10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Colours and symbols to support dyslexic students
In the very first Korean class that teacher Eun-ju Kim taught, there were already students with dyslexia. With a background in special education and clinical developmental psychology, she developed a new method to help them, partly based on teaching methods from Dutch first language education.
GP in Spain in times of corona
What’s the situation like in Spain in these times of corona? Dr Jan Otto Landman (Medicine, Leiden, 1979) has a GP practice in Torremolinos and Fuengirola, Southern Spain, and since 16 March he has been writing blogs about corona on the Facebook page of his practice. He has covered issues such as the…
Paul Christiaan Flu: a Surinamese professor in a time of war
Paul Christiaan Flu, originally from Surinam, was a brilliant tropical doctor, who in 1938 rose to the position of Rector Magnificus of Leiden University. The war years brought his lightning career to an abrupt end: his son was murdered and he himself was imprisoned in a concentration camp. A sad family…
- Volume 18 (2023)
Call for Papers for LUCAS Conference 'Practices in Comparative Medievalism' on 23 September 2022
Medievalism is the area of academic study that investigates the reception and reconstruction of the medieval past since the Middle Ages came to an end.
Looking for that one source? Check the UB's databases
Japanese newspapers, photo archives from the Dutch East Indies or information on gender and sexuality: all these can be found in the University Library's 621 humanities databases. A flyer campaign to raise awareness of them begins this week.
LGBT+ Network: a platform for the like-minded
Leiden University has a new platform. On 19 September Vice-Rector Hester Bijl officially launched the LGBT+ Network.
Leiden University and Naturalis join forces to launch new ‘Evolution Today’ MOOC
Evolution is all around you every day. This is the message of the new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) of Leiden University and Naturalis that begins on September 19.
Jelle But, Demy Jongkind, and Wim Voermans publish in The Theory and Practice of Legislation
The most recent edition of the journal ‘The Theory and Practice of Legislation’ contains a contribution by Jelle But, Demy Jongkind and Wim Voermans.
Twenty lecturers awarded Senior Teaching Qualification
It was time for a celebration in the Faculty Club on 11 December. Twenty driven lecturers were awarded their Senior Teaching Qualification by Vice-Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl.
Mariëlle Bruning on exceptional juvenile court ruling
A pregnant woman from Drenthe will lose her baby directly after it is born. A juvenile court has already ruled during her pregnancy that the infant will go to a foster family. The court believes that the child would risk physical neglect.
Jelle van Buuren discusses the threat of terrorist attacks in Europe in Dutch newspaper Parool
As a result of two attacks in Germany and one attack in France within only one week, fears of new terrorist attacks in Europe have reignited. In France a radicalised police agent stabbed and killed four people. In Germany a man from Syria drove his car into a line of cars wounding sixteen people and…
Provincial council election results prove democracy is functioning well
Voters sent a clear signal in the recent Dutch provincial council elections with the 'monster' victory for the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BoerBurgerBeweging, BBB). This sign of ‘social resistance’ has consequences for the policy on nitrogen emissions, according to Geerten Boogaard, Professor of Local…
Feodor-Lynen research fellowship for Bela Bode
Dr Bela Bode receives a Feodor Lynen research fellowship for postdoctoral researchers by the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation for development of new methods for signal enhancement in solid state NMR. He aims to create a specific analytical tool for surface studies and research on membranes and membrane…
NWO grant Nadine Akkerman for Signed, Sealed, & Undelivered research
Nadine Akkerman and her co-applicant David van der Linden (University of Groningen) are thrilled that “Signed, Sealed, & Undelivered 2.0: Revealing Hidden Letters” was awarded an Internationalisation in the Humanities grant from NWO.
Faculty of Archaeology ranks 5th in QS World University Ranking
It is the eighth year in a row that the Faculty of Archaeology is placed in the top ten of archaeological institutes worldwide. The QS World University Rankings by Subject looks at criteria like academic reputation and citation ratios.
Media about hundreds of thousands of unknown galaxies
An international team of more than 200 astronomers from 18 countries has published hundreds of thousands of unknown galaxies. The data are part of a project lead by Leiden professor of Observational cosmology Huub Röttgering. Both Dutch and international media reported extensively about the publica…
Budinská speaks on judicial review of national law applied by the ECB in banking supervision
On 8 July, the Young Researchers Group of the European Banking Institute organised the 11th edition of the EBI YRG Virtual Workshop Session. Barbora Budinská presented her research on judicial review of national law applied by the ECB in banking supervision
Archaeologists Involved in Ambitious Study on Past Land Use
To increase the accuracy of climate models, it is crucial that they include past human land-use and human-driven vegetation changes. Here archaeology can make an important contribution. Current models are based on reconstructions of past vegetation. However, their accuracy is limited because it does…
LUC The Hague Alumni Meet Up 4 November
Last Saturday (4 November) almost 100 LUC alumni returned to the campus at the Anna van Buerenplein in The Hague for the big autumn Alumni Meet up. They were welcomed by Dean Prof. dr. Judi Mesman, who emphasized the role alumni will play in the future of LUC. “From January on LUC will have more alumni…
Leiden Law Cast: BONJO & an ex-prisoner
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Eleven Leiden scientists receive funding for science communication
The KNAW has rewarded 11 Leiden scientists for their commitment to science communication, by awarding them 10,000 euros each from the ‘Appreciated!’ fund.
Graphene supercurrents go ballistic
Scientists at TU Delft and Leiden University have observed supercurrents in graphene that bounce back and forth between the edges of the graphene without scattering along the way.
Elisa Goudriaan wins Ted Meijer Prize
The KNIR has awarded Elisa Goudriaan the Ted Meijer Prize for her dissertation The Cultural Importance of Florentine Patricians. Cultural Exchange, Brokerage Networks, and Social Representation in Early Modern Florence and Rome (1600-1660).
Clashing fundamental rights in KLM labour dispute
Can the KLM reject an applicant for a job as a pilot or stewardess if they refuse to get vaccinated against Covid-19? Or put more broadly: can the employer of a new employee demand that they are vaccinated? Those questions were at the centre of court proceedings brought on Thursday by the Dutch Airline…
LCCP Working seminar spring 2022
The seminar is dedicated to the work-in-progress of Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy staff and doctoral students. The paper is sent in advance and discussed in the meeting. The seminar is open to all. Venue: Lecture room or zoom.
How Leiden University reopened after the war
Students were able to continue their studies in September 1945 after the University had been closed for several years during the Second World War. This moment was celebrated for four days, with the traditional cortège, commemorative services and a party in the Botanical Garden. Queen Wilhelmina was…
Vidi research grant for physicist Daniela Kraft
The image of the Leiden microboat traveled all over the world, from the BBC up to Arab shipping blogs. But Daniela Kraft's research group has quite a few more different 3D printed microswimmers up their sleeves. Kraft receives a Vidi research grant for research into these variously shaped active par…
PMRA Camilla Stivers Award for Joris van der Voet Best Article in PPMG
Joris van der Voet’s article “Organizational Decline and Innovation in Public Organizations: A Contextual Framework of Cutback Management” won the 2019 Camilla Stivers Award for best article in Perspectives on Public Management and Governance.
Letizia Lo Giacco winner of the 2024 Rosalyn Higgins Prize for best article
Dr Letizia Lo Giacco is the recipient of the 2024 Rosalyn Higgins Prize for her article titled 'When a Dispute Exists: The Emerging Evidentiary Practice of the ICJ in Common Interests Proceedings'.
The search for a ‘quantum advantage’
Proving a quantum computer to be quicker than a normal one is one step closer. After a breakthrough in speeding up classical algorithms, researchers Vedran Dunjko and Casper Gyurik showed that only one quantum algorithm could beat its classical counterpart. They discuss their discovery in Quanta Mag…
Onze aarde wordt onleefbaar. Kunnen we het tij nog keren?
We hebben 6 van de 9 grenzen overschreden die bepalen of menselijk leven in de komende generaties nog mogelijk is op aarde. Kunnen we het tij nog keren?
Webinar @LeidenLaw: videos, presentations and personal advice
Online presentations of our regular master’s programmes were held from 11 to 19 May. Would you like to see them again? Check out our full range of programmes below!
Daniel Carter and Moritz Jesse presented paper at ECPR Conference in Prague
Moritz Jesse, associate professor for EU Law at the Europa Institute, and Daniel Carter, PhD candidate at the Europa Institute presented the paper, entitled ‘Back to the Market Roots for ‘Legal Residence’ of Citizens of the Union – Is the Court of Justice Really Scaling Back Rights?’ at the 2016 European…
Ruling: temporary coffeeshop licences are allowed
Coffeeshop licences may be issued temporarily and reissued after this period has expired. This follows from a ruling by the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State in the appeal lodged by the mayor of Roermond municipality against the Court's April 2021 ruling.
Is it right for judges to engage in politics?
The Dutch State is set to challenge The Hague Court of Appeal's ruling that the Netherlands must stop exporting arms to Israel at the Supreme Court. The government believes that foreign policy falls within the political domain and not within the judiciary. Geerten Boogaard, Professor of Constitutional…
Paradox in superconductivity at high temperature
Nature publishes an article on a paradoxical discovery in superconductivity. Physicists are searching for superconductivity at high temperatures so that less cooling is needed in for example MRI machines. News & Views article by Prof. Jan Zaanen in the same issue of August 19th.
New lecture series on Morocco at Leiden University
A new elective course, 'History of Morocco and the Moroccans in The Netherlands
EUniWell selected as 'European University'
EUniWell –the European University for Well-Being in which Leiden University and six other universities collaborate – is among the consortia selected for funding in the ‘European Universities Initiative’. The alliance will receive funding of 5 million euros from the European Commission.
Co-participation and LUGO unite for a sustainable university
Leiden University needs to become the sustainability frontrunner of the Dutch universities, the co-participation and the Leiden University Green Office (LUGO) call for. This means that sustainability needs to be further integrated into education and research, as well as the university’s business ope…
Does a general ‘Lelystad model’ agreement have national potential?
The Municipality of Lelystad is using a new kind of council agreement: a general agreement that all parties are entitled to have their say on. As Professor of Constitutional Law Wim Voermans recently said on Dutch current affairs programme ‘EenVandaag’, this form of agreement would also lend itself…
Make your choice! Three introduction weeks for students at Leiden University
Leiden or The Hague? Dutch or English? These two questions decide which introduction week new students at Leiden University can best choose: EL CID, HOP or OWL.
These are the nominees for the Leiden Teaching Prize 2023
Paul Gobée (LUMC), Kirsty Rolfe (Humanities) and Frank Takes (Science) have been nominated for the Leiden Teaching Prize 2023.
Edmund Flett wins J.C. Baak Thesis Prize 2023
Edmund Flett, alumnus of the International Relations master's programme, has won the 2023 J.C. Baak Prize for his thesis ‘Settlements now, settlement later. Land swaps, settler relocation, and the viability of the two-state solution in Israel-Palestine’.
Poems in sign language
Will Leiden be the first city to have wall poems in sign language? It will, if sign language researcher Victoria Nyst has her way. She recently started a crowdfunding campaign together with the Leiden Language Museum and the TEGEN-BEELD Foundation.
Mark Klaassen speaks on radio about minor asylum seekers
In the Netherlands dozens of Eritrean minor refugees are wandering the streets, even though minor asylum seekers have a right to asylum.
Hiring third parties by (local) authorities remains controversial
Hiring commercial consultancy firms by (local or regional) authorities remains controversial and it is at the centre of attention. This was previously revealed in an investigation carried out by Dutch television programme ‘Nieuwsuur’. Dutch news platform Binnenlands Bestuur also sheds light on this…
Third International Ismaili Studies Conference (2021) Program & Registration
We are pleased to announce the Program for the “Third International lsmaili Studies Conference: Histories, Philosophies and Communities” (ISC2021), organized by the Leiden University Shii Studies Initiative. This year, ISC2021 will be held virtually on Zoom from Friday, August 6 to Tuesday, August 10,…
Ancient Greek decision making with help from the gods
In the world of Ancient Greece the interpretation of supernatural signs was a versatile tool to facilitate decision-making. This is the central hypothesis of the PhD dissertation of historian Kim Beerden. Defence on 14 February.
Elsevierenquête: ‘Studenten beoordelen Universiteit Leiden als beste.’
Students awarded the highest scores to Leiden University and the Radboud University Nijmegen. These are the findings of an annual survey by Elsevier into the best study programmes in the Netherlands. Elsevier Magazine has a weekly readership of half a million, making it one of the most iinfluential…