10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Koos Biesmeijer and Claire van Megen nominated for Person of the Year
Koos Biesmeijer, Professor of Natural Capital, and Claire van Megen, an Educational and Child Studies student, are in with a chance of winning Leiden’s Person of the Year title.
Privacy and the current registration requirement in the hospitality sector
The Dutch Data Protection Authority is concerned about the way in which businesses in the hospitality sector are registering contact details of customers.
From Baker to Added Public Value
Thursday 12 July the first Leiden Leadership Lunch took place. In the boardroom in Wijnhaven there was an informal lunch with researchers, students and managers from the field. Science and practice found each other around the theme leadership and added public value.
Council meeting walkouts: ‘powerplay’
It rarely happens: halting a decision by walking out of a meeting. ‘But there’s nothing wrong with it from a constitutional law perspective,’ says Geerten Boogaard, Professor by Special Appointment of Local Government, in ‘Leidsch Dagblad’.
Await AND anticipate. How the municipality of Amsterdam manages developments in the digital public domain.
The issue of how to deal with a development such as digitalisation in the public domain raises difficult questions for the municipality: who is responsible and when do you intervene?
The garden of Eden is Africa
Amazing discoveries by Jean Jacques Hublin of Early modern Humans in Morocco.
Short Update on the Wijnhaven Complex
The building is far from finished, but the former ministry of Internal Affairs is looking more and more like the Academic building for the locations of the University of Leiden in the Hague that it has to become. This week I got a tour behind the scenes of the gigantic project, where I was able to see…
Manhunt in Leiden: 'I can see Princess Beatrix!'
'Hey look! There's Rembrandt! And isn't that Einstein?' Over 200 children took part in the 444 Manhunt through the centre of Leiden on Saturday 29 June. They were looking for famous figures from the history of the University and the city: from Princess Beatrix to Von Siebold and from Roman goddess Minerva…
Call for papers – Geneva Biennial Baroque 2023
The 20th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music will be hosted by the Haute École de Musique de Genève-Neuchâtel at its Geneva campus from Wednesday 28 June 2023 to Sunday 2 July 2023 inclusive.
Minister Bussemaker to open Morocco Institute NIMAR in Rabat
Minister Jet Bussemaker (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science) will open the new headquarters of NIMAR (Netherlands Institute in Morocco) in Rabat on 1 March, in the presence of Mayor of Rotterdam Ahmed Aboutaleb and Rector of Leiden University Carel Stolker. The institute has been part of Leiden…
Guest lecture by Jurian Langer
On Thursday 5 April, Leiden University had the honour to receive Professor Jurian Langer within the framework of the European Union Seminar Series, jointly organized by the master’s programme in International Relations, the Institute for History and the Europa Institute at the Leiden Law School.
How Finland managed to halve its suicide rate
Finland reduced its suicide rate from 30 deaths per 100,000 citizens. Marieke Liem and Leah Prencipe discuss this in The Conversation.
Teddy bear doctors at work in the LUMC
The Leiden University Medical Center is being transformed into a Teddy Bear Hospital in the week of 20 to 24 March. During this week more than a thousand children will care for their favourite cuddly toy under the watchful eyes of Leiden's medical students. The aim of the event is to reduce children's…
Masterclass ‘Access to Justice in Indonesian frontier area’
On 6 September 2018 Jacqueline Vel of the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society organised a master class on ‘Access to Justice’ at the invitation of the Wira Wacana Christian University in Waingapu, Sumba, Indonesia.
New free online course on Health Behaviour
As of 14 May, people from all over the world can follow a little part of our university’s education through a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Health & Health Behaviour. This MOOC provides an introduction to the field of Health Psychology.
Call for Papers: Relocating Governance in Asia: state and society in South- and Southeast Asia, c. 1800-2000
Call for Papers for the conference Relocating Governance in Asia: state and society in South- and Southeast Asia, c. 1800-2000, Leiden University, 22-24 January 2020.
Facilitation and Digitalisation of Foreign Trade in the Andean Community
On 18 November 2021, the Andean Community (CAN) signed an agreement with the Development Bank of Latin America for the implementation of Andean Community Interoperability - INTERCOM. This technical cooperation agreement aims to aid in trade facilitation and digitization between the Member States of…
Faculty of Humanities ushers in the new year: 'Build in some low-pressure time'
In a world beset with war, climate problems and skyrocketing energy prices, it is good to have some 'slack time' now and then. That was Dean Mark Rutgers' message at the Faculty of Humanities' New Year reception.
Neuropsychologist Mariska Kret through to top 5 Science Talent
Neuropsychologist Mariska Kret is through to the next round in the 2016 Science Talent contest organised by New Scientist magazine.
Strikes the result of high inflation
Employees are laying down their work in various sectors, such as regional public transportation and Dutch postal service PostNL. Inflation appears to be increasing dissatisfaction about working conditions, thinks Barend Barentsen, Professor in Labour Law at Leiden University. ‘It's the final straw.’
BNR De Wereld: How dangerous is North Korea?
What is the relationship between America and North Korea? How big are the chances that a war will break out? How important are the personalities of Trump and Kim Jong-un? These and other questions about North Korea were treated in the BNR-De Wereld programme that was broadcasted live from Campus The…
Bachelor programme Mathematics labelled "topopleiding"
LCCP Working seminar autumn 2022
The seminar is dedicated to the work-in-progress of Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy staff and doctoral students. The paper is sent in advance and discussed in the meeting. The seminar is open to all.
Moritz Jesse speaks about integration of workers in Oxford
Dr Moritz Jesse (Associate Professor at the Department of European law) spoke at a symposium organised at Oxford Brooks University. The symposium, which took place in October 2022, dealt with the question in how far integration of economic immigrants can be facilitated by the Law and the application…
Sustainable Business Battle wins Van Bergen Prize
The Sustainable Business Battle was launched less than a year ago, but it has already won several prizes. Last week, the organisers received the Green Trophy and now they can also add the Van Bergen Prize to their awards.
Paper in 'Frontiers in Psychology'
Milan van der Kuil, Anne Visser, Andrea Evers and Ineke van der Ham have published a paper in Frontiers in Psychology, entitled: A usability study of a serious game in cognitive rehabilitation: a compensatory navigation training in acquired brain injury patients.
Clear signal from ICJ in Gaza conflict
While the interim ruling passed down by the International Court of Justice did not order a ceasefire, it did state that Israel must take all measures to prevent further victims and genocidal acts in Gaza. South Africa brought the case as it alleges that the war in Gaza constitutes a violation of the…
Olga Ceran awarded the re:constitution fellowship 2023/24
Dr Olga Ceran has been selected as one of the re:constitution fellows of 2023/24. This distinguished group comprises 15 early-career scholars and practitioners, all set to work on diverse research projects on the rule of law and democracy in Europe. The fellowship will allow her to work on her project…
Wim Voermans on freedoms surrendered during two years of coronavirus
During the coronavirus years 2020 and 2021, Dutch citizens became poorer, more anxious, less free and more rebellious. The State gained more power and entered the lives of citizens in all manner of ways to protect their health. Only recently did the State give citizens their freedom back – in part.
'Rutte had voorzitter van Europese Raad kunnen worden'
De Belgische premier Charles Michel wordt de nieuwe voorzitter van de Europese Raad, maar die functie had ook voor Mark Rutte kunnen zijn.
Alumni exhibit their "Magische Korstmossen" work at Cinekid MediaLab 2021
We are proud to see the work "Magische Korstmossen" by our alumni Carolien Teunisse and Sabrina Verhage exhibited at the Cinekid MediaLab 2021. Via augmented reality, "Magische Korstmossen" lets children interact with the magical world of lichens.
Aleydis Nissen wins the European Public Law Organization Thesis Prize
The postdoc received the 2020 Thesis Prize for her PhD research on the role of the EU Member States in regulating and remedying corporate human rights violations.
Leiden University again in top 100 in Shangai ranking
Like last year, Leiden University is the third Dutch university in the 2016 Shanghai ranking. Leiden is ranked 93rd among the world's 500 best universities.
Leiden University wins three awards at Telders International Law Moot Court Competition
Leiden University won the awards for Best Oral Argumentation for both the Applicant and the Respondent and Best Oralist. In addition, Leiden University ranked second overall in the competition.
Universe Awareness celebrates tenth anniversary
Universe Awareness (UNAWE), an international programme that inspires children from the age of four to twelve with our wonderful cosmos, exists ten years.
Jan Melissen on Politico.eu about diplomacy
Many years ago, Winston Churchill said; ‘Jaw to jaw is better than war’. Therefore the quality of the jaw to jaw and diplomacy is important. Unfortunately, the quality of diplomacy is decreasing.
ECSL Summer Course on Space, Cyber and Telecommunications Law
One of ECSL’s most successful activities is the ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, which is open to students of all levels of study, as well as a few young professionals already working in the space or space-related sectors. The course is now in its 31st year and boasts a large family of alumni…
Workshop on Interdisiciplinary Research Methods in EU law
On 8 and 9 September, the London School of Economics Law School organised the Interdisciplinary Research Methods in EU Law Workshop. Armin Cuyvers and Eva Grosfeld presented their research on the application of social psychological insights to EU law.
How can we improve the availability of information to the public in disputes with government authorities?
The Netherlands Open Government Action Plan was recently presented to the Dutch House of Representatives. One of the action points in the plan relates to research to be conducted by Annemarie Drahmann, Louis Honée and Ymre Schuurmans, all staff at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative…
Flexible employment benefits offered more often
In an attempt to retain employees and tackle shortages in the labour market, some employers are now prepared to go further in offering attractive employment benefits. Dutch news programme 'Nieuwsuur' has discovered that large international companies, like Uber, McKinsey, and Salesforce, are prepared…
Elsemieke Daalder wins international legal history prize for PhD dissertation
Elsemieke Daalder has won the prestigious ‘Premio della Corte costituzionale italiana’, part of the ‘Premio Boulvert’ awards, for her dissertation ‘De rechtspraakverzamelingen van Julius Paulus’, for which she was awarded her doctorate cum laude on 23 October 2018 in Leiden.
Finding the truth - Easier said than done?
Starting March 2015, the Honours Class ‘Miscarriages of justice and fact-finding in (Dutch) criminal procedure’ has given me, a student of Education and Child Studies, the opportunity to submerge myself into this area of law, together with twelve other enthusiastic students.
Professor Mariëlle Bruning elected Member of the Expert Group Violence Against Children of the Council of Europe (2018-2019)
Mariëlle Bruning, Professor of Child Law, is elected Member of the Expert Group on Responses to violence against children (CAHENF-VAC), which is established to assist the Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF) of the Council of Europe.
Keuzegids recommends three ‘top study programmes’ at Leiden University
The Leiden bachelor’s programmes in Linguistics, Religious Studies and Ancient Near Eastern Studies have received the accolade of ‘top study programme’ in the Keuzegids (Study Guide) 2019 for Universities.
Updated MRI scanner ready for use
The updated MRI scanner at the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC) will become operational on 29 September. The new version is faster and better than the current model.
Leiden University won three prizes at the ICC Moot Court Competition
Leiden University won three prizes at the International Criminal Court (ICC) Moot Court Competition – English edition. The final round was held on 27 June 2022 in Courtroom I of the ICC in The Hague (the Netherlands). Due to current COVID-19 related restrictions, it was a hybrid hearing with judges…
Freek Vonk gets his own show on Discovery Channel
Biologist Freek Vonk had already appeared in the Time Warp programme, where he was shown milking a snake for its venom, which he needed for his doctoral research. On Friday 18 September, he explained his fascination for snakes to Matthijs van Nieuwkerk in ‘De wereld draait door’, a Dutch news and entertainment…
Flashpoints: an interactive game on counter-terrorism
Have you ever wondered what your choices would be, facing a major crisis? Had your thoughts about the course of action taken bij authorities, media, law enforcement or the public in the wake of a terrorist attack?
Seminar ‘Tailored Provisions, Social Rights Compliance?’
On the 1st of November 2017, Ingrid Leijten hosted an expert-seminar titled ‘Tailored Provisions, Social Rights Compliance?’ (‘Maatwerk als Mensenrecht?’).
Cosmopolis Advanced: Call for International MA/PhD Applications
The Institute for History is pleased to announce the launch of a new research program: Cosmopolis Advanced, an initiative of the Institute for History at Leiden University (LU) in partnership with Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta.