2,717 search results for “deze or hard hearing” in the Public website
Armin Cuyvers on BNR national News Radio on the division of EU top jobs
On 2 July, Armin Cuyvers was interviewed on the morning news show of BNR News Radio on the ongoing fight for the EU top jobs: why is it so hard to choose a new president for the European Commission, what is happening behind the scenes, and what are the chances of Frans Timmermans?
Olga Kepinska selected for the Merit Abstract Award
The OHBM Program Committee selected LUCL's Olga Kepinska to receive a Merit Abstract Award for the 2016 OHBM Annual Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
Quirine Eijkman over het in de gaten houden van potentiële terroristen
Quirine Eijkman, terrorism expert at the Institute for Security and Global Affairs, talked about the attack in Manchester.
Sign the petition against the higher education cuts
Universities will be hit hard by the announced cuts to higher education. Essential disciplines and jobs will disappear. And a fine will be introduced for students who take too long over their studies. This will make studying increasingly difficult for young people, especially if they have to work to…
Talent for languages test: National Linguistics Olympiad puts language sense to the test for high school students
How would you convert Egyptian hieroglyphs into Latin script? And what is actually the correct translation of dishes on a Vietnamese menu? On Saturday 28 January, high school students from all over the Netherlands will come to Leiden to ponder a series of language-related puzzles. Their goal? To win…
Geslaagde studentenconferentie 'empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht'
Waarom is empirisch-juridisch onderzoek van belang voor de rechtspraktijk en het wetenschappelijke onderzoek? Op die vraag kregen masterstudenten van de afstudeerrichtingen civiel recht, ondernemingsrecht en financieel recht antwoord tijdens het congres over empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht…
Scientists of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs about the Terrorist Attacks in Europe
An overview of the media appearances of scientists working with the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs about terrorist attacks in Europe, their consequences, and more.
In Memoriam professor Wim Jiskoot (1961-2021)
Afgelopen zondagavond, 22 augustus, is na een kort ziekbed onze zeer gewaardeerde collega professor Wim Jiskoot, Hoogleraar Technologie van toediening van medicijnen, overleden. Wim werd twee weken geleden onverwachts geconfronteerd met het feit dat hij een vergevorderd stadium van kanker had, waarvoor…
Domestic Agencies and the Global Playing Field
His dissertation has been completed for more than a year, but due to corona the defence had been postponed. On Wednesday 30 September, Machiel van der Heijden will finally be able to defend his dissertation Transnational Networks and Domestic Agencies: Making Sense of Globalizing Administrative Patterns…
Meet researcher Daan Weggemans
Scientists of the faculty of Governance and Global Affairs research completely different subject, among which terrorism, cybercrime and migration. In the upcoming weeks we will give the floor to several of our very best researchers. In this episode: jihadism researcher Daan Weggemans.
Journalistiek in Irak tweegesprek met Judit Neurink en Sakir Khader
LUCIS organiseerde op woensdag 4 maart een speciale avond over journalistiek in Irak. Journaliste Judit Neurink en programmamaker Sakir Khader vertelden over hun ervaringen en recente werkzaamheden in het land. De avond stond onder leiding van Wendelmoet Boersema (politiek redacteur van dagblad Trou…
Old protein distinguishes bone fragments of Neanderthals
Bone remains that are thousands of years old are often too fragmented to be identified. PhD candidate Frido Welker is the first person to be able to distinguish human bones from one another on the basis of old proteins. PhD defence 18 May.
Minor in Law, Literature and Society shows inextricable link between law and art
The film Blade Runner as part of the law curriculum? It’s not that weird to Maartje van der Woude, Professor of Law and Society, and Frans-Willem Korsten, Professor of Literature, Culture and Law. ‘The film raises a fundamental question: what’s a human and what’s not?’ From the next academic year onwards,…
450 trees for Leiden: join us
Leiden University and Stadslab Leiden invite you to improve the Leiden and The Hague environment with 450 extra trees – a living reminder of 450 years since the Relief of Leiden and the foundation of Leiden University.
Digital Thesauri as Semantic Treasure Troves
PhD defence
Selective fetal growth restriction in identical twins: from womb to adolescence
PhD defence
Consumed by a forbidden emotion
PhD defence
How T cells talk to the neighborhood
PhD defence
The Unique Procoagulant Adaptations of Pseudonaja Textilis Venom Factor V and Factor X
PhD defence
Mechanistic Early Phase Clinical Pharmacology Studies with Disease
PhD defence
Imaging of the cardiorenal syndrome and visceral fat
PhD defence
Introducing: Eurasian Empires projectgroep
The Horizon programme 'Eurasian Empires: integration processes and identity formations' started September 1st 2014. The six PhD students and two Postdocs introduce themselves.
Tautological differential forms on moduli spaces of curves
PhD defence
Huge interest from prospective students (and their parents) on Bachelor’s Open Day
Presentations, city tours, themed cafés and information fairs − there was plenty to discover on the Bachelor’s Open Day last Saturday. Around 6,000 prospective students and 4,000 parents visited faculties in Leiden and The Hague to soak up the atmosphere and imagine how it would be to study at Leiden…
Introducing Vanessa de Malmazet: 'In this role, I can make a tangible difference for employees'
Vanessa de Malmazet has been working as HR policy advisor in FGGA's Faculty Office since March. Promoting employee well-being is high on the Faculty Board's list of priorities for the coming years. In this new role,
What happens on the schoolyard? Sensors on clothing reveal painful patterns
Wat gebeurt er op het schoolplein? Sensoren op kleding openbaren pijnlijke patronen
Chasing gravitational waves: damping vibrations in underground Einstein Telescope
Leiden scientists and companies receive 1.37 million euros to develop technology for the Einstein Telescope. This underground telescope will measure gravitational waves and must therefore be extremely sensitive. To that end, the consortium conducts research on the damping of vibrations at temperatures…
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, a Healthy Faculty
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences has become a lot healthier, thanks to the first Healthy Faculty event on 29 and 30 October, 2015. Health Psychology master’s students organised workshops for both students and staff. Many of them attended these inspiring workshops and already put the gained…
Taking Brussels by storm – the EUS 2023 study trip
Every autumn EUS students take the train down to our southern neighbours to learn the secrets of European Union institutions. They get to hear tips about landing a job in Brussels, learn things about EU institutions that cannot be found in the textbooks, meet important contacts, and get inspiration…
Jannemieke Ouwerkerk independent and free thanks in part to Veni
‘Without that Veni grant, I would never have been able to delve into my subject so deeply. During the first two months, I only read articles and other professional literature. A dream, I would skip home afterwards.’
Cairo Institute Director: ‘I’m keeping the ship afloat’
In March 2020, the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo suddenly had to repatriate 57 students to the Netherlands and Flanders. Director and Arabic specialist Rudolf de Jong decided to stay in Egypt. ‘A lot of the work carries on.’
Rector Hester Bijl on education in times of corona: ‘We have high hopes, but we are also realistic.'
The Dutch universities as a whole are lobbying for a 'normal' academic year from the end of August, where on-campus teaching will be possible. It's a view that Leiden University shares. Rector Hester Bijl talks about what teaching will be like then. She also looks back on a year of lockdown.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang pays lightning visit to Leiden University
During his two-day visit to the Netherlands, the Chinese Prime Minister paid an unexpected visit to Leiden on 16 October. Li Keqiang spoke with Rector Carel Stolker, Chinese PhD candidates and students of China Studies.
Saxion students visit the Faculty of Archaeology
The end of January arrived together with welcome guests from Saxion University of Applied Sciences. As a part of their two-day-long visit to South Holland, almost 100 Saxion archaeology students visited our Faculty.
Leiden academics nominated for Person of the Year
Leiden academics Remco Breuker and Auke-Florian Hiemstra stand to win the title of Person of the Year.
Interview with Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn about the Masterclass Terrorism 2018
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn teaches the masterclass terrorism 2018 together with Edwin Bakker. Read the interview here.
Student Noah finalist VN-jongerenvertegenwoordiger: ‘Ik strijd voor onze zaak’
De Leidse student Noah Madretsma heeft de finale gehaald van de verkiezing voor VN-jongerenvertegenwoordiger Mensenrechten en Veiligheid. Wie is hij en waarom wil hij VN-jongerenvertegenwoordiger worden? Tijd om eens kennis te maken.
Learning a language is a staggering task
To properly understand how babies absorb a language we need to study the process from a number of different perspectives, linguist Claartje Levelt argues. She accepts her appointment as Professor of Language Acquisition on 27 March with an inaugural lecture entitled ‘Language in its infancy’.
Why prisoner voting should be mandatory
If you end up in prison somewhere in the world, the chances are you won’t be allowed to vote. If it were up to researchers Tom Theuns and Andrei Poama, rather than disenfranchise felons, we would oblige them to vote. That would be a better way to express democratic values.
Veni grants for 6 young researchers of Humanities
During the next three years, 6 promising researchers from the Faculty of Humanities who have just been awarded their PhDs will be able to further develop their research ideas funded by a Veni grant from the NWO. A total of 147 Veni grants were awarded of which 14 went to researchers at Leiden Univer…
Students give feedback during lunch with the Faculty Board
Seven master’s students had lunch in the characteristic Humanities Faculty Room with Faculty Board members Mirjam de Baar (vice dean) and Aurelie van ’t Slot (student board member) and gave feedback about their experiences at Leiden University.
3 Humanities scholars receive Special Recognition Award
The international World Cultural Council (WCC) has awarded Nadine Akkerman, Victoria Nyst and Alicia Schrikker with Special Recognition Awards given to young scientists at the university organising the award ceremony. Leiden University organises the 34th WCC award ceremony this year.
Masterclass rechtbank Den Haag: ‘Elke rechter doet het op zijn eigen manier’
Twaalf rechtenstudenten krijgen tot maart 2025 de kans om achter de schermen te kijken bij rechtbank Den Haag via het Honours College Law-vak ‘Masterclass rechtbank Den Haag’. Studenten Quinten Heerma en Eva Verdellen delen hun ervaringen met deze Masterclass.
LUF lustrum grants: research into lethal violence and deaf families in Africa
Research into 25 years of lethal violence in the Netherlands and into language socialisation of deaf families in Africa will receive grants from the Leiden University Fund (LUF).
Keyring in your hand when walking down the street alone? 'Many women are always on guard'
A cover over your drink in the pub, deodorant as pepper spray or headphones to avoid hearing catcalling: many women use everyday objects to feel safer in public spaces. Student Anne van der Linden made an online exhibition about this.
Birds around airports may be deaf and more aggressive
Birds around airports are more aggressive and sing as if they have hearing loss. Collaboration between researchers of Manchester Metropolitan University and the Institute of Biology Leiden has led to surprising new findings about the impact of anthropogenic noise on birds around airports. Publication…
Passionate debate on university’s fossil fuel ties
Should Leiden University cut its ties with the fossil fuel industry forthwith? This was the main question in a debate between students and staff. The answer was clearer for some than for others.
‘I became a stronger believer in the power of Europe’
She knew that a degree in Public Administration would be a stepping-stone to a career in politics. And that is exactly what Leiden alumna Samira Rafaela (30) wanted. Thanks to preferential votes, this member of the D66 party is the first Dutch MEP from an Afro-Caribbean background.
Outcomes after automated oxygen control for preterm infants
PhD defence
Inherited retinal degenerations: clinical characterization on the road to therapy
PhD defence