330 search results for “lang term presentatie” in the Public website
Spatial (3-D) CNS drug distribution in vivo
Another research line is the development of a spatial CNS drug distribution model, by ultimately including the 3-dimensional anatomical organization of the CNS.
Prediction of human (CNS) target site concentrations in health and disease
Prediction of human (CNS) target site concentrations in health and disease In the vision of Prof. de Lange we will only be able to predict human (central nervous system, CNS) target site concentrations and effects if we perform systematic, condition-dependent, integrative, and strictly quantitative…
Mid-Term Review 2019
As part of our quality control system, we will host the Mid Term Review (2016-2018) on 28 June 2019. In this exercise, our faculty research programmes will be evaluated by an external committee and assessed against the criteria of: scholarly quality, societal relevance and viability.
Predicting early Alzheimer's disease stage in human
A new research line is the development of liquid biopsy fingerprints to predict early Alzheimer’s disease (AD) stage in human in readily accessible body fluids in human (in collaboration with: Dr. Geert-Jan Groeneveld, CHDR; Prof. Elga de Vries, Free University Medical Center; and others).
Predictive Pharmacology
Prof. Elizabeth de Lange is concerned with the allocation of resources for the conduct of science towards the goal of best serving the public interest. Also, while she underscores that there is still the need for using animals in drug research, she is concerned about this use, and advocates the use…
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors monitors the management and administration of the University as a whole, and assists and advises the Executive Board.
Goede redenen voor foute taal: Een open symposium over taalregels in het brein en in de maatschappij
Foute taal? Bestaat niet!
Virtual Reality: binnenkort in het onderwijs aan de universiteit Leiden
Virtual Reality komt steeds dichter binnen handbereik van docenten en studenten. Hoe zou Virtual Reality kunnen bijdragen aan de leerervaringen van uw studenten? Vrijdag 19 februari, kwam een groep van ruim twintig docenten en experts af op een bijeenkomst over deze vraag in Studiecentrum Plexus. Met…
Leiden Law Practices for first year students
Leiden Law Practices (LLP)
From military intervention to long term counter-terrorism policy
The question of how military interventions can best transition to a long term counter-terrorism policy forms the core research question of three interlinked reports. This research project has been completed with support of NATO’s Science for Peace and Security Programme. Leiden University researchers…
Positive mid-term review Advanced LLM programmes
On Thursday 17 February 2022, a mid-term review was held for the Advanced LLM programmes Air and Space Law, European and International Business Law, International Civil and Commercial Law, Law and Digital Technologies, International Children’s Rights, European and International Human Rights Law, Public…
Employees in stronger position to negotiate terms of employment
Employees are now in a better position to negotiate the terms and conditions of their employment. This is mainly visible in wage increases and fringe benefits. Olaf van Vliet, Professor of Economics at Leiden University, spoke to NU.nl about workers' improved negotiating position.
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn about the term ‘soft target’
Since the attack of 22 may 2017 in the Manchester Arena, we have often seen the term ‘soft target’. Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn, researcher at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, took part in a Q&A about the attack in Manchester.
Predictive pharmacology
The aim of this research area is to be able to predict human drug response on the basis of mathematical models that are developed using preclinical experiments and prior knowledge.
Prediction of human gut (colon cancer) target site concentrations and PKPD relationships
The advanced insights obtained for the CNS PBPK model development are currently used to develop advanced mathematical models for drug distribution prediction in other body tissues protected by barriers, such as the gut. The gut PBPK model will be linked to drug effects for treatment of colon cancer.
New term dates for the Dutch language course
Important note: upon careful consideration, we have decided to resume our Dutch language courses.
The Division of Systems Pharmacology and Pharmacy (SPP) aims to develop precision medicine approaches to characterise and predict variation in treatment response and enhance translational drug development strategies.
Making mentoring match: Mentor teachers' practical knowledge about adaptive mentoring and individual differences between student teachers.
What practical knowledge do mentor teachers have of adaptive mentoring and of individual differences between student teachers?
Key publications
Key publications of the Quantitative Pharmacology group
Opgezogen, opgespoten en opgeraapt: Vuurstenen en hardstenen artefacten van de Zandmotor en hun sedimentaire context
Voor zowel archeologen, paleontologen en geologen als vrijwilligers in de archeologie en paleontologie is het geen verrassing meer dat op de stranden van de Nederlandse kust fraaie vondsten gedaan kunnen worden. Vele artikelen, boeken, tentoonstellingen, congressen, lezingen, ‘zoekdagen’, krantenberichten,…
Marieke Liem: ‘On the meaning of life for long-term prisoners’
Marieke Liem wrote a contribution for DJIzien, a magazine published by the Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (Ministry of Justice and Security), about her meetings with long-term prisoners. ‘For my research on long-term prisoners I made numerous visits to Dutch prisons. During these visits, I came…
Onze vroegste voorouders
De menselijke geschiedenis strekt zich ver uit vóór de tijd waarin de mensen opschreven wat er zoal gebeurde.
A recipe for desert: analysis of an extended Klausmeier model
Promotores: Arjen Doelman, Jens Rademacher, Max Rietkerk
Meta-ethiek. Methode, theorieën, ontwikkelingen
Do objectively correct solutions to ethical dilemmas exist? Or is ethics always a matter of your opinion against my opinion? How do you know what to do? What kind of thing is ethics anyway? Can you be an expert in ethics?
- Publications
Metabolomic fingerprint biomarkers to guide antibiotic therapy and reduce resistance development
Ontwikkeling van resistentie tegen antibiotica kan optreden als patiënten onnodig of te lang met antibiotica behandeld worden. Diagnostiek waarmee snel een bacteriële infectie vastgesteld kan worden, of de response op antibiotica bepaald kan worden, zijn daarom belangrijk om therapie te optimaliseren…
De eerste mensen in de Lage Landen
Nederland ligt in de periferie van het verhaal van menswording. De evolutie van onze familie vindt lang exclusief in Afrika plaats. En, als Europa eenmaal bewoond wordt door mensachtigen, ligt het zwaartepunt ten zuiden van onze streken. Toch heeft ons land een aantal interessante vindplaatsen en vondsten…
Nog meer wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland
De Nederlandse geschiedenis is nauw verbonden met die van de wereld als geheel. Door migratie, handel en kennisuitwisseling beïnvloedden mensen elkaar over grotere afstanden en intensiever dan we lang dachten. Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland toonde in meer dan honderd verhalen hoe internationaal de…
Split Jacobians and Lower Bounds on Heights
This thesis deals with properties of Jacobians of genus two curves that cover elliptic curves.
In de ban van de Ararat
Schatten uit het oude Armenië
Larissa van den Herik: The term genocide in political usage is problematic
After Zelensky and Putin, President Biden has also used the word ‘genocide’. We should not use the term genocide too loosely, says Professor of Public International Law Larissa van den Herik.
Assessor Jonatan Wirix-Speetjens chooses second term after turbulent year
After a turbulent first year as assessor, Jonatan Wirix-Speetjens starts a second term in September: 'In my second year as assessor I hope to become really decisive’, says Jonatan. We asked him about his experiences the past year and his plans for the coming academic year
Anne-laura van Harmelen about the 'Yes! No!' game over the term resilience
In Dutch magazine De Psycholoog, Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about the use of the term resilience and argues that resilience is concept that needs further explanation.
Marieke Liem talks about the term 'troubled person' in Dutch magazine Elsevier
In Dutch magazine Elsevier, Marieke Liem explains the issues with using the term ‘troubled person‘ in reports on homocide.
The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics
The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics provides a comprehensive longitudinal overview of the state of the art of academic research on the Dutch political system: its origins and historical development, its key institutions, main fault lines, pivotal processes, and key public policy dynamics. In each…
Prediction of brain target site concentrations on the basis of CSF PK: impact of mechanisms of blood-to-brain transport and within brain distribution
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Danhof, Co-promotor: E.C.M. de Lange
The mixed Ax-Lindemann theorem and its applications to the Zilber-Pink conjecture
Promotores: Prof.dr. S.J. Edixhoven, Prof.dr. E. Ullmo (University Paris-Sud)
Political Science
The Institute of Political Science is a vibrant department with nearly 70 academic staff in Leiden and nearby The Hague.
Conflict resolution by internet platforms
The Covid-19 'infodemic' and conflict resolution by internet platforms.
Victorian Fairy Tales
Victorian Fairy Tales
Phylogeny and species delimitation within the moss genus Dicranum Hedw.
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Smets, Dr. M. Stech
Dutch people are understanding the term ‘violence’ to mean more and more
When do we say violence was used in an incident? The answer may seem obvious at first. But interim results from a study by Jolien van Breen show that Dutch people are labelling events in increasingly broad contexts as violent.
What exactly constitutes genocide and when can the term be applied?
Thousands of Ukrainian children have been transferred to Russia from occupied territories in eastern Ukraine, reports say. Is this, as the government in Kyiv has claimed, an act of genocide? Defined as an intent to destroy a particular group of people, the term genocide was first coined amid the horrors…
Fang Liu reappointed Secretary General of ICAO for a second term
The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has reappointed Dr. Fang Liu of China by acclamation today as Secretary General of the UN Specialized Agency for a second three-year term, beginning 1 August 2018.
Fang Liu reappointed Secretary General of ICAO for a second term
The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has reappointed Dr. Fang Liu of China by acclamation today as Secretary General of the UN Specialized Agency for a second three-year term, beginning 1 August 2018.
Care conferences for long-term forensic patients: demand greater than supply
Care conferences for long-term residents (15+ years) in forensic mental health care are widely appreciated by all parties involved. Research by Leiden University shows that the demand for these meetings is so great that the supply cannot be met within the desired time frame.
A long-term perspective on human niche construction and alteration of ecosystems
Dr. Katharine MacDonald (Faculty of Archaeology) sketches the background to a recent paper in Science Advances, co-authored by her and other members of the Liveable Planet team.
Boekpresentatie 600 jaar Navolging van Christus van Thomas Kempis
Op 26 september vindt de boekpresentatie van de jubileumeditie en herziene vertaling van Thomas Kempis' Navolging van Christus plaats in Boekhandel Van der Velde in de Broeren in Zwolle. De presentatie begint om 20.00 uur (inloop vanaf 19u30).
Boekpresentatie: 'Woodcuts as Reading Guides' (Den Haag, 16 februari)
Op vrijdag 16 februari wordt het boek "Woodcuts as Reading Guides: How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550)", geschreven door Andrea van Leerdam, bij de KB gepresenteerd. De presentatie is gratis en voor iedereen toegankelijk. Wel is het nodig om te…
Connect & Retain: Data retention, active digital preservation and trustworthy digital archives - A myth buster talk
Webinar, Q&A, discussion