3,459 search results for “medical history” in the Public website
- Brought under the law of the land
Merenungkan Gema, Pemjumpaan Musikal Indonesia-Belanda
Indonesian translation of the book Recollecting Resonances from authors Bart Barendregt and Els Bogaerts.
Writing under Wartime Conditions: North and South Korean Writers during the Korean War (1950-1953)
Writing under Wartime Conditions is a study into North and South Korean literature written during the Korean War.
Modern Perceptions of Ancient Religions
The aim of this Research Traineeship will be to analyze the underexplored reception of ancient religions in popular culture, taking Dutch spiritual magazines as a case study. There are five such magazines: Paravisie (1986- ), Paraview (1997- ), Happinez (2003- ), Bres (1965- ), and Prana/Mantra (1975-…
Old/New Histories that Continue to Matter: M.A. History Students use Leiden Austria Centre programming as they study the Holocaust in Central
Nearly eight decades after the liberation of Auschwitz, we continue to learn more about how the Holocaust “happened” in central and eastern Europe. In Prof. dr. Sarah Cramsey’s History MA Research Seminar “New Approaches to the Holocaust in Central and Eastern Europe,” a dozen Leiden students read what…
Lecture: Climate Change & Health
Take a view on the slides of the presentation and read what the event of Climate Change & Health was about.
Clinical Technology (BSc)
Medical technology has become an essential part of healthcare. Innovative treatment methods therefore require a new type of medical professional. Someone with medical and technical knowledge, who builds a bridge between technology and patient.
Bio-informatics lab
On the basis of the characteristic aspects of a picture, certain computers can tell us what the picture is showing. They can learn this in the same way that young children are able to learn to recognize images. Further improving these techniques opens the way to a whole range of new applications. Biology…
The Leiden University Medical Anthropology Network (LUMAN) brings medical anthropologists together with the aim of fostering interfaculty collaborations and creating common ground for working interdisciplinary on health-related themes in Leiden and beyond.
Sarah Cramsey: 'We know very little about which systems influence our first thousand days'
It is one of the most personal and simultaneously most universal experiences of human life: caring for a young child. Professor Sarah Cramsey has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant to investigate how factors such as nationality, political systems, and religion influence the first thousand days after…
BRASILIAE. Indigenous Knowledge in the Making of Science: Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648).
Investigating the intercultural connections that shaped practices of knowledge production in colonial Dutch Brazil.
Admission and Application
This guide will give you the necessary help and guidance in submitting your application for the master’s specialisation Health and Medical Psychology at Leiden University.
Turning over a new leaf: Manuscript innovation in the twelfth-century renaissance
How did the medieval manuscript develop as a physical object during the Twelfth Century Renaissance and what do these changes tell us about the intellectual culture of the period?
Maureen Rutten - van Mölken: 'Investeren in innovaties die de meeste gezondheidswinst opleveren'
Digitale medische technologie kan een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan betaalbare zorg en het oplossen van het tekort aan zorgpersoneel. Maar hoe weet je of een innovatie daadwerkelijk waarde toevoegt aan het zorgsysteem?
NWO funding for history research into Siva Religion in Asia
Professor Peter Bisschop, lecturer in Sanskrit and Ancient Cultures of South Asia, has been awarded a grant by the NWO Free Competition to fund his research into the rapid growth of Saivism in the sixth and seventh centuries in South and Southeast Asia. The research project, entitled ‘From Universe…
NWO funding for history research into Siva Religion in Asia
Professor Peter Bisschop, lecturer in Sanskrit and Ancient Cultures of South Asia, has been awarded a grant by the NWO Free Competition to fund his research into the rapid growth of Saivism in the sixth and seventh centuries in South and Southeast Asia. The research project, entitled ‘From Universe…
The research carried out within the unit Health, Medical and Neuropsychology investigates the psychological factors of health and disease, and the development of innovative treatment.
Selling the UN: Public Diplomacy for a New World Order
How was the future United Nations Organization promoted to global publics during WW II?
Scheurrak SO1 in the Maritime-Cultural Landscape
This project combines and reconsiders all the available evidence of the Scheurrak SO1, and use new archival databases and modern archaeological techniques to shed new light on the material culture of the Baltic grain trade and the Holland shipbuilding industry at the turn of the sixteenth century.
Influencing your health with your behaviour and thoughts
Psychological processes have a major effect on the course of a disease and the effects of medical treatment. Researchers in the field of Psychoneurobiology examine the interactions between body and mind. They investigate the effects of stress as well as the effect of placebos and nocebos, which can…
Carel Smith
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
La Naissance d’une thalassocratie - Les Pays-Bas et la mer à l’aube du siècle d’or
La naissance d’une thalassocratie considers the contribution of the Burgundian and Habsburg Netherlands to the rise of the Dutch Republic as a maritime power. In Braudelian fashion, its chapters follow three lines of research.
De la gloria al olvido
Estudio arqueológico de la primera ciudad española en la Tierra Firme de América: Santa María de la Antigua del Darién
The art of religion: Sforza Pallavicino and Art Theory in Bernini's Rome
Bernini and Pallavicino, the artist and the Jesuit cardinal, are closely related figures at the papal courts of Urban VIII and Alexander VII, at which Bernini was the principal artist. The analysis of Pallavicino's writings offers a new perspective on Bernini's art and artistry and allow us to understand…
Organizing Democracy. Reflections on the Rise of Political Organizations in the Nineteenth Century
This volume challenges the idea that the development of ‘democracy’ is a story of rise and progress at all. It is rather a story of continuous but never completely satisfying attempts of interpreting the rule of the people.
Collections of Perfection
This project, executed by Marieke Hendriksen MA MRes, aims at an analysis of how the early modern anatomical collections of Leiden University were rooted in ideals of perfection in different fields of knowledge and expertise.
Global Perspectives on the Bretton Woods Conference and the Post-War World Order
The historiography of the Bretton Woods conference of July 1944 is dominated by the personal clash between the principal negotiators, Harry Dexter White of the United States and John Maynard Keynes of Britain.
Hellenistic economic thought
This subproject of 'From Homo Economicus to Political Animal' analyzes Greek economic thinking of the Hellenistic period.
Campaigning Culture and the Global Cold War
This book explores the lasting legacy of the controversial project by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, funded by the CIA, to promote Western culture and liberal values in the battle of ideas with global Communism during the Cold War.
Dirk Alkemade
Faculty of Humanities
John Ash and the Rise of the Children's Grammar
Making extensive use of primary source materials this study contributes to existing scholarship in the field of eighteenth-century grammars and grammarians by providing an in-depth study of Ash’s Grammatical Institutes and its influence on other popular grammars for children.
Uprooting the Diaspora: Jewish Belonging and the "Ethnic Revolution" in Poland and Czechoslovakia, 1936-1946
In Uprooting the Diaspora, Sarah Cramsey explores how the Jewish citizens rooted in interwar Poland and Czechoslovakia became the ideal citizenry for a post–World War II Jewish state in the Middle East. She asks, how did new interpretations of Jewish belonging emerge and gain support amongst Jewish…
Departing from Java. Javanese Labour, Migration and Diaspora
From colonial times through to the present day, large numbers of Javanese have left their homes to settle in other parts of Indonesia or much further afield. Frequently this dispersion was forced, often with traumatic results.
Sentiment Shifts and a New Approach to Strategic Narratives Analysis: Russian Rhetoric on Ukraine
This article assesses Russian rhetoric toward Ukraine from 2004 to 2019 by analyzing statements by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The rise of a capital: on the development of al-Fusṭāṭ‘s relationship with its hinterland, 18/639-132/750
This thesis studies the relationship of the town al-Fusṭāṭ, located at the southern end of the Nile delta in Egypt, and its hinterland in the period between the town’s foundation in A.D. 641 and the arrival of the Abbasids in 750.
The Modern Arabic Book: Design as Agent of Cultural Progress
Huda Abi-Fares defended her thesis on 10 January 2017.
The recording industry and ‘regional’ culture in Indonesia : the case of Minangkabau
This book explores chronologically, for the first time, the representation and redefinition of Indonesia’s regional cultures through recording media, from the introduction of the gramophone record through the current video compact disc (VCD) era, taking as case study the Minangkabau ethnic group.
Our People
Meet the people of our team.
Serge Rombouts: 'AI is learning from brain scans and helping find a diagnosis'
Serge Rombouts is a physicist whose PhD thesis was about functional MRI (fMRI). This visualises activity in regions of the brain. The appealing images of glowing brain regions that emerge from the computer are the result of calculations. According to Rombouts, this isn’t proper artificial intelligence.…
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of Leiden University Medical Center and the Faculty of Science with two universities in Indonesia.
Liselore Tissen
Faculty of Humanities
Recap LUMAN Launch
On Thursday May 11, medical anthropologists from Leiden University organized a festive opening of their new network, the Leiden University Medical Anthropology Network (LUMAN). In August 2022, these Leiden-based scholars started gathering and organizing this new network with two main goals, namely to…
V.S. Srinivasa Sastri: A Liberal Life
This book explores the Indian tradition of liberalism through a critical intellectual biography of Valangaiman Sankaranarayana Srinivasa Sastri (1869–1946).
Study of a Russian doctor and innovator in troubled times
Ambroise Paré, Thomas Sydenham and Herman Boerhaave: all were great medical innovators in their time. We know far less about the 19th-century Russian physician and scientist Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov. PhD candidate Inge Hendriks researched him in Dutch and Russian archives and collections. She discovered…
Biomedical Sciences Health
The Biomedical Sciences Health specialisation aims to provide you with a theoretical background and academic competences in multidisciplinary research in Biomedical Sciences and in clinical practice in Medicine. Since the programme is partly taught in English and partly in Dutch, fluency in Dutch is…
Mariana De Campos Francozo
Faculteit Archeologie
Turks, texts and territory: Imperial ideology and cultural production in Central Eurasia
Turkic nomadic rulers established large empires in the Middle East and Asia between the 11th and 14th centuries. This project will explore the link between their political ideology and the production of art and literature, via the cultural heritage of five cities along the Silk Road: Kashgar, Samarkand,…
Why Biomedical Sciences at Leiden University?
The Biomedical Sciences Master programme in Leiden will help to deepen and broaden your understanding of human health and disease. We provide you with a challenging and flexible programme in a personalized environment.
Career prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
Photographs & Preservation. How to save Photographic Artwork for the Future?
How can we understand the material instability of photographic (mixed media) artworks (1960s - present) from an integrated approach of Art History, Conservation Science and Chemistry in order to preserve these works for the future?