10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Former student Aoife in Glasgow: 'I urged Rutte to limit global warming'
Aoife Fleming attended the climate summit in Glasgow as UN Youth Delegate for the Netherlands. She recently graduated with a master’s degree in Financial Law.
Gaza legal proceedings: gains and necessity
Legal action relating to the situation in Gaza is now being taken in various countries and courts around the world. In a podcast for ‘NPO-Radio1’, Larissa van Herik, Professor of Public International Law, outlines what is gained from these cases and the relationship between law, activism and politic…
Leiden IHL Clinic team members participate in ECCHR conference in Berlin
On 6-7 November 2015, four members of the International Humanitarian Law Clinic of the Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum flew to Berlin to attend the 4th Annual Alumni Meeting of one of the clinic’s cooperation partners, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR).
Faculty of Archaeology kicks off celebratory lustrum year
25 years ago the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University was founded. In the academic year of 2022-2023 several lustrum activities will be organised to celebrate this happy occasion. The year was kicked off with a vibrant party on September 8, inviting staff, students, and alumni.
Golden medal for project ELECTRACE
A team of students from Leiden University, TU Delft and Rotterdam University won a golden medal during the International Genetically Engineered Machine competition (iGEM) in November in Boston. Their project ELECTRACE concerned a bacterium that can be used to search for landmines.
Six-feet society in pictures
The six-feet society is being built up rapidly; arrows and planes made of tape, circles and stripes of chalk, fences and other barriers are popping up around us. Danica Mast, PhD-student at LIACS, collects photos of all these solutions on her website www.1meter50.nl, now that her research is partly…
SAILS x GTGC: rise of AI and challenges for governance
Students and researches from all faculties at Leiden University attended a lunch seminar to discuss with four topic experts the rise of AI and the challenges this poses for various governance structures. The event was hosted by Leiden University’s interdisciplinary programmes GTGC and SAILS.
Use the new audio tour to stroll past the Leiden wall formulas
From now on, you can go for a walk through Leiden’s scientific history and at the same time across the historic city center itself. Master students Lotte Koemans and Mandy Meijer have developed an audio tour which takes you past all six wall formulas in the inner city of Leiden.
In conversation with Frans Timmermans about plastics in Europe
14 March 2018 a Citizens’ Dialogue about plastic-use in Europe with First-Vice President Frans Timmermans took place in Utrecht. It was one in a series of dialogues organized by the European Commission held throughout Europe. LAPP-student Emily den Boer joined the evening.
10 years of Georgian at Leiden University: Ramaz Kurdadze returns
This year marks a special occasion because it was just ten years ago that the Georgian language was taught for the first time at Leiden University. It is even more exciting that its first professor, Ramaz Kurdadze, will return to Leiden this year to teach students interested in the language. Kurdadze…
Welcome to Leiden University
Welcome to Leiden University! We are delighted that you are interested in taking your PhD at our University.
Three Times Aart Strootman
In the next few days several compositions by Aart Strootman (guitarist, instrument builder, composer, teacher and ACPA PhD) will premiere at Festival Classique and Festival Gaudeamus.
Niels Stensen Fellowship awarded to Vestert Borger
A Niels Stensen Fellowship has recently been awarded to Vestert Borger. Since the 1960s, the Fellowship is awarded each year to 6 or 7 scholars at Dutch universities across all disciplines who have recently defended their doctoral dissertation. The Fellowhip enables them to conduct research abroad at…
International students sing “Wilhelmus” at Introduction Morning Faculty of Humanities
Wednesday morning, the faculty was teeming with newly arrived international students, who will be starting their master’s programme or exchange programme next week. Over 150 students took part in the Introduction Morning of the Faculty of Humanities.
Studio Leon Thier has been nominated for the architectural award ‘New Berlage Flag’
Studio Leon Thier Architectuur/Interieur is the architectural firm behind the interior design of Wijnhaven, and with this project they have been nominated for the architectural award the ‘New Berlage flag’. The award has been introduced by the Hague Architecture Café (HaAC) and the BNA. The award goes…
Annemarie Drahmann on new European regulations for stallholders
There is much unrest among local stallholders in Utrecht. Owners who for decades had a permanent pitch for their stall are no longer guaranteed this due to new European regulations. So no more benefits for the current stallholders which is causing them great uncertainty and frustration.
Wewerinke-Singh leads legal team supporting Vanuatu’s pursuit of advisory opinion on climate change
Vanuatu, an island nation in the South Pacific, announced last month that it will seek an opinion from the International Court of Justice to clarify the legal obligations of all countries to prevent and redress the adverse effects of climate change.
Klachten van universiteit om gebruik ChatGPT door studenten zijn krokodillentranen
Universiteiten moeten niet verbaasd zijn dat studenten ChatGPT gebruiken, schrijven de Leidse universitair docenten Femke Klaver en Alexander de Wit in Trouw. Want studenten reageren op efficiëntie en doelmatigheid. Hun suggestie: Leid studenten op om kritisch na te denken.
Leiden University represents the Netherlands in 2024 Jessup International Rounds
On 16 February, Leiden University participated in the Dutch National Rounds of the 2024 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, the world's largest moot court competition featuring participants from approximately 700 law schools across the world.
Wim Voermans: 'Employers can’t just request a coronavirus entry pass'
The introduction of a compulsory coronavirus entry pass in the workplace is currently being considered behind the scenes. Dutch Minister of Health Hugo de Jonge spoke about this at the press conference on Tuesday 2 November. But such a measure is not without problems.
Former Rector Carel Stolker’s valedictory lecture buried according to tradition
After three years of covid postponements, the time had finally come on Wednesday 29 June 2022: Carel Stolker’s last speech as Rector Magnificus was buried according to tradition under the ginkgo tree in the library at the Kamerlingh Onnes building.
Zeger van der Wal: The Public Manager in the 21st Century'
Managers in the public and semi-public sector work in an increasingly complex and unpredictable environment, which demands new knowledge and competences but also offers tremendous opportunities. This was the view presented by Zeger van der Wal, professor by special appointment in Public Administration…
Ingrid Leijten participates in international expert workshop ‘Specifiying and Securing a Social Minimum’
On 29 and 30 June, Ingrid Leijten participated in an international workshop held at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISJ) in Oñati, Spain.
Marjo de Graauw wins Turnitin Global Innovation Award -
Marjo de Graauw, adviser Educational Innovation and Academic Teacher at Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences has won the Turnitin GLobal Innovator Award for Europe.
Political Science Master’s thesis prize 2023: the nominees
Towards the graduation ceremonies, you sense an increasing nervousness. Not only because all the tradition and glamour surrounding the event, also because that will be the day that the winner of the Political Science master’s thesis award will be announced. For 2022-2023, the jury is considering seven…
PhD thesis ‘Contractual Capacity in Private International Law'
On 30 June 2016, Eesa Fredericks is expected to defend his Ph.D.-thesis ‘Contractual Capacity in Private International Law’ in Leiden. Supervisors are prof. Sierd J. Schaafsma (Leiden) and prof. Jan Neels (Johannesburg).
Executive Board member Martijn Ridderbos to leave Leiden University
Vice-chairman of the Executive Board Martijn Ridderbos will leave Leiden University at the end of this year.
Taking Technological Infrastructure Seriously
On 29 June 2017, Carl Mair will defend his PhD dissertation “Taking Technological Infrastructure Seriously”. The defence will commence at 13.45 hrs, in the Academy Building of Leiden University, Rapenburg 73. The supervisors are Professor A. Schmidt and Professor G.J. Zwenne.
Hunter-gatherer toolkits and tasks: detecting microwear traces and residues on Northwestern European Mesolithic artefac
Prof.dr. Annelou van Gijn has obtained a Marie Curie subsidy for research on wetland activity patterns in Mesolithic Northwest Europe. This funding has been used to employ the researcher dr. Aimée Little. The project will commence in November 2011.
Member of Parliament Tielen (VVD) visits the Faculty of Humanities
Asia, Asia, Asia. That was what the working visit of VVD Member of Parliament Judith Tielen - at her request - was all about. In a two hour long programme, she and her personal assistant were immersed in education, research, social impact and they took a look at some of the masterpieces from the University…
European first: Leiden specialists use fluorescence in removal of lung tumour
A team of surgeons at Leiden University Medical Center and the Centre for Human Drug Research have removed a lung tumour that they pinpointed using fluorescence. This is the first time that this technique has been used in Europe in a patient with a lung tumour.
Jan Brouwer Thesis Award for Raffael Hanschmann
The Jan Brouwer thesis award for social sciences 2015 was awarded last April 14th to Master graduate in Public Administration Raffael Hanschmann for his thesis “The impact of the economic crisis on EU environmental policy making. Insights from discourse network analysis”.
New elective in practical rhetoric
In February 2020 Jed Wentz will start the new course 'Practical Rhetoric: public speaking according to historical sources'. Registration is now open!
Alumni Public Administration now mayor of Almere
Franc Weerwind studied Public Administration at Leiden University from 1986 to 1992. Right now, mr. Weerwind is the mayor of the municipality of Almere. The editors of Leidraad, the alumni magazine of the university, had a talk with him in context of the recurring ‘workplace’ section in the magazine…
Book presentation: 5th edition of Introduction to Dutch Law
On 22 April the 5th edition of the book Introduction to Dutch Law (edited by Jeroen Chorus, Ewoud Hondius and Wim Voermans) was presented to dr. Geert Corstens, former president of the Dutch Supreme Court.
LCCP working seminar spring 2023
The seminar is dedicated to the work-in-progress of Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy staff and doctoral students. It also welcomes guest speakers. The seminar is open to all.
Dutch Urgenda climate change case inspires other Europeans
Several cases inspired by the Urgenda case have now been filed. For example, by the Portuguese, concerning widespread forest fires, Swiss women of a somewhat respectable age (known as the ‘KlimaSeniorrinnen’) who suffer from the heat, and the mayor of a French city situated by the sea who fears the…
Run for Peace (and support a student at LUC)
Every year, the city of The Hague and its partners organise the Peace Run. This year a mixed team of staff and students from the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) will take part! The aim of the Peace Run (a 5 or 10km run linking various peace related institutions in the city) is to raise…
Prof Luuk van Middelaar guest professor at the Collège de France, Paris
From 24 March 2021, Professor Luuk van Middelaar will deliver four public lectures on 'Geopolitical Europe: Acts and words' at the Collège de France in Paris, on the invitation of the Chairholder on International Institutional Law, Professor Samantha Besson.
Rubicon grants for three researchers from Leiden
Of the 17 Rubicon grants that NWO recently awarded, three have gone to researchers at Leiden University. They can spend a longer period of time doing research at an institute abroad.
Gianclaudio Malgieri co-organised Brussels Privacy Symposium and launched 'VULNERA'
On 15 November in Brussels, the Brussels Privacy Hub and the Future of Privacy Forum held the 6th edition of the 'Brussels Privacy Symposium'. The topic of this year was 'Vulnerable People, Marginalisation and Data Protection'.
Call for Papers: Environmental History in the Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries Symposium
The first biennial symposium Environmental History in the Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries is scheduled for October 25 and 26, 2024. This event aims to facilitate the exchange of recent research, ongoing projects, and key discussions within the realm of environmental history among scholars from…
What's Next? Interactive and immersive design
With the What's Next? series we hope to inspire current Media Technology MSc students, show the variety of paths taken after the studies, and bring together alumni. Editions of the series are generally organized around a particular theme by Media Technology MSc students themselves, and followed by social…
Sixth issue Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference published
The editorial board of the Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference is very proud to publish its sixth issue: “Landscape in Perspective: Representing, Constructing, and Questioning Identities”.
Dutch Ministry would rather pay penalty than share information in due time
It recently became clear that the Dutch Ministry of Health would rather pay a penalty than share information about the controversial face mask deal with former CDA party activist Sywert van Lienden. Dutch news site Nieuwsuur reports that this is no exception. In recent years newspaper De Volkskrant…
Open day at space research institute at Leiden Bio Science Park
SRON, the Netherlands Institute for Space Research, is holding an open day on Sunday 25 September. It has had a branch at the Leiden Bio Science Park since 2021 and works closely with Leiden University.
Masterclass with Dr. Arthur Weststeijn
The Institute for History of Leiden University, in collaboration with the N.W. Posthumus Institute, is organising a Masterclass by Dr. Arthur Weststeijn on Friday 13 November 2015.
Leiden hosts seventh Survival Analysis for Junior Researchers conference
Next April, Leiden will host the seventh annual international Survival Analysis for Junior Researchers conference (SAfJR2018). This three-day event is aimed at career-young statisticians with an interest in the application and development of time-to-event analysis and related topics. The conference…
Call for papers on unaccompanied minors
We are seeking papers to be presented at the DAMR Fall Conference on the topic of unaccompanied minors in the European Union. The conference will take place on Wednesday 23 November 2022 at Leiden University.
Three FOM-Projectruimte Grants for Leiden Physics
The Leiden Institute of Physics has been awarded three out of twelve available grants from the FOM Projectruimte. Principal Investigators Milan Allan, Stefan Semrau and Carlo Beenakker all receive around 400,000 euro for their research.