344 search results for “perspectief 2024” in the Public website
Pluricentriciteit in de taalgeschiedenis
On the 19th of April, Iris van de Voorde successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Iris on this achievement!
Regulatory Burden from a Different Perspective
On Wednesday 25 January 2017 Esmeralda Vergeer will defend her doctoral thesis Regeldruk vanuit een ander perspectief (Regulatory burden from a different perspective). The supervisor of the research is Professor W.J.M. Voermans.
Kaiser Spring Lectures: De geologie van het zonnestelsel: de prachtige planetaire paralellen van tastbare gesteenten en inspirerende landschappen
GTGC Conference 2024
GTGC looks back on another successful edition of its annual conference. From 5 to 7 June, the programme held its third international conference, this year with the theme 'Emerging Trends in Global Governance'.
Europese productnormen en privaatrechtelijke normstelling
On 10 June 2020, Gitta Veldt defended her thesis 'Europese productnormen en privaatrechtelijke normstelling'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. H.J. Snijders.
Intelligence and Security
The Intelligence and Security Research Group at Leiden University explores how intelligence and security services function within political, bureaucratic, and societal contexts, and how their methods can be enhanced.
ELS@Leiden research encompasses a wide range of empirical-legal projects carried out within Leiden Law School from the perspective of multiple disciplines and methods. Here you can find the publications of our (former) lab members since the start of the Sector Plan.
Speckmann Awards 2024
‘The care of an au pair' is chosen as the best Fieldwork NL report and 'The unruly reality of a new government' as the best master's thesis. Lila van Grieken, Annika Kruger, Benjamín Maldonado Fernández and Holly Zijderveld and Mony Klaus receive the Speckmann Award 2024.
memoriam: Alexander Hendrik (Sander) de Groot (3 april 1943 - 1 april 2024)
Op maandag 1 april 2024 stierf onze leermeester, vriend en gewaardeerd collega Dr. Alexander Hendrik de Groot (Sander).
Summer School 2024: ‘The Origins of Archives’ (18-20 June 2024)
The Huizinga Institute research network “Archives of Power/The Power of Archives” will offer an interdisciplinary summer school on the various and complex origin stories of archives. The summer school will take place at the University of Amsterdam from 18 to 20 June 2024.
Medieval Studies Day 2024: Pe(s)ts to Parchment (Ghent, 8 November 2024)
On November 8, the annual Medieval Studies Day will take place, organized by the Flemish Medievalist Association, in cooperation with the Henri Pirenne Institute Ghent. This year’s theme is Pe(s)ts to Parchment: Multidisciplinary Research on Animals in the Middle Ages. On the evening of 7 November,…
LCCP Research Seminar Program Spring 2024
The seminar is dedicated to the research and work in progress of Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy staff and doctoral students. It also welcomes guest speakers.
Annual Overview 2024
2024 was an eventful year for the Faculty of Humanities. Despite becoming the centre of political discussion and budget cuts as faculty ourselves, exceptional research projects were carried out and new initiatives were launched.
Save the date: Mmmonk School 2024
Mmmonk en het Henri Pirenne Instituut voor Middeleeuwse Studies (UGent) organiseren eind 2024 de tweede editie van Mmmonk School: Lessen voor gevorderde beginners rond het middeleeuwse boek. Mmmonk School biedt een interdisciplinair praktijkgericht programma over middeleeuwse Vlaamse manuscripten. Experts…
Lieke Beekers wins Young Economist Award 2024
On 28 August 2024, Lieke Beekers won the Young Economist Award 2024.
- Neerlandistiek Master Universiteit Leiden
Institute of Security and Global Affairs
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) focuses on multidisciplinary research and education within the international scientific field of security studies.
LECTIO Visiting program 2023-2024
LECTIO, the KU Leuven Institute for the Study and Transmission of Texts, Ideas and Images in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, invites applications for its Visiting Program 2023-2024. Deadline for submissions: May 31.
Psychology Media Presentation 2024
Also in 2024, our colleagues from the Institute of Psychology were visible in the media in various ways. Check out their appearances in Dutch media, from NRC to the Podcast psychologist.
Launch D&I Calendar 2024-2025
The Faculty of Humanities is proud to launch its new D&I Calendar for the academic year 2024-2025. This calendar is an effort to build awareness and cultural understanding of important religious holidays and other special observances of the diverse groups within our academic community.
Launch D&I Calendar 2023-2024
The Faculty of Humanities is proud to launch its new D&I Calendar for the academic year 2023-2024. This calendar is an effort to build awareness and cultural understanding of important religious holidays and other special observances of the diverse groups within our academic community.
Pieter Slaman wins 2024 LUS Teaching Prize
Pieter Slaman, Assistant Professor at the Institute of History and the University’s university historian, has won the 2024 LUS Teaching Prize.
Call for Papers: Indonesia 2014-2024
Editors: Irene Hadiprayitno, Elena Burgos Martinez, and Rizal Shidiq (Leiden Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University, the Netherlands)
Writing retreat COI book project March 2024
From March 13-15, 2024, the authors participating in the book project of the Institutions for Conflict Resolution research group went away for a writing retreat in the green spaces of Soesterberg.
Christopher Green wins Education Prize 2024
Christopher Green has won the Teaching Prize 2024. The assistant professor of Korea Studies was presented with the prize during the opening of the faculty year in the Hortus.
Radboud Ancient and Medieval Lecture Series (Feb-June 2024)
The chair group of Ancient and Medieval History at the Radboud University organizes a series of lectures that are held between February and June 2024. The exact dates and titles can be found in the programme below.
GTGC at the International Studies Association Convention 2024
Two of GTGC's core staff members participated in the 2024 edition of the convention of the International Studies Association (ISA).
Through our research, we work towards a fundamental understanding of the world and people around us. We use that knowledge to make the world a safe, healthy, sustainable, prosperous and just place.
Summer school: Medieval “Lived Religion” (Groningen, 24-28 June 2024)
The University of Groningen is organizing a summer school on the topic of Medieval “Lived Religion” this summer. In this interdisciplinary summer school Masters and PhD students will be challenged by leading specialists dealing with textual and material sources of medieval religious cultures. They will…
Summer school: Things that Matter (Groningen, June 2024)
In June 2024, the University of Groningen organizes a summer school, titled "Things that Matter". The Summer School explores challenges in digitizing source materials, questioning distinctions between physical and digital copies. It delves into the impact of virtual collections and criteria for digitization,…
Criminal law - criteria for criminalisation
One of the recurring points of discussion within the Criminal Justice research programme is the question of what behaviour should or should not fall within the scope of criminal law. This research theme is examined from a legal-dogmatic and social-scientific perspective.
Word from the LUCSoR Chair: September 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year! I hope this finds you feeling refreshed following an enjoyable and restful summer holiday season. As we start the autumn semester, I want to look back briefly by highlighting 10 significant milestones at LUCSoR from this past year (some of which I referenced in…
NWIB Visiting Professors Programme Call 2023/2024
The NWIB Visiting Professors Programme offers assistant professors, associate professors and full professors at participating universities (see below) a unique opportunity to work undisturbed in an inspiring and stimulating environment. This programme enables you to stay at one of the five Netherlands…
Inaugural lecture: Mariken Teeuwen (Leiden, 12 januari 2024)
On Friday, January 12, 2024, at 4:15 PM, Mariken Teeuwen, endowed professor at Leiden University, will assume the professorship with an inaugural lecture, titled "Perkamenten personen. De stratigrafie van het middeleeuwse boek." Interested individuals can register via the link below.
Brussels Visit Career Service 3 December 2024
On 3 December 2024, Career Service FGGA organised an inspiring excursion to Brussels for students of the faculty. The programme provided a unique opportunity to explore European institutions, organisations, and alumni living and working in this dynamic city. The group departed early in the morning from…
Who are the winners of the Psychology Prizes of 2024?
Psychology teacher of the year is Evelien Broekhof. The Master Thesis Awards are for Yanna Naeije and Arian Memarpouri. Mirjam Wever wins the PhD Paper Prize; Jip Aarts wins the PhD Wild Card: Academic Citizenship. Congratulations!
Meet our 2024 NWIB Visiting Professor: Younous Arbaoui
NVIC is delighted to host Dr. Younous Arbaoui from the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law of the VU University Amsterdam as our NWIB Visiting Professor during three months this Spring.
Call for Papers: MEMS Festival 2024 (Canterbury, 14-15 June)
The Kent University Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies organizes its annual MEMS-Festival. The festival is held in Canterbury on June 14 and 15. It offers both postgraduate and final year undergraduate students the chance to present their research in a professional academic environment to…
Spring and Summer 2024: a whole series of moves
The Humanities Campus will take further shape in 2024, with the completion of the South Cluster in February and a whole series of moves that will then take place in the spring and summer. A few highlights of the upcoming moves are described below.
Hinein? De toekomst van de politiefunctie vanuit wetenschappelijk perspectief
Inaugural lecture
Conference Schelde region (14 & 15 March 2024 , filmzaal Abdij, Middelburg)
In light of the 700th anniversary of the Treaty of Paris of 1323, Project 1323, organized by the Royal Zeeland Society of Sciences and University College Roosevelt, will focus on the scientific and public-historical events highlighting the development of the Scheldt region in the Middle Ages. Following…
Mohammed Raiz Shaffique attends Summer School on Neurorehabilitation 2024
Mohammed Raiz Shaffique, PhD candidate at eLaw and member of the European Research Council funded project on law and robotics, Safe & Sound, attended the Summer School on Neurorehabilitation (SSNR 2024) in Baiona (Spain) between 16 and 21 June.
These were Leiden University’s interdisciplinary milestones of 2024
Connecting scientific fields, enhancing research and teaching, and providing innovative solutions to complex social issues: that is the idea behind interdisciplinary research. What did the university achieve in 2024? A small sample.
Moddermanprijs 2024 toegekend aan Elco Nab
De gerenommeerde Moddermanprijs over de jaren 2022-2023 is toegekend aan Elco Nab.
Opportunity LExS Scholarship - Research Master African Studies 2024-2026
Leiden University offers one full Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LExS) to an African candidate interested in the two-year Research Master African Studies programme (ResMA AS); thus non-EEA/non-EFTA* applicants. LExS is a prestigious scholarship and includes a fee waiver up until the statutory…
Political Science Master’s thesis prize 2024: the nominees
The thesis is a major milestone for master students graduating in Political Science. It demonstrates their ability to conduct research independently and to provide a thorough, objective and sound analysis. That requires instruction, discussion, thinking and hard work. Lots of it. In some cases this…
Leiden University represents the Netherlands in 2024 Jessup International Rounds
On 16 February, Leiden University participated in the Dutch National Rounds of the 2024 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, the world's largest moot court competition featuring participants from approximately 700 law schools across the world.
Europa Institute staff attend 2024 IMISCOE Annual Conference
Moritz Jesse and Elena Kukovica attended the 2024 IMISCOE Annual Conference in Lisbon which was held from 2 to 5 July 2024.
Bas van Rijn wins Fritz Stolz-Preis 2024
LUCSoR alumnus Bas van Rijn was awarded the Fritz Stolz-Preis on 7 June 2024 for his PhD Dissertation “The Experimental Culture of Afterlife Research: Attempts by Spiritual Animal Magnetizers to Prove Life after Death”.
Education and Organisation Development