2,354 search results for “journalism” in the Public website
Poetry, rhythm, and meter: Textsetting
Knowledge and culture subproject 4:
On this page you will find a collection of presentations and videos of the Florence Nightingale Colloquia, seminars at the faculty and other event recordings hosted by the Data Science Research Programme.
Being a PhD candidate
Being a PhD candidate is not only about working on a manuscript. You also need to draw up an education and supervision plan and take part in courses. Want to know how this works? Read this page to find out more.
Modeling energy conversion dynamics at interfaces
Chemical reactions go hand-in-hand with an energy exchange with the environment in which they take place. Surfaces offer a variety of energy dissipation channels, constituted by the nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom of the atoms at the interface. Aiming at an improved future harvesting of energy,…
Visiting scholars
We welcome visiting scholars whose research aligns with our diverse areas of expertise.
Recommended weighting methods
The project falls in the context of the EU Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (COM(2005)670). The Institute for Environment and Resources (IES) of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) has developed three sets of decoupling indicators. Such indicators require the definition of a…
Weblogs and podcasts
Academic staff and students blog about their research and teaching.
Diplomacy and Global Affairs
The research group Diplomacy and Global Affairs focuses on international diplomacy, international organisation, global, transnational, multi-level and comparative governance. Among key research topics are the European Union and the United Nations, EU current enlargement policy, rule of law in the EU,…
Globalizing Regionalism and International Relations
Building on the recent initiative to truly globalize the field of international relations, this book provides an innovative interrogation of regionalism.
Examining the sustainability aspects of biotechnology, especially those related to the production of ethanol from biomass.
The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean
The Case of the Painted Plaster
Research Assessment 2018
To safeguard the quality of research within Leiden University, a committee of external experts evaluates the University’s institutes once every six years according to the Standard Evaluation Protocol which is drawn up by the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), The Royal Netherlands…
Nationalism: A World History
A global perspective on the nature and evolution of nationalism, from the early modern era to the present.
Peer education on LGBT rights in pre-vocational secondary education
In secondary school, homophobic language is common, even in the Netherlands where there is high acceptance of homosexuality in the adult population. Adolescents especially in lower educational levels have prevailingly negative attitudes towards their lesbian and gay peers. Peer education with its participatory…
Study success: academic achievement and critical thinking competence in undergraduate education
What is the impact of research-based learning on critical thinking competence and academic achievement in undergraduate education? What are underlying factors of research-based learning in the learning environment?
Research and design in secondary science education
Research and design are becoming more and more important in international science education. In The Netherlands, two recently introduced subjects focus on research and design activities in the classroom: O&O (research and design) and NLT (nature, life and technology). This research aims to look at what…
Institute of Private Law
The Institute of Private Law was closely involved in the development of Nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek (the Civil Code of the Netherlands, which came about between 1948 and 1992). It has continued to fulfil this socially engaged role over the years. It also made a significant contribution to the development…
Using smartphone behaviour to understand healthy ageing and neurological disease
Leiden University researchers and their collaborators report the development of new research frameworks that use day-to-day smartphone behavior gathered from a large sample of healthy people to help understand aging, and how aging alters with epilepsy and stroke. These reports occupy two back-to-back…
Steering Group
Strategic direction of the GTGC initiative lies with a Steering Group, composed of seven members from four Leiden University faculties. Chaired by Leiden's Professor of Global Transformations and Governance Challenges, the Steering Group addresses questions such as overall vision, staffing, communications,…
Key publications
Key publications of the Predictive Pharmacology group.
Why Leiden University
We are happy to give you 10 reasons why you should study the specialization International Criminal Law at Leiden University. Read more.
Why Leiden University?
The Physics and Education master specialisation gives you the opportunity to combine physics research with an excellent education in becoming a physics teacher.
North American Studies (MA)
The master’s programme in North American Studies at Leiden University takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the United States, with a particular emphasis on examining key aspects of American history, culture, and literature.
Conference 2022
On July 8 and 9, 2022, Leiden University hosted the second conference of the research group on Institutions for Conflict Resolution, in collaboration with Radboud University Nijmegen and Utrecht University.
The Leiden Chinese Queer Collection
Building on its extensive holdings in Asian studies, including much material that can support the study of “unofficial” histories and cultures, Leiden University Libraries has established the Leiden Chinese Queer Collection (LCQC).
Launch of second student edition of Mediaforum, chaired by Emma de Vries
On 14 February, the second student edition of Mediaforum, journal of media and communication law, was festively launched with a symposium in the Academy Building of Leiden University. During the symposium, the student authors, some of them from our own ranks (Roosmarijn Altink, Roosmarijn Niesing and…
Diversity and Inclusion in Global Science
The seminar series on ‘Diversity and Inclusion in Global Science’ aims to foster debate on inequalities in science across the world. We hope to invite critical discussions on how research evaluation and communication include/exclude topics so far seen labelled as “regional” and/or published in “local"…
‘Science communication is important for every scientist’
Just start somewhere: whether it's videos, board games, theatre performances, or festivals. That was one of the key insights Sophie Wintermans gained during the Science Communication Summer School. In her view, the Summer School is a great step for any scientist interested in science communication.
Leidse editie van de Staatsrechtconferentie groot succes
Sinds 1973 vindt in december jaarlijks een congres plaats voor staatsrechtjuristen: de zogeheten Staatsconferentie. De conferentie vindt bij toerbeurt plaats op een locatie die is gekozen door één van de Nederlandse rechtenfaculteiten.
Special Issue - Call for Papers | Japan's Diplomacy: Between the West and the East
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy calls for paper proposal submissions. Accepted papers will be included in the journal's special issue on Japanese diplomacy under the broad theme of 'Japan between the West and the East'.
Professor Mila Versteeg distinguished fellow at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law
Professor Versteeg is currently Professor of Law at Virginia School of Law in the United States, where she has been working since 2011 as Miller Center Director and Human Rights Program Director at the Center for Comparative and International Law University of the Virginia School of Law.
Jean-Pierre van der Rest receives a 2019 Outstanding Reviewer Award
Professor Jean-Pierre van der Rest has received a 2019 Outstanding Reviewer Award from Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
- Book publication: Between the Headphones: Listening to the Practitioner
The Hague Program for Cyber Norms welcomes Visiting Fellow Russell Buchan
Russell Buchan will be a Visiting Fellow at The Hague Program for Cyber Norms at Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs from 19 August to 13 September.
Santino Regilme wins Cecil B. Currey Book Award for ‘Aid Imperium’
The peer-reviewed article by Salvador Santino Regilme, titled “Crisis Politics of Dehumanisation during COVID-19: A Framework for Mapping the Social Processes through which Dehumanisation Undermines Human Dignity,” has been named as a finalist for the John Peterson Best Paper Prize 2023 by The British…
Call for Proposals | Forum Discussion: Diplomatic Gifts
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is pleased to announce this call for proposals on the topic of exchange of gifts in diplomacy for Forum Essays, a special category in the journal of shorter and more argumentative essays. For more information, please check the poster below. We look forward to receiving…
Meet the Guest Editor | Natalia Grincheva on Non-Western, Non-State Diplomacy
In this video, Natalia Grincheva introduces the topics discussed in the journal's latest Special Issue.
Call for Proposals | Diplomacy After the Corona Crisis - Forum Discussion
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is pleased to announce this call for proposals on the topic of diplomacy after the corona crisis for Forum Essays, a special category in the journal of shorter and more argumentative essays. For more information, please check the poster below. We look forward to receiving…
- Former guest researchers
Students help Facebook in battle against fake news
Leiden master's students of Journalism and New Media are going to help Facebook bar fake news from the social medium.
Humanities Hub: A Hotbed of Innovation
In two weeks' time, the official opening of the Humanities Hub will take place in the Huizinga Building. The first projects have already begun. Professor Journalism and New Media Jaap de Jong and director of the AI and Digital Humanities Lab Jelena Prokic share their experiences.
Podcast #4 | Pierre Bruno Ruffini on Science Diplomacy
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is delighted to announce it will be starting its own podcast series! The series will be aimed at bringing the themes of the journal’s research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience…
New publication: The EU-Turkey Deal and the Safe Third Country Concept before the Greek Asylum Appeals Committees
Mariana Gkliati has recently published an article at the special issue ‘Turkey's Changing Migration Regime and its Global and Regional Dynamics’ of Movements, Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies.
Podcast #2 | Damien Arnaud on the Impact of Post-Truth on International Cooperation and Security
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is delighted to announce it will be starting its own podcast series! The series will be aimed at bringing the themes of the journal’s research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience…
Podcast #8 | Ye-Min Wu & Rebecca Webber Gaudiosi on Diplomacy and Multilateralism During & After COVID
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is delighted to announce it will be starting its own podcast series! The series will be aimed at bringing the themes of the journal’s research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience…
Podcast #1 | Christian Lequesne on the Contemporary Role of the MFA
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is delighted to announce it will be starting its own podcast series! The series will be aimed at bringing the themes of the journal’s research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience…
Podcast #5 | Stuart Murray on Sports Diplomacy
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is delighted to announce it will be starting its own podcast series! The series will be aimed at bringing the themes of the journal’s research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience…
Aleydis Nissen publishes a feature article on the Kenyan floriculture industry
Aleydis Nissen, one of our colleagues from Belgium, created a feature article with photos for Knack magazine (Roularta Media Group). The Pascal Decroos Fund sponsored this article.
Call for Proposals | Diplomacy After the Corona Crisis - Forum Discussion
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is pleased to announce this call for proposals on the topic of diplomacy after the corona crisis for Forum Essays, a special category in the journal of shorter and more argumentative essays. For more information, please check the poster below. We look forward to receiving…
Paul Sharp Named Honorary Editor
We welcome Paul Sharp as The Hague Journal of Diplomacy's first Honorary Editor.