1,644 search results for “komen history” in the Public website
Being Muslim in Indonesia: Religiosity, Politics and Cultural Diversity in Bima
Muhammad Adlin Sila examines the range of ways Bima Muslims constitute their Islamic identities and agencies through rituals and festivals. In response to their surroundings, what it means to be a Muslim is constantly being negotiated.
Labor Divided in the Postwar European Welfare State. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom
This monograph, written by dr. Dennie Oude Nijhuis and published by Cambridge University Press, discusses the postwar development of the welfare state.
The Dutch and English East India Companies: Diplomacy, Trade and Violence in Early Modern Asia
The Dutch and English East India Companies were formidable organizations that were gifted with expansive powers that allowed them to conduct diplomacy, wage war and seize territorial possessions. But they did not move into an empty arena in which they were free to deploy these powers without resista…
Geslaagde studentenconferentie 'empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht'
Waarom is empirisch-juridisch onderzoek van belang voor de rechtspraktijk en het wetenschappelijke onderzoek? Op die vraag kregen masterstudenten van de afstudeerrichtingen civiel recht, ondernemingsrecht en financieel recht antwoord tijdens het congres over empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht…
Abolition of slavery Memorial Year has begun
On 1 July – Keti Koti, in the year ahead, our university community will be able to reflect extensively on the history of slavery by engaging in research, education and many other activities.
Jovan Pesalj’s doctoral dissertation ‘Monitoring Migrations: The Habsburg-Ottoman Border in the Eighteenth Century’
In recent years, the public discourse on immigration in Europe and in the United States has often focused on efforts to increase security and restrict traffic on external borders. How old is this phenomenon of states attempting to control migrations on external borders? What were the motives and the…
Sign of approval by the Spanish Inquisition
Book historian Erik Kwakkel found an intriguing snippet of text earlier this week, that bears unexpected evidence of some of the problems encoutered by early printers: censorship and the affiliated fuss of seeking and printing Church approval.
Written Culture at Ter Duinen: Cistercian Monks and their Books, c.1140-c.1240
The physical features of twelfth-century manuscripts from the Flemish abbey of Ter Duinen – such as script, page layout, and reading aids – show how their readers organized, interpreted, and transmitted knowledge.
Tobias van der Wal
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Maarten Jansen
Faculteit Archeologie
Wouter van Beek
Antje Wessels
Faculty of Humanities
Bareez Majid
Faculty of Humanities
Matthew Frear
Faculty of Humanities
Jonathan Stökl
Faculty of Humanities
Vincent Chang
Faculty of Humanities
Etymology calendar: every day a word and its history
The Etymology Calendar for 2020, which was compiled by five linguistics students from Leiden University, has now hit the shops. After the resounding success of the first Etymology Calendar last year, this year’s version is being published by big-name publishing house Brill.
Technical problems are history with the Teacher Support Desk
For many teachers, they are a lifesaver: the people at the Science Teacher Support Desk. When a teacher has technical problems, they come to the rescue immediately. Veerle Warnders is one of them and she tells us what is so great about her job.
Nadine Akkerman’s 'Spycraft' in Harper’s Magazine: ‘Diverting history‘
In Harper’s Magazine, reviewer Dan Piepenbring discusses the latest book by professor Nadine Akkerman and Pete Langman. ‘Spycraft’ showcases how and why messages were ciphered in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England.
Introducing: Francoise Baggeler
Francoise Baggeler started her PhD at the Institute for History on 1st of september 2011.
Introducing: Hasan Colak
Hasan Colak is one of the two postdocs in Cátia Antunes’ ERC Research Project 'Fighting Monopolies'.
Introducing: Irial Glynn
In January 2014, Irial Glynn started a two-year Marie Curie Fellowship in Leiden. His project will compare the migration experiences of Ireland and Italy since 1945.
Introducing: Stefano Bellucci
In August 2014 Stefano Bellucci started working as Senior Lecturer in African History at the Institute for History.
Studiemiddag Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden (UU, 2 oktober)
Op 2 oktober 2023 zullen meerdere nieuwe delen in de reeks Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden worden gepresenteerd, ditmaal uitsluitend in digitale vorm.
Tanja Masson in Een Vandaag over militaire ruimtemacht van Trump
“Het is niet genoeg dat Amerika aanwezig is in de ruimte. Amerika moet domineren”, zegt Donald Trump tijdens een bijeenkomst met de Nationale Ruimteraad. Zodoende wil hij naast de land-, zee-, en luchtmacht een nieuwe militaire kracht oprichten: de Space Force. Ruimterecht deskundige Tanja Masson denkt…
National Clean-up Day
This year, the National Clean-up Day, in an adapted form, will take place. Join us and take a clean-up walk on Saturday, March 20.⠀
New article in "Nederlands Tijdschrift voor revalidatiegeneeskunde".
Michiel Claessen, Ineke van der Ham, Nicolien de Rooij and Anne Visser have published a paper in the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor revalidatiegeneeskunde, (Dutch Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine) entitled ‘De weg kwijt na een beroerte: screening, diagnostiek en behandeling’.
Introducing: Erik Odegard
Erik Odegard is the third PhD-student who's joining Cátia Antunes' 'Challenging Monopolies' project.
Patricio Silva
Faculty of Humanities
Introducing: Margarida Borges
Margarida Borges has been working as a PhD candidate at the Leiden Institute for History since September 2011.
Comenius grant for more diverse ancient history: 'Especially in the first year of the bachelor, the impact of a project is great'
The History programme has been working for several years to make the curriculum more diverse and inclusive. With a Comenius grant, university lecturer Kim Beerden wants to take the next step.
Bart Verheijen
Faculty of Humanities
Introducing: David Ballantyne
In January 2014, I began working as a postdoctoral researcher in History at Leiden on the NWO project “Democratization and political terrorism: The formation and destruction of the two-party system in the Red River Valley of Louisiana, 1865-1878,” where I am studying with Professor Adam Fairclough.
Caroline Waerzeggers
Faculty of Humanities
The Historical Sources of the Mali Empire Reconsidered
When did the Mali Empire disintegrate? What does the Sunjata heritage demonstrate about the political situation after 1600?
Between duress and interconnectivity: Mbororo refugees at the Cameroun-CAR border
French title: Entre la “détresse’’ et l’inter-connectivite : le case de Mbororo réfugies sur les frontières Cameroun-Centrafrique. This research project investigates the meaning of duress in the lives of nomadic refugees in Cameroon and investigates if and how the accessibility of new ICT’s allow them…
Outstanding Academic Titles for 2010
Cambridge History of South Africa, volume 1: From early times to 1885 (edited by Carolyn Hamilton, Bernard K. Mbenga, and Robert Ross) made Choice magazine's list of Outstanding Academic Titles for 2010.
Masterclass with Dr. Arthur Weststeijn
The Institute for History of Leiden University, in collaboration with the N.W. Posthumus Institute, is organising a Masterclass by Dr. Arthur Weststeijn on Friday 13 November 2015.
Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference : Breaking the Rules: Textual Reflections on Transgression
The Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference was founded in 2013 to publish a selection of the best papers presented at the biennial LUCAS Graduate Conference, an international and interdisciplinary humanities conference organized by the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). The…
Royal honour for emeritus professor Willem Otterspeer
Emeritus professor Willem Otterspeer received a royal honour from mayor Henri Lenferink on Tuesday 20 September. The university historian was appointed Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau.
Marie Curie – ITN Project ‘ForSeaDiscovery’
Catia Antunes is one of the main partners in the ‘ForSeaDiscovery – Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery’ project that has been awarded the prestigious Marie Curie – ITN grant for Academic/Civil Society training, cooperation and outreach.
Introducing: Project Group The Scholarly Self
In November 2013, three PhD students started in Herman Paul’s VIDI project ‘The Scholarly Self: Character, Habit, and Virtue in the Humanities, 1860-1930’. In this newsletter they introduce themselves.
Idols of the Mind: Modern Variations on a Baconian Theme, 1800-2000
Drawing on a broad array of sources, this project examines modern retrievals of Bacon’s idols, thereby testing Justus von Liebig’s intriguing observation, back in 1863, that Bacon’s name lived on mainly in mottos or stereotypical phrases. More importantly, it examines the rhetorical purposes served…
The advent of Abrī: the first wave of paper marbling in the long 16th century (ca. 1496-1616CE)
On Thursday 21 November 2024 Jake Benson successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Wit and Wisdom in Classical Arabic Literature
This book contains the first three Leiden-Aramco Lectures on Arabic Language and Culture delivered by Petra Sijpesteijn, James E. Montgomery and Geert Jan van Gelder.
The intimate voice of the Russian Avant-garde: adapting the aesthetic self and the rise of Socialist Realism
This proposed research uses ego-documents from visual artists that were not intended for publication to reassess the scholarly debate on the demise of the Russian Avant-garde aesthetic in the twenties and early thirties of the 20th century.
Falling Short of Expectations: Evaluative Languages in Scholarly Book Reviews, 1900-2000
What evaluative languages (errors, mistakes, vices, etc.) did book reviewers employ? To what extent and on what occasions did they invoke early modern vices? And to what extent did this differ across fields or change over the course of the century?
Pride and Prejudice: Moral Languages in Scholarly Codes of Conduct, 1900-2000
If idioms employed in codes of conduct could be as idiosyncratic as examples suggest, then to what extent did early modern language of vice, too, persist in this genre?
Hodegetics: Language of Vice in Student Advice Literature, 1700-1900
This project analyzes to what extent hodegetical textbooks relied on each other in warning their readers against vicious habits, how much continuity their catalogs of vice displayed, and to what extent vices that persisted throughout the 18th and 19th centuries were associated with easy-to-remember…
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