1,143 search results for “executive bart cml in” in the Staff website
Oekraïne conferentie 75 universele verklaring v
Universele Verklaring voor de Rechten van de Mens en het Genocide verdrag, 75 jaar Oekraine
These were Leiden University’s interdisciplinary milestones of 2023
Connecting worlds, enhancing research and teaching, and providing innovative solutions to complex social issues: that is the idea behind interdisciplinary research. In that respect, a huge amount happened at Leiden University in 2023.
Tahir Abbas promoted to full professor of Radicalization Studies: ‘I consider myself blessed to have this opportunity’
Tahir Abbas was named full professor of radicalization studies by the Executive Board. This chair, according to Abbas, is an excellent opportunity for ISGA to broaden its current focus on terrorism and political violence. Abbas was interviewed about his ambitions, writing as a form of relaxation, and…
A new administrative culture starts with us
A new administrative culture. Renewed vigour. More transparency. Will it become reality with the new government? And how do you go about achieving it? By all of us striving to change together: not just politicians, but also stakeholders, civil servants, media, and civilians. That was the conclusion…
Jasper's day
Jasper Knoester is the dean of the Faculty of Science. How is he doing, what exactly does he do and what does his day look like? In each newsletter, Jasper gives an insight into his life.
Keep track of the things you save: FGGA's data experts are here to help
Can you account for all the information and data in your possession? How do you deal with personal information? What do you do if there is a data breach? How do you save your data and are you aware of the regulations you need to adhere to while doing so? Where do you go if you are having ICT problems…
Vacancy: Part-time Programme Assistant Position: Advanced MSc International Relations and Diplomacy
Education, Organisation, Human resources
Participation in the Cultural Diversity Barometer: more insight into diversity among staff
Diversity and inclusion are core values for Leiden University, and our aim is to offer all staff and students equal opportunities. As the University lacks adequate information about the cultural diversity of our staff, this spring we are taking part for the first time in the Cultural Diversity Barometer.…
Endowed Professor Tineke Abma: ‘Help older people feel like they belong’
Older people are often approached from the perspective of their limitations when there is often much they still can and want to do. According to Professor Tineke Abma, art is a good way to continue to participate.
Former president South-Africa visits Campus The Hague
Former President Kgalema Motlanthe of South Africa gave a public lecture on Campus The Hague on 7 July. His story was about the economic transformation of Africa.
Developments Humanities Campus: Renovation of De Vrieshof starts and changed plans Lipsius South
There are some changes in the plans for the development of the Humanities Campus. The Faculty of Humanities along with the central organisation and the Real Estate department need to save costs due to the financial challenges at the faculty and the cuts in higher education. At the same time, we still…
International Studies students receive their diploma
On 1 September 2023, 280 students received their Bachelor Diploma of International Studies. The students were awarded their diplomas in the historic Pieterskerk in Leiden: the UNESCO world heritage site, where the university was originally founded in 1575. A large audience of about 700 people consisting…
Jasper's Day
Jasper Knoester is the dean of the Faculty of Science. How is he doing, what exactly does he do and what does his day look like? In each newsletter, Jasper gives an insight into his life.
1K Z1E J3 bench placed on Wijnhaven Rooftop Garden: ‘Don't be afraid to start a conversation'
‘Een goed gesprek begint met iemand écht zien.’ (A good conversation starts with truly seeing someone). That text is written on a plaque that was screwed onto a IK Z1E J3 (I see you) bench on the Wijnhaven Rooftop Garden on Monday morning. The bench acts as a symbol to create room for discussions about…
‘Lifelong development is the perfect way to connect science with society’
As well as offering students a first-rate education, Leiden University provides a wide range of training for professionals, so they can be lifelong learners. And that is not just of value to participants. ‘As a university, you start a dialogue with society to achieve better knowledge together.’
New members of the Cultural Anthropology Programme Committee
The new student members of the Programme Committee (OLC) are Pablo Pandocchi, Benjamin Maldonado, Emily Berube-Palsboll and Nico Lesenfants Ramos.
ICC President visits Leiden University: ‘Collaboration is essential in order to fight crime’
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is under intense scrutiny when it comes to prosecuting international crimes. This due to increasing conflicts worldwide. During her visit to Leiden, the President of the Court, Judge Tomoko Akane, said that the Criminal Court will not yield to threats.
Koffie met Gert Renkema, Hoofd Financieel Economische Zaken van FGGA
Twee keer per jaar vertelt Gert Renkema ons meer over het proces en de gang van zaken rondom de financiën van FGGA.
Large-format landscapes: why Northern-Netherlandish artists drew on extra-large paper outdoors
In the 16th and 17th centuries, many Northern-Netherlandish artists drew outdoors to train their hands and eyes, and to record landscapes and nature. In her inaugural lecture on 21 March 2022, Yvonne Bleyerveld, Professor by Special Appointment of Art on Paper and Parchment, draws our attention to a…
Meeting participants provide input for Strategic Plan
In its Strategic Plan Leiden University sets its direction for the coming years. A new plan will be presented next year, and in the runup to this we are organising different forms of student and staff consultation within the scope of LDN FWD (‘Leiden Forward’). A series of meetings were recently held…
Moving forward together with the personnel monitor: 'Make sure it’s not just a one-off conversation’
If you want to stay fit, you have to go to the gym regularly, and – hopefully - cleaning our teeth is something we do at least twice a day. So, why shouldn’t we keep on working on a safe and healthy work climate, HR Director Esther van Opstal asks in a conversation on where things stand now with the…
Global Ethnography alumna Elleke Schreur wins Thesis Prize
Global Ethnography alumna Elleke Schreur has won the FSW Thesis Prize 2024 and has also been nominated for the University's Thesis Prize 2024. As part of the master's programme in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Elleke's research explores how the experiences of homeless people differ…
For long, government support for veterans was lacking
For long, the government showed little empathy for military veterans with physical or psychological scars. This is what PhD research by Theo van den Doel has revealed. The Ministry of Defence looked at each case through a legal lens. Veteran support has improved enormously since, but the policy does…
Hague city councillors on working visit: ‘The Hague is becoming a real student city’
What does the University mean for The Hague? And what are researchers and students learning from the city and its residents? The Hague city councillors visited Campus The Hague on 27 September and spoke to administrators and researchers. ‘From Schilderswijk to Benoordenhout: we are a university for…
Throwback to the panel discussion about the future of archaeology
As part of the celebrations around the 25th birthday of the Faculty of Archaeology, a panel discussion on the future of archaeology was organised on December 13th. For this discussion an international panel of scholars was invited to give their perspective and enter into conversation with our Faculty…
Student Johan collaborated on three books: ‘1572 was not a celebration of tolerance’
This year marks the 450th anniversary of the Capture of Brielle by the Watergeuzen (lit. ‘Sea Beggars’) and therefore the birth of the Netherlands. Student Johan Visser is contributing to no fewer than three books about the extraordinary year of 1572.
First Workload Reduction Fund projects begin
To tackle the high workload at our university, and at the insistence of the University Council, the Executive Board launched the Workload Reduction Fund last year. The first fund-financed projects have since begun. Two staff members explain how their ideas can help others.
Europe Hub launched in European Parliament: ‘A bridge between research and policy is vital’
How can groundbreaking research help Europe tackle the huge challenges it faces? At the launch of the Leiden Europe Hub, academics and policymakers discussed this in the heart of European democracy: the European Parliament.
Meet your Graduate School – Start of your PhD
Study information, Graduate School
Food for Thought: Unhealthy Finance -Shifting Responsibilities in Society”
Lecture, Food for Thought
Meet your Graduate School – Start of your PhD
Study information, Graduate School
Victims' Rights at A Crossroads
Conference, Seminar
Programming in Python
Programming in Python
Elephants in the Room
Liveable Planet Lunch Lecture: ‘If you want to travel far, go together’: transdisciplinary collaboration for a Liveable Planet - Laurens Hessels
Liveable planet lunch meeting - Politics of Attention for the Environment: Small Steps and Big Leaps.
Mingming Hu
- Opening LUGO Community Garden In Schouwburgstraat
Results of the university elections
Bekendmaking verkiezingen
- Information session: procedure and guidelines for the organization of events
- PCNI Research Seminars 2022-2023
- Information session: procedure and guidelines for the organization of events
Results of the university elections
- Keynote speech
The colour purple: why it's important to our new Dean
During the New Year's Reception at FSW, new Dean Sarah de Rijcke gave her maiden speech. The first official moment at which she's able to share what she stands for and what to expect of her. In case you weren't there, or you want to read the speech at your own pace, below you can find the integral copy…
Dies Natalis
University ceremony
Dies natalis 2021
University ceremony
LUCIR/Grotius Centre roundtable: Preventing ‘repeat mistakes’ in war
Qualitative interviewing