1,723 search results for “president executieve bart” in the Public website
Diabolical dilemmas in timeless theatre about the Relief of Leiden
What is freedom worth in times of hunger? ‘Beleg’ is a modern interpretation of Lucretia van Merken’s 1774 play. With five performances in Leiden’s Schouwburg theatre, the play is a prominent part of the Relief of Leiden celebrations, and Leiden alumni are playing a big role. Take a look behind the…
Artificial intelligence flourishing in Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam
Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam are important players in the world of self-learning machines that can work together with people. Moreover, the three have close ties in the field of AI and hope to further strengthen this collaboration in the future.…
Traitors, profiteers or collaborators: ‘The Jewish Council has long been judged too harshly’
For too long the Dutch collective memory has judged the Jewish Council too harshly. This perspective needs to be adjusted, Bart van der Boom argues in his new book ‘De politiek van het kleinste kwaad’ (lit. ‘The Politics of the Lesser Evil’).
From Modern Marvel to Environmental Tragedy: Grant for Research into Polluted Mines in Africa
At one time, the railway from Kimberley to Kambove in Southern Africa symbolised prosperity and progress. Today, the exhausted mining towns along its route are marked by decay and pollution. Professor Jan-Bart Gewald has been awarded an NWO L grant to investigate the long-term global consequences.
- Volume 16 (2021)
Interviews with over 100 civil servants under Trump reveal worrying picture
It was challenging to get civil servants from the first Trump administration to speak about their work experiences, but sociologist Jaime Lee Kucinskas succeeded. The picture that emerged from her findings, she says, is far from positive. 'The more I spoke with them, the more emotions I saw. They were…
Leiden University signs agreement with Tsinghua to co-foster PhDs in astronomy
On 26 October, Leiden University held its first online signing ceremony, signing an agreement with China’s top university Tsinghua to establish a joint PhD programme to co-foster young researchers in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics.
Reunionists of Leiden Historical Debating Society celebrate 65th anniversary: 'We are more alive than ever'
Friday 4 November marked the 65th anniversary of the founding of Leiden’s P.C. Hooft Historical Debating Society. Although new members have not been accepted for several decades, the society is still alive and kicking. A retrospective with former presidents Jos Hooghuis and Saskia Leupen.
A Change of Course: When Will We Realise We Are All In The Same Boat
Part Three: A Change of Course
Powerful corporations determine climate policy in Brazil
Bribing a politician to gain influence or making sure friends end up in powerful positions: Brazilian energy companies use these power strategies daily.
Leiden Mayor Lenferink gets his feet dirty for opening Polderlab Oud Ade
On Thursday 9 September, the mayor of Leiden officially launched a unique ten-year research project in the polder near Oud Ade. During a festive opening in the countryside, he and all the parties involved ceremoniously planted the first trees. Because one thing is certain: the traditional grass landscape…
'Terrorism and cyber criminality call for better international cooperation'
The United States and the European Union need to work together more closely in the field of the law to fight terrorists and criminals who are operating increasingly internationally. This was the advice given by American Minister of Justice Loretta Lynch during her visit to Leiden University on 1 Jun…
Erik-Jan Zürcher, professor of Turkish Studies, opens the European Law master
On 8 September the students of the European Law Master gathered in the Lorentzzaal for the festive opening of their programme.
Prestigious Edinburgh Medal awarded for ‘Astronomy for Development’
The Edinburgh Medal 2016 had been awarded to both Kevin Govender of the Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU). The award is a recognition for furthering education and technological capacity worldwide through the inspirational science of astronomy. The…
The spirit of Leiden in Brussels: successful fourth alumni event
Another successful edition (the fourth!) of the Leiden Alumni in Brussels event took place on 23 February. With a fully booked registration list, it already promised to be a great success in advance. The event took place at the Baker McKenzie location right in the centre of Brussels. As the area was…
Interview with Vincent Mul on collaboration with The Hague Court of Appeal
Vincent Mul is deputy president on the board of The Hague Court of Appeal. Together with Jan Crijns, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, he stood at the cradle of the collaboration between Leiden Law School and The Hague Court of Appeal. ‘By joining forces, we all benefit.’
AI researchers stress importance of collaborations with UK
In an open letter, 450 leading European researchers from 33 countries have urged European and national governments to strongly cooperate on artificial intelligence , regardless of the Brexit. Leiden professor Holger Hoos is one of the initiators.
Join a study association: ‘It expands your worldview’
A discount on textbooks is always welcome. But for these students joining a study association has meant much more than that alone.
Seeking justice for Syria
Islamic State may be losing ground rapidly, but Syrian President Assad's position is gaining strength. His torture chambers and the battlefield are scenes of countless criminal acts. Will these crimes ever come to trial, at the International Criminal Court, for example?
Study associations sign covenant: limit your alcohol consumption and look after each other
Opting more often for mocktails or soft drinks rather than beer or wine, talking to others about their drinking and pointing out the ban on drugs. Leiden University’s new covenant on alcohol and drugs for study associations encourages providing more alcohol-free alternatives.
‘Do the Russians want to participate in the electoral performance?’
Although it is already certain that Vladimir Putin will win the Russian presidential election on 18 March, it is still significant for him, argues Russian expert André Gerrits. ‘The support of the people reinforces Putin's position of power.’
Volvo SVP shares lessons on leadership
In a guest lecture, Senior Vice President at Volvo Penta, Peter Hertinge, shared his lessons on leadership with master honours students of the Leiden Leadership Programme. 'If you set expectations, people will behave accordingly.'
Leiden University bids farewell to Mayor Lenferink
This week, Leiden University bade farewell to Henri Lenferink, who is retiring after 20 years as mayor of Leiden.
Cleveringa Lecture: ‘I’m deeply ashamed of this orchestrated asylum crisis’
The rule of law is crumbling in the Netherlands, lawyer Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You warned in her Cleveringa Lecture.
Europe Hub launched in European Parliament: ‘A bridge between research and policy is vital’
How can groundbreaking research help Europe tackle the huge challenges it faces? At the launch of the Leiden Europe Hub, academics and policymakers discussed this in the heart of European democracy: the European Parliament.
2018 Hall of Fame
Over the past year, many of our staff and students have won prizes, been awarded a substantial grant or been appointed to an academic association or a position in public life. All of these are good reasons to include them in our 2018 Hall of Fame. We are proud of them all.
- Blog Posts Archive
Successful PhD Workshop at Leiden Law School: Beyond Bank Resolution: Resolution and its Frontiers
On Thursday 7 and Friday 8 December 2017, Leiden University’s Hazelhoff Center for Financial Law and the European University Institute in Florence jointly organized a PhD workshop in Leiden.
Théo Pavlović granted Master’s Speckmann Award 2021
Alumnus Théo Pavlović received the Master's Speckmann award for his thesis: PAN RECORDS - A digital journey through the ethnic music niche that was supervised by Bart Barendregt. This price is awarded to the best fieldwork reports for ethnographic fieldwork. It includes a certificate and a prize of…
Medical anthropology in Indonesia
A lively discussion on impact and society
Third oldest Papiamento text discovered
Leiden University researchers have discovered by chance a note from 1783 in Papiamento. They are working on a linguistic study on confiscated Dutch letters. The ‘Letters as loot’ project is headed by Professor Marijke van der Wal.
Medical anthropology in Indonesia
A lively discussion on impact and society.
Regulatory Burden from a Different Perspective
On Wednesday 25 January 2017 Esmeralda Vergeer will defend her doctoral thesis Regeldruk vanuit een ander perspectief (Regulatory burden from a different perspective). The defence will start at 16.15 hrs, at the Academy Building of Leiden University, Rapenburg 73. The supervisor of the research is Professor…
First SAILS Symposium 'The future of AI is human': a photo impression
On October 14, the first symposium of the university-wide initiative SAILS took place. Scientists from Leiden University and other Dutch universities came together to share their enthusiasm and expertise in the field of Artificial Intelligence in a festive symposium, in the atmospheric Museum of Eth…
eLaw well represented at CPDP2018
From Jan. 24 until Jan. 26 the 11th annual conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) takes place in Brussels. The Leiden Center for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) will be represented in several of the panels at the conference.
Twelve FGGA researchers take the floor
Researchers of the faculty of Governance and Global Affairs work on very different research topics. However, there's a clear common ground in all of their work. You will find out more in our new booklet.
Call for papers on law and artificial intelligence
eLaw, Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University, invites you to contribute a chapter in a book on law and artificial intelligence (AI).
EuDEco/eLaw panel on accountability in algorithmic networks at CPDP2018
As partner within the EuDEco-poject, the Centre for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) organized a panel titled “Filling accountability holes in algorithmic networks” as part of the 11th annual conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP), January 24-26 2018 in Brussels.
The best read articles of 2018
The red carpet treatment of expats, terrorism studies and women professors who took over the Senate Chamber. These are the best read articles of 2018.
Four science professors receive Senior Teaching Qualification certificate
Out of fifteen Senior Teaching Qualification certificates (SKO) awarded by the University this year, four go to the Faculty of Science. With congratulations from Rector Hester Bijl, the enthusiastic lecturers receive the certificate for their exceptional commitment, skills and impact within the Univ…
Photo report: Book launch 'Ruminations' by Tahir Abbas
Tahir Abbas, Professor of Radicalisation Studies at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, organised a book launch for his new book: 'Ruminations: Framing a sense of self and coming to terms with the other'. The book launch took place on Thursday 15 December at Campus The Hague.
The effect of trial by media
The trial of Dutch rapper Ali B is receiving massive media attention. Party due to himself, the trial can be followed by the public. How will this affect the upcoming verdict? Dutch newspaper ‘De Volkskrant’ spoke to legal scholars and experts including Jan de Keijser.
Honorary doctorate for South African professor, Lungisile Ntsebeza
South African professor Lungisile Ntsebeza will receive an honorary doctorate on the Foundation Day of Leiden University on Friday 7 February. Ntsebeza is an authority in the democratisation of rural South Africa and poverty reduction.
Jasper Knoester reappointed as Dean of the Faculty of Science
Prof. Dr. Jasper Knoester has been reappointed by the Executive Board of Leiden University as Dean of the Faculty of Science. His second term will run until 1 January 2030. Knoester’s reappointment has broad support within the faculty. His approachable leadership style and people-focused approach have…
Ewine van Dishoeck wins Kavli prize for astrophysics
How are stars and planets formed? Is life outside Earth possible? These questions are being researched by Professor of Molecular Astrophysics Ewine van Dishoeck at Leiden University. Her pioneering work has earned her the Kavli prize in the category of astrophysics. The prize consists of 1,000,000 dollars…
Aleydis Nissen Wins the Andrés Bello Prize (Institut de Droit International)
During the 80th session of the Geneva-based Institut de Droit International, Aleydis Nissen was awarded the Andrés Bello Prize. The competition was established by James Brown Scott in 1931 and is carried out under the auspices of the Institut.
NIAS grant for research into 19th century bohemians and their love for anarchistic assassins
It was a remarkable trend in 19th-century London: middle-class bourgeois bohemians falling in love with anarchism and its assassins. University lecturer Michael Newton has been awarded a NIAS subsidy to reconstruct the lives of three of these families.
Mosaic subsidies for highly talented ethnic minority researchers
Four of Leiden's young, talented ethnic minority graduates are to receive an award as part of the Mosiac programme of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The award will allow these budding researchers to fund a four-year research period leading to a doctorate.
Microsoft researcher Tour Chayes to be awarded honorary doctorate at Dies Natalis
On 8 February 2016, Dr Jennifer Tour Chayes, Director of Microsoft Research in Boston and New York, will be presented with a Leiden honorary doctorate by Frank den Hollander, Professor of Probability Theory and Statistical Physics.
Computer Science: half in Beijing and half in Leiden
Leiden University and the Beijing Institute of Technology will be collaborating in the area of computer science teaching and research. One of the first outcomes of this collaboration will be a joint four-year bachelor's programme. Willem te Beest, Vice-President of the Executive Board, and Professor…