2,277 search results for “cognitive and language” in the Public website
Health psychologist Jos Brosschot professor by special appointment
Jos F. Brosschot has been appointed as a professor by special appointment on the chair ‘psychophysiological mechanisms of stress in daily life’. This chair has been created by the Foundation for Research into Psychosocial Stress.
this is how you create a dictionary for an unknown Middle Eastern language
Leiden scholars succeeded in making Arabic accessible to Western academic communities as early as the sixteenth century. But how did they approach this problem?
Le tifinagh au Niger contemporain: Étude sur l’écriture indigène des Touaregs
In this dissertation a large corpus of letter signs and texts gathered during fieldwork in Niger, and to a lesser extent Mali and Burkina Faso is used to show the graphemic diversity of the traditional script of the Tuaregs, tifinagh, and to analyze the orthographic system.
Funding for science communication on deaf community and on losing your way
Two Leiden University science communication projects have been awarded a WECOM grant through the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA). One project is a study of the history of the deaf community in the Netherlands and the other is of a condition that causes people to lose their way.
Development & Disease in Animal Sciences
Animal Sciences’ contributions to the Development & Disease research theme include the mechanisms and evolution of embryonic development, the development of cognitive mechanisms, and animal models for understanding mechanisms of human disease.
About our research
Our research covers a very broad terrain and has a strong disciplinary basis across a wide range of scientific disciplines and fields.
Research of the Methodology & Statstics unit of the Institute of Psychology at Leiden University.
Theory and practice of linguistic stylistics
The linguistic project constitutes the connection between the two other subprojects. It consists of two parts.
An online self-help programme for people with HIV and depressive symptoms
To investigate the effectiveness of an online self-help programme for people with HIV and depressive symptoms.
ISA - Intervention for Social Anxiety in children and youth
Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common disorders in children and young people. Social anxiety is characterized by excessive fear and avoidance of social situations. The primary fear in children with social anxiety is that they will be negatively judged by others. To date, the most frequently…
Style in Dutch literary prose
Terms used by literary critics in characterizing the style of novels are often impressionistic (‘baroque’, ‘austere’, ‘vivid’, ‘cerebral’ etc.). Foundations for such evaluations are usually not provided. A scientific way of studying and explaining style is lacking in present day Dutch Studies. Suzanne…
Programme structure
The master's specialisation Clinical Psychology consists of three main parts: the mandatory and elective courses, a thesis and an internship.
The effect of an Emotional Working Memory training on emotion regulation capacities in Borderline Personality Disorder
Does an Emotional Working Memory Training show a beneficial transfer effect on emotion regulation (reappraisal) capacities in patients with Borderline Personality Disorder?
Data based decision making processes in secondary education
How can teachers be motivated by their students’ data in making stepwise changes to their teaching practices?
Religious Narratives as Plausibility Structures
Religions involve belief in the unbelievable: in evil spirits causing disease, in souls surviving death, and in gods punishing wrongdoers and blessing the just. Cognitive studies suggest that humans are predisposed to speculate about fate and divine agency, but support from so-called ‘plausibility structures’…
International Mother Language Day: Mother Languages in Motion
Neural correlates of vocal learning in songbirds and humans: cross-species fMRI studies into individual differences
Vocal learning is a trait shared by songbirds and humans. It is also a trait that is restricted by the brain rather than by a species' vocal apparatus. In this dissertation, functional MRI is employed in both species in order to explore potential common neural mechanisms underlying the ability to develop…
Three Leiden PhD candidates awarded Mosaic 2.0 scholarships
Three PhD candidates from Leiden University have been awarded a Mosaic 2.0 scholarship for their PhD research. The Dutch Research Council (NWO) Mosaic 2.0 programme is aimed at an underrepresented group of graduates with a migrant background.
Sophia Nauta
Faculty of Humanities
Language diversity, education, and activism in multilingual Mexico
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
Hanna Swaab
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Conference on Multilingualism 2019: a bird's eye view
Over 80 speakers from around 15 different countries came together to discuss the latest developments in multilingualism during the Conference on Multilingualism 2019 (COM2019). This year’s conference was hosted by Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) at Leiden University.
Classics (800 BCE - 600 CE)
This research cluster aims to analyse and interpret the formation and transmission of Graeco-Roman culture by exploring the relationships between cultural products (texts, objects, practices) and their societal and historical contexts.
Over Babylab
Our research is done at two different locations.
Parenting, Child Care and Development
The programme group Parenting, Child Care and Development studies how parents and other educators affect children's development, well-being and health. The emphasis is on the child's social, emotional and cognitive development and prevention of problems in these areas.
Psychology Lab on Wheels
The mobile lab, the Psychology Lab on Wheels, brings science to the general public!
LIBC Support
The LIBC is a network focusing on science valorisation and outreach, stimulating interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and expertise on topics related to brain and cognition. Get to know the support team.
Speech Prosody is the biennial meeting of the Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG) of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).
Applied Psychometric and Sociometric Modeling
This research team is concerned with the measurement and modelling of behaviour, cognition, and unobserved traits (e.g., latent variables, missing data). Central aims include the distillation of a complex set of features into lower-dimensional representations (e.g., factor analysis, IRT), determining…
Sleep & ADHD
De wereld van taalwetenschap
Taal als sleutel tot het begrijpen van de mens.
About us
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) is a reputable institute in the field of linguistics, offering excellent research and education opportunities covering a broad range of languages of the world.
Coping With the Gods
Inspired by a critical reconsideration of current monolithic approaches to the study of Greek religion, this book argues that ancient Greeks displayed a disquieting capacity to validate two (or more) dissonant, if not contradictory, representations of the divine world in a complementary rather than…
- Study Programmes
European Day of Languages
- Career prospects
Language as a weapon: alumna Femke Eisma is the spokesperson for the government commissioner on sexual violence
It is one of the most talked-about subjects right now: how do we eradicate sexual harassment and violence? Alumnus Femke Eisma is the spokesperson for Mariëtte Hamer, the government commissioner tasked with tackling this persistent social problem. Eisma studied the Dutch language at Leiden. How is her…
A Persian love story and the creation of a rock classic
What is the name of the medieval Persian poet Nezami (✞ ca. 1209) doing on the cover of an Eric Clapton rock album? Asghar Seyed Gohrab, associate professor at the Institute for Area Studies, talks about it in a new blog for the Leiden Medievalists Blog.
The syntax of verbal pseudo-coordination in English and Afrikaans
This dissertation provides a systematic description of English and Afrikaans verbal pseudo-coordination and a formal analysis couched in the Minimalist program.
Becoming Literate by Means of the internet
Florian Schneider
Faculty of Humanities
Lettie Dorst
Faculty of Humanities
Language that comforts: The power of communication in healthcare
For people who are seriously ill, an empathetic doctor can make a world of difference. Psychologist Janine Westendorp examined helpful and harmful communication in the consulting room. ‘It’s very important to stress that you are always there supporting the person, even if there’s no cure.’
ERC grant for Jan Vonk: 'Mathematics is the most powerful language to describe our universe'
On 22 November, Leiden scientist Jan Vonk received an ERC starting grant for his research on the building blocks of mathematics. This grant is not his first this year: in fact, this July Vonk also received a Vidi from NWO. Four questions to the scientist who got two grants this year.
Leiden University aims to equip its students for the world of tomorrow. All our teaching programmes promote international knowledge, global awareness and intercultural skills.
Career prospects
The Law and Digital Technology programme of Leiden University prepares you for a variety of successful careers in an ever-advancing global field.
Italian Literature and Culture (MA)
This MA programme offers an excellent qualification in Italian literature and culture on an advanced level through lectures and seminars led by specialists in the field.
Career prospects
Find out more about the career opportunities after finishing the Air and Space Law programme. The programme prepares you for a successful career..
Psycholinguistic research
Career prospects
What are the possibilities after completing the ICCL programme? We will tell you more about the career prospects in the international legal practice