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More details: the GTGC Conference 2023
Changing the world (a little bit)
The Multistakeholder Global Governance (MGG) Project
The Multistakeholder Global Governance (MGG) Project is a four-year project which explores how far, and under what circumstances, multistakeholder constructions of global governance operate well, in terms of having capacity, effectiveness, and legitimacy.
- Books
Magnetism and magnetization dynamics in thin film ferromagnets
Promotores: Prof.dr. J. Aarts, Prof.dr. J.M. van Ruitenbeek
More details: the GTGC Conference 2023
Changing the world (a little bit)
Polycentrism: How Governing Works Today
How does governing work today, and how does society handle pressing challenges in ways that are democratic, effective, fair, peaceful, and sustainable?
Self-Steering Committees
Within Una Europa, academic collaboration takes place in interdisciplinary Self Steering Committees (SSCs)
Legitimacy and Justice
The legitimacy and justice of political institutions and arrangements are among the perennial and defining subjects of the field of political theory. Political theorists who participate in the research cluster ‘Legitimacy and Justice’ engage in both systematic and historical reflection on the ways legitimacy…
Inducing spin triplet superconductivity in a ferromagnet
Promotor: J. Aarts
Quantum Matter and Optics
The quantum nature of matter and light has grown into a broad and fruitful research field for theorists and experimentalists alike. It combines foundational research with toward applications, the most well known of which is the quantum computer.
Carlo Beenakker Group - Theoretical Nanophysics
Our world is shrinking, or at least our electronic devices are. From PCs to mobile phones: everything is smaller and thinner. The smaller the chip, the better it can conduct electricity and pass on information.
- First Multistakeholder Global Governance Advisory Board Meeting
Another Brick in the Wall: The role of the actinobacterial cell wall in antibiotic resistance, phylogeny and development
Streptomyces are multicellular, Gram-positive bacteria in the phylum of actinobacteria which produce a high amount of bioactive natural products of which the expression is tightly coordinated with the life cycle.
Legitimacy in Multistakeholder Global Governance at ICANN
This article explores levels and patterns of legitimacy beliefs with respect to multistakeholder global governance at ICANN. From a large and systematic evidence base, Jongen & Scholte have found that ICANN has strong legitimacy underpinnings among its staff and board, as well as quite uniformly moderate-to-high…
Visits to Leiden
Leiden University regularly welcomes members of the Royal Family to attend opening ceremonies, lectures, presentations and unveilings of works of art.
Child Law and Health Law
The Department of Child Law and Health Law is a knowledge centre dedicated to academic research and education for both students and professionals in the field of child law and children's rights.
Fire use in human evolution: A genetic approach
Are traces of fire use detectable in ancient hominin genomes?
Research at Leiden Law School means research at the highest level.
Fire and Human Origins
Correctly interpreting the patterns of fire evidence in the archaeological record will illuminate the origin of human fire use.
International Organisation
This research cluster is a part of the Institute of Political Science’s research programme ‘Institutions, Decisions and Collective Behaviour’. Its members examine the sources, design, effects and contestation of norms, rules, institutionalised practices and formal organisations that operate across national…
Quantum Matter and Optics
Research groups in the Quantum Matter & Optics programme investigate electronic properties of matter and light-matter interactions with emphasis on quantum information.
Exhibition ‘The eternal student’: A journey through 450 years of studying
What would a university be without its students? In 2025, we will celebrate 450 years of studying with an exhibition showcasing our students from the past centuries. How did they study in the past? And how do they study now? This outdoor exhibition will be on display from 23 April at the Hortus bota…
Cheianov Group - Quantum Many Body Physics in Condensed Matter and Ultracold Atomic Systems
The research in my group addresses a range of topics related to quantum many-body physics.
Trump, Geopolitics and the Future of Globalization
Amidst concerns over what the re-election of Donald Trump will mean for the international system, Prof. Dr. Jan Aart Scholte gave a Cleveringa Lecture titled ‘Trump, geopolitics and the future of globalization’ on 28 November 2024.
Former scientific director physics remains active. ‘Through this role, I continue being part of the future.’
For many years, he was active in various management positions at the LION and even after his retirement he is still very involved. Professor Jan Aarts leads the Leiden hub of the Quantum Delta NL growth fund and is now temporarily responsible for national educational activities. In this way, he is helping…
Leiden Physicists invent printable superconducting devices
Superconducting devices such as SQUIDS (Superconducting Quantum Interferometry Device) can perform ultra-sensitive measurements of magnetic fields. Leiden physicsts invented a method to 3D-print these and other superconducting devices in minutes.
The Annual Conference of the Academic Council on the United Nations System
On 23-24 June 2022, Jan Aart Scholte and Valentina Carraro were invited to the Annual Meeting of the Academic Council on the United Nations System. Jan Aart Scholte gave a paper on the ‘Institutional Sources of Legitimacy at ICANN’. Valentina Carraro was a roundtable speaker during the collective entry…
New memory developed for superconducting computer
If computers work on superconducting current, they won’t consume any energy. Leiden physicists have now gained control over a new type of superconducting memory elements. Publication in Nature Communications.
Awards and Grants 2018
An overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2018, as well as special appointments and royal distinctions.
NWO grant for research on new type of global organisation
To what extent can global issues be solved by multistakeholder collaboration, a relatively new type of organisation? Jan Aart Scholte, the coordinator of the Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) interdisciplinary research programme, has received a Dutch Research Council (NWO) grant…
Neanderthals could tolerate smoke
The idea that modern humans displaced Neanderthals because they were better protected against toxic smoke components is now under fire. An earlier study that put forward this suggestion has now been refuted by genetic research by scientists from Leiden and Wageningen. This new research was published…
Where does the hegemony lie in the 21st century?
The book: Hegemony and World Order: Reimagining Power in Global Politics will be published this week. Jan Aart Scholte: 'We hope that students, lecturers and policy makers will start to think differently because of this book'
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE)
On 5 July 2021, GTGC Chair Jan Aart Scholte moderated a panel on digital data governance during the 2021 Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE).
Trump, Geopolitics and the Future of Globalization
Amidst concerns over what the re-election of Donald Trump will mean for the international system, Prof. Dr. Jan Aart Scholte will give a Cleveringa Lecture titled ‘Trump, geopolitics and the future of globalization’ on 28 November 2024.
Record distance for alternative super current
Electrons that spin synchronously around their axis, turn out to stay superconducting across large distances within magnetic chromium dioxide. Electric current from these electrons can flip small magnets, and its superconducting version could form the basis for a hard drive without energy loss. Publication…
Can a health insurer refuse you if you have poor health?
It appears from a study conducted by Independer and Q&A Research that at least one in five Dutch people think you can be refused basic health insurance if you have health problems.
Koenraad Schalm new Programme Director of the Physics master
Koenraad Schalm will be the new programme director of the Physics master starting 1 November. He has been appointed for a period of four years. Schalm succeeds Ana Achúcarro who has held the position since 2021.
The internet has many bosses. It’s chaotic but it works
Governance of the internet is chaotic, says Professor Jan Aart Scholte. Can we learn from this relatively new form of governance?
Find out more about effective governance for global problems at this conference
The annual conference of the Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) interdisciplinary research programme will take place in The Hague on 7-9 June. Why should you be there? ‘The problems in the world affect us all. This conference will be looking at planetary governance’, says programme…
Volume on Internet Governance published
In March 2021, Prof. dr. Jan Aart Scholte, Professor Global Transformations and Governance Challenges at Leiden University, co-edited with Dr. Blayne Haggart and Dr. Natasha Tusikov the volume Power and Authority in Internet Governance.
Teachers' Academy fellows making teaching more attractive and more effective
On 29 October, seven innovative lecturers from different faculties will join the existing ten fellows of the Leiden Teachers' Academy. The current fellows have been engaged for the past year in implementing their innovation projects. How are these progressing?
From Internet Governance to Digital Political Economy
On 17 October 2022, Jan Aart Scholte contributed to a conference plenary roundtable on 'From Internet Governance to Digital Political Economy'. Click here to find out more about the event.
Book Launch Global Digital Data Governance at University of Groningen
On 31 May, GTGC Chair Prof. Jan Aart Scholte, together with Carolina Aguerre and Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn, launched their book 'Global Digital Data Governance: Polycentric Perspectives' at the University of Groningen.
GTGC Professor Inaugural Lecture
Professor Jan Aart Scholte delivered an inaugural lecture, entitled “Governing a (Better) Global World” on Friday 4 February 2022 in the Groot Auditorium of the Academy Building, Rapenburg 73 in Leiden.
European Sociological Association presentation
On 18 May 2023, Jan Aart Scholte gave a keynote address on ‘Globalisation or Geopolitics?’ at the European Sociological Association (RN15: Transnational and Global Sociology) in Milan.
The Transforming Challenges of Internet Governance
On 23 November 2022, Jan Aart Scholte contributed to a roundtable of the Networking Channel on 'The Transforming Challenges of Internet Governance'. Click here to find out more about the event.
Multistakeholderism: Prospects of an Institutional Design
On 8 April 2022, Jan Aart Scholte gave a keynote lecture on ‘Multistakeholderism: Prospects of an Institutional Design’ at the T.M.C. Asser Institute.
Global Governance: Fit for Purpose?
Past event: On 21 April 2023 Jan Aart Scholte and colleagues presented their report Global Governance: Fit for Purpose? to 80 policy practitioners in Stockholm at the headquarters of SNS, Center for Business and Policy Studies.
Global Governance Legitimacy Paper Presentation at EUI
On 10 May, GTGC Chair Prof. Jan Aart Scholte, presented the paper ‘Legitimacy in Global Governance: A Cross-Level Analysis’ at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy.
ICANN presentation
On 29 April 2023, Jan Aart Scholte and co-researcher Hortense Jongen presented their research on legitimacy in multistakeholder global governance to the Board of Directors of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in Brussels.