10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Knighthood for Professor Henk Schulte Nordholt
Professor Henk Schulte Nordholt was made a Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion on Friday 6 September 2019 for his services to the study of Indonesia. Mayor of Leiden, Henri Lenferink, presented him with his medal. This was at the end of a valedictory symposium for and a valedictory speech by…
Free symposium reveals surprising uses of AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help humans in many different ways: from customised medicine and self-driving cars to preserving our cultural heritage. On 4 April academics from Leiden will talk about the achievements and opportunities of AI. A research dossier on AI is also online now, which looks…
Wessel Kraaij director of Data Science Research Programme
Prof.dr.ir. Wessel Kraaij is appointed director of the Data Science Research Programme (DSRP) at Leiden University, starting March 1st. He is the successor of prof.dr. Joost Kok, who recently exchanged Leiden for the position of dean in Twente.
United Netherlands is Recruiting Delegates
Are you an ambitious student looking to get the most out of your time at university?
IBL-research interview: Maurijn van der Zee
Maurijn van der Zee, at the IBL since 2010, investigates how genetic changes in developmental programs lead to new animal forms in evolution, using insects as model system. His field of research is called evolutionary developmental biology. Currently, he is working on the success and diversity of the…
Jiska Engelbert appointed as the new professor on the Ien Dales Chair
On 1 October 2024, Dr Jiska Engelbert was appointed as professor by special appointment on the Ien Dales Chair ‘Government as an Employment Organisation’. Her focus is on leadership in digital transitions, digital innovations, and the transformation of public services, with particular attention to local…
Two Leiden professors appointed KNAW members
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) announced on 25 April that it has appointed 18 new members. These include Leiden professors Andrew Webb and Jos Raaijmakers.
The hunt for the best computer language
Our language is adapted to the context in which we humans communicate. But computers ‘think’ differently. What would a language be like whose structure was optimally adjusted for use by humans and machines? Tessa Verhoef is trying to find the answer.
Book Launch The Law of the European Union
The long awaited fifth edition of book ‘The Law of the European Union’ (formerly Kapteyn & VerLoren van Themaat) was launched on Friday 11 January 2019 at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague.
VU Amsterdam wins sixth edition of Max Rood Moot Court Competition
The sixth edition of the Max Rood Moot Court Competition was held on Friday 24 June 2022. This Dutch interuniversity labour law moot court unfortunately could not take place the last two years due to the coronavirus, but this year teams from four universities took on each other again. The day was organised…
Barend Barentsen in Dagblad van het Noorden on aggression in the workplace
A national survey conducted by Dutch newspapers Dagblad van het Noorden, Turbantia, Brabants Dagblad and the Dutch Federation of Trade Unions (FNV) shows that staff working in disability and mental health care often face violence in the workplace. In the three northern provinces of the Netherlands,…
United Nations Fellowship awarded to Statistics PhD Kevin Duisters
United Nations Global Pulse, an initiative of the UN Secretary-General on big data and AI, recently launched the Data Fellows program. Kevin Duisters, PhD in Statistics at the Mathematical Institute, was selected to take part in its first cohort of eight international students.
ILS Lunch Seminars
The monthly research lunches have become a regular point on the Law School’s agenda and are steadily developing into somewhat of a tradition. We look back at two successful lunches in October and November, doing justice to the diversity in research taking place in our Faculty.
eScience Grant for LION Neutrino Research
The Netherlands eScience Center has announced to fund a new Path-Finding Project led by Dr. Dorothea Samtleben from the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION). This project aims to make the processing of detection signals more efficient for the KM3NeT neutrino telescope, which is currently under construction…
Shaping the food future of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region
How can we organize the food system in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region in a more sustainable and democratic way? Prof. Cristina Grasseni gave a presentation of her work at the Food Council Metropolitan Region Amsterdam.
2010 Dean appointed as member of JPI Cultural Heritage academic committee
On November 12, dean prof. Willem J.H. Willems was elected as one of the twelve members of the European Union’s academic committee Joint Programming Initiative Cultural Heritage and Global Change.
Possible impact of Dutch provincial council elections on nitrogen plans
These might be ‘just’ provincial council elections in the Netherlands, but the outcome on 15 March could have serious consequences for how the country is governed. Conflicts between the government in The Hague and the provinces, and tension within the Dutch cabinet, might be looming. On 1 July, every…
Jan Willem Erisman appointed chair of Scientific Climate Council
The Council of Ministers has appointed Jan Willem Erisman, Professor of Environment and Sustainability at Leiden University, as chair of the new Scientific Climate Council (WKR) from 1 March. This council will advise the government on climate policy.
Bijzondere uitspraak Woo-beleid: rechtbank besluit zelf wat openbaar gemaakt mag worden
In een spraakmakende rechtszaak over de Wet open overheid (Woo) besloot een rechter zelf documenten over de toeslagenaffaire te beoordelen. Wim Voermans en Annemarie Drahmann deelden hun opvattingen over de zaak met de Volkskrant.
Second World War victims commemorated in Hour of Remembrance
On 4 May, Leiden University remembered the victims of the Second World War from our university community. Alumni, students and present and former staff of the University came together for this Hour of Remembrance.
No higher risk of miscarriage after COVID-19
LUMC research has shown that women who previously had a miscarriage due to COVID-19 are not at increased risk of having another miscarriage or a stillbirth. Nor are preventive drugs needed during the pregnancy.
Mazène Hochane and Xueying Fan win LION Image Award 2018
Mazène Hochane and Xueying Fan have won the fourth annual LION Image Award. They created a detailed colour image of a human kidney in development.
A love letter to poetry: Albert Verwey Lecture by Antjie Krog
The South African poet and author Antjie Krog gave the 37th Albert Verwey Lecture in the Great Auditorium in the Academy Building on 18 November. Inspired by Verwey’s poem ‘De zegger van verzen’, Krog’s lecture was a polyphonic and multilingual love letter to poetry.
COI stakeholder meeting 2023 on governmental problem-solving and implications for legitimacy
On November 30, 2023, the research group Institutions for Conflict Resolution (COI) organized a stakeholder meeting on governmental problem-solving and its implications for legitimacy. COI is a joint collaboration between the Universities of Leiden, Utrecht, and Nijmegen as part of the Dutch Sector…
LUC- project UNPLASTIC wins Dopper Changemaker Challenge
UNPLASTIC, a research project by Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) won the Dopper Changemaker Challenge 2019. LUC student Roos Kolkman represented UNPLASTIC during the semi-finals on Saturday.
Patrick van der Meij appointed Professor of Criminal Law Practice
Patrick van der Meij has been appointed Professor of Criminal Law Practice at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology from 1 January 2024. This is an Endowed Chair established by the Professor A. E. J. Modderman Foundation, which is affiliated with Leiden University in order to boost research…
‘Technological developments should be applied to patient care at a much faster rate’
An MRI scanner is much more than a machine alone. It is an extremely versatile technique that provides numerous opportunities for finding out more about the workings of the human brain, says Thijs van Osch, Professor of Radiology, with a particular emphasis on experimental cerebrovascular imaging. Inaugural…
Five activities to look forward to this semester
A fresh semester means a fresh faculty calendar. There is plenty to do at the faculty again in the coming months. Five interesting activities are listed below.
Doggerland shortlisted for the annual EAA Book Prize
The popular-science book 'Doggerland. Lost World under the North Sea' has been nominated for the EAA Book Prize 2023, awarded annually by the European Association of Archaeologists. At the moment, the book is among 10 publications shortlisted for the prize, with the winner being announced in August…
The Teenage Rebel Podcast Show
Pre-university students at the course Popular Music: Selling Rebellion have released a podcast series on Spotify!
Dirk Visser on copyright and platform liability YouTube
In a column on Mr. Online, Dirk Visser, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, looks at what You Tube is doing or should be doing to counter copyright infringements on the platform in a credible and effective manner.
Europa Institute roundtable on British EU referendum
On Friday 3rd June, the Europa Institute hosted a Leiden Law Exchange (LLX) on the British referendum on membership of the European Union. In a roundtable discussion, academics, policy makers and other experts engaged in a lively debate on the legal and political implications of a ‘Brexit’ or a ‘Bremain’…
ILS Lunch Seminar with Nienke van Heek and Esther van Ginneken
The monthly ILS Lunch Seminars present the perfect opportunity to unite the different Institutes situated within Leiden Law School. On Thursday 14 March 2019, the next edition of the ILS Lunch Seminars will take place. This time, Nienke van Heek and Esther van Ginneken will present their research.
‘India in the World’: An Interaction with Rahul Gandhi and Sam Pitroda
Rahul Gandhi, former president of the Indian National Congress, was on the Hague Campus on 10 September.
Quinten Meertens nominated for Christiaan Huygens Science Prize 2021
Is it acceptable for an algorithm to make mistakes? Quinten Meertens investigated this at Leiden University and the UvA and has been nominated with his research for the prestigious Christiaan Huygens Science Prize. The winner will be announced on 11 October. In April, Meertens received his doctorate…
Two status system in asylum policy is a divisive issue
Dutch coalition parties VVD and CDA want to tighten asylum policy and have launched a plan to grant two types of statuses to refugees. They also intend to partially restrict the right to family reunification. However, this plan is facing strong opposition. With the proposal, the government can expect…
Inhibiting protein production potentially a weapon against Alzheimer’s
Inhibiting specific protein production in the human body can serve as a crucial weapon in the fight against Alzheimer's, Eline van Maanen believes. PhD defence 23 November.
Antoaneta Dimitrova Discusses the Demonstrations in Bulgaria on Dutch NPO Radio 1
Over the past 40 days people in Bulgaria been demonstrating against the deep-rooted corruption in the country. The anger of the protesters is directed predominantly at the government of Prime Minister Borisov. But not all arrows are aimed at their own leaders, some are also pointing towards Brussels.…
Supercurrents gone chiral: new type of superconducting junction
Unconventional superconductors form one of the big mysteries in physics. Among them is strontium ruthenate, which stands out as a controversial superconductor. During his PhD, Leiden physicist Kaveh Lahabi has provided new insights into the nature of superconductivity in this material, leading to a…
Special Issue - Call for Papers | Japan's Diplomacy: Between the West and the East
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy calls for paper proposal submissions. Accepted papers will be included in the journal's special issue on Japanese diplomacy under the broad theme of 'Japan between the West and the East'.
Alanna O'Malley and Joris Larik Discuss Reinventing the United Nations in Dutch Newspaper Parool
The United Nations (UN) have been in existence for 75 years. It has definitely had time to become an established organisation. For Alanna O'Malley and Joris Larik the 75-year existence is no reason to sit back and relax. On the contrary, the UN should continue to reinvent itself.
Bibi van den Berg in Nu.nl about the new European Privacy Act
From 25 May, a new European privacy law will apply. Companies and authorities must deal with personal data in a clearer and safer manner. Bibi van den Berg, Professor of Cyber Security Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), tells in Nu.nl what the law entails and about the…
Master Class | Factory Girls, Sex Workers, and Minorities: Writing the Marginalized in History
Hanan Hammad and Eftychia Mylona give a master class focusing on conceptual and methodological challenges in writing histories of marginalized social groups.
New professor Suzan Verberne aims to bring large language models and search engines closer together
Suzan Verberne has been appointed professor of Natural Language Processing at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) from 1 October. Verberne has been at LIACS since 2017 as group leader of the Text Mining and Retrieval group.
Liselore Tissen appointed ambassador for network of congress ambassadors
External PhD candidate Liselore Tissen has been appointed ambassador for Leiden City of Science. As the youngest member and the only non-professor in the network, she will be working to raise Leiden's prominence as a city of science.
Jelle van Buuren Discusses Operation Rubicon on Dutch NPO Radio 1
At the beginning of the year, the Dutch intelligence services, together with their American, German and Swiss colleagues, revealed that, for years, confidential communications of more than 100 countries had been intercepted. The project named 'Operation Rubicon' is a collaboration between Germany and…
Leiden master's student in Labour Law is ‘student intern of the week’ in Dutch magazine Mr.
Eva Lammers is currently studying for a master's degree in labour law at Leiden University and expects to graduate in autumn 2023. Lammers did her internship at law firm JPR in Deventer and was thrown in at the deep end from the start. 'Assignments aren’t arranged for you, you've got to arrange them…
The dean Mark Rutgers speaks at penultimate session of flash campaign
After the new government announced its plans to cut expenditure on academic education, the Faculty of Humanities launched the flash campaign ‘Stop the Catastrophic Cuts to Universities!’. Now academics across the university have been explaining why their discipline is needed.
Young Talent Incentive Award for Leiden biology student
Biology student Britt van Kasterop has received a Holland Society Young Talent Award for her excellent results in the first year of study. The online awards ceremony took place on 30 November.
Edmund Flett wins J.C. Baak Thesis Prize 2023
Edmund Flett, alumnus of the International Relations master's programme, has won the 2023 J.C. Baak Prize for his thesis ‘Settlements now, settlement later. Land swaps, settler relocation, and the viability of the two-state solution in Israel-Palestine’.