10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
In pictures: kick-off Healthy University Week
On Monday 28 October, we celebrated the start of Healthy University Week 2019. During this week, students and staff of Leiden University can follow workshops to help them adopt a healthier lifestyle.
'Putting Bashir on trial would be a boost for the International Criminal Court'
Who should try the fallen Sudanese president Bashir? The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague wants to put the former dictator on trial for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur, but the Sudanese military is refusing to hand him over and wants to try him in their own…
Jorrit Rijpma visits Brussels with the students of the LDE Master Governance of Migration and Diversity
On November 16th 2018 Jorrit Rijpma visited the European Parliament and the European Commission with students of the LDE Master on the Governance of Migration and Diversity.
Max Rood Moot Court competition on labour law
On 21 June, the Labour Law and Social Security department and study association SLN hosted the seventh Max Rood Moot Court competition. The morning session involved teams from various universities arguing labour law cases in the preliminary round. The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) team and Groningen…
Carel Stolker re-appointed as Rector Magnificus and President
Rector Magnificus and President of the Executive Board of Leiden University, Professor C.J.J.M. (Carel) Stolker, has been re-appointed by the Board of Governors.
Dr. Beerkens gives keynote speech at the INQAAHE Forum in Fiji
On 23 – 25 May, representatives of the higher education quality assurance agencies from all over the world gathered in Fiji to discuss issues faced by the agencies in the challenging times.
International Labour Law scholars meeting in Leiden
In the Framework of the Leiden Social Justice Chair, a meeting was organised on June 7 and 8 2018 at Leiden University of a international study group of reputed labour law scholars from various countries.
Closing Lecture of LLM-course on Institutional Law: Discovering diversity
On Wednesday 22 November 2017, Professor Luuk Van Middelaar delivered the closing lecture for the EU Institutional Law and General Principles of EU Law-course of the regular LLM-programme in European Law.
Christa Tobler in the programme "ochtendspits" BNR nieuwsradio
On 1 July 2019, the radio programme
Grant for research on murder and manslaughter in the Netherlands
’25 years of fatal violence’, a collaboration of dr. Marieke Liem and prof.dr.Lenneke Alink about murder and manslaughter in the Netherlands, has received a research grant by the Leiden University Fund.
BBC on Leiden research into effects of eating in front of TV
We all do it sometimes: watch your favourite Netflix series, YouTuber or comfort series while you are eating. But we don't always consider the possible consequences this could have. Floor van Meer talks about this and more during an interview with BBC.
Perspectives on the World: A Year's Research in a Nutshell
From master’s student to professor: scholars at all levels within the Faculty of Humanities are engaged every day in innovative, high-profile research. In Perspectives on the World,reflections of 2014-2015, students and staff talk about the research they have been working on during the past academic…
'Ongelijkheid mannen en vrouwen versterkt door kunstmatige intelligentie'
Ontwerpers en onderzoekers gaan bij het verzamelen van data vaak uit van mannen als ze mensen bedoelen. Dat is onhandig en onveilig.
Kluitersprijs for excellent students Minor Intelligence Studies 2021- 2022
The ‘Kluitersprijs’ is awarded to students who achieve excellent results in the minor Intelligence Studies every year.
Lindsey Burggraaff and Emma Koemans win FameLab heat
Which young researchers were best at explaining their research to a general audience? Twelve researchers battled it out at the FameLab heat on 7 March. The two winners go through to the national final.
LUC The Hague - ‘Roosevelt in The Hague 2018’ conference
On 17 May 2018, a delegation of LUC students from all different majors, coordinated by Dr. Joris Larik, participated in the Roosevelt Awards Laureates Dialogue Event at Nieuwspoort in The Hague (‘Roosevelt in The Hague 2018’).
Ellen de Bruijn researches hormonal changes from puberty to menopause with Vici grant
Psychologist Ellen de Bruijn is investigating what hormonal fluctuations do to women's behaviour and well-being. The National science funding body NWO honoured her research with a Vici grant; earlier this year she received an ERC Consolidator Grant. Read the interview with De Bruijn about her resear…
Trump's trade war introducing unilateral trade tariffs violates treaty
Terminating the Trade Treaty between the US, Mexico and Canada, as Trump intends, violates the treaty and also has implications for labour law, says emeritus professor of international labour law, Paul van der Heijden, in Dutch newspaper ‘Het Financieele Dagblad’.
Criminology number one in Keuzegids 2017
The University Keuzegids 2017 has rated the Leiden Bachelor programme Criminology as the best in the Netherlands.
Twee Leidse Two Leiden finalists for ECHO Loyens & Loeff Law & Tax AwardECHO Loyens & Loeff Law & Tax Award
Three students are still in the race for the ECHO Loyens & Loeff Law & Tax Award 2019, two of them are students at Leiden Law School.
Cor Veenman (NFI) researcher Forensic Big Data Science at LIACS
On December 4th an agreement was signed between the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI). Cor Veenman (NFI) will perform research in the field of Forensic Big Data Science at LIACS.
Child Abuse & Violence Congres ‘Broken 2018’ Aruba
From 23-25 August the Child Abuse & Violence Congres ‘ Broken 2018’ took place. Mariëlle Bruning was one of the keynote speakers and talked about the child’s right to protection against all forms of violence and the implementation of this children’s right in domestic child protection systems.
View the Humanities Master’s Open Day presentations
Many thanks for visiting the Master’s Open Day on Friday 2 November! We hope that you enjoyed the day and that all your questions were answered.
Photo report of the university float in the Grand Parade
The Grand Parade was a festive highlight of the 450th anniversary celebration of 3 October. Students and staff members from Leiden University participated with an impressive float.
Last ILS Lunch Seminar before summer!
During this lunch seminar series all researchers from Leiden Law School can present their research. The idea is to hear in a simple and nice way what researchers from other research programs and institutes are working on. During a seminar two or three speakers will present their research.
International group of scholars discuss Japanese protests
In 1968 Japan was shocked by student protests and even today, exactly fifty years later, their effects can still be felt. An interdisciplinary group of researchers recently met to discuss them at Leiden University.
Photos and highlights of the conference 'Bodies of Knowledge' now online
International conference “Bodies of Knowledge: Arabic Language, Egyptian Labor, and Communities of Practice in the History of Archaeology & Egyptology” 19-21 November 2024
Join the Leiden Science Run and help refugee students
Do you like running or helping charity? Then join the Leiden Science Run on 29 September! Form a team together with, for example, your old study mates or old roommates for this relay race of 5 km at the Bio Science Park in Leiden and Oegstgeest.
Law student Aoife Fleming speaks at UN Climate Change Conference Madrid
As UN Youth Delegate on Sustainable Development, Leiden student Aoife Fleming is currently in Madrid for the UN Climate Change Conference COP25.
Tom Barkhuysen on ruling extending access to court
By a ruling of the Dutch Council of State, local residents and organisations can after all take their case to court even if they made no objection during a consultation session. This extension of access to court is the outcome of a judgment by the European Court of Justice. The Court ruled that in this…
Alexander Strelkov presents at the Aspen Institute conference in Berlin
Dr. Alexander Strelkov has been invited by the Aspen Insitute as a guest speaker for an event (8-10 May 2019) focusing on parliamentary institutions in the Balkan region. The Aspen Institute is one of the key policy arenas to discuss and debate Balkan politics and EU involvement in the region. Dr. Strelkov…
Leiden University champion of the Benelux in programming contest
On October 19, the annual Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest took place in Nijmegen. The team ‘git merge -s octopus solution cup’ of Leiden University was the only one to succeed in solving all the problems. They became champion of the Benelux and ensured their place in the championship of Northwest…
Professor Joke Bouwstra elected as KNAW member
Professor Joke Bouwstra has been elected as member of the Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW, The Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences). This is a very prestigious recognition and a great honor for Joke. You can find the announcement by the KNAW below (short version) and as an attachment.
A thousand new students discover The Hague
The number of students at Leiden University in The Hague is growing every year. From 21 to 25 August more than a thousand new students were given an introduction to The Hague during the HOP week. From museums to embassies and from international organisations to a day at the beach: The Hague has it…
Leiden University and LUMC and others to evaluate WMO
On 28 September 2022, ZonMW commissioned a consortium made up of the Erasmus University/Erasmus MC, Leiden University/LUMC, and research agency Pro Facto from Groningen to carry out the fourth evaluation of the Dutch Medical Research (Human Subjects) Act (WMO) and the Central Committee on Research Involving…
Parents responsible for obesity in children?
‘The idea that overweight and obesity are the fault of parents and/or the child, is rubbish.' Roxanna Camfferman, who specialises in child and adolescent studies, explains her proposition. Her PhD dissertation is on the role of upbringing in child obesity.
How can the law influence migration, asylum, integration? LL.M. in Governance of Migration and Diversity
Are you considering a master’s degree in 2025? Join our Governance of Migration and Diversity (LL.M.) Online Webinar on 16 December!
CML researchers contribute to development of Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas
CML researchers has contributed to development of the first-ever Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas , which has been published recently by the European Joint Research Centre (EU JRC) and the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI).
Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights received their master diplomas
In the presence of their families and friends, the thesis supervisors personally addressed each of the students and presented them with their well-deserved master diploma in the Academy Building’s Klein Auditorium.
Maartje van der Woude speaks at Cleveringa Meeting Leiden 2020
All Leiden alumni, students and anyone else who might be interested is welcome to attend the online Cleveringa Meeting in Leiden on Wednesday 25 November entitled 'The Corrosion of International Relations'.
First authors meeting COI book project November 2023
On November 21, 2023, participants in the Leiden Institutions for Conflict Resolution (COI) book project met up for their first authors meeting.
Neurocomputing article by LIACS researchers most cited
LIACS scientist, Dr. Michael S. Lew, along with his students now has the most cited article in the top tier neural network journal Neurocomputing, the second highest Google Scholar impact over all neural network journals worldwide.
Top rating for Biology at Leiden University
Biology is one of the four top educational programs at Leiden University according to the national “Guide to Universities” (Keuzegids Universiteiten).
LUGO and Campus The Hague employees will discuss sustainability in campus strategy with the Executive Board
LUGO and Campus The Hague employees will discuss sustainability in campus strategy. The university is discussing a new Development Strategy and Implementation Plan for Campus The Hague for the next decade (timeline: 2020-2030).
Major study on murder and manslaughter on the Netherlands Antilles
Why are so many people killed on the Caribbean islands? And how can we reduce this number? Scientists aim to find answers to these questions by means of a databank. That could help justice and police on the islands to reduce the number of murders.
Coptic Course NOSTER
NOSTER, the research school for Theology and Religious Studies, organizes a Coptic Course in the fall of 2023. Students can enroll until October 1.
Tanja Masson-Zwaan in Scientific American
This week an article was published in the American popular science magazine Scientific American on the uncertainty surrounding the extent to which territory can be claimed on the moon.
ARC (art_research_convergence)
A new outreach initiative for the communication of artistic research!
Translation Beauty and Joy of Computing may convince girls to choose computer science
Programming courses are often only available in English. All the more reason for the Programming Education Research Lab (PERL) of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Eindhoven University of Technology and University of Twente to translate the 'Beauty and Joy of Computing' programming…
Leiden wins best role-play award in the Frits Kalshoven International Humanitarian Law Competition 2023
Every year, the Netherlands Red Cross and Belgian Red Cross-Flanders organise the Frits Kalshoven IHL Competition. This competition aims to provide students with an opportunity to practically engage with IHL, the rules that govern the conduct of war, by attending expert lectures and workshops, engaging…