308 search results for “geophysics congress” in the Public website
Strategy and Structures along the Roman Frontier (LIMES XXV volume 2)
Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 2
- AOI 50th Anniversary
13th International Congress of Egyptologists, 2023
Dominican Republic
To what extent is the image of the Taino settlements on Hispaniola representative for the whole island, or is it only related to a few large settlements of known caciques?
Supplying the Roman Empire (LIMES XXV volume 4)
Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 4
Cities in the Greek World
Whereas when we started the first Project the chief aim was pure research, to find out more about the past in a region, now we see that the countries of Europe are faced with the great problem that there are far too many archaeological sites for them to deal with by excavation, but yet some kind of…
The team consists of
The Diving Dutchman
Promotores: Prof.dr. F. van Lunteren, Prof.dr. F.S. Gaastra
The Pontine Region Project
The Pontine Region Project (PRP) is an on-going archaeological project that aims to study the long-term history of settlement and landscape in the Pontine region
Re-assessing the environmental impact of early Roman expansion
This project aims to explore the environmental impact of early Roman expansion (4th/3rd century BC) through a program of dating and ecological sampling of traces of field systems (centuriations).
Ager Venusinus Project
The Ager Venusinus Project studies the relatively small number of recognized colonial dwellings dated securely to the period of colonization (i.e. the 3rd century BC). With a special interest in the Black Gloss ceramic typochronology
Natural Resources and Spatial Structure at Dzehkabtún, Mexico
This projects investigates spatial relations between soils and other resources and the urban layout of a classic Maya center in Campeche, Mexico.
- GeoArch Leiden
2024 Congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores
Archaeological Congress Oss
Call for Panels and Papers - 7th ENIUGH congress: ”Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional and International Perspectives”
For the upcoming conference
Global History in the 2020s
The International Summer School ‘Global History in the 2020s’ (27-29 June 2023) for PhD candidates, is looking for applicants. The summer school is organized by the European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH), and precedes the 7th European Congress on World and Global History (29 June…
Read more about the application procedure and apply now!
Exploring hidden villages in colonial and non-colonial landscapes
A project to explore the configuration of different types of settlement and its role in the evolution of landscape, both in pre-Roman times and in the so-called Colonial landscape. We used several techniques of field survey, pottery classification and other non-invasive approaches to the archaeological…
Digital Archaeology
Digital Archaeology is concerned with digital data for for archaeological research, and the computational methods and tools required to collect, analyse and manage it.
TERRA: TERraced landscape of RAmosch, Switzerland
This project investigates the well-preserved agricultural terraces of the Inn valley and the evolution of resource use in the inner Alps.
XIII Annual Convention of the Austrian and Central European Centers, 22nd – 25th October 2019 in Vienna
Impressions by Dr. Lilian Ruhe
Landscapes of Early Roman Colonization
Non-urban settlement organization and Roman expansion in the Roman Republic (4th-1st centuries BC)
Indigeneship, bureaucratic discretion, and institutional change in Northern Nigeria
‘Can he do it?’ Since the remarkable victory of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the 2015 Nigerian presidential elections, this has arguably been the most frequently posed question in Nigerian politics.
Emergency recording of Chontales style sculpture at the El Gavilán site, Central Nicaragua
The scientific interest in stone sculpture has been present in the archaeological investigation of Nicaragua from the mid 19th century onward.
7th ENIUGH congress: ”Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional and International Perspectives”
Technology and Methodology for Archaeological Practice
Practical applications for the reconstruction of the past
A Sense of the Past
Studies in current archaeological applications of remote sensing and non-invasive prospection methods edited by Hans Kamermans, Martin Gojda and Axel G.
Communities in contact
Essays in archaeology, ethnohistory and ethnography of the Amerindian circum-Caribbean
Presentations and Lectures
Members of our research team give different types of presentations and lectures.
“Leiden linguists play a key role in linguistics”
From 2 to 5 September 2015, Leiden served as the stage for one of the world’s largest linguistics conferences: the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) 2015 Annual Meeting. Marianne Mithun, a professor at University of California, Santa Barbara and outgoing president of the SLE, is not surprised that…
- Materiality of Diplomacy (incl. Gift Giving in Diplomacy)
- Cold War
- Parliamentary Diplomacy
Events in Probability
Seminars, conferences, and events you might be interested in:
Campaigning Culture and the Global Cold War
This book explores the lasting legacy of the controversial project by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, funded by the CIA, to promote Western culture and liberal values in the battle of ideas with global Communism during the Cold War.
On these pages you will find information on the research that is being conducted at each of the participating universities as well as the funding programme set up by the Research School.
Rudaz Serge
School of pharmaceutical sciences, University of Geneva - Switzerland
The Revolution That Failed: Reconstruction in Natchitoches
The chaotic years after the Civil War are often seen as a time of uniquely American idealism—a revolutionary attempt to rebuild the nation that paved the way for the civil rights movement of the twentieth century. But Adam Fairclough rejects this prevailing view, challenging prominent historians such…
- Online catalogue
The Hanse in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
The contributions in this volume seek to highlight the atypical features of the Hanse, and place them in a wider context of common roots, influences and parallel developments.
Democratization and political terrorism: The formation and destruction of the two-party system in the Red River Valley of Louisiana, 1865-1868
The project examines the political conflict in the Red River Valley of Louisiana between the majority-black Republican Party and the overwhelmingly white Democratic Party by studying the composition and actions of each party.
The Legacy of J. William Fulbright: Policy, Power, and Ideology
This collection of essays details the political life of one of the most prominent and gifted American statesmen of the twentieth century. From his early training in international law to his five terms in the US Senate, J. William Fulbright (1905--1995) had a profound influence on US foreign policy,…
Visits to Leiden
Leiden University regularly welcomes members of the Royal Family to attend opening ceremonies, lectures, presentations and unveilings of works of art.
The Three Dimensions of Archaeology
Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain). Volume 7/Sessions A4b and A12
Teacher meeting on Physics research and education
On the evening of Tuesday January 31st, the physics institute organizes its triannual meeting for over seventy high school teachers. The program consists of lectures on developments in modern physics and the latest initiatives in the world of education.
The buried ‘towers’ of Angkor Wat
Just behind the entry gate of Angkor Wat, known as Gopura 4 West, through which every year millions of tourists enter the most iconic temple of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, ground-penetrating radar surveys revealed a set of masonry structures: six ‘tower’ bases in geometrical alignment, possibly…
- History of Diplomacy
Power in the Sands: A Monumental Desert Gateway to the Roman World at Udhruh (Jordan)
This project aims to excavate and date the setting of the east gate of the Roman fortress of Udhruḥ. This will be compared with other Diocletianic military installations from the region. We also hope to retrieve another gate inscription which can shed light on the function and political embedding of…
Remote sensing for Roman Mallorca with a Chastelain-Nobach fund
For the past 2 years, Dr Letty ten Harkel has been jointly running an excavation project of a suspected Roman villa site on the Balearic island of Mallorca with colleagues Dr Antoni Puig Palerm and Ritchie Kolvers, MA. The project was recently awarded a LUF Chastelain-Nobach fund to explore the extend…