208 search results for “alle” in the Organisational structure
Procedural regulation for establishing chairs and appointing professors
Would you like to know more about the procedures for establishing and filling a chair and recruiting and appointing regular professors and professors by special appointment? You can read all about it in Appendix 4 of the Policy for Appointing Professors.
Institutes Councils
Institutes have an Institute Council, consisting of a representation of the scientific staff and members of the management staff of the institute. This council has the task: advising the Faculty Board on the composition of the Institute's board and consulting with and advising the Institute's…
Plexus Advisory Group
Plexus Student Centre is there for the needs of all students. The Plexus Advisory Group advises Plexus management during regular meetings. All manner of day to day issues are addressed, from smoking by the exit, to requests for subsidies (SOS) and facilities for student organisations. Both independent…
Office for International Education
The Office for International Education deals with all aspects related to international education at Leiden Law School.
PhD Regulations
The PhD Regulations are established by the Doctorate Board. The regulations set out who is eligible to be a PhD candidate, what the tasks of the supervisor and co-supervisor are and which criteria the dissertation has to meet. 2024 PhD Regulations The 2024 PhD Regulations became effective…
Institute Council
The Institute Council advises the Institute Board on all issues concerning the Institute of Political Science. Its members are elected; they serve a two-year term. Members 2024-2026 Institute Council Jelena Belic Nicolas Blarel Stefan Cetkovic Maartje van Diest Corinna Jentzsch Daniëlle Lovink Floris…
Alcohol policy FGGA
Leiden University takes the position that work and alcohol are not compatible. An employee's performance decreases and the risk of workplace accidents increases. In addition, an addiction can have negative consequences for cooperation, work environment and reputation. This view is expressed for all…
Research Committee
The Research Committee of the Faculty of Archaeology advises the Faculty Board –requested or not- about matters that (directly) concern the research projects that are carried out by the Faculty members. The Research Committee advises the Graduate School of Archaeology on PhD research proposals of internal…
Regulation for remuneration of board and committee members
Committee and board members may, in some cases, be entitled to a remuneration, for instance, in the case of attendance at meetings or travel expenses incurred. Questions about who qualifies for this and when, and how much the compensation entails are all answered in this regulation. This document is…
Board of Advice
The Board of Advice advises the Institute Board on all matters concerning the Institute. The advice relates mainly to strategic issues and future plans. Composition • Ms. A.W.H. Bertram • Mr. C.A. Fonteijn • Mr. N. Ph. Geelkerken • …
Teaching Fellows
LUC employs external teaching fellows from Leiden University or other universities and academic institutions to teach one or more courses at LUC. The vast majority of the external teaching fellows are active researchers and firmly embedded in the research groups at their home faculty. This contributes…
Faculty examination Procedure
The rules set out in this procedure apply to the exams for all study programmes at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FSW). There are two 'sorts' of exams: Regular exams (Pieter de la Court Building/USC) Exams with special provisions for students with a disability (always in…
Graduate School Archaeology
The Leiden University Graduate School of Archaeology (GSA) coordinates the admission and registration procedures of all PhD researchers with a PhD graduation planned at the Faculty of Archaeology. The GSA monitors the full PhD track, from admission to graduation, supports (financially) both PhD ‘bottom…
Institute for Philosophy
The members of the Institute for Philosophy study all aspects of philosophy. In our research we seek a fruitful interaction between systematic and historical approaches to philosophy, and we thrive on intensive national and international collaboration. Our research focuses on Political Philosophy and…
Administrative Shared Service Centre
Every employee and student needs professional support they can rely on to help them navigate processes, systems and document management. The Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) provides high-quality support to all staff and students. Around 135 people work within the ASSC, supporting staff and…
Leidse Academische Gemeenschap
What do we want? Our main goal is simple: a healthy academic community at Leiden University, one in which its members –students and staff members from every segment of the university alike – feel at home and where their voices are heard and listened to. Our goals To help establish…
- Course and Examination Regulations Arts and Culture (research) (MA)
Employer Copyright Regulations
The Employer’s Copyright Regulations outline Leiden University’s copyright policy for different types of research and teaching output. They explain that the employee owns the copyright on publications (as defined in the Regulations) and the employer – Leiden University – owns the copyright on other…
Regulations on Working for Third Parties
The Regulations on Working for Third Parties (log in required) describe the correct way to acquire funding from third parties. They apply not only to research activities but also, for instance, to teaching and to services provided in the public arena. The Regulations specify how you…
- Course and Examination Regulations History (MA)
- Course and Examination Regulations Literary Studies (research) (MA)
Boards of Admission
Every MA programme has its own Board of Admissions, which determines, on the basis of the requirements of the MA programme concerned, whether a student can be admitted to that programme; if a student does not meet the requirements, the Board of Admissions specifies how he/she can still meet the…
Rules and Regulations of the Honours Academy Board of Examiners
The Rules and Regulations (see file at the bottom of this page) apply to all examinations (tentamens) and final examinations (examens) in the context of honours education at Leiden University. This entails the following programmes: Pre-University College Pre-University Classes Honours College Bachelor…
Registration research output
All researchers at Leiden University use LUCRIS Publication Management (PM) to deposit their publications in Leiden University Scholarly Publications, a database of publications by academics from and institutions affiliated to Leiden University. Wherever possible, publications should be Open Access…
- Course and Examination Regulations Arts, Literature and Media
Student psychologists
If you are registered as a student of Leiden University, you can use the services of the student psychologists.
English Language and Culture
English language and culture is broader than Great Brittain. English is a global language. For approximately 380 million people it is their mother tongue and more than a billion people speak English as a second language. Learn to master the language, know all about Anglo-Saxon culture and communicatie,…
- Course and Examination Regulations European Politics and Society (MA)
Course and Examination Regulations (OER) Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
All Course and Examination Regulations (OER) for the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology.
Regulations relating to the ombudsperson
All students of Leiden University have the right to request the ombudsperson in writing to instigate an investigation into the way in which an adminstrative unit or employee of the university has acted in a particular instance towards them. Article 1: Definitions Article 2: The ombudsperson Article…
Employee Council Real Estate
The Employee Council Real Estate represents all real estate personnel and regularly consults with the real estate management. The starting point is the proper functioning of real estate. The employee council raises relevant issues in the field of health and safety, work experience, training and…
Standing as a candidate
Candidates who stand for election accept the responsibilities that come with a potential council seat. Students receive financial compensation, while staff members are granted time off from their regular duties. The responsibilities vary depending on the council: The University Council meets every…
Language policy
The Guidelines on Language Policy set out agreements on the level of language competence of lecturers, staff and students, the language of instruction, the dual language of our communications and the language used within the University administration. Dual language university English is the lingua…
Human Resources
The HR department (Human Resources) of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences proactively provides advice and feedback on the development, implementation and operation of HR policies. Society is evolving. This demands a different way of working and collaborating, and new skills that prioritise…
Corporate Communications
With our corporate communications, we communicate about the university as a whole. The cornerstone is expressing our identity and creating the image we wish to convey. Enhancing and maintaining the university’s reputation is a key goal of corporate communications.
Confidential Counsellor for PhD Candidates
Since 2018, Leiden Law School has a confidential counsellor for PhD candidates. As a PhD candidate you can experience problems in the relationship with your supervisor or co-supervisor, your immediate superior, colleagues or other PhD candidates. If you are unable to solve these problems, even…
External PhD candidates
Leiden Law School offers the possibility of becoming an external (non-funded) doctoral candidate. External PhD candidates should have a research proposal that fits one of the faculty's current research programmes and the expertise of the intended supervisor(s).
- Course and Examination Regulations Linguistics (research) (MA)
- Course and Examination Regulations North American Studies (MA)
- Course and Examination Regulations Linguistics (BA)
UFB Employee Council
The UFB Employee Council represents the staff of the University Services Department (Universitair Facilitair Bedrijf, UFB), and aims to promote the interests of all UFB staff. The Council holds regular meetings with the management of UFB, at which issues relating to health and safety, security, job…
- Course and Examination Regulations Middle Eastern Studies (research) (MA)
Human Resource Management Directorate
Responsibility HRM is responsible for University’s HRM policy, training policy, terms of employment policy and organisational development. What does HRM do? Implements the HRM policy Provides staff training Provides information on the job market Advises on employment law Promotes internal mobility…
Faculty Office
Policy, Advice and Strategy Provides the Faculty Board with secretarial support and policy- and process-related support. Communication and Marketing Presents the range of study programmes offered by the Faculty and contributes to its information supply and internal communication. Financial and…
- Course and Examination Regulations Asian Studies (60EC) (MA)
Casimir Prize
The Casimir Prize is an appreciation of teaching teams that achieve renewal and innovation in education. The Casimir Prize is awarded to teams of minimum 2 and maximum 10 people, all employed by FSW. The prize consists of €1500, to be spent on team building, knowledge sharing or exchange with interns…
- Course and Examination Regulations International Studies (BA)
Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) Staff Committee
On 1 January 2021, the Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) appointed its own Staff Committee. The Staff Committee represents all ASSC staff and consults regularly with the Centre’s managers to ensure that the ASSC continues to run smoothly. The Committee focuses on relevant matters such as working…
- Course and Examination Regulations Latin American Studies (research) (MA)
Student Information and Administration
The Student Information and Administration department assists students and staff with questions regarding enrollment, tuition fees, admission, and immigration. Within the department, various teams work together to provide (prospective) students with the best possible guidance throughout the process…