1,557 search results for “fox quantum optics an in production” in the Public website
Quantum Information Science & Technology (MSc)
Quantum Information Science & Technology (QIST) encompasses the understanding, design, construction and investigation of quantum information processing systems, such as quantum computers, quantum communication networks, and quantum sensors.
Dynamics of coupled quantum systems
Thermodynamics is one of the founding scientific pillars that has helped us better understand heat engines, biology, ecosystems, and even black holes. While it fundamentally describes large systems by examining the bulk behavior of their constituents, it is anchored in the statistical equivalence of…
Quantum computation with Majorana zero modes in superconducting circuits
Promotor: C.W.J. Beenakker, Co-Promotor: A.R. Akhmerov
Ready for Quantum?! (in Dutch)
Lecture, NGL-lezing
Computational speedups and learning separations in quantum machine learning
This thesis investigates the contribution of quantum computers to machine learning, a field called Quantum Machine Learning. Quantum Machine Learning promises innovative perspectives and methods for solving complex problems in machine learning, leveraging the unique capabilities of quantum computers…
Computational optimisation of optical projection tomography for 3D image analysis
Optical projection tomography (OPT) is a tomographic 3D imaging technique used for specimens in the millimetre scale.
Tjerk Oosterkamp Lab - Microscopy and Quantum Mechanics at milliKelvin temperatures
We explore the possibilities to combine magnetic resonance techniques with atomic force microscopy together in a single microscope: the MRI-AFM, also called Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy (MRFM).
On quantum transport in flat-band materials
The studies in this thesis are focused on the physical effects in the flat band materials. The results contain the discovery of strong enhancement of RKKY spin-spin interactions with specific geometric arrangement and dynamical generation of excitonic order parameter with high magnitude.
Integer and fractional quantum hall effects in lattice magnets
Promotor: Prof.dr.ir. J.W.M. Hilgenkamp, Prof.dr. J. van den Brink
Signatures of Majorana zero-modes in nanowires, quantum spin Hall edges, and quantum dots
Promotor: C.W.J. Beenakker, Co-promotor: M.T. Wimmer
- Jordi Tura Group (Applied Quantum Algorithms)
NExt ApplicationS of Quantum Computing (NEASQC)
The NEASQC project brings together academic experts and industrial end-users to investigate and develop a new breed of Quantum-enabled applications that can take advantage of NISQ (Noise Intermediate-Scale Quantum) systems in the near future. NEASQC is use-case driven, addressing practical problems…
Julia Cramer Group - Quantum and Society
The research group ‘Quantum and Society’ explores the boundary between quantum technology and science communication.
Kaiser Spring Lectures: How photonics and sub-wavelength optics are shaping next-generation telescopes
Bhattacharyya Lab - Quantum transport in 2D materials
The research group of Semonti Bhattacharyya at the Leiden Institute of Physics studies quantum transport measurements in Van der Waals heterostructures.
Jan Zaanen Group - Quantum Matter Theory
The focus of our theoretical physics research is the nature of macroscopic matter that is in one or the other way still in the grip of quantum physics.
Seeking the boundaries of quantum mechanics
Lahabi Lab - Quantum Materials and Devices
Kaveh Lahabi's lab explores the exotic physics of quantum materials, whose underlying physics seems to have more in common with elementary particles and black holes, than ordinary metals and semiconductors.
Lasers, lenses and light curves: adaptive optics microscopy and peculiar transiting exoplanets
Promotores: Prof.dr. C.U. Keller, Prof.dr. H.C. Gerritsen
Milan Allan Lab - Understanding Quantum Matter
We are a dynamic research group at the Leiden Institute of Physics. Our aim is to explore and understand quantum materials, including strange metals, high-temperature superconductors, and quantum critical electron matter.
Strategies for braiding and ground state preparation in digital quantum hardware
With the help of quantum mechanics, digital quantum hardware may be able to tackle some of the problems that are too difficult for ordinary computers. But despite these expectations and the ongoing effort of the research community, reliable quantum computers are not yet realized in a lab setting.
Nuclear Quantum Effects in Solid Water
Ice, the solid state of water, plays an important role on our planet as well as the entire universe.Despite the fact that an individual water molecule has a very simple structure, its chemical bonding in the solid phase can be surprisingly complex.
Sense Jan van der Molen Lab - Physics of Quantum Materials
In our lab, we investigate the physics and material properties of low-dimensional systems.
Physicists send identical photons through optical fiber
Leiden physicists have created a light source that emits individual particles in an identical state through optical fibers. Using this setup, their measurements can last longer and are more efficient, meaning they can perform more in-depth research on bizarre quantum effects, such as interference and…
Optical properties of DNA-hosted silver clusters
Promotor: D. Bouwmeester, Co-promotor: D. Kraft
Painting with starlight : optical techniques for the high-contrast imaging of exoplanets
This thesis describes the development and validation of new high-contrast imaging techniques, with the ultimate goal of enabling the next generation of instruments for ELT-class telescopes to directly image Earth-like extra-solar planets orbiting around nearby stars.
Cheianov Group - Quantum Many Body Physics in Condensed Matter and Ultracold Atomic Systems
The research in my group addresses a range of topics related to quantum many-body physics.
Artifical intelligence gets a boost from quantum computing
Machine learning - on classical computers- has made great progress in the past five years. Computer translation of speech and text is just one example. In Leiden, some researchers expect that machine learning, empowered by quantum systems, even if they only contain a few dozen qubits, can lead to a…
Applied String Theory: Explaining Quantum Matter with Black Holes
Quantum critical metals at vanishing fermion flavor number
Quantum critical metals at vanishing fermion flavor number.
Semonti Bhattacharyya
Advances in computational methods for Quantum Field Theory calculations
In this work we describe three methods to improve the performance of Quantum Field Theory calculations.
Probing quantum materials with novel scanning tunneling microscopy techniques
This thesis described the development of novel scanning tunneling microscopy techniques to investigate strongly correlated electronic states in quantum matter.
Two-Prover Bit-Commitments: Classical, Quantum and Non-Signaling
This thesis considers multi-prover commitment schemes whose security is based on restrictions on the communication between the provers.
Cum laude physicist Tom O’Brien to research quantum chemistry by quantum computers
With defending his thesis ‘Applications of topology to Weyl semimetals and quantum computing’, the Leiden theoretical physicist Tom O'Brien has gained the rare 'cum laude' qualification. The freshly minted PhD has started a five year research programme on quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry, funded…
Light on the quantum computer
Physicist Martin van Exter works with light at nanoscale, at the forefront of nanocomputer research. But as Director of Education he also has a vision for physics teaching. Inaugural lecture 18 November.
Size effects in microstructured superconductors and quantum materials
We find ourselves in an era of transition, not just towards a more computing- and data-driven society but also away from unsustainable fossil fuels as an energy source.
Towards relevant quantum computers
Can we use quantum computers in a way that is also relevant to society? With the help of a 2-million-euro NWA grant, Leiden University will work with partners such as Surf, Google and Volkswagen to demonstrate that quantum computers are also of value outside the lab.
Optically stimulated luminescence dating of Palaeolithic cave sites and their environmental context in the western Mediterranean
The Western Mediterranean is a key region to understand human dispersal events within and out of the African continent as well as for the eventual replacement of Neanderthals by anatomically modern humans during the Pleistocene. Central to any conclusive interpretation of archaeological and palaeoclimatic…
Arend-Jan Quist
Breakthrough in uncrackable quantum encryption
An important discovery makes it possible to communicate complex information among multiple people without the message being cracked. The communication can also relate to complex information.
Carlo Beenakker explains quantum in de Ongelooflijke Podcast on NPOradio1
Are quantum computers the scientific breakthrough of our time? In this podcast, Carlo Beenakker, Professor of Physics at Leiden University, explains quantum technology.
Quantum Leiden creates potential for a great quantum future
Friday afternoon, 1 October. Location: one of the most vibration-free places in the world. In this setting, Leiden top scientists launched Quantum Leiden. For decades, researchers at the Faculty of Science have been investigating quantum technology at the highest level and also have been brainstorming…
Rahul Bandyopadhyay
Leiden quantum technology research very successful in funding call
No less than six Leiden projects received a grant for quantum research from the national growth programme Quantum Delta NL and the NWO. After all, in order to boost quantum technology not only industry is needed, but also science. Research towards new sensors, faster algorithms and quantum materials,…
Tricking a quantum computer to enhance its performance
Researchers found a way to run programmes that should be impossible to carry out on an imperfect quantum computer. Such programmes are very computationally demanding and the quantum computers that currently exist are not yet up to that task. Unless you use a clever trick, Simon Marshall and Vedran Dunjko…
615 million euros for quantum research
Quantum Delta NL, a research programme in which Leiden University participates, has been awarded 615 million euros from the National Growth Fund to help develop the Netherlands into a top player in quantum technology. This has been announced at the presentation of the honoured proposals in The Hague…
Development of an in vitro vascular network using zebrafish embryonic cells
How can we culture an artificial vascular network to support tissue development ex vivo?
Development of an in vitro vascular network using zebrafish embryonic cells
One of the major limitations in culturing complex tissues or organs is the lack of vascularization in the cultured tissue. Development of a functional capillary bed could overcome this problem.
1.3 million euros to catch quantum collapse
Leiden physicists Tjerk Oosterkamp and Dirk Bouwmeester have received a 1.3 million euro Science-Groot grant from NWO to catch a mystery at the core of quantum mechanics, together with Amsterdam physicist Jasper van Wezel.