10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
New book publiction: Pas d’armes and Late Medieval Chivalry: A Casebook
This new Casebook features the work of an international, interdisciplinary research group entitled ‘The Joust as Performance: Pas d’armes and Late Medieval Chivalry’.
Ben van Rompuy editor new journal on legal aspects of football and sport
The new scholarly journal ‘Voetbal- & Sportjuridische Zaken’, published by Boom Juridische Uitgevers, will focus on current legal aspects related to sport with particular attention for football.
Michael Klos on Dutch Radio Weetlust on freedom of speech on the internet
On 15 September, Democracy Day, Michael Klos, researcher/teacher at the Department of Jurisprudence of Leiden Law School appeared as a guest on Radio Weetlust.
Relocation philosophy department
After years of being housed in the Matthias de Vrieshof 4 building alongside the Witte Singel, the Institute for Philosphy will move to the Reuvensplaats 3-4 in August.
33 sayings highlight multilingual The Hague
Since March 5th, the road between Holland Spoor Station and the old city centre of The Hague (also called the “Loper Oude Centrum”) features 33 sayings in various languages that are spoken in The Hague – many of which are taught here at LUCL.
ASEAN, Australia to jointly combat illicit tobacco issues
Customs officials from ASEAN and Australia have agreed to jointly combat the illicit tobacco trade through further collaboration. This agreement involves a joint Task Force operation, the first of its kind conducted by ASEAN with a Dialogue Partner.
Sylvia van Beugen wins ARPH Best Thesis Award
During the 7th annual meeting of the Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health (ARPH) Sylvia van Beugen, from the Health, Medical and Neuropsychology unit, was awarded with the ’Best PhD Thesis Award’ for her dissertation ‘Psychodermatology 2.0: Towards improved assessment and effective digital…
Video | Judit Kuschnitzki on Navigating Discretion: A Diplomatic Practice in Moments of Socio-political Rupture
This video accompanies the article "Navigating Discretion: A Diplomatic Practice in Moments of Socio-political Rupture", published in Vol. 14, Issue 4 of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy.
Episode #17 | Space Diplomacy
The Hague Diplomacy Podcast aims at bringing the themes of the journal's research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience within their practice of or research on diplomacy. Available via SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts…
Institutions for Conflict Resolution PhD Lab 2023
On April 14, 2023, the Institutions for Conflict Resolution (COI) research group at Leiden University organized its third annual Lab. The central aim of this meeting was to provide a starting point for the Leiden COI book project.
Sharing platform for language teachers launched
The new Language Learning Resource Centre was launched today at Leiden University. The LLRC is an initiative to unite all language teaching professionals working at Leiden University, and allow them to share their ideas and resources.
Introduction meeting for new lecturers
Are you new to the Faculty of Humanities? The Faculty Board is pleased to invite you to the Introduction Meeting for New Lecturers. It’s a great opportunity to get to know your colleagues, both lecturers and other educational staff.
The skate-friendly city
In cities like Leeds, Seoul and Malmö, a museum park is a place for unintentional creativity, unsolicited interventions and unorganised sport. Dutch cities could learn a lot from this. In De Architect, Sander Hölsgens describes how skaters are making public spaces more inclusive.
Looking back on an extraordinary Remembrance Day
This year’s Remembrance Day on 4 May was more intimate than ever. Although it was not possible to come together as usual, an online lecture by Ethan Mark, who specialises in modern Japanese history, and a special ceremony at the Academy Building made it a moving remembrance after all. See the photos…
Bernhard Rieger receives senior fellowship at the Historisches Kolleg Munich
Bernhard Rieger has been awarded a fellowship at the Historisches Kolleg Munich. This will allow him to work on his current book, entitled
Partnership with Baker McKenzie for organisation Children’s Rights Moot Court Competition 2021
From Monday 7 to Friday 11 June 2021, the fourth (virtual) edition of The Children’s Rights Moot Court Competition takes place.
Leiden University fifth in SustainaBul sustainability ranking
Leiden University has secured fifth place in SustainaBul, the sustainability ranking for universities and universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands.
Kimia Heidary and Helen Pluut win Best Paper Award
Kimia Heidary and Helen Pluut received the Best Paper Award at the Munich Summer Institute for their paper on consumer perceptions and personalized pricing.
Order your own FGGA hoodie now!
Do you work or study at the Faculty of Governance & Global Affairs? Show it, and order your own FGGA hoodie now!
Cyber offenders: Unique profile, unique approach?
Our society can no longer not imagine the threat of cybercrime. Banks, companies, and schools are hacked, or 'DDoSed', with increasing regularity and data is being stolen or taken hostage. To respond adequately to this threat, we need more knowledge of the perpetrators.
Paul Kozowyk (Material Culture Studies) wins 2nd/3rd prize Leiden University Thesis Awards
Leiden University 2016 thesis awards were awarded to Kaspar Pucek (History), Mariska Meijer (Bio Medical Sciences) and Paul Kozowyk (Archaeology).
Two Leiden professors ‘top of the class’ according to ScienceGuide
Professors Remco Breuker and Barend van der Meulen are ‘top of the class’ for academic year 2018-2019 according to ScienceGuide. This science magazine has just published its list of the most influential thinkers and do-ers in higher education and science, and Breuker and Van der Meulen are on it.
Kick-off International BSc Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology: A Photo Report
The bachelor's programme in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology goes international! From September 2019, the entire programme can be followed in English and will be accessible for students from all over the world. On 14 February 2019, the Institute of Cultural Anthropology held an inspiring…
Koenraad Schalm new Programme Director of the Physics master
Koenraad Schalm will be the new programme director of the Physics master starting 1 November. He has been appointed for a period of four years. Schalm succeeds Ana Achúcarro who has held the position since 2021.
SDG Traineeship
Are you studying or just graduated? And would you like to gain more work experience while contributing to a sustainable and inclusive future? Apply now for our SDG traineeship! 🌍 🙌
Leids Ontzet: University closed
We celebrate Leids Ontzet, the Relief of Leiden, on Monday 3 October. This means that all University buildings in Leiden will be closed. The University buildings on Campus The Hague will be open, but there will be no classes.
Steven Truxal delivers presentation at 15th European Civil Aviation Conference
Professor Steven Truxal was invited to address the 15th European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) Forum of Directors General in Paris on 6 December 2022.
Leiden University ends participation in EUniWell pilot
Leiden University has decided to withdraw from EUniWell as of January 2023. The importance of synergy in our international portfolio and research and teaching agendas recently led us to accept the invitation to join Una Europa, an alliance of 11 leading European research universities. We have explored…
Improved accessibility medieval manuscripts Leiden University Library
Recently, some changes have been made to the catalog of Leiden University Library, making more than 1000 digitized codices more accessible than before. The 'Inventory of Western Medieval Manuscripts Held by Leiden University Libraries,' created by manuscript curator André Bouwman, is also now available:…
Freya Baetens on ICSID Panel of Arbitrators and Conciliators
The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) is the world’s leading institution devoted to international investment dispute settlement.
Honouring Prof. M. Cherif Bassiouni (1937- 2017)
On Monday 25 September, Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni passed away, at the age of 79. Throughout his distinguished career, Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni has made a unique contribution to international criminal justice.
NWO tenure track grant in arithmetic algebraic geometry
Within the context of the four national mathematics clusters, NWO has awarded seven proposals for tenure track positions. One of these was on 'Moduli, metrics, models, and arithmetic of Shimura varieties' by Bas Edixhoven from the Leiden Mathematical Institute.
Rob Schilperoort Memorial unveiled at Leiden Bio Science Park
The Rob Schilperoort Memorial will be unveiled at the Leiden Bio Science Park on Saturday 16 September. This gigantic gate stands at the entrance to the park, which is also named after Schilperoort, its founder.
Terugkeervergoeding Syrische vluchtelingen niet realistisch
The return payment of 900 euros for Syrian asylum seekers is a striking part of the Dutch policy to promote voluntary return. Mark Klaassen, university lecturer in immigration law, told RTL News he considers the scheme premature and points to the uncertainty about how safe Syria currently is.
Parenting workshops in collaboration with The Hague municipality
What do you want your children to learn from you? How can parents teach their teenagers responsibility? Do children understand differences between rules at home and at school ?
Publication of ELS Lab @Leiden member Helen Pluut et al in Recht der Werkelijkheid
In the Netherlands, attention to empirical legal research is growing. Growing attention to ELS in legal academia goes hand in hand with attention to education in the field of ELS. To what extent do Dutch law students obtain empirical-legal skills?
What are the ingredients of high performing district teams?
Since the decentralizations in the social domain in 2015, nearly all Dutch municipalities use district teams to organize care. However, the management, organization and composition of these district teams vary considerably between municipalities: each municipality tries to reinvent the wheel by itself.…
Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about resilience and public engagement on Dutch radio
In a one-hour interview on Dutch radio programme Sleutelstad, Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about her research into the role friendships in adolescents' well-being, the resilience paradox and the role of social, hormonal and genetic factors in stress-levels and resilience.
Stevin Prize winner Andrea Evers: 'This award is for the whole team'
Health psychologist Andrea Evers has won the Stevin Prize – alongside the Spinoza Prize, the highest scientific award in the Netherlands. Evers: 'It’s also a prize for our whole team and our many contacts within and outside the University.’
Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights holds Third Graduation Ceremony
The third generation of students of the Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights 2017-2018 received their much-coveted master diplomas on Monday 27 August.
Study trip Brussels advanced master Law and Digital Technologies
A small insight into the annual study trip to Brussels of the advanced master programme Law and Digital Technologies.
Olaf van Vliet discusses staff shortages on Omroep West: Untapped labour potential and higher wages
All of society is having to deal with the effects of staff shortages. Hospitals are unable to fill their duty rosters, primary schools are having to close their doors for one day per week, and trains are being cancelled on a regular basis. But why is that exactly? Professor of Economics Olaf van Vliet…
Digging deeper into Soils, Sediment and Society with Peter Houben
A group of 12 LUC students went to the Eifel mountains for the annual field trip within the course 'Soils, Sediment, and Society' of Dr. Peter Houben. Dr. Peter Houben is Assistant Professor of Environmental Earth Sciences and Sustainability at Leiden University College The Hague.
The Hague: a world full of stories
The Centre for Modern Urban Studies (MUS) is a special part of the faculty. Research at MUS is interdisciplinary and is at the intersection of city studies, social history and migration history. Since its foundation in November 2005, the study of the history of The Hague from 1880 on has had a central…
Gerrard Boot on embedding of zzp'ers within organisation
The Dutch cabinet wants to stop organisations from using zzp’ers (self-employed professionals) for work that is deemed to be embedded in the organisation. The only exception would be when a person explicitly meets certain criteria for entrepreneurs.
Conservation of Qasr Bshir featured as a cover story in Current World Archaeology
‘Qasr Bshir is magnificent even in decline. It sits majestically in the landscape, master of all it surveys. On approaching the site, however, it is clear that the structure is damaged’, states the latest issue of the journal Current World Archaeology.
Yvonne Erkens gives lecture at a conference in Copenhagen
On 24 November 2018 Yvonne Erkens (Associate Professor Labour Law) gave a lecture during the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Labour Court Judges (EALCJ) in Copenhagen.
Science meets Business & SBB Barbecue
June 23rd was the annual Science meets Business & SBB barbecue. The event offered brilliant opportunities for SBB alumni to meet companies for internships, job openings and networking, or to just reunite with old friends.
Students LL.M. Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights received their master degrees
On Monday 24 August 2020 a small, intimate gathering of graduating students and staff took place in the Leiden University Academy Building’s Groot Auditorium. The other students participated online.
Alumnus Adrian Young gives lecture on cultural heritage to AHK students
On Monday 9 May, IIASL alumnus Adrian Young gave a very satisfying cross-disciplinary session between law and the arts, on the preservation of heritage in space.