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- Program 2025
Paolo Sartori will be the Central Asia Visiting Scholar in April 2018
Paolo Sartori is a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Iranian Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna. In Leiden he will deliver one guest lecture on Twilight of the Persianate: The Vernacularization of Central Asia (18th - early 20th Centuries) on 12 April and a masterclass on How can we…
Talk by Melle Groen
Lecture, Com(parative) Syn(tax) Series
Talk by Joanna Wall
Lecture, Com(parative) Syn(tax) Series
Talk by Guglielmo Cinque
Lecture, Com(parative) Syn(tax) Series
Talk by Jesse Wichers Schreur
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
Sara Petrollino
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
Talk by Paula Fenger
Lecture, Com(parative) Syn(tax) Series
Language and the core knowledge system of number
Knowledge and culture subproject 2:
Researchers Humanities receive Veni grants
Three scholars of the Faculty of Humanities, Ahmad Al-Jallad, Thomas Fossen, and Tsolin Nalbantian, have received a Veni grant to implement their research plans over the coming years.
Vliet and Eduard Suari Andreu in NRC about research on migrants and social security
EU migrants receive less frequent and lower benefits and allowances than Dutch citizens. This is according to research by Leiden economists Olaf van Vliet and Eduard Suari Andreu published as part of the Social Citizenship & Migration research programme. The research is discussed in Dutch newspaper…
Maarten Kossmann appointed as professor for Berber Studies
The University Executive Board has appointed Maarten Kossmann as professor for Berber Studies as of April 1, 2017. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics management team would like to congratulate Maarten with this appointment, which will strengthen LUCL’s descriptive linguistic research in general…
The Language of Argumentation
Bringing together scholars from a broad range of theoretical perspectives, The Language of Argumentation offers a unique overview of research at the crossroads of linguistics and theories of argumentation.
In this region researchers at LUCL have specific expertise in studying Austronesian and Papuan languages. China is another important region where Leiden linguists conduct research.
- A Tale in Two Tongues
Phraseology in Children's Literature
On the 25th of October, Suze Anja Verkade successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Suze Anja on this achievement!
Grassroots Prescriptivism
On November 22nd, Morana Lukač succesfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Morana on this great result.
Programme structure
In the first year, the Linguistics programme will provide you with a sound basis for specialisation, while training your academic competences. In the second year, you will choose one of our four specialisations. While focusing on this track in your second and third year, you may also choose electives…
Immigration and the Conditionality of Unemployment Benefits in OECD Countries
Samir Negash, PhD candidate at Leiden University and Olaf van Vliet, Professor by special appointment Comparative Welfare State Analysis at Leiden University wrote a paper regarding the topic of immigration and the conditionality of unemployment benefits in OECD countries.
Bart Custers discusses arrest of Telegram CEO in 'Trouw'
Pavel Durov, CEO of chat and messaging app Telegram, was arrested in France last week. The Russian tech billionaire flew into Paris by private jet and was arrested on suspicion of cybercrimes. Telegram allegedly facilitates criminal activities such as money laundering. This raises the question of how…
Language gets people talking
Studying languages enables you to unearth a lot of valuable information about humans: it reveals our history and explains cultural differences and it even illustrates the process of learning new information. The University is sharing its knowledge of and passion for languages in various new ways, including…
Simone van der Hof: ‘Banning social media solves nothing’
The Australian parliament passed a law banning social media for youth under sixteen in late November. This solves nothing, argues Simone van der Hof, Professor of Law and Digital Technologies, in NRC. ‘Services should be held to the law.’
Language Diversity in the World
This research profile area brings together descriptive, historical and theoretical linguistics, as well as psycho- and neurolinguistics.
Phonology is the study of speech sounds within and across languages. It touches topics such as speech sound variation, speech sound combinations and acquisition.
- Retired and Kicking series
Generics and stereotypes in discourse: a cross-disciplinary perspective
Data Carpentry for Social Sciences
OSCL members, amongst which our representative in the Archaeology faculty, were part of Data Carpentry for Social Sciences. Here's what happened.
Social Science Matters: How should we discuss terrorism in our schools?
As schools in the U.S., students have to enter through security gates; schools in Belgium were forced to remain closed for several days after the attacks there; and even in the Netherlands various bomb scares have led to children having to stay at home. And yet fear of terrorism remains a difficult…
President Poroshenko: ‘I hope the Dutch people will make a wise decision’
The association agreement between the EU and Ukraine is highly important for peace in Ukraine, and it is therefore essential that Europe weathers these difficult times. These were the words of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on 27 November during his Europe Lecture at Leiden University.
Changing the Nature of the Beast
On the first day at a new job, you have sweaty palms, nerves race through your system, and you feel insecure. Now, a couple of months later these feelings have left. You know what to do in your new role and have become part of the organization. The process leading to this result is called organizational…
Alumni blog
Interested in studying Modern Languages at Leiden University? Find out what our alumni said about this master's programme.
Student life
Your time at Leiden is about more than just studying. Some of your best experiences will stem from being a part of our lively and diverse student community, as well as from life in the beautiful city of Leiden.
NWO grant for Claartje Levelt: how toddlers learn words
Professor Claartje Levelt, together with Paula Fikkert (Radboud University), has received an NWO Open Competition grant for research into the development of word production in toddlers.
About the Programme
How does the human mind work when it comes to language? Why are some speeches totally persuasive, and others less so? How do children acquire language so effortlessly? How do languages develop over the course of time? How many different speech sounds can humans make? During your BA in Linguistics you…
Chat with a student
Do you have a question about student life in Leiden, studying at Leiden University or do you want more information about the Linguistics master's programme? Chat with a current student to get answers to your questions!
Chat with a student
Do you have a question about student life in Leiden, studying at Leiden University or do you want more information about a specific course? You can get in contact with a student from the Linguistics master's specialisation directly!
Chat with a student
Do you have a question about student life in Leiden, studying at Leiden University or do you want more information about this specific course? You can get in contact with a student from the Linguistics bachelor's programme directly!
Chat with a student
Do you have a question about student life in Leiden, studying at Leiden University or do you want more information about the Linguistics master's programme? Chat with a current student to get answers to your questions!
Role of pupil-synchronisation in trust
Here I propose to study the relationship between autonomic pupil-synchronisation and trust, at the behavioural and neural level, and examine a targeted set of possible contextual moderators.
Lucien van Beek receives LUF grant: 'It is a great feeling to be able to work on my ideas'
University lecturer Lucien van Beek has been awarded a LUF Praesidium Libertatis Grant. He will use the sum of 75,000 euros to research the thinking of people in ancient and prehistoric times. To do that, he will look for unusual or striking metaphors in the earliest Indo-European languages.
Genetics proves it: Indo-European did not come to Europe on horseback
Horses were first domesticated in South-West Russia, is the conclusion drawn by an international team of researchers writing in the well-respected journal Nature. Their conclusion resolves a longstanding archaeological question. But, surprisingly enough, this domestication did not contribute to the…
Jelle van Buuren in NRC on social media and the storming of the Capitol
Jelle van Buuren, university lecturer at ISGA, discusses the role that social media played in the storming of the Capitol last Wednesday
Language and number
Knowledge and culture subproject 2:
On the representation of quantity: how our brains shape language
This project investigates properties of quantity expressions across languages from the perspective of how quantity is represented in the human brain.
About the programme
Learn the newest insights from established researchers.
Helena Ursic gave interview about privacy, digital technologies and social media
Our researcher and PhD candidate Helena Ursic was interviewed with Druzina, one of the biggest weekly newspapers in Slovenia.
Arabic in context: celebrating 400 years of Arabic at Leiden university
The edited volume 'Arabic in context: celebrating 400 years of Arabic at Leiden University' edited by Ahmad Al-Jallad is out. The volume contains the contributions to the 2013 conference with the same title, held at Leiden University and was published as part of Brill's the Studies in Semitics Language…
Language diversity in the psycholinguistic study of sentence form variation
On the 12th of December, Eleanor Dutton successfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Eleanor on this achievement.
The “White Dialect” of young Arabic speakers from Qassim (Saudi Arabia)
On the 8th of March, Bushra Alkhamees successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Bushra on this achievement!
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.