10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Daniel Carter and Moritz Jesse presented paper at ECPR Conference in Prague
Moritz Jesse, associate professor for EU Law at the Europa Institute, and Daniel Carter, PhD candidate at the Europa Institute presented the paper, entitled ‘Back to the Market Roots for ‘Legal Residence’ of Citizens of the Union – Is the Court of Justice Really Scaling Back Rights?’ at the 2016 European…
Co-participation and LUGO unite for a sustainable university
Leiden University needs to become the sustainability frontrunner of the Dutch universities, the co-participation and the Leiden University Green Office (LUGO) call for. This means that sustainability needs to be further integrated into education and research, as well as the university’s business ope…
Paradox in superconductivity at high temperature
Nature publishes an article on a paradoxical discovery in superconductivity. Physicists are searching for superconductivity at high temperatures so that less cooling is needed in for example MRI machines. News & Views article by Prof. Jan Zaanen in the same issue of August 19th.
Poems in sign language
Will Leiden be the first city to have wall poems in sign language? It will, if sign language researcher Victoria Nyst has her way. She recently started a crowdfunding campaign together with the Leiden Language Museum and the TEGEN-BEELD Foundation.
New lecture series on Morocco at Leiden University
A new elective course, 'History of Morocco and the Moroccans in The Netherlands
EUniWell selected as 'European University'
EUniWell –the European University for Well-Being in which Leiden University and six other universities collaborate – is among the consortia selected for funding in the ‘European Universities Initiative’. The alliance will receive funding of 5 million euros from the European Commission.
Does a general ‘Lelystad model’ agreement have national potential?
The Municipality of Lelystad is using a new kind of council agreement: a general agreement that all parties are entitled to have their say on. As Professor of Constitutional Law Wim Voermans recently said on Dutch current affairs programme ‘EenVandaag’, this form of agreement would also lend itself…
Elsevierenquête: ‘Studenten beoordelen Universiteit Leiden als beste.’
Students awarded the highest scores to Leiden University and the Radboud University Nijmegen. These are the findings of an annual survey by Elsevier into the best study programmes in the Netherlands. Elsevier Magazine has a weekly readership of half a million, making it one of the most iinfluential…
Webinar @LeidenLaw: videos, presentations and personal advice
Online presentations of our regular master’s programmes were held from 11 to 19 May. Would you like to see them again? Check out our full range of programmes below!
Tanja Masson-Zwaan: Still no obligation to clear up space debris
Space travel has long since progressed from being just about rockets, travelling to the moon, and Russia and America. The Netherlands has its own Space Agency and one of its important tasks is collecting and making available increasingly advanced satellite data.
Ancient Greek decision making with help from the gods
In the world of Ancient Greece the interpretation of supernatural signs was a versatile tool to facilitate decision-making. This is the central hypothesis of the PhD dissertation of historian Kim Beerden. Defence on 14 February.
Third International Ismaili Studies Conference (2021) Program & Registration
We are pleased to announce the Program for the “Third International lsmaili Studies Conference: Histories, Philosophies and Communities” (ISC2021), organized by the Leiden University Shii Studies Initiative. This year, ISC2021 will be held virtually on Zoom from Friday, August 6 to Tuesday, August 10,…
Mark Klaassen speaks on radio about minor asylum seekers
In the Netherlands dozens of Eritrean minor refugees are wandering the streets, even though minor asylum seekers have a right to asylum.
Melanie Fink speaks on Frontex at ‘Open Doors’ Summer School in Naples
On Sunday 18 June 2017 Melanie Fink, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Europa Institute, held a lecture on Schengen and the new European Border and Coast Guard Regulation in the framework of the ‘Open Doors’ Summer School on Migration, (Sea) Border Control and Human Rights.
Twelve ILS seed money grants for frontier research at Leiden Law School
Twelve researchers of our Law School have been awarded an ILS seed money grant. This grant enables researchers to create space for preparing a grant proposal for NWO, ERC or otherwise.
Extraordinary orchids at Oude UB
Skilful watercolours by botanical painter Esmée Winkel, anatomical flower models and the odd stunning real orchid. In the Extraordinary Orchids exhibition at Oude UB, the Hortus botanicus shows us the wonderful world of the orchid.
Academy Building ‘oranged’ to stop violence against women
Eliminate violence against women. That is the message of the Orange the World campaign. Leiden University is joining in this year, hence the ‘oranged’ Academy Building and Oude UB.
Protest in Wijnhaven building has ended
Everything is peaceful again in and around the Wijnhaven building at Campus The Hague. Earlier today, the location was the scene of a large pro-Palestinian protest. Lectures were cancelled. In the end, everyone left the building voluntarily.
The last Research Traineeship programme has ended for now: ‘We’ll bring it back as soon as we can’
Amsterdam’s attitude to sex work, politeness in historical Arabic letters and malaria in the Middle Ages: again this year, there was a wide variety of topics in the Research Traineeship programme. On Friday 30 August, the trainees finished the last of these projects for now.
Sailing Across the Atlantic in Our Quest for Change
On November 19th, Dirk-Jan Kok, PhD-candidate at CML, will set course for Martinique on tallship the Morgenster. With 18 other motivated individuals, they will form the think tank that aims to come up with creative solutions to the problems that the industry faces in transitioning to circular economic…
Rina Visser: Art becomes a process
On 1 November 2018, Rina Visser-Rotgans obtained her doctorate with her thesis on ‘Veranderend kunstenaarschap. De rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken’ (Artistry evolving. The function and definition of the artist in participational practices of art). Rina’s research…
Grotius Centre to host ICTY Legacy Lecture Series
After 24 years of operations, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) will close its doors at the end of this year. To mark this significant moment in the history of international criminal law, the ICTY and the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies of Leiden Law…
These are the nominees for the Leiden Teaching Prize 2023
Paul Gobée (LUMC), Kirsty Rolfe (Humanities) and Frank Takes (Science) have been nominated for the Leiden Teaching Prize 2023.
Tycho de Graaf appointed Professor of Technology and Private Law
Tycho de Graaf has been appointed Professor of Technology and Private Law at Leiden University as of 1 June 2022.
Hiring third parties by (local) authorities remains controversial
Hiring commercial consultancy firms by (local or regional) authorities remains controversial and it is at the centre of attention. This was previously revealed in an investigation carried out by Dutch television programme ‘Nieuwsuur’. Dutch news platform Binnenlands Bestuur also sheds light on this…
Stephanie Noach wins Praemium Erasmianum Foundation Dissertation Prize
Assistant professor Stephanie Noach has won the Dissertation Prize of the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation. She is receiving this prestigious prize for her research on darkness in contemporary art from Latin America and the Caribbean.
Make your choice! Three introduction weeks for students at Leiden University
Leiden or The Hague? Dutch or English? These two questions decide which introduction week new students at Leiden University can best choose: EL CID, HOP or OWL.
New regional pesticides atlas developed
A new regional atlas, with information about the presence of pesticides in surface waters, has been developed by the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) in collaboration with Royal Haskoning DHV. The aim of the regional pesticide atlas is to support decision making at local and regional levels,…
New blog by Mirjam de Bruijn
Mirjam de Bruijn and camerman Sjoerd Sijsma have been travelling through Chad and Cameroon. The Arab spring hasn't arrived there yet, but the effects of internet and mobile telephony show in everyday life. Mirjam and Sjoerd look for counter voices: young people who try to change these countries in their…
Liesbeth van der Heide on Dutch News Website NU.nl on Boko Harm in Northern Cameroon
Terrorist organisation Boko Haram is gaining influence in the region, politicians who do not care about the people, extremists, separatists. The situation in Northern Cameroon is deteriorating. Mora is the last secure city, the area surrounding it is a war zone.
Site-visit for the Institute of Public Administration and its programmes
On Thursday 30 November and Friday 1 December the site-visit took place for the programs BSc Public Administration, MSc Public Administration, MSc Management of the Public Sector and MSc Crisis and Security Management. The programmes are being assessed as part of the Public Administration cluster assessment…
Ben de Jong Discusses Secret Messages Send by Number Stations on Dutch NPO Radio 1
Ben de Jong, a guest lecturer at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, appeared as a guest on NPO Radio 1 to discuss number stations that are used to send secret messages to spies in enemy territories.
Anthropologist working for the government
Saskia van Otterloo works as a policy advisor on climate adaptation at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management in the Netherlands. She graduated in 2015 with a bachelor's degree in cultural anthropology and development sociology. How does her knowledge of anthropology help her in her job…
Dutch universities give Open Access another boost
The Dutch universities will give Open Access an extra boost from 2019 by starting a pilot titled ‘You share, we take care’ to make publications available after six months in collaboration with researchers.
Cartoons help children decide on participation in research
Children are often able to decide for themselves whether they want to take part in medical research. In order to be able to make an informed decision, they need clear information. PhD candidate Ronella Grootens set a good example and created a cartoon story. PhD defence 6 December.
The Duke-Leiden Institute in Global and Transnational Law: Call for Applications 2019
The Grotius Centre, in collaboration with Duke Law School, will be hosting the Duke-Leiden Institute in Global and Transnational Law from 16 June to 17 July 2019 in The Hague, the International City of Peace and Justice. Applications for the second edition are now open!
Grants for journalistic projects Leiden students and lecturers
Three projects affiliated with the university will receive grants from the Leids Mediafonds (Leiden Media Fund ed.). The money is to be spend on creating a journalistic production in collaboration with a local media partner.
Call for papers: Digital Disruption in Asia: Methods and Issues
How do digital technologies affect both Asian societies and the methods we use to study them? Conference in Leiden on 23-25 May 2016. Deadline abstract submission: 15 February 2016.
Hugo ’t Hart wins Political Science Master’s Thesis Prize 2020
In an attempt to give European citizens a say over who should lead the European Commission, the European Parliament has opted for so-called 'Spitzenkandidaten'. Prior to the elections for the European Parliament, the EP’s political parties appoint lead candidates for the role of Commission President,…
NWO grant for Pavlov’s conditioning during sleep
Andrea Evers has received an NWO research talent grant with Jelle van Leusden as the PhD candidate. This grant enables them to start a research project to examine whether automatically regulated responses, such as the circadian rhythm, can be conditioned during sleep.
Young paedophile hunters in juvenile court: 'A criminal record means being 3-0 down'
Ten underage boys are due to appear before a juvenile court. They are accused of luring and attacking nine men whom they believed were paedophiles. Last October, one attack cost a 73-year-old former teacher from Arnhem his life.
Ariadne Schmidt appointed professor of the Cultural History of Leiden
Ariadne Schmidt will be appointed professor by special appointment of the Magdalena Moons chair at Leiden University. From 1 September 2018 she will carry out academic research and teach on the cultural history of the city, in particular of Leiden.
Can we make bioplastics with artificial photosynthesis?
Mimicking photosynthesis to produce bioplastics sustainably and efficiently. Researchers from the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) and the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) will assess this new approach. ‘An exciting opportunity to explore a new, appealing research topic in a collaboration between…
LUC The Hague - Summer Field School 2018
To observe nature at work, LUC students taking the Earth, Energy, and Sustainability major spend two weeks of their summer break in the Tauern Alps of Austria. In brief, seventeen students, two student teaching assistants, and one instructor went off-campus to explore Alpine landscapes at altitudes…
Leonard Blussé wins ‘Special Book Award of China’
Professor emeritus Leonard Blussé of the Leiden University Institute for History has won the ‘Special Book Award of China’. The Chinese government awards this prize to translators, writers and editors who have contributed to making China better known among non-Chinese.
Rubicon grants for two Leiden researchers to study abroad
Two researchers at Leiden University who have recently received their doctorates have been awarded Rubicon grants to carry out research abroad. Both will be going to the US. one to conduct research on the spread of tumours and and the other to study nuclear fusion.
Call for Paper Proposals China: Global Leadership Diplomacy
A more powerful and prosperous China is exerting unprecedented influence on global affairs and the Chinese government is openly pursuing a proactive diplomacy. Reflecting the importance of these developments, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is now calling for paper proposals for a special issue.
Seminar: 'Data Science meets Humanities'
Seminar 12th of April
The 'Boys von Schöningen' honored in book
For more than 25 years, archaeologists have worked at the site of Schöningen, in Germany, where many spectacular rare finds have been excavated. To honor the tireless men and women, the photo book
NVIC students Embassy visit
On November 9th, the students of NVIC visited the Dutch Embassy. Marwan Khalil and Imane Makouri, two students, share their experience: