks at Brussels conference on “Competition Policy and Online Markets”
On 24 October 2018, the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe), the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel jointly organized the second “Competition Policy and Online Markets” conference in Brussels.
Scholarship in Antiquity on the Occasion of the Eightieth Birthday of Arie van der Kooij
Université de Lille - Postdoc position
The University of Lille offers four postdoc positions in the ERC Advanced Grant 2020 AGRELITA Project, « The reception of ancient Greece in pre-modern French literature and illustrations of manuscripts and printed books (1320-1550): how invented memories shaped the identity of European communities »,…
Willy de Heer in De Monitor about highly gifted children and education
Willy de Heer, who obtained a doctorate from Leiden University's Dual PhD Center, did her PhD research into giftedness and education for highly gifted children, or in other terms very easy learning children.
Science & Cinema
In films kunnen de meest wonderlijke acties plaatsvinden. Maar zijn die acties in de 'echte' wereld ook mogelijk? En in hoeverre houden filmmakers ons voor de gek? Tijdens het Leiden International Film Festival komen film en wetenschap samen.
Dynastic Juniors in Europe and Asia
Subproject of
LIBC Sylvius Lectures
You are most wellcome to join us for these lectures and gain inspiration for interdisciplinary research! Upcoming events:
the lens of the airs sérieux in the Recueils d’airs serieux et à boire de differents autheurs, 1695-1699
This dissertation examines the airs sérieux contained within the Recueils d’airs serieux et a boire de differents autheurs published by the Ballard printing house in Paris between 1695 and 1699 inclusive.
NWO grant Yra van Dijk for international Holocaust research
Yra van Dijk obtained a NWO 'Internationalisation in the Humanities' grant. Together with Ernst van Alphen she will collaborate with 8 European and Israelian partners in researching 'Digital Memory of the Holocaust'.
Studiemiddag Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden
Op maandag 2 oktober 2023 zullen vier nieuwe delen in de reeks Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden (MVN) worden gepresenteerd. Naar aanleiding van deze mijlpaal organiseren het Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis en Cultuur van de KNAW en de MVN-projectcommissie een studiemiddag…
Statistician Aad van der Vaart Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion
During a symposium in honour of his 60th birthday, statistician Aad van der Vaart received the royal award of Knight in the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands. Colleagues talk about his significance for their field and how they got to know him. ‘The collaborations with Aad have been one of the great…
Journée d'étude - Femme de pouvoir (Bruxelles)
Journée d'étude (17 novembre 2022): Femmes de pouvoir dans les principautés des anciens Pays-Bas et le royaume de France (13e-16e s.). Nouvelles recherches en histoire sociopolitique du genre.
Maartje van de Woude makes an appeal to all Leiden researchers in the field of migration, integration and borders
On 1 February 2018 Professor Maartje van der Woude (professor of Law and Society at the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society) became Associate Director of the Oxford-based Border Criminologies Network.