2,277 search results for “cognitive and language” in the Public website
Here, you can browse the publications of the Navigation Lab Leiden:
John Ash and the Rise of the Children's Grammar
Making extensive use of primary source materials this study contributes to existing scholarship in the field of eighteenth-century grammars and grammarians by providing an in-depth study of Ash’s Grammatical Institutes and its influence on other popular grammars for children.
In Search of the Truth: A Sufi Reading of Modern Palestinian Literature, 1950-2010
This research aims to address the connection between Sufism and modern Arabic Literature (specifically, Palestinian literature).
The Phonology of Shaoxing Chinese
This thesis presents a thorough survey of the central aspects of the phonology of Shaoxing Chinese from a synchronic perspective and on the basis of recent theoretical phonological developments, with the secondary goal of casting some light on current issues in Modern Chinese (Mandarin).
Peter Liebregts
Faculty of Humanities
Olga van Marion
Faculty of Humanities
Felix Ameka
Faculty of Humanities
The added value of multimedia to repeated story book reading in preschool age
Amirardalan Emami awarded the Houtan Scholarship 2016
We are proud to announce that Amirardalan Emami has been awarded the Houtan Scholarship (3500€) to help fund his PhD project “Transformation in Ancient Iranian Religion: The Achaemenids as Agents of Long-Term Change”.
New project on musical robots for people with dementia
Under the umbrella of a recently NWO grant focused on using AI to increase quality of life for people with dementia, Rebecca Schaefer’s Music, Brain, Health Technology group will collaborate with TU Delft to co-create social agents focusing on musical interactions together with people with dementia.
Get to know Roberta D'Alessandro and discover the architecture of language
How does language work and how do we learn a language? The more we know about language, the better we can understand how people interpret the world in words. Roberta D'Alessandro carries out research on the architecture of language. There is now a dossier about her work online.
Illusions as the key: how spatial technology can help patients
Spatial technology such as virtual reality can help patients who have difficulty with spatial cognition, for instance if they keep on losing their way. In her inaugural lecture, neuropsychologist Ineke van der Ham will talk about the importance of avatars, the patient experience and room for innovat…
How these young researchers are preparing for their first scientific conference
Three Psychology students will present a poster of their thesis research on Alzheimer’s and dementia at the international conference AAIC Neuroscience Next. ‘I remind myself to recognise - without fear or shame - when I don't know something.’
Poetry Translation Competition: Fun and Games with Language
In November, Leiden organized a book presentation to celebrate the first Dutch translation of the collected works of the twentieth-century poet W.H. Auden. A poetry translation contest added lustre to the occasion. There were no fewer than three winners.
High school students get acquainted with language studies at profile selection day
The Choose a Language Day was created to make high school students enthusiastic about choosing a linguistic profile and further education. Third-years were able to learn about different language studies at the Faculty of Humanities.
De filosoof en de filoloog: Brieven van twee Leidse hoogleraren (1879-1899)
Digital edition of the correspondence between the philosopher Gerardus Johannes Petrus Josephus (Gerard) Bolland (1854-1922) and the philologist Pieter Jacob Cosijn (1840-1899), consisting of 46 letters covering the period 1879 to 1899.
The developing brain and behaviour
The more opportunities a child has to learn and develop, the stronger his or her future position in society. Leiden University investigates how the brain picks up information, and how learning processes can be influenced positively.
Word order and information structure in Makhuwa-Enahara
This dissertation investigates the grammar of Makhuwa-Enahara, a Bantu language spoken in the north of Mozambique. The information structure is an influential factor in this language, determining the word order and the use of special conjugations known as conjoint and disjoint verb forms.
Temporal Construals of Bare Predicates in Mandarin Chinese
This study presents the first systematic investigation and detailed theoretical analysis of the temporal interpretations of sentences with bare (aspectually unmarked) predicates in Mandarin.
Thy Name is Deer. Animal Names in Semitic Onomastics and Name- Giving Traditions: Evidence from Akkadian, Northwest Semitic, and Arabic
Hekmat Dirbas defended his thesis on 14 February 2017
Multilingualism in young children is a good thing: 'Languages support each other'
During Leiden City of Science 2022, Janet Grijzenhout and Hannah De Mulder will put multilingualism in the spotlight by organising multilingual storytelling afternoons. They hope to show parents that raising children multilingually is achievable as well as beneficial.
‘Stemmen van Afrika’ wins popularisation prize: 'Language is more than grammar'
The Voices of Africa platform is ten years old and has just recently won the annual popularisation prize of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT). High time for a chat with Jenneke van der Wal, Maarten Mous and Nina van der Vlugt about the importance of the platform and plans for the…
Is this really my hand?
A virtual hand that feels as if it is your own. Feeling happier because a virtual face is smiling with you. Cognitive Psychologist Ke Ma discovered using virtual reality that the way we experience our body is more flexible than we thought. Ma: ‘We can think up some fantastic applications.' PhD defence…
- Invited speakers
Crossing the divide: learning about language policies and practices around the world
During the past year online meetings and lectures have become a firm feature of university life. One of the highlights of the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics’ online activities has been the online seminar series ‘Language policy and practices in the Global North and South’ organised by guest…
Neuropsychology of navigation
What is the neurocognitive structure of human navigation ability? What different types of navigation impairment can be distinguished? How can navigation impairment best be diagnosed and treated? How can tools like serious gaming and virtual reality be used to diagnose and treat navigation impairment…
The Resistance of the World
This project will construct an inventory of possible conceptions of the resistance of the world to scientists’ claims and theories.
Programme structure
The master's specialisation School Psychology consists of three main parts: the mandatory courses, the thesis and the internship/extra electives.
Splitting and clustering grammatical information
This project focuses on a striking parallelism between two macro-groups of languages: southern Italian dialects and the so-called split-ergative languages, like Basque, Georgian, Dyirbal, Hindi/Urdu.
- About this minor
Poster sessions
Speech Prosody 2024 includes several poster sessions, the description of which you can find below.
Who spoke what language in north-western sixth-century China?
Fifteen hundred years ago, the north-west of what we now call China was a jumble of peoples. How did those Indians, Khotanese and Tocharians influence each other and each other's languages? Associate professor Michaël Peyrot has been awarded an ERC grant of almost two million euros to unravel this 'web…
The Programmer's Brain
Your brain responds in a predictable way when it encounters new or difficult tasks. This unique book teaches you concrete techniques rooted in cognitive science that will improve the way you learn and think about code.
The Institute of Psychology is responsible for innovative and interdisciplinary research and education within psychology and related disciplines. It focuses primarily on four broad areas: Health and Wellbeing; Development and Learning; Socio-Cognitive-Affective Decision-making and Advanced Behavioural…
@School Project
Some children and adolescents find it hard to attend school because of anxiety and/or depression, a problem which is often referred to as school refusal. The main research question is how we can best help these young people reduce their emotional distress and increase their school attendance in order…
Programme structure
The master's specialisation Health and Medical Psychology consists of three main parts: the mandatory and elective courses, a thesis and an internship.
Educational Science (MSc)
The Master’s specialisation Educational Science offers students cutting-edge insights into how individuals develop and learn and how education can be optimized to include every learner.
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of the Faculty of Humanities with the University of Hyderabad.
New professor Suzan Verberne aims to bring large language models and search engines closer together
Suzan Verberne has been appointed professor of Natural Language Processing at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) from 1 October. Verberne has been at LIACS since 2017 as group leader of the Text Mining and Retrieval group.
The Reflections of Memory
An account of a cognitive approach to historically informed staging.
Participatory Sense-making in Physical Play and Dance Improvisation: Drawing Meaningful Connections Between Self, Others and World
The starting point of Hermans' research is how both children's physical play and dance improvisation by professionals can be considered somatic practices where sense-making manifests itself in and between bodies, and through movement.
Changing minds in social anxiety: A developmental network approach to neurocognitive bias modification
Which adolescents are more at risk of developing social anxiety disorder later in life?
Grip krijgen op complexiteit. Onderwijs voor het 'moeras' - Getting a grip on complexity. Education for the 'swamp'
How can pupils and students learn to get a grip on complex 'swamp situations'? Inaugural lecture in abbreviated form held by prof.dr.ir. Fred Janssen on the acceptance of the post of professor of science education at Leiden University on 19 June 2017.
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (BSc)
The focus of the Bachelor Data Science & Artificial Intelligence is on computer science, and its applications in Artificial Intelligence. You will receive a strong basis in mathematics, statistics and computer science, combined with advanced knowledge of machine learning, cognitive science, human-robot…
The development and prevention of social anxiety in youth
What are the developmental pathways to social anxiety (disorder), the causal processes and maintaining factors? How do these factors interact in the development of social anxiety disorder? How can this knowledge be used to design and implement effective preventive intervention programs for youth?
Hidden treasures:
Uncovering task solving processes in dynamic testing
The power of positive peers for socially anxious youth
Can positive peer feedback break the cycle of negative self-relevant cognitive processes and reduce self-reported anxiety in early adolescents?
Egbert Fortuin appointed professor of Russian Language and Linguistics: 'I am back'
On 1 August, Egbert Fortuin has been appointed Professor of Russian Language and Linguistics. After a five-year term as vice-dean of the Faculty Board, he is eager to fully devote himself to the study programme. His appointment can therefore be summarised in three words: 'I am back'.
Cognitive Mechanism of Conformity
PhD defence
Johannes Müller
Faculty of Humanities