1,507 search results for “russian and social linguistics” in the Staff website
Marieke Liem releases podcast NRT DOCS: Hotel met tralies
What does it mean to be in a Dutch prison? What is true about the prejudices about being in jail? Criminologist Marieke Liem has released a podcast on Dutch national broadcaster NPO Radio 1: Hotel met tralies.
Parents, Teachers, and Media: Agents of Biased Socialization
PhD defence
Information and training
If we want to show the impact of our research, we can’t do so without science communication. But how do you go about communicating science? Where do you start as a science communication novice? And how do you take your communication to a higher level? On this page, you will find websites, articles,…
In the Making #11: Whose creativity? Explorations of interspecies being and making
Arts and culture
Diversity and inclusion
In an inclusive learning environment, every student feels welcome, valued and respected.
How we’re setting Academia in Motion: by fostering inclusion and enabling data reuse and sharing
‘I’m setting Academia in Motion by fostering inclusive practices and enabling data reuse and sharing, with both researchers and students.’ With these words Naomi Truan, Assistant Professor of German Sociolinguistics at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, highlights how she is helping to support…
University working hard to create a safer work and study environment
Since the demonstration over a year ago on the Wijnhaven campus, Leiden University has developed plans and initiatives to create the safest possible work and study environment for our university community. The Executive Board would like to explain what has happened since and what else we can expect…
Leiden archaeologists discover an early form of money from Prehistoric Central Europe
People in the Early Bonze Age used bronze artefacts as a means of payment. This is the conclusion reached by archaeologists Maikel Kuijpers and Catalin Popa in a PLOS ONE article published on 20 January.
Dancing around the throne: networking in the time of King William I
Showing your face at dinners and parties at court: it was the way to get noticed by the king in William I's time. Joost Welten's latest book reveals how, during the reign of William I, the elite danced around his throne both literally and figuratively.
Catia Antunes
Faculty of Humanities
Organising an event about AI? Ask SAILS for help
AI has applications in all kinds of fields. Would you like to organise an event on the possibilities of AI in your research field? The Leiden interdisciplinary research programme SAILS offers you experts on content, money and other support.
Rubicon awarded to neuroscientist Simeen Tabassi Mofrad
Neuroscientist Simeen Tabassi Mofrad has been awarded a Rubicon grant to conduct research on cortical and allelic determinants of age-related cognitive decline at University of Oxford. She holds the first rank among all Rubicon applicants in NWO Domain Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).
Humanities and AI: A fruitful combination
What do a linguist, an artist, a Professor of Conservation and Restoration, and a lecturer at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science have in common? They all use Artificial Intelligence. On 7 April they discussed the use of AI at Leiden’s Kijkhuis cinema.
Meet Dr. Lital Abazon LJSA Member
Prior to arriving to Leiden, Dr. Abazon completed her Ph.D. at Yale University's Department of Comparative Literature, where she also taught courses ranging from Introduction to Zionism to World Cinema.
Data Carpentry with R for Social Sciences and Humanities
Data Carpentry with R for Social Sciences and Humanities
Data Carpentry with R for Social Sciences and Humanities
Data Carpentry with R for Social Sciences and Humanities
Data Carpentry with R for Social Sciences and Humanities
Warfare: technology and ethics - a reading list
While the United States continues to carry out drone strikes, and China conducts large-scale cyber and information operations, Ukrainian and Russian soldiers live in trenches, and NATO sends tanks to the Donbas front to force a breakthrough. Has war changed dramatically in recent decades as a result…
Defence Minister at Ukraine Symposium: 'We Europeans have only one chance to get this right'
Three years on, and interest in Ukraine certainly hasn't waned. The auditorium at the Wijnhaven location was fully booked on Monday. Hundreds of people, including top military brass, listened to Defence Minister Brekelmans' speech. He pointed out to them: 'Here in the Netherlands, we're now living in…
Junior multidisciplinary workshop on Migration: three reasons why you should attend
The Economics Department at Leiden University is pleased to announce a junior workshop focusing on The Economic, Social and Political Effects of Migration, which will be held Friday 19 April 2024, at the Gravensteen in Leiden.
Marieke Liem in The Economist on drug-related murders in Europe
Marieke Liem, professor at ISGA, discusses how the number of drug-related murders has not decreased in the last years
‘You get the impression that Elon Musk is acting based on personal motivations’
It increasingly seems that Elon Musk has taken it upon himself to decide what can and cannot be said on Twitter. He bought the platform with the message that there would be room to say whatever you desired, but he himself is casting doubts on that principle.
- FGGA Brainstorm social safety, inclusion and work balance
First comprehensive study on gun violence in Europe identifies alarming trends
The steady decline in lethal gun violence in the EU came to halt in 2012 and some countries, such as Sweden, have even noticed an increase since then. An arms race among drug criminals and an increase in the availability of illegal firearms could lead to more criminal and gun violence. This is one of…
New publication on fairness, AI and recruitment
Carlotta Rigotti and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga have published a new article that offers an insightful and critical literature review on fairness and AI in the labour market as part of the BIAS project.
‘Build resilience in traumatised children and young people’
Many children experience trauma and if they are unable to deal with it properly, it can have a huge personal and societal effect. Building resilience in vulnerable children and young people should therefore have the highest priority. This is the message of Anne-Laura van Harmelen, Professor of Brain,…
Leiden archaeologists in international media on early form of money in the Bronze Age
People in the Early Bonze Age used bronze artefacts as a means of payment. This is the conclusion reached by archaeologists Maikel Kuijpers and Catalin Popa in a PLOS ONE article published on 20 January. The discovery led to a surge of media reports.
Liever een verre vreemde dan een valse buur
Mensen werken niet alleen liever samen met leden van hun eigen ingroup, ze concurreren er ook liever mee, lieten Leidse onderzoekers in een sociaalpsychologische studie in 51 landen zien. Dit ‘nasty neighbor’- effect was een grote verrassing voor de onderzoekers, totdat ze in studies over dieren doken.…
Netflix hit a metaphor for South Korea: ‘You have to achieve’
South Korean smash hit Squid Game is on track to becoming the most successful Netflix production ever. The series is number one in over 90 countries. Professor and Korea expert Remco Breuker can see why South Korean pop culture is becoming so popular, also outside Asia.
Interdisciplinary minor ’Violence Studies’: ‘It felt like we were going to fight a group of people’
The interdisciplinary, English-taught minor ‘Violence Studies’ looks at violence from very diverse scientific perspectives. What are the benefits from this approach? Students and lecturers evaluate: ‘This minor’s a goldmine’.
Social Europe in the context of the green and digital transition
Lecture, Seminar
Social Context Matters: Researching Crime Across Countries, Across Cultures
KITLV&VVI Research Talk
Being deaf at the playground: the effect of hearing loss on children's social participation
PhD defence
What works in suicide prevention? Lessons from the 113 Helpline
113 Suicide Prevention gave a guest lecture about suicide prevention at the Spanish Steps in Wijnhaven
‘How expensive is migration?’
Migrants are expensive. Or are they? Professor Olaf van Vliet collaborated on a big research project from Leiden University to map the costs of migration. During the last episode of this season of the podcast Open Geesten (Open Minds), he talks about the initial results. Do migrants really put a lot…
Bart Custers about extremists on Telegram
Extremist users of Telegram are moving en masse to other chat apps, such as the anonymous SimpleX. In this way, they hope to avoid detection, now that Telegram founder Pavel Durov is going to share personal data of criminal users with authorities.
Onderzoek naar de toekomst van de arbeidsmarkt ontvangt 3,4 miljoen euro
Een internationaal consortium onder leiding van Olaf van Vliet heeft een Horizon Europe subsidie van 3,4 miljoen euro gewonnen. In het onderzoek staat centraal hoe wereldwijde sociale veranderingen zoals migratie, digitalisering en de klimaattransitie de arbeidsmarkt beïnvloeden en wat daar de gevolgen…
‘In transformation’: trust, participation, and new socialities around collective food procurement networks in Gdańsk
PhD defence
A Social History of Elephant Watching and Elephant Keepers in Early Modern China
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Experts on the war in Ukraine, two years later: ‘Europe learned a lot from the war, help each other and don’t give up’
The one-day symposium ‘War in Europe: the impact of Russian aggression in Ukraine two years on’ on 23 February 2024
Interdisciplinary research: labour market on the move
Migration, globalisation, technological developments, climate change: the greatest challenges of our time all affect our labour market. But how exactly? And can we influence this? Professor of Economics Olaf van Vliet regards it as his job to reveal how things really are. ‘That way, we can work on solutions…
Lunch lecture: ‘Geo’-Politics and Animist Social Contracts in the New Himalayas
- PhD Drinks – for PhDs from Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Yemen’s history of slavery and its lasting impact on social and racial hierarchies
Lecture, Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series
Research: Verbal abuse and clip around the ear common in Caribbean Netherlands families
People from the Dutch islands of Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius say that violence (mainly verbal) is fairly common in families. This is according to research by Leiden University, the University of Curaçao and UNICEF Netherlands. The researchers make recommendations for preventing such violence over…
Social and Economic Human Rights, The United Nations and the Intimacies of International Law: A History
Lecture, INVISIHIST event
Whispering out loud
Whispp, a Leiden-based speech technology start-up, is developing an app to help people who stutter express themselves more freely. Among those working together with Joris Castermans and his team at Whispp, are researchers and students from the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL).
In Memoriam: Rudolf E. de Jong (1958–2024)
On Friday 16 February 2024, Rudolf E. de Jong passed away unexpectedly in Cairo. Since 2012, he was the director of the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC), which he skillfully managed for 12 years. He was laid to rest in Amsterdam on 27 February. Rudolf was 65.