2,773 search results for “executive bart cml in” in the Public website
Legislative Policy in Brazil: limits and possibilities
‘It became very clear that Brazilian legislative policy was frail, obsolete and unreliable,’ says Felipe de Paula. He defended his dissertation on the limits and possibilities of legislative policy in Brazil on Tuesday 27 March 2018.
The Legacy of J. William Fulbright: Policy, Power, and Ideology
This collection of essays details the political life of one of the most prominent and gifted American statesmen of the twentieth century. From his early training in international law to his five terms in the US Senate, J. William Fulbright (1905--1995) had a profound influence on US foreign policy,…
Severe behavioral and emotional problems, special education and youth care
Which educational and child welfare interventions offer optimal opportunities for positive development to children with severe behavioral and emotional disorders.
Democratic Secrecy: A Philosophical Study of the Role of Secrecy in Democratic Governance
The starting hypothesis of the project is that secrecy is not always inimical to democratic governance as conventional wisdom has it.
Editorial: Sanity and Resilience in Times of Corona
This editorial to RHCPP discusses how COVID-19 can be seen as a 'creeping crisis' according to the authors of its lead article (Boin et al, 2020) and how resilience may depend on the real heroes behind the scenes of response to disaster and adversity.
- Former conferences
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Miros Zohrehvand
The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs is one of a total of seven faculties of Leiden University, located in The Hague.
Management Team and Daily Board
Daily management at the Institute of Biology Leiden is executed by the Scientific Director, the Director of Education, the Director of Operations and the Management Assistant. Research and education are managed collaboratively, with strategic input from various representatives and gremia, including…
Organisation of the Leiden Institute of Physics.
Leiden and Cambridge help create a model course on EU law for Ukraine
Whilst resisting abhorrent Russian aggression, Ukraine has made a clear choice for a future in Europe. With an association agreement already in place, and Ukraine being a candidate for EU membership, Ukrainian lawyers need to be trained in EU law and Ukrainian Law Schools need to develop the capacity…
- Research projects
History is a matter of a longing for rifles and flat screen TVs
History can be found in utensils and in interviews with ordinary citizens. ‘With the reconstruction of everyday life, an anthropological approach works better,’ thinks historian Jan-Bart Gewald. Inaugural lecture on 6 June.
New insights in bee decline
Two scientific papers in Science deliver new pieces of the puzzle for the reasons of bee decline. Professor Koos Biesmeijer comment on this research in articles in the Dutch newspapers Volkskrant and NRC.
Leiden University launches Earth Observation platform
A new online platform makes it possible to estimate the state of agricultural crops and nature area’s around the world. This enables scientists and other users to consistently combine observations of different satellites for the first time.
The Future of Drone Use
In November, Springer published a book on The Future of Drone Use, edited by dr. Bart Custers, associate professor at eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University.
‘Indicators of Terrorist Intent and Capability’
CTC researchers Bart Schuurman and Quirine Eijkman conducted a 2-year study for the Dutch National Police on the pre-attack behavior of several homegrown jihadist groups and individuals.
Voorstelling - Het Land van Belofte
Tussen 14 en 30 september 2022 wordt Het Land van Belofte gespeeld door Theatergroep De Kale. Het Land van Belofte neemt u mee naar de groteske verhaalwereld van middeleeuwse pelgrims naar het Heilig Land. Het Land van Belofte is gebaseerd op het zestiende-eeuwse tafelspel Schipper, Pelgrim en Post.…
How should we use AI? The Islamic world may have an answer
The secular West is struggling with the rise of AI, but so too is Muslim Southeast Asia. What can we learn from each other?
Previous SAILS Symposia
On this page you can find information on past events, either organized or funded by SAILS.
Leiden and Indonesia strengthen ties on sustainable research
Prof. Arnold Tukker, Scientific Director of the Institute of Environmental Sciences Leiden (CML), visited the Center for Sustainable Development Goal Studies (SDGs Center) as part of a trip to Asia. The SDGs Center is a Center of Excellence at Padjadjaran University in Bandung, Indonesia, with which…
Fourteen women professors take over the Senate Chamber
Fourteen women professors are to be given a place in the classic portrait gallery in Leiden University’s Senate Chamber. The portraits will be unveiled on 8 March – International Women’s Day – by former Minister of Education, Culture and Science Jet Bussemaker and Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker.
New issue Common Market Law Review
The December issue of the CML Rev., Vol. 53 No. 6, is now available online.
Rene Kleijn on BNR radio about critical materials
The recent trade dispute between the U.S. and China has renewed the attention for the dependency of the U.S. and many other developed countries on the imports of critical materials. Recently this has led to an initiative by the U.S. government to team up with resource rich countries like Australia and…
Start Minor Sustainable Development
Monday 5 September the eighth edition of the interdisciplinary Minor Sustainable Development started. With 65 students coming from more than 20 different disciplines we've a record number of students and backgrounds.
Discovery of a new Philippine monitor lizard (Varanus bitatawa)
'A spectacular new Philippine monitor lizard reveals a hidden biogeographic boundary and a novel flagship species for conservation' . CML-researcher Merlijn van Weerd has participated in a new article in Biology Letters about this discovery.
No hunger, and not too much global warming? Current UN plan misses opportunities
The United Nations fall short in their recently published guide to address hunger without surpassing the 1.5-degree climate threshold. This initial version is a significant step, according to a group of researchers including those of Leiden University. However, they miss an essential topic: reducing…
Stans Prize 2016 for Carlos Felipe Blanco Rocha
The ‘Stans Prize 2016' (for the best thesis, report or article produced by a CML student) has been awarded to Carlos Felipe Blanco Rocha. Other CML prizes were awarded to Henrik Barmentlo, Arnold Tukker and Coen van der Giesen.
Stans Prize for Kevin Groen
The ‘Stans Prize 2015' (for the best thesis, report or article produced by a CML student) has been awarded to Kevin Groen. Other CML prizes were awarded to Laura Bertola, Patrik Henriksson and Rene Kleijn.
A real professor in the classroom
It’s starting to become a real Dies Natalis tradition: on 8 February professors from Leiden University teach a class at primary schools in the region. This introduces children to academia and teaches them more about conducting research. ‘Had you expected me to be a woman?’
Nog meer kennis over kinderrechten
Universiteit Leiden en Unicef werken al 10 jaar samen om kennis over kinderrechten uit te breiden en te verspreiden. Ze verlengen deze samenwerking.
Liveblog: Leiden University strikes against government cuts
Staff from Leiden University are starting the Dutch universities’ staggered strike against the government cuts on 10 March. Follow the strike in this liveblog.
Nieuwscheckers win Mr. K.J. Cath Prize and thank Donald Trump
Nieuwscheckers, a team of journalist fact-checkers from Leiden University, received the Mr. K.J. Cath Prize at the opening of the academic year on 5 September. This biennial prize is awarded to students or staff who have enhanced the University’s good name.
Hall of Fame 2022
In 2022, many of our staff and students won fantastic prizes and were awarded important research grants.
- Members (listed per university and category)
Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist world
This research project from Leiden University looks at the opportunities and threats that flow from the existence of institutional and normative diversity in the area of fundamental rights for the effective protection of those rights in a pluralist world.
‘Japan and Leiden aren’t so far apart after all’
A delegation from Leiden University visited Japan from 18 to 26 November to facilitate cooperation in research and teaching. The delegation also attended the signing of a twinning agreement between the cities of Leiden and Nagasaki and the opening of a bridge to Dejima, once literally the bridge between…
Conclusion from 3,442 terrorism studies: the research is improving
Academic research on terrorism is getting better all the time. This is the conclusion of university lecturer Bart Schuurman after studying 3,442 articles. He published his study in Terrorism and Political Violence.
Article eLaw about Fair and equitable AI in biomedical research and healthcare
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga and Bart Custers from eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies wrote an article on Fair Medicine and AI highlighting that AI for biomedical research and healthcare should be beneficent and equitable for everyone.
LIACS alumnus receives ACM Multimedia Rising Star Award
Former PhD student of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) Bart Thomee has received this year’s Rising Star Award from the Multimedia group of ACM, the worldwide computer science association. Today, Thomee is a successful researcher at Yahoo Labs.
PAO 2019 teaching prizes presented online during Leiden Revisited
True to tradition, Professor Joanne van der Leun, Dean of Leiden Law School, presented the PAO 2019 teaching prizes to the best in-house and external lecturer during the Leiden Revisited alumni event.
Spam, spam, spam: how to stop it
How can we stop the endless stream of spam we receive in our mailbox? Journalist Warner van der Louw of Dutch newspaper ‘Trouw’ puts the question to Bart Custers, Professor of Law and Data Science at eLaw, Center for Law and Digital Technologies.
Sustainability in populist times
Flying is cheaper than driving a car, but a disaster for the environment. Yet few politicians dare to levy excise duty on kerosene. This is only one example from a world where emotions and yelling are burying facts, and in which scientists lose connection with society.
BrAInpower exhibition: tremendous and troubling uses of AI in our daily lives
Care robots, medical treatments, deepfakes and self-driving cars all with the aid of artificial intelligence (AI). The BrAInpower exhibition at Rijksmuseum Boerhaave shows spectacular applications of AI and explains how it can make such huge leaps. Bas Haring, Professor of Public Understanding of Science,…
A treasure trove of legal data
Data science offers great opportunities for legal research, according to Simone van der Hof and Bart Custers (eLaw). But at the same time, we have to keep an eye on the unwanted side effects of big data - such as ethnic profiling.
Knowledge exchange LDE & University of Indonesia
In the context of urban challenges, multidisciplinary knowledge adds value. The idea is that urban planners, sociologists, economists, and historians can collectively provide a deeper understanding of what has worked and what hasn't so far. Since 2022, scientists from the University of Indonesia and…
Final conference INFORM project in Sofia, Bulgaria
On March 7th 2019, eLaw (the Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University) will participate at the INFORM Final Conference 'Data Protection Summit: Beyond being INFORMed' at the Hilton Hotel in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Research Team Globalizing Palliative Care complete
The project officially started in September 2020, but with the enrolment of PhD students Hanum Atikasari and Shajeela Shawkat the research team of the ERC project 'Globalizing Palliative Care? A Multi-sited Ethnographic Study of Practices, Policies and Discourses of Care at the End of Life' is compl…
eLaw researchers publish book on EU data protection law
Researchers from eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies, published a new book on EU data protection law.
FGGA researchers about the shooting in El Paso
On Saturday 3 August 2019 at 10:30 am, a fatal shooting took place in a Walmart in El Paso (Texas, USA). Twenty people died and 26 people were injured. Several researchers from the Institute of Security and Global Affairs of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) have appeared in the media…