1,467 search results for “nederlandse politics” in the Public website
All eyes on China: the Communist Party Congress is coming up
The world’s attention will shift to China as the Communist Party is set to hold its five-yearly congress beginning on 16 October. We talk to Senior University Lecturer Florian Schneider about how its leader Xi Jinping is expected to cement his place as the country’s most powerful leader since Mao Ze…
Young People and Party Politics
Prof. I. van Biezen
Book Launch Media / Art / Politics
NICA presents, in collaboration with LUCAS and LUP: a book launch of the first two titles in the new series in Media / Art / Politics at Leiden University Press. We will be joined by Inge van der Ven (Tilburg University) who will pitch her book Big Books in Times of Big Data (2020)…
Historicizing Security. Enemies of the State, 1813 until present
The research project ‘The History of National Security, 1945-present', is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Campus The Hague/Leiden University and the Netherlands Institute for Military History (NIMH). The project will run until the summer of 2013, when we hope…
At Puntiatzil
Diana Dávila Gordillo, PhD candidate at Leiden University’s Institute of Political Science does field trips to her native Ecuador.
What drives anti-immigrant sentiment among youths in Ecuador?
Four researchers from Leiden University’s Institute of Political Science have been awarded a grant to jointly investigate attitudes towards Venezuelan immigrants among youths in Ecuador. Combining their expertise and collaborating with the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, they will focus on school-going…
CPP Political Philosophy Workshop with David Owen: “On Vindication in Ethics and Politics”
Michel Orrit wins Physica Prize 2016
Michel Orrit was awarded the Physica prize 2016 for his groundbreaking work on single molecule spectroscopy.
From Clients to Citizens? Emerging Citizenship in Democratizing Indonesia
What is the impact of Indonesia’s democratization process on everyday state-citizen relations?
Arco Timmermans in HP de Tijd: Percentages are not always indicative for the social debate
The Social and Cultural Plan Bureau (SCP) published the report “The social state of the Netherlands”. In this research is it stated that there is no such thing as a political shift to the right. In view of the fact that the right wing is better represented in the House of Commons, this is a remarkable…
Guest lecture Jeroen Dijsselbloem
On Wednesday 21 March 2018 Jeroen Dijsselbloem, former Minister of Finance, and former President of the Euro Group and the Board of Governors of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), gave a guest lecture at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs.
Lauren Lauret receives D.J. Veegens Prize 2022
University lecturer Lauren Lauret has been awarded the D.J. Veegens Prize 2022 for her dissertation on the meeting practices of the States General during the time of the Republic of the Seven United Provinces compared to those of the Lower House during the first half of the 19th century.
Helpt artificiële intelligentie bij vroege opsporing gewrichtsontstekingen op MRI?
Kan artificiële intelligentie (AI) helpen om subtiele veranderingen in de gewrichten op te merken op MRI-beelden van patiënten met reumatoïde artritis? Die vraag gaan Leidse wetenschappers beantwoorden dankzij een subsidie van de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO).
Protests in China: Politicians afraid of not the population but colleagues
That it was students who started the protests in China against its zero Covid policy makes things more dangerous for politicians. China expert Frank Pieke explains the role of students in China, what makes the protests unique and what might happen next.
Call for Papers: Who rules over migrants? Autocratic elements in migration policies
We are pleased to invite paper proposals for the 1.5-day interdisciplinary workshop: “Who rules over migrants? Autocratic elements in migration policies”, that will take place at the University of Leiden on 14 and 15 November 2024.
Hall of Fame
Many of our staff and students have won an award, received a grant, obtained an academic fellowship for their quality or have been socially engaged due to their specific expertise. See below for an overview per year.
An Interview with Bernard Steunenberg about Dutch EU Presidency, EU-skepticism & European issues
‘‘Stop focusing on the money and start creating a heart for Europe’’ This Friday, the 29th of April, Bernard Steunenberg and his co-authors will launch their book ‘Fit for the Future’. We spoke with him about issues presented in the book, the EU Presidency and why people should read the book.
Johan Christensen: 'The Power of Economists within the State'
This month Johan Christensen, assistant professor at the Institute of Public Administration, published his new book: ‘The Power of Economists within the State’. The book explores four countries, Denmark, Ireland, Norway and New Zealand and analyses why these similarly sized and wealthy countries have…
Paul Abels on the ‘dragnet law’
There was a lot of fuss last week about the ‘dragnet law’, in which intelligence services are now authorised to conduct large-scale tapping of cable communications. The public image here is that the privacy of innocent citizens will almost certainly be violated. Paul Abels, professor of governance of…
Lecture Oliver Rathkolb - The End of Social Democracy?
On 11 March, Oliver Rathkolb (University of Vienna) held a lecture about Social Democracy.
Rethinking Disability: the Global Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Historical Perspective
How did disability become a global concern? In this project we will identify the contribution of international agencies, governmental and non-governmental organizations and, just as importantly, disabled people themselves, to the IYDP and by showing the connections, interactions and entanglements between…
Master’s thesis prize 2020: the nominees
As a Leiden University’s master’s student in Political Science you conduct independent research and report your findings to fellow academics and, who knows, to a larger audience. Your thesis is a showcase of your academic skills and personal interest, and perhaps even passion. Easier said than done,…
Alumnus teaching at a Texan university: pizza, guns and heated debate in the lecture theatre
Americans are electing a new president in November but they also have other choices to make in the polling booth. Alumnus Sanne Rijkhoff works at a Texas university and is trying to help make students more aware of the elections.
Nominees Van den Berg Thesis Prize 2020
Who authored the best theses in Leiden University's Political Science BSc programmes?
Protecting democracy in Europe
Political scientist Tom Theuns (Leiden University) has been awarded a Veni grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This means that he is recognised as a promising researcher and that he will receive support to develop his ideas further for a period of three years. Theuns will focus on the role…
Tom Tyler speaks on Democratic Legitimacy
On May 13, prof. Tom R. Tyler (Yale Law School) will hold a lecture at Leiden Law School on
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer receives honorary title Minister of State
On 22 June 2018, Prime Minister Rutte announced that Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Professor of International Relations and Diplomatic Practices at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), together with former ministers Sybilla Dekker and Winnie Sorgdrager, will become Minister of State.
New Jean Monnet seminar series: Europe and the World
In view of its aim to aim to promote and strengthen teaching and research in European Studies, the Jean Monnet chair ‘Europe and the World' organises a series of seminars. Several interesting speakers will present their research, and both students and staff members will have ample opportunities to engage…
Tjet Meijer
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Ivar Halfman
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Nynke Heegstra
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Eline Joor
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Anna van Dijk
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Tessa Thomas
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Judy Spruit
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Louis Sicking
Faculty of Humanities
Chibuike Uche
Esther Edelmann
Faculty of Humanities
NVIC Internship January 2019
The Netherlands-Flemish Institute is offering an internship in Cairo from January 2019 onwards. If you are interested please apply before 20 December, 2018. (See the details in Dutch only)
NVIC Internship September 2019
The Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo is offering an internship from September 2019 onwards. If you are interested please apply before 15 July, 2019. (See the details in Dutch only)
NVIC Internship March 2018
The Netherlands-Flemish Institute is offering an internship in Cairo from March 2018 onwards. If you are interested please apply before February 15, 2018. (See the details in Dutch only)
IPSA RC31 Conference, Decolonizing Western Political Philosophy
The conference will be hybrid. The virtual online space can be joined via: https://universiteitleiden.zoom.us/j/62569308701?pwd=KzEvT3hyM052TU9rSjJoQ3YzdjdyQT09 (Meeting ID: 625 6930 8701 Passcode: WmbD%8yX). Times are CEST Hosted by the RC31 IPSA Political Philosophy and the Leiden Centre…
North Korea: Disentangling a Gordian knot
The announcement by US President Donald Trump on 9 March in response to the invitation for a summit meeting with the North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un came as a big surprise. Media analyses vary from being very positive to almost cynically negative. However, according to researcher on Korea Koen…
PCNI Research Seminar on Political Meetings
This seminar will approach the topic of political meetings with the presentations of two historians of political culture.
Fransje Molenaar wins Jaarprijs Politicologie 2018
Fransje Molenaar, who defended her dissertation at the Institute of Political Science (Leiden University) in September 2017, has been awarded the Jaarprijs Politicologie. Out of 66 entries from Flanders and The Netherlands, her study of party legislation in Latin America made the biggest impression…
Radical Spotlights: Economics of Political Chaos
Inaugural lecture
Vacancy Postdoc (Ghent)
In de context van het FWO Project "The Social Life of Early Netherlandish Painting" dat wordt geleid door Frederik Buylaert, Jan Dumolyn (beiden Vakgroep Geschiedenis) en Maximiliaan Martens (Vakgroep Kunst-, Muziek- en Theaterwetenschappen) is een driejarige postdoctorale onderzoekspositie beschikbaar.…
Studiemiddag Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden
Op maandag 2 oktober 2023 zullen vier nieuwe delen in de reeks Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden (MVN) worden gepresenteerd. Naar aanleiding van deze mijlpaal organiseren het Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis en Cultuur van de KNAW en de MVN-projectcommissie een studiemiddag…
Scriptieprijs Stichting tot Gedachtenis
Jaarlijks looft de Stichting tot Gedachtenis scriptieprijzen uit voor (Research) Master studenten die zijn verbonden aan Nederlandse en Belgische universiteiten. Onderwerp van de scriptie dient in lijn met de doelstelling van de stichting, die onderzoek naar de dodengedachtenis Nederlanden tot aan het…
Three new Leiden bloggers for Faces of Science
What is life like as an academic? Twelve PhD candidates will report on their daily work in videos and blogs on the Faces of Science website (in Dutch). They include three researchers from Leiden who are researching topics such as North Korean support for African liberation movements, how differently…