229 search results for “executive bart cml in” in the Organisational structure
Governance of Sustainability (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Governance of Sustainability (MSc). General contacts Director of education Alexander van Oudenhoven Education coordinator Sammy Koning and Lieselotte van Dijk Study Adviser Sammy Koning and Lieselotte van Dijk Board of Examiners Dr.…
Industrial Ecology (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Industrial Ecology. General contacts Programme Director Dr. S. Cucurachi Programme Coordinator Drs. Paula van den Berg and Marleen Zwetsloot MSc Study Advisor Drs. Paula van den Berg and Marleen Zwetsloot MSc Board of Examiners Dr. Ir.…
Science for Sustainable Societies (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Science for Sustainable Societies (SfSS). General contacts Director of education Thijs Bosker Education coordinator - Study Adviser - Board of Examiners Dr. K.A. Stewart (chair) Dr. V. Barbarossa Dr. A.D. Rushforth (FSW, CWTS)…
Chen Li
Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
Research IT Competence Centre
The Research IT Competence Centre (RICC) focusses on research support, research datamanagement and High Performance Computing (HPC).
Hadassah Drukarch
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Research and education is being conducted at 8 institutes. Management information and contact details can be found on the web pages of the institutes: Mathematical Institute (MI) Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) Leiden Observatory Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) Leiden…
Library committee
The Library committee of the Faculty of Science consists of the following members for the period until 1 September 2022: - Prof. Dr. C.W.J. Beenakker (LION) - Dr. J.G.C. van Hasselt (LACDR) - Dr. H.J. Hoogeboom (LIACS) - Dhr. prof. dr. A. Kros (LIC) - Dr. D. E. Rozen (IBL)…
University management
The Executive Board is responsible for the efficient and effective management of Leiden University. The Board of Governors monitors the Executive Board and appoints its members. The Executive Board regularly consults the University Council, which advises the Executive Board and has a say in important…
Management Support secretariats
The secretariat of Management Support of Administration and Central Services is divided into the: • Secretariat of the Executive Board • Secretariat of Management, Legal and Security Affairs Secretariat of the Executive Board If you have any questions or would like to make…
Management Board
Responsibility The Management Board is a consultative body of the Executive Board and faculty deans. The Executive Board only reaches important decisions once it has consulted the Management Board. The faculty deans therefore contribute to the overall management of the University. What does the Management…
Meeting schedule and agenda
The University Council meets about eight times a year. In addition, the University Council regularly consults with the Executive Board. The meetings between the Executive Board and the University Council are always followed by a brief confidential Council meeting, in which advice is finalised and decisions…
On 13 May 2024, Leiden University’s Executive Board published the advice of the committee that investigated reports of unacceptable behaviour and breaches of academic integrity. These reports were about a professor from the university and their partner (a former member of the university staff). This…
Local Consultative Body
The Local Consultative Body is a form of consultation between the employer (the Executive Board) and unions. The Executive Board is represented by the member who holds the HRM portfolio and University employees are represented by three unions. These unions also participate in negotiations on the…
Faculty Board
Faculty Board is responsible for the management and organisation of the Faculty with respect to education, teaching and scholarly practice. is responsible for the administration of the Faculty. The Executive Board has delegated authority to the Faculty Board with respect to personnel, financial…
- Board of Governors
Complaints Committee for Unacceptable Behaviour
Leiden University wants to provide a pleasant and stimulating environment for its students and staff. Team spirit, respect and consideration of others are considered normal forms of conduct. The Executive Board has established the Complaints Committee for Unacceptable Behaviour to ensure an appropriate…
The authorities of the University Council are set out in the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW; Dutch only) and the University Council Regulations. The University Council has the right of consent, consultation right and right of initiative. Right of consent For some decisions,…
Institute Council
Tasks The Intitute Council has an advisory function with respect to the tasks to be carried out by the Executive Board of the Institute of Psychology. provides advice to the Faculty Board regarding the composition of the Executive Board of the Institute of Psychology. Members The Executive Board…
Board of Deans / Doctorate Board
Responsibility The Board of Deans is a consultative structure for all faculty deans. The Board also acts as Doctorate Board. This is specified in the Leiden University PhD Regulations. What does the Board of Deans/Doctorate Board do? Acting as the Doctorate Board: conferring doctorates and honorary…
Policy regulation regarding sexual offences against minors
In light of the serious nature of sexual offences against minors, the details of any case that arises must be handled with the utmost care and confidentiality. In addition to the student involved, the concerns of other persons involved must also be borne in mind. The Executive Board is the designated…
Management Support
Responsibilities Management Support is responsible for: coordinating the meetings of the Executive Board advising on operational management advising on legal affairs advising on security affairs organising PhD defence ceremonies ICT coordination of Administration and Central Services…
Committee for Appeals and Objections
You can contact this Committee in the following cases: If you wish to object to a written decision that affects you directly, such as a negative assessment or if your job is to be discontinued, you can lodge an objection within six weeks of the date of the decision. If you disagree with…
Faculty Board
The faculty is headed by the Faculty Board, consisting of the Dean (research portfolio and also chairman), a board member with the portfolio education (also Deputy Dean), a board member with the portfolio of financial management and a student member (the assessor). The Faculty Board is responsible for…
Career Committee
The Faculty of Archaeology has a Faculty Career Committee. At the request of the Faculty Board or Department Chairs, this committee advises on promotion and appointment requests.
Ester Segers
Paul de Hoog
Harm Keidel
Sonja Kwant
Jasper Williams
Management Affairs
Responsibilities The responsibilities of Management Affairs include preparing and coordinating the meetings of the Board of Governors, Executive Board, University Council, Management Team and Employee Council. Rector's Office The Rector’s Office is part of Management Affairs and is responsible…
The Institute of Psychology is managed by the Executive Board and the Board of Education. The Institute Council advises the Executive Board in carrying out their tasks. Additionally various committees make specialised contributions, such as the Research Ethics Committee or the Board of Examiners. Students…
University Council
The University Council (UR) is a democratically elected participation body in which students and staff of the University are represented. The Council is composed of eight staff members and eight student members from all faculties and supporting services. Leiden University currently has three staff…
Organisational structure
This website provides an overview of the organisational structure of Leiden University. Here you can find contact details of secretariats, staff lists by department, co-participation bodies, and regulations. About the University Leiden University has seven faculties in the arts, sciences and social…
Strategic Communication and Marketing directorate
The Strategic Communication and Marketing (SC&M) directorate develops and executes marketing and communication policies for Leiden University. SC&M advises the Executive Board and assists faculties with their marketing and communication. What does the directorate do? It contributes to the realisation…
Board of Examiners
The executive board of the Board of Examiners consists of the following members: Jan Jansen (chair) Jasmijn Rana Mark Westmoreland Sissy Hofmeester (secretary) Freek Colombijn (external member)
University Council
The Council monitors the activities of the Executive Board, issues solicited and unsolicited advice and has a say in important decisions. Read more about the University Council >>
Selection and Placement Committee
The Selection and Placement Committee takes care of the preparation and execution of the numerus fixus procedure in the bachelor’s programmes of the Institute of Political Science.
Faculty Board & Faculty Office
Maarja Beerkens Ad interim Vice Dean Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs Niels Laurens Executive Director Sterre Burmeister Assessor Koen Caminada Dean Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Treasury Statute
The Executive Board observes the provisions of these statutes for its financing and investment policy. These documents are only available in Dutch.
Social and Behavioural Sciences
The faculty's education and research is executed by five institutes: Centre for Science and Technology Studies Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology Education and Child Studies Political Science Psychology
- Rules and Regulations Board of Examiners ISGA
Faculty Regulations Archaeology
The Faculty Regulations describe the organisation of the Faculty of Archaeology, the research goals, and which programmes and research departments are part of the faculty. The regulations are enacted by the Faculty Council and approved by the University Executive Board.
Committee on Whistleblowing
The national Committee on Whistleblowing investigates known or suspected malpractices, and issues recommendations to the Executive Board. Universities have chosen to cooperate in this appointment of committee members. They will appoint the same group of committee members for each university, enabling…
Mandate Regulation for Faculty Boards, the ASCL, the Honours Academy, ICLON and IIAS
These Mandate Regulations state who has what authority to act on behalf of Leiden University. The Executive Board grants the mandates.
Guidelines for retraction of publications
When a breach of academic integrity in research is proven, the Executive Board of Leiden University or the Board of Governors of the LUMC can decide, following advice from the Academic Integrity Committee, that publications based on the research must be retracted. The retraction guidelines describe…
Service units
The Administration and Central Services department supports the Executive Board (CvB) in managing Leiden University. The service units performs tasks on behalf of administrative units (CvB, faculties). There are eight service units: Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) ICT Shared Service…
Academic Integrity Committee
The Academic Integrity Committee investigates suspected violations of academic integrity by employees of Leiden University. The Committee is composed of professors from all faculties. The Academic Integrity Committee consists of two chambers: a chamber where complaints can be filed for suspected violation…
Employee Councils
Employee Councils are composed of staff members who represent the University staff. The employee council serves a body for consultation, information, communication and advice. In its work, the employee council follows the Employee Council Regulations, adopted by the Executive Board. The Employee Council…
Regulations of the Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
The Faculty Regulations of Governance and Global Affairs outline, among other things, how the faculty is organised, its objectives regarding research, and which programmes, research institutes, and centres of expertise fall under the faculty's remit. The regulations are adopted by the Faculty Board…