1,078 search results for “personal data” in the Public website
Five questions on event 'Leadership in the digital transition'
Minister Alexandra van Huffelen will attend the 'Leadership in the digital transition' event at Campus Wijnhaven organised by Alex Ingrams on 16 February. Five questions to Ingrams about the event.
First professionals obtained their certificates Legal Technologies: ‘It was intensive, fun, and enlightening’
Last week, the first seven professionals successfully completed the new Leiden Legal Technologies Programme (LLTP). They received their certificates during a festive ceremony. Smiling faces all around for founder Jaap van den Herik, Programme Director Nikol Hopman, and The Hague alderman Saskia Bruines.…
Podcast: the history of self-tracking
Fenneke Sysling has recently launched a podcast: Het Gemeten Zelf (in Dutch). This five-part podcast series explores the history of self-tracking.
Bart Custers discusses fake news on facial recognition at Jumbo
Misleading social media posts are falsely claiming that the Dutch supermarket chain Jumbo uses facial recognition at self-service checkouts. Jumbo denies this, although it has launched trials with AI cameras to combat shoplifting without using facial recognition.
Male researchers mostly share their work with men
The scientific world is a competitive place. Even so, researchers are often prepared to share their findings with colleagues. This applies particularly to men as a group: women are much less willing to share their work, whether it is with other women or with men. This discovery was made by Leiden and…
Value-based and data-driven vestibular schwannoma care
PhD defence
Data-driven Predictive Maintenance and Time-Series Applications
PhD defence
Statistical learning for complex data to enable precision medicine strategies
PhD defence
Data-driven Improvement of Hip Fracture Care
PhD defence
eLaw – Centre for Law and Digital Technologies organizes a panel at the CPDP 2017
The Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) is an annual world-leading multidisciplinary conference that takes place in January in Brussels. This year, eLaw, the Centre for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University, participates in the CPDP conference as one of the event’s…
- GTGC lunch seminar: Dr. Sarah Giest on Digital Access, Data-Driven Policymaking and Public Service Delivery
Fatma Çapkurt appointed member of State Committee on Rule of Law
On Friday 3 February, Minister Bruins Slot of the Interior and Kingdom Relations appointed Fatma Çapkurt, of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, to the Dutch State Committee on the Rule of Law. Chaired by Henk Kummeling, Rector Magnificus of Utrecht University, this State Committee…
EU grant for Bart Custers
The European Commission has granted budget for the project INFORM (Introduction of the data protection reform to the judicial system). Dr. Bart Custers, associate professor and head of research at eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies, has written the proposal with nine partner organizations…
Interview with Jaap van den Herik by BNVKI
Recently, Jaap van den Herik, professor emeritus Law and IT, was interviewed by the BNVKI (Benelux Association for Artificial Intelligence).
Anne Meuwese and Bart Custers in Trouw on Covid apps
The more people are vaccinated, the more society can slowly reopen. Technological developments, like the Covid passport and other apps, can play a role in this. Artificial Intelligence could help greatly in developing the vaccine passport and the Covid-19 exposure notification app, Anne Meuwese and…
AI programmes that use your voice to produce songs breach portrait rights
AI programmes such as Suno and Udio allow the user to compose songs that bear an uncanny resemblance to the style and vocals of famous artists. Can artists do anything about this?
Hans Franken Lecture by Aleid Wolfsen, Chairman Dutch DPA
On 20 May 2022, eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University organised the Hans Franken lecture for the third time. This year the lecture was delivered by Aleid Wolfsen, chairman of the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (Data Protection Authority (DPA)), the privacy watchdog of the…
Anne Meuwese and Bart Custers in Trouw on Covid apps
The more people are vaccinated, the more society can slowly reopen. Technological developments, like the Covid passport and other apps, can play a role in this. Artificial Intelligence could help greatly in developing the vaccine passport and the Covid-19 exposure notification app, Anne Meuwese and…
eLaw Summer School: 'Regulating AI and data in an age of EU digital reforms', 24-28 June, Leiden (Registration now open!)
Course, Summer School
Dies Natalis: 'The big questions call for collaboration'
Universities cannot survive in this highly competitive world without collaboration. And the ultimate aim is to make the world a safer and more sustainable place. This was Rector Carel Stolker’s message during the 441st Dies Natalis.
Brain changes underlying social anxiety: numbers count!
In a recent mega-analysis, researchers from Leiden University aimed to clarify the contradictory findings of research into social anxiety disorder. They found that to obtain reliable research results having the largest possible sample size is important. Publication in NeuroImage:Clinical.
Do you have a hard time with uncertainty? This may influence how you perceive the world
Always taking the same route to work, going for that one dish in restaurants and going on the same holiday each summer: this may ring a bell for those who don’t like uncertainty. Researchers are now discovering that this aversion affects how we understand the world.
Gerard van Westen
Bram van Dijk
Mirjam van Reisen
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Martin Kroon
Faculty of Humanities
Beibei Yuan
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Arno Knobbe
Gamal Adel Elgamal
Marco Spruit
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Hein Putter
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Zhao Yang
The COVID-19 pandemic and vulnerable older persons
PhD defence
CPP Annual Lecture "Personal sovereignty, institutional norms, and social critique"
Towards personalized treatment for high risk endometrial cancer
PhD defence
Research groups
The research at The Metabolomics & Analytics Centre is centered around developing innovating analytical methods to enable metabolomics-driven systems biology in personalized health strategies.
Burgers moeten publieke informatie over hun directe omgeving kunnen achterhalen
Minister Wiersma heeft circa vijftien informatieverzoeken, over de hoeveelheid vee en de locaties van stallen van veehouders stilgelegd. Universitair hoofddocent Staats- en bestuursrecht, Annemarie Drahmann, stelt in het NRC dat de wet verplicht dat dergelijke milieugegevens openbaar moeten worden g…
Bestuur laat burger verdwalen in de jungle van de gegevensverwerking
Wat kun je als burger doen wanneer de overheid je persoonsgegevens gebruikt en daarmee besluiten neemt waar je het niet mee eens bent? Fatma Çapkurt promoveerde op een onderzoek hiernaar. Burgers moeten verwerking van hun gegevens beter kunnen beoordelen.
How does the ethics committee work? Suzan Verberne gives an insight
How ethical is research involving humans and robots? And can research on artificial intelligence cause problems when it ends up in the wrong hands? In any research involving humans or their data, the ethics committee assesses where the issues are. Associate professor at LIACS Suzan Verberne chairs the…
'Terrorism and cyber criminality call for better international cooperation'
The United States and the European Union need to work together more closely in the field of the law to fight terrorists and criminals who are operating increasingly internationally. This was the advice given by American Minister of Justice Loretta Lynch during her visit to Leiden University on 1 Jun…
Danny Mekić guest columnist for de Volkskrant
De Volkskrant has a guest columnist every month who writes a column for the website on Sundays. eLaw PhD student Danny Mekić was asked by de Volkskrant to be guest columnist for the month of January.
Send us a photo of yourself with your diploma!
With a wall full of people who preceded them as a backdrop, the (bachelor) Science graduates will receive their diplomas this autumn. Send in your photo and help the Faculty of Science create a great experience for the new graduates in this time of 1.5m distancing.
Bart Custers about extremists on Telegram
Extremist users of Telegram are moving en masse to other chat apps, such as the anonymous SimpleX. In this way, they hope to avoid detection, now that Telegram founder Pavel Durov is going to share personal data of criminal users with authorities.
Call for papers: Digital Disruption in Asia: Methods and Issues
How do digital technologies affect both Asian societies and the methods we use to study them? Conference in Leiden on 23-25 May 2016. Deadline abstract submission: 15 February 2016.
Cyber Security by Integrated Design (C-SIDe)
C-SIDe project involves a broad selection of associates in solving cybersecurity problems. Security of software systems has emerged as a critical need in our interconnected society. Companies developing software products look for Security-by-Design approaches accommodating security into their software…
Kristell Penfornis
Instituut Psychologie
Manon de Visser
Leiden Law School
Leiden is the place for Law
ILS Lunch Seminars
ILS organizes monthly Lunch Seminars in which all researchers from Leiden Law School can present their research. The idea is to share in an open and accessible way what researchers from other research programs and institutes are working on. During a seminar, two or three speakers will present their…
Handling missing data, selection bias and measurement error in observational studies
PhD defence