6,405 search results for “also” in the Staff website
Felix Ameka: ‘Multilingualism is the answer to many problems’
A new challenge for Felix Ameka. The senior lecturer at the Centre for Linguistics has been appointed professor by special appointment of Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Diversity in the World. ‘I am looking forward to promoting ethnolinguistic diversity and vitality.’
Footballer and journalist Nikki IJzerman: 'I want to dive into the background of the news'
Give Nikki IJzerman a football and she’s happy. The midfielder was named Player of the Year by ADO Den Haag last season, as well as obtaining her master’s degree in Journalism and New Media.
Do you buy your partner chocolates and roses? Fascination for American holidays explained
Buying chocolates as a sign of love, getting the best deals on Black Friday and putting on a spooky costume for Halloween. In recent years, these holidays and traditions have taken off in the Netherlands, even though they originated on the other side of the ocean. Why are we so excited about American…
The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies and FGGA students are a match made in heaven
Trail, FGGA's internship platform, will be one year old in November. It is therefore high time to get to know the organisations and companies that use Trail. What do these organisations stand for? What work do interns do? And what do FGGA students have to offer?
Leiden academics nominated for Person of the Year
Leiden academics Remco Breuker and Auke-Florian Hiemstra stand to win the title of Person of the Year.
A quick call with Corinda van Bohemen about the SteunLeiden.nl crowdfunding platform
From an emergency fund for Ukrainian students to a golf tournament for cancer research at the LUMC: the Leiden University Fund (LUF) crowdfunding platform is full of fantastic projects that enrich the university. If you are looking for funding for your idea or special project, crowdfunding may just…
What influence did French really have on Dutch?
Just as some people today dislike English influences on the Dutch language, in early modern times people also criticised the Frenchification of Dutch. But to what extent did French actually leave its mark in our language? PhD student Brenda Assendelft made a surprising discovery. PhD defence 24 May.
Vrouwengevangenissen moeten veiliger
Seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag en structurele sociale onveiligheid horen niet thuis in vrouwengevangenissen, blijkt uit onderzoek van Leidse onderzoekers Esther van Ginneken en Yara Abbing. Zij vinden dat er een ingrijpende cultuurverandering nodig is en doen aanbevelingen.
Pim Overgaauw: ‘As Institute Manager, you are the spider in the web’
Pim Overgaauw is at his best when he can support others. His new position as Institute Manager of the Mathematical Institute is therefore a perfect fit. ‘My main goal is to ensure that our mathematicians can focus on the maths.’
Bacteria without cell wall gobble up DNA from environment
A bacterium hiding from the immune system and picking up bits of DNA from its environment. The result: gaining new traits, such as better protection against antibiotics. Fortunately, we have not found such a damning scenario yet. However, PhD student Renée Kapteijn did find the first clues, which…
2022 Sustainability Report: Fewer CO2 emissions and greener operational management
The University's CO2 footprint has once again decreased. This is the conclusion of the 2022 Sustainability Report. The report also concludes that steps have been taken to integrate sustainability into Leiden University education and research.
ECHO finalist Husna Jalal: We need to look past our differences
Every year, the ECHO Award is presented to students from non-western backgrounds who are committed to social improvement in the field of diversity and inclusion. One of this year's finalists is Leiden alumna Husna Jalal, who works for Afghan women's rights with her organization the Young Afghan Women’s…
Students remain ‘very satisfied’ with their degree programme in 2022
Almost 3,000 students from the Faculty of Humanities completed the National Student Survey (NSE) in the spring of 2022. With a response rate of 38%, the Faculty scored slightly above the national average.
National Student Survey shows Leiden students satisfied
The first results of the National Student Survey (NSE) show that Leiden students are still satisfied with their degree programmes. On average they are slightly more satisfied than in 2021. Satisfaction with their lecturers and study guidance has also increased compared with 2021.
International Mother Language Day 2024: 'It's time to celebrate our languages'
On Wednesday, 21 February, a diverse group of students, staff, and representatives from 21 embassies gathered in The Hague for International Mother Language Day. Under the banner of 'a bit of fun and many serious topics,' language took centre stage.
The language of Russian propaganda
In 2014 Russia entered Ukraine and occupied Crimea, and about two and a half years ago it began a large-scale invasion. For Ukraine, it’s a war. But Russia calls it a ‘special military operation’. Word choices of this kind affect how people look at issues. A Dutch Research Council (NWO) project led…
In Memoriam emeritus hoogleraar Victor Halberstadt (1939 – 2024)
Tot onze grote droefheid is op vrijdag 13 september 2024 Victor Halberstadt overleden. Hij was sinds 1974 als hoogleraar Openbare Financiën verbonden aan de Afdeling Economie van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Leiden; de laatste jaren als emeritus hoogleraar. Daarnaast bekleedde…
Team with staff from Leiden wins important open science prize
A team including staff from Leiden University won the Open Initiative Trophy on 11 February, a prize for the best open science initiative in the Netherlands. The winners developed Reprohak, a hackathon-like event where participants repeat research to see whether the results were reproducible.
'I like that students trust us and share their stories with us'
The student navigator 'Find your way' helps students find their way around the university. Student advisers can also be found on the roadmap. JanPieter, student advisor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), explains what a student advisor does.
Director of Operations Saskia Goedhard: 'Nice that the faculty is such a complex organisation'
Saskia Goedhard was previously director of operations at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam and the UvA. Since April, she has brought her expertise to the Faculty of Humanities as director of business operations. 'Good business management is like water from a tap. You only notice it when it’s no longer th…
Aphroditi Zoulfoukaridis: ‘I hope to keep doing this work for a very long time’
Aphroditi Zoulfoukaridis is the manager of LeidenGlobal, a partnership of several faculties at the University and other academic and cultural institutions in Leiden. In her free time, she enjoys visiting cultural events and loves to travel.
LUF grant for Neeltje Blankenstein: 'I want to study online risk behaviour of young people in it's full depth'
Neeltje Blankenstein receives an LUF grant to conduct research on online risk behaviour among young people. What risks do young people take online and why? 'With this research, we not only want to help prevent serious risk behaviour, but also understand what drives young people to it.'
Léo Ducas appointed professor of Mathematical Cryptology
In cryptography, the sky is the limit according to the new professor Mathematical Cryptology Léo Ducas. He already designed several cryptosystems as part of his research at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), some of which might soon be adopted as new international standards. Since December,…
Kiem project investigates link between violence and other health problems
‘Violence as a Population Health Problem’ is one of 33 interdisciplinary projects that have been launched thanks to a Kiem grant. The project team will analyse a large patient database to identify links between violence and other health problems. ‘Violence can also be an expression of other factors,’…
Living Lab moves: first new ditches dug
Leiden University’s Living Lab is moving to the middle of the Leiden Bio Science Park. In the lab’s new home between the University of Applied Sciences, Mentor and Naturalis Biodiversity Center, the first ditches have now been dug. This new location is more accessible to both researchers and the public.…
New childcare system poses risks for vulnerable parents, experts warn
A new almost free childcare system may sound ideal, but it also comes with risks for parents. Psychologists from Leiden University and research firm D&B have concluded that the system can cause uncertainty and stress, particularly among vulnerable groups.
The wellbeing initiatives: 'Care about your own wellbeing'
Would you like to take a walk with a fellow student who you don’t know? That is the idea behind Walk & Talk. With this new initiative, International Studies aims to provide more opportunities for social contact.
René Kleijn appointed Professor of Resilient resource supply
The energy transition ranks high on the European policy agenda, but what does it take to get there? René Kleijn researches how we can extract, use and reuse raw materials in a responsible way. Since 1 March, he has been appointed professor of Resilient resource supply.
Hour of Remembrance on 4 May: ‘We commemorate war victims and draw links to the present’
During the ‘Hour of Remembrance’ on 4 May, the University community remembers its students and staff who were killed in the Second World War. It also looks at freedom and oppression today. Three questions for Sara Polak, chair of the Hour of Remembrance committee.
Executive Board column: Limiting the intake of international students?
Several Dutch universities have said they do not want foreign student numbers to grow any more in some of their degree programmes. They are reaching maximum capacity. We are also alert to this in Leiden, but I see many positive aspects to the intake of international students.
Children’s Rights Moot Court 2021: 7 to 16 June 2021
48 student teams from all over the world will be taking part in the international online moot court competition. The event is organised by Leiden University in partnership with Baker McKenzie.
Charlotte Holt: 'This internship has allowed me to grow as a person, intellectually, and mentally’
Charlotte Holt is a second year International Justice student at Leiden University College. She did an internship at Academia Neerlandesa; a language school that offers Dutch language courses to medical professionals. ‘An internship can become very beneficial for those who wants to discover where their…
Leiden Law Cast: Victimisation of sexually transgressive behaviour with Maarten Kunst
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
En de nieuwe assessor is...?
De studentassessor: één student die als lid van het faculteitsbestuur aanschuift bij alle belangrijke overleggen en projecten. Zo wordt de student, een van de belangrijkste doelgroepen, vertegenwoordigd bij bestuurlijke besluitvorming. Assessor Julie Külsen draagt volgend collegejaar per 1 september…
- Blue Monday? Join the online Body & Mind Vital programme for free
Nico Schrijver member of EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement Arbitration Panel
Nico Schrijver professor emeritus in Public Law and State councillor at the Council of State has been appointed by the European Union and the United Kingdom as a member of the Arbitration Panel which is authorised to settle disputes on the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement.
Programmes FGGA popular among employers
What is the top 50 most popular studies among employers? That's what career platform Magnet.me investigated for the second consecutive year. What does it show? The programmes of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs are well represented in the ranking.
- Consult the new Translation Guide for English texts and translations
LACDR PhD Introductory Course on Drug research
Due to the great influx of PhD candidates, we had the pleasure to organize a 2nd PhD Introductory Course on Drug research this year. From November 4- 6, we welcomed 30 participants for this 3-days event, which took place at Castle Oud Poelgeest.
These are the new student members of our Faculty Council
- KNIR Online Open Day
Tanja Masson-Zwaan on crowds on the moon: can anyone simply go there?
It has been a coming and going of satellites and spaceships near the moon. It has not been this busy in years. There are currently more than ten moon missions in progress and another five are being scheduled for next year.
PhD Introductory Course on Drug Research
At the end of February, we had the PhD Introductory Course on Drug Research for starting PhD candidates from LACDR. This 3-days event took place at Castle Oud Poelgeest, a great location to be completely out of the work environment. We welcomed 30 PhD candidates, with whom we had an inspiring and…
Joyce Esser gives lecture on American administrative law during virtual Res Publica study trip
The traditional Res Publica study trip took place this year from 20 to 24 April. Because of the coronavirus restrictions, the members of Res Publica – the faculty’s study association for constitutional and administrative law – travelled ‘virtually’ to Portugal, the United States and Singapore. Of course,…
LU-Card access at Campus The Hague
Facility, Organisation, Security
Bachelor Open Day held at Pieter de la Court Building for the first time: a photo report
On Saturday 22 October 2022, for the first time the Bachelor Open Day took place at the faculty buildings instead of in the city centre. It was also the first open day in two years that high school pupils could physically attend again. It was a debut for the Pieter de la Court Building, where the different…
Walaeus Library part of UBL
Starting 1 November, the Walaeus Library, located in the Leiden University Medical Centre, is part of Leiden University Libraries (UBL).
Discover our training for professionals at Leiden University Academy Week
Education, Human resources
Esther van Ginneken in NRC: 'Stop further austerity at prisons'
Cuts in the prison system threaten to be at the expense of security, including that of society, writes university lecturer Esther van Ginneken in an opinion piece in Dutch newspaper NRC.
Gianclaudio Malgieri interviewed on Arise TV on the AI Act
Dr Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor at eLaw, was interviewed on 22 March 2024, by Arise TV in the TV show 'Global Business Report' conducted by Rotus.