10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Impact of automated decision-making on European public law
From 14 to 15 September 2023, Simona Demkova, AI researcher at the Europa Institute, participated in the INDIGO Project Final Conference, where she provided valuable perspectives on the implications of AI for European public law.
Minister Kajsa Ollongren offers renewed training programme for council members at congress in Den Bosch
Minister Kajsa Ollongren has offered the new training programme for council members at the congress for council members in Den Bosch. The training program is compiled by the Centre for Professional Learning at Leiden University in The Hague, and is made available to all (new) council members by the…
Artificial intelligence not geared towards our diverse society is dangerous
Women, the elderly, LGBT people and children are all at risk because artificial intelligence, algorithms and exoskeletons are tailored to the straight white male. Research conducted by Leiden University aims to ensure that new developments work for everyone.
Our year in 12 Facebook posts
From BBC film shootings to a video of snowy Leiden and from bikes in the canal to our birthday, the Dies Natalis. This was our year in 12 Facebook posts!
Moot Court Air and Space Law in council chamber of Leiden Town Hall
On 15 May the Space Law Moot Court Competition was held in the council chamber of Leiden Town Hall, organised by the International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL).
GTGC lunch seminar: Antonelle Maiello on Democracy Inclusion Networks
On 15 May, 13:00-14:00, Antonella Maiello presented her article titled “In, Out or Beyond? Waste Pickers and Policy Networks: A Story from Jardim Gramacho (Rio de Janeiro)” during the GTGC lunch seminar.
Group of experts in the field of international child abduction visits the Child Law Department
On 18 October 2017, Leiden Law School was honored to welcome a group of experts upon invitation of Prof. M.R. Bruning, professor of Child Law and head of the Child Law Department of Leiden University, to discuss current and future research projects in the field of international child abduction law and…
Bart Custers on successor to DigiD
The Netherlands has DigiD, Portugal ‘de Cartão de Cidadão’, and Ireland MyGovID. Europe now wants one uniform digital identity card - the same for all Member States. For the Dutch government, the European successor to DigiD is a prestige project. State Secretary Van Huffelen wants to roll out an app…
No definition of extraparliamentary cabinet in The Hague political arena
Following the recent debate on the formation of a new Dutch government, there seems to be no clear definition of an extra parliamentary cabinet. Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional Law, discusses this in Dutch magazine ‘Vrij Nederland’ (VN).
Make your donation for the Jouke de Vries Research Grant
The Jouke de Vries Research Grant is an initiative to mark the important role that its namesake Professor Jouke de Vries has held for many years at Campus The Hague, initially as Scientific Director and later as Dean of the Faculty.
Finale Student and City film competition in Leiden
What makes Leiden the best student city in the Netherlands? This was the question students were invited to answer in films about their city. The winner will be announced on 29 June in the Schouwburg in Leiden.
Djordjo Milovic wins Stieltjes prize
On 4 April 2018 the Stieltjes prize 2016 was awarded to Djordjo Milovic for his PhD thesis 'On the 16-rank of class groups of quadratic number fields'.
eLaw workshop at the Big Data Value Forum in Versailles
On November 22nd 2017 eLaw co-organized with partners of the e-SIDES project a workshop on the ethical, legal and socio-economic implications of big data.
A few words from our Director
Dear friends of the NVIC,
NWO Veni Grant for Bouncing Balls on Hot Plate
Physicist Scott Waitukaitis receives an NWO Veni grant to research the Leidenfrost effect for squishy materials. This effect is well-known for dancing water droplets in a frying pan.
Ready for the digital future: The Humanities Hub
The future is digital. That is why the new Humanities Hub for Digital Research Skills, and Media (in short: Humanities Hub) will soon open its doors in the Johan Huizinga building. This Hub brings together a number of innovative labs that are in line with the development of the new Humanities Campus,…
Teddy bear doctors at work in the LUMC
The Leiden University Medical Center is being transformed into a Teddy Bear Hospital in the week of 20 to 24 March. During this week more than a thousand children will care for their favourite cuddly toy under the watchful eyes of Leiden's medical students. The aim of the event is to reduce children's…
Should the VOG screening process be extended to include administrative fines?
Research shows that including administrative fines in the screening process for a Certificate of Conduct (in Dutch: VOG) is not currently feasible.
Peter Rodrigues about the demands of municipalities when it comes to housing asylum seekers
Municipalities are becoming more and more selective when it comes to the nationality, age and sex of the asylum seekers they are willing to take in. This is the outcome of an investigation by Dutch newspaper NRC. And the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) agrees with the results.…
Alderman Saskia Bruines visits LUC
On 15 December 2017, Deputy Mayor of The Hague Mrs. Saskia Bruines paid a visit to Leiden University College (LUC). Academic staff and students presented a series of mini-lectures, showcasing the variety and breadth of courses and teaching methods, the interdisciplinary 'Liberal Arts and Sciences' (LAS)…
Al-Babtain Leiden University Centre for Arabic Culture opens its doors
With the official launch of the Al-Babtain Leiden University Centre for Arabic Culture, Leiden University and the AbdulAziz Saud Al-Babtain Cultural Foundation have opened the door for new opportunities of cultural and academic exchange. Have a look at last week's festivities.
Birgitta Niklasson Awarded the 2022 HJD Article Award
We are excited to announce the winner of this year's The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Article Award: Birgitta Niklasson's article on "The Gendered Networking of Diplomats", which was published in the HJD special issue on foreign ministries in 2020.
Scholarship students feted in Leiden's Town Hall
Around 150 international scholarship students at Leiden University were invited to Leiden's Town Hall on Wednesday 16 November. They were each presented with a certificate by deputy-Mayor Paul Dirkse to mark their study time in Leiden.
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus, VPRO and Unesco launch online learning experience
Mind of the Universe is a series of portaits of worldwide leading scientists broadcasted summer 2017 by the VPRO. This populair series gets a follow-up in an online learning programme: ‘Mind of the Universe Online Learning Experience‘, developed and executed by scientists and learning developers of…
'Separating siblings in out-of-home care is very tough'
Every year in the Netherlands, thousands of children are placed in out-of-home care because their parents are unable to look after them properly or because the children are at risk.
Qihuang prize awarded to Mei Wang
Dr. Mei Wang, chair of ‘Leiden University - European Center for Chinese Medicine and natural compounds’ has been awarded the ‘Qihuang prize’. The prize is awarded by the Chinese Medicine Society in recognition of her significant contribution to Chinese medicine outside China and to further stimulate…
Leiden University sends delegation to interuniversity workshop ‘A Future for EU’ (F4EU)
From the 27th of February to the 1st of March 2018, students from four different universities attended the interuniversity workshop “A future for EU” (F4EU) in Liège, Belgium.
Is extraction of raw materials in space allowed?
Asteroids, pieces of matter orbiting round the sun, have turned out to be extremely valuable. Asteroid Psyche contains a quantity of metals that together are worth more than the entire global economy. NASA is heading for it.
LUC The Hague Top Rated Programme 2016
Leiden University College The Hague is one of the best university colleges in the Netherlands
Egbert Jongen discusses free childcare
Free childcare: Professor Egbert Jongen sees the potential drawbacks. The allocated budget could be used more effectively, for one thing. He discusses this issue at length with Geert de Wit in Dutch financial newspaper ‘Het Financieele Dagblad’.
Labour Authority to dish out fines for bogus internships
A number of farmers and the exchange agency SUSP are accused of deception in their deployment of foreign interns. The agricultural companies allegedly gave the interns too heavy a workload for an internship. NOS reports that the Netherlands Labour Authority has announced its intention to fine these…
Carel Stolker to retire: donate to the Leiden Empowerment Funds
Carel Stolker will retire as Rector Magnificus of Leiden University on 8 February. As a retirement gift he is setting up a fund for first-generation students and academics. You too can donate.
The Future of Ethics in Caribbean Archaeology Workshop
From March 11th to 14th, the workshop
How to make transparency and explainability in artificial intelligence concrete
The importance of digitalization has become even more evident during the Corona crisis. Society and the Dutch economy are therefore rapidly digitizing. This calls for a good balance between seizing opportunities and reducing risks.
Successful research colloquium of EPFR research programme
On Monday 14 December the yearly research colloquium of the research programme ‘Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a Pluralist World’ (EPFR) took place.
First on-campus event for prospective students: ‘Dr. Black’s seminar was so interactive!’
Touring the campus, meeting current students and taking part in an interactive seminar in the Lipsius building. After 1,5 years of online events due to the corona pandemic, a live Student for a Day took place again on Friday 24 September.
Melanie Fink speaks on the accountability of Frontex at the University of Oxford
On 10 November 2018 Melanie Fink, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Europa Institute, spoke at the Workshop ‘Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Migration Control: New Frontiers of Individual and Organisational Responsibility’.
Climate change cooperation of ASEAN
The ASEAN states work further for climate protection and published general and more concrete plans on how this can take place in future.
How to measure law?
On Friday, December 15th, Prof. Kevin Davis, Beller Family Professor of Business Law at NYU School of Law will, on the basis of his own research, reflect on whether, and if so how, we can measure law and legal phenomena.
Campaign vs. practice: limited room for manoeuvre under strict asylum policy
Making migration a key campaign issue in the recent Dutch general elections is one thing, but turning it into actual policy is another. ‘95% of Dutch immigration legislation is governed by European law’, says Emeritus Professor Peter Rodrigues in Dutch daily newspaper 'Trouw'. In short: political parties…
Data4Food Challenge
Join the Data4Food Challenge (11 - 13 September) and drive innovation to change the way we feed the world!
Can a Prime Minister simply leave when there’s still a caretaker government?
Chances that Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte will become Secretary General of NATO are becoming increasingly likely now that the US and most western countries have expressed their support. The question now is how to appoint someone to the position of Prime Minister, who to appoint and when the situation…
Thomas Bäck wint IEEE Award
Thomas Bäck wins the 2015 IEEE CIS Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award for his contributions in synthesizing evolutionary computation.
New podcast about astronomy for the greater good
How does astronomy benefit you? The new single-episode podcast Cosmic Perspectives explores the impact of Dutch astronomy on society: from building positive international relationships to the transfer of life-changing technology.
Sebastian Diessner for Le Figaro about quantitative easing
Sebastian Diessner, associate professor at the FGGA, recently appeared in an article called 'Inflation: a spring remontée des taux se dessine' (Inflation: a slow rise in rates is emerging) in the newspaper Le Figaro.
New LeidenGlobal activities for Leiden2022
With Leiden2022 drawing nearer, LeidenGlobal is busy developing extra activities to demonstrate the knowledge that is present in Leiden and to create interaction with a wider audience. With this valorisation, the partnership between several cultural and academic institutions in Leiden matches the theme…
New Career Platform for young researchers
Leiden University has launched a new online platform for young researchers. The website helps PhD candidates and postdocs explore their career options outside academia.
Wilco van Dijk NIAS-KNAW fellow
Wilco van Dijk has been awarded a NIAS Individual Fellowship, which allow researchers to work on a project of their own choosing for a 5- or 10-month period. As a NIBUD professor of psychological determinants of economic decision-making, Van Dijk will work on the impact of financial scarcity on dec…
Dutch cabinet formation talks have collapsed. What's next?
Pieter Omtzigt, leader of the ‘Nieuw Sociaal Contract’ (‘New Social Contract’) party, has withdrawn from talks to form a new Dutch government. Government finances are a divisive issue, and Ronald Plasterk’s decision to withhold documents on government finances seems to have particularly broken trust.…
Light and transparent: grand opening of the revamped third floor
The ‘New Way of Working’ has become a reality at Leiden Law School with light, transparent and flexible workspaces, Rector Carel Stolker said at the grand opening of the revamped third floor of the Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw.