2,354 search results for “journalism” in the Public website
Social Justice Inaugural Lecture by prof Janice Bellace
Professor Janice Bellace (Warthon, University of Pennsylvania) gives the Social Justice Lecture this year. The title of her lecture will be: ‘Social justice, business and labour rights and the role of the International Labour Organization (ILO) to influence corporate behaviour of multinational enterprises.’…
Story from the field: Field School in Aruba
Four bachelor’s students in archaeology have embarked on a month-long field school in Aruba. They will work with Harold Kelly, a local archaeologist at the National archaeological museum of Aruba, and with the research team of Island(er)s at the Helm.
Minister Plasterk opens exhibition on the work of Corinne Hofman and Menno Hoogland on Saba
During his visit to the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, Minister Ronald Plasterk (Home Affairs) on Thursday, January 24, 2013 performed the official opening of a small exhibition. The exhibition portrays the work Prof. Dr. Corinne Hofman and Dr. Menno Hoogland have conducted on Saba over the past 26…
Corinne Hofman elected to prestigious British Academy fellowship
Professor Corinne Hofman has been made a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy for the humanities and social sciences. She is among 76 distinguished scholars to be elected to the fellowship in recognition of her work in the field of archaeology.
Tarlach McGonagle appointed as Professor of Media Law in the Information Society
Tarlach McGonagle has been appointed as Professor of Media Law in the Information Society as of 1 May 2019. The Chair is established by the Leiden University Fund (LUF) and is situated within the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law.
Exploring all options during the Master’s Open Day
On March 16th, students from all over the world visited Leiden's Humanities Faculty to explore their options during the Master's Open Day. 'Leiden is a beautiful city, I feel like I could definitely study here.'
Remarkable achievement: Leiden professor appointed AAAS Fellow
Carlo Beenakker has been appointed a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the organisation behind the journal Science. Among the Fellows, he is the third Dutch person and first Leiden researcher.
Dutch Higher Education Award 2022: second place for The Learning Mindset
The Leiden University College (LUC) education team behind The Learning Mindset (TLM) has received 800,000 euro’s during the Dutch Higher Education Award Ceremony 2022. The LUC team was second behind Universteit Twente. The prize was awarded during the annual Comenius Festival of the Comenius Network.…
‘Creating propaganda has been democratised’
University lecturer Peter Burger has been researching the reliability of stories for almost 30 years. Whether political news item or urban myth, he debunks falsehoods and half-truths on an almost daily basis. He recently received a prize for his complete oeuvre.
Episode #16 | Digital Diplomacy and the International Criminal Court
The Hague Diplomacy Podcast aims at bringing the themes of the journal's research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience within their practice of or research on diplomacy. Available via SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts…
Winnie Gebhardt receives Honorary Fellowship
Health psychologist Winnie Gebhardt has been appointed as Honorary Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) in recognition of her exceptional contribution to the EHPS and the field of health psychology.
Podcast #7 | Tristen Naylor on Diplomatic Summits and Meetings During (and after) COVID
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is delighted to announce it will be starting its own podcast series! The series will be aimed at bringing the themes of the journal’s research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience…
Larissa van den Herik new General Director Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law
The Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law is the leading general series for monographs in international law which will celebrate its 70th anniversary next year.
Professor Corrie Bakels receives 50th Analecta
Corrie Bakels would have given this year's Kroon lecture on Friday March 20, but the event was canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak. Her colleagues had planned to present to her the 50th edition of the Analecta journal on this festive occassion, so these plans had to be changed as well.
Balanced lethal systems: a quick guide by Ben Wielstra
Ben Wielstra studies balanced lethal systems, in which half of the offspring die before birth. In the journal Current Biology, he explains in an accessible way how such a disadvantage can originate in nature.
Combination of general and regional approach can give clean water
Interview in the popular journal for the agricultural sector Nieuwe Oogst with CML-researcher Martina Vijver about the Dutch policy on pesticides and it’s possible conflicts with the aims for clear surface and groundwater.
Episode #13 | How States Co-manage a Crisis
The Hague Diplomacy Podcast aims at bringing the themes of the journal's research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience within their practice of or research on diplomacy. Available via SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts…
New ‚Brexit’ publication by Christa Tobler
The Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law has published an article by Christa Tobler, entitled ‚One of Many Challenges After ‚Brexit’. The Institutional Framework of an Alternative Agreement – Lessons from Switzerland and Elsewhere?’ (Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 23…
Digital classes about the language of lobbying in february online
What is lobbying? How does it work? Starting February 2 Leiden University professors, Jaap de Jong and Arco Timmermans will introduce high school students to the language of lobbying. Digital classes together with a teacher's kit will be available in Dutch from February.
Vacancy for Editorial Assistant – Common Market Law Review
The Common Market Law Review (CML Rev.), one of the oldest and most prestigious journals in the field of European Union law, has its editorial office at Leiden Law School, Leiden University.
'If a country is not safe, it will not become wealthy'
Over the past 20 years, levels of common crime throughout the world dropped, except in countries that are plagued by poverty, have large families and have been afflicted by civil wars. This was established in a study that compared safety in 166 countries.
Podcast #10 | Jorg Kustermans on Diplomatic Gifts
The Hague Diplomacy Podcast aims at bringing the themes of the journal's research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience within their practice of or research on diplomacy. Available via SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts…
European Drama and Performance Studies 2022 – 2, n° 19 - Historical Acting Techniques and the 21st-Century Body
In the journal series European Drama and Performance Studies, Jed Wentz has edited issue n° 19 - Historical Acting Techniques and the 21st-Century Body.
Beryl ter Haar "Special Issue: Covid-19 and Labour Law, A Global Review"
Beryl ter Haar co-editor of the Italian Labour Law e-Journal's
Newspaper El Heraldo de México on Natalia Sobrino-Saeb, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize Essay Competition
Natalia Sobrino-Saeb, third-year student at LUC, won the competition by the Ignitor Fellowship Program held by the Nobel Peace Center for her essay on the threats to journalism in Mexico. An article about Natalia and her prize appeared in the Mexican newspaper El Heraldo de México.
'The Love for International Organizations'
A conference organized by Niels Blokker, professor of International Institutional Law and Ramses Wessel (RUG) to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the International Organizations Law Review.
Joris Larik published article on Brexit and Transatlantic Relations
Last week, Dr. Larik’s article entitled
Putting the history of squatting in Leiden on the map
When you think of squatting, the picture that comes to mind is of young people occupying derelict buildings in big cities. Leiden also has a history of squatting, and that history is very diverse.
Neurocomputing article by LIACS researchers most cited
LIACS scientist, Dr. Michael S. Lew, along with his students now has the most cited article in the top tier neural network journal Neurocomputing, the second highest Google Scholar impact over all neural network journals worldwide.
- Publication highlights
The formation of Islam: The view from below
By examining the impact of Islam on the daily life of those living under its rule, the goal of this project is to understand the striking newness of Islamic society and its debt to the diverse cultures it superseded. Questions will be the extent, character, and ambition of Muslim state competency at…
Key Publications
Here’s a selection of key publications by members of the CPP:
Engaging Europe in the Arab World: European missionaries and humanitarianism in the Middle East (1850-1970)
From the mid-19th century until the 1970’s, the Middle East witnessed the presence of various European missionaries who played a fundamental role in the birth and the development of humanitarianism. Since these Christian missionaries were well integrated in the local Middle Eastern societies via their…
Call for Papers Special Issue: Multi-Level Leadership for Collective Good
The Leiden Leadership Centre (Leiden University), the Centre for Leadership Ethics and Organisation (Queen's University Belfast) and the Journal of Change Management will be organising a symposium and a special issue on multi-level leadership for the collective good. The complexity and dynamics of societal…
Knowledge of Caribbean Amerindians crucial for colonisation of Americas
The significance of indigenous Amerindian knowledge has been marginalised in the history of the colonisation of the Americas. Wrongly, according to research by Leiden archaeologists. Indigenous knowledge and infrastructure were essential for the 'success' of the Spanish colonisers. Publication in the…
Leiden researchers depict the formation of galaxies
An international team of astronomers, with researchers at Leiden Observatory playing a leading role, has mapped the fuel for galaxy formation in the iconic Hubble Ultra Deep Field. The results of the research have been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.
Humanities Hub opens: new digital facilities for researchers and students
The new Humanities Hub in the Huizinga Building was officially opened on Tuesday 3 December. In the different labs, researchers presented the options for using digital technologies in humanities research.
Archaeological Science article on experimental archaeology among most downloaded
The research article ‘Anatomy of a notch. An in-depth experimental investigation and interpretation of combat traces on Bronze Age swords’ is one of the most downloaded articles on the Journal of Archaeological Science website. This journal is one of the best for impact factor in the field. The article,…
The New Scholar: Let’s Make an Impact!
The New Scholar, an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal at the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University, is launching its first issue, and how? With a double issue!
First results 'Policing European Metropolises project' published!
The first results of the “Policing European Metropolises project” (PEMP) that associate Professor Elke Devroe and Professor P. Ponsaers launched in April 2013 are now published. Having been the referent for The Netherlands and Belgium in the Urbis project (Leonardo programme), the project focuses on…
eLaw publishes in Nature
Researchers of eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, published their research in Nature Machine Intelligence. The publication, written by Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Pranav Khanna, Hadassah Drukarch, and Bart Custers, focuses on the legal and regulatory implications of…
Dutch universities and Elsevier initiate open science partnership
The Dutch universities, university medical centres and Research Council have reached an agreement with Elsevier Publishing on a national open science partnership. The partnership includes open access publishing and reading services for Elsevier journals and open science services for disseminating and…
Out now! LEAP # 2: (Mis)Reading Nature
LEAP is a peer-reviewed journal founded in 2021 by a team of junior and senior scholars of Leiden University as part of a Faculty-broad Master course. Each year the journal has a new editorial board and a new theme. Series editors Astrid van Weyenberg and Nanne Timmer guide this process and are assisted…
Helen Pluut nominated for prestigious Kanter Award
Last year Helen Pluut co-authored the article “Social support at work and at home: Dual-buffering effects in the work-family conflict process” which was published in the journal Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. This article has now been nominated for the annual Rosabeth Moss Kanter…
Reijer Passchier discusses the risks of artificial intelligence
Reijer Passchier, Assistant Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, recently published a statement entitled 'The AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park Asked the Wrong Questions' in the International Journal of Social Quality.
Ready for the digital future: The Humanities Hub
The future is digital. That is why the new Humanities Hub for Digital Research Skills, and Media (in short: Humanities Hub) will soon open its doors in the Johan Huizinga building. This Hub brings together a number of innovative labs that are in line with the development of the new Humanities Campus,…
Call for Papers | Space Diplomacy
For a new special issue of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, we are inviting you to submit a proposal for a research article on space diplomacy (deadline: 24 July 2021).
New publication: The best interests of the child in EU family reunification law
Mark Klaassen and Peter Rodrigues have published a journal article on the role of the best interests of the child in EU family reunification law in the European Journal of Migration and Law. They conclude that even though the Court of Justice of the European Union has often referred to the best interests…
Collaboration between experimentalists and theoreticians is HOT
A recent collaborative paper between researchers from the Theoretical Chemistry & Catalysis and Surface Chemistry groups has been chosen by the renowned Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics journal as a
Out now! LEAP # 3: Sense(s)
The editorial board of the Leiden Elective Academic Periodical (LEAP) is proud to announce the release of the third edition , titled “Sense(s)”!