1,557 search results for “fox quantum optics an in production” in the Public website
Vibration Isolation
To be able to measure small forces or small deviations from Boltzmann, the external vibrations at the resonance frequency must be very low. To achieve this, we have developed a very soft vibration isolation system and combine it with several other measures to reduce vibrations in our dilution refrigerators.…
‘Since coming to Leiden, I’ve never worried that something might be too difficult to do’
The Italian physicist Andrea Morello is one of the pioneers of the quantum revolution. He is currently doing research at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, but cherishes his time as a PhD candidate in Leiden.
Stripes give away Majoranas
Majorana particles have been getting bad publicity: a claimed discovery in ultracold nanowires had to be retracted. Now Leiden physicists open up a new door to detecting Majoranas in a different experimental system, the Fu-Kane heterostructure, they announce in Physical Review Letters.
Superconductivity theory under attack
Measurements on a superconducting material show an abrupt transition between a normal metal and a 'strange' metal. The really strange thing, however, is that this abruptness disappears when the temperature falls. 'We don't have any theoretical machinery for this', says theoretical physicist Jan Zaanen,…
Word processing in languages using non-alphabetic scripts: The cases of Japanese and Chinese
This thesis investigates the processing of words written in Japanese kanji and Chinese hànzì, i.e. logographic scripts.
Discoverer of the Year Irene Battisti wants to see the invisible
Irene Battisti is the discoverer of the year 2019. The physicist won the C.J. Kok Public Award for her research into microscopy and superconductors.
Surprising similarity between stripy black holes and high-temperature superconductors
We don’t understand how some materials become superconducting at relatively high temperatures. Leiden physicists have now found a surprising connection with auxiliary black holes. It enables us to use our knowledge of black holes on the mystery of high-temperature superconductivity. Publication in Nature…
Super women on superconductivity: International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Since 2015 the United Nations have declared 11 February the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Leiden University organized a public event for over a hundred visitors. In between a lecture on the building blocks of life and a talkshow on the impact of science on society, high school students…
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Testing gravity on the largest scales with kids and friends
What are the 'dark' components of the universe?
High-Contrast Imaging of Protoplanetary Disks
To study how planetary systems come into existence we study much younger systems still in formation.
Soft condensed matter
What are the mysteries behind soft condensed matter?
A physicochemical study of Medieval and Post-Medieval ceramics from the Aegean
Archaeometric analysis of glazed pottery assemblages from the Early Byzantine to the Early Modern periods in the Aegean.
Searching for the sibling of the earth
Are there other planets like the earth, and will there also be life? Astronomers study planets around stars other than the sun, with the aim to find out what kind of gasses their atmospheres are made up with.
Exploitation of host chemokine signalling by pathogenic mycobacteria
Promotores: A.H. Meijer, H.P. Spaink
Not so smooth after all: resolving dust and gas structures in protoplanetary disks
A large diversity of exoplanetary systems has been found, but it is still unclear what drives this diversity.
Assembling anisotropic colloidal building blocks
This PhD-thesis presents a study on micron-sized particles, so-called colloids. By controlling the chemical and physical properties of these particles, such as the interparticle interaction and the particles’ shape, colloids can act as building blocks that self-assembly into larger structures.
Long-term observation of protein dynamics via thermal-snapshot single-molecule spectroscopy
This dissertation revolves around the design and implementation of novel instrumentation and related measurement techniques, at the single molecule level, for use in biophysical research. Chapter 1 presents an introduction to the field of fluorescence-based single molecule measurements. In particular,…
Single cell technologies for mechanobiology and mechanopharmacology
Mechanobiology is a major area in biology, however, mechanics is currently a missing element in drug development pipelines. This has led to a high cost for the society. Mechanotoxicity of drugs often appears as a long-term side effect of drugs, and has led to removal of drugs from the market. Furthermore,…
Early death of massive galaxies in the distant universe
Promotor: M. Franx, Co-Promotor: I.F. Labbé
Microfluidic 3D cell culture for high throughput screening
There is an urgent need for more physiologically relevant cell culture methods to guide compound selection in pre-clinical stages of the drug development pipeline.
Exploring future multi-messenger Galactic astronomy
For centuries astronomers studied the Universe by collecting light. Nowadays, we are living in times of great technological advancements, which allow us to explore our Universe in a new way - though gravitational wave radiation.
Mononuclear spin-transition materials based on the bapbpy scaffold
Promotor: E. Bouwman, Co-Promotor: S. Bonnet
Terugblik: De impact van Meijers is na 70 jaar nog steeds voelbaar
In een goedgevuld Teldersauditorium vond op maandag 24 juni het symposium ‘Het Erfgoed van Meijers: 70 jaar waardering en inspiratie’ plaats. Vanuit verschillende perspectieven werd gereflecteerd op de omvangrijke nalatenschap van de Leidse hoogleraar Eduard Maurits Meijers, die precies zeventig jaar…
Graduate School of Science
Are you graduating at the Faculty of Science? Or are you supervising a PhD student? At the Graduate School of Science you find support at every phase of your PhD.
Life on a Strip
Joanna Krenz defended her thesis on 15 May 2018.
The symmetry of crystals and the topology of electrons
Promotor: J. Zaanen, Co-Promotor: V. Juricic
Advances in SQUID-detected Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy
In this thesis, we describe the latest advances in SQUID-detected Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy (MRFM).
Low energy electron transmission through layered materials and chiral organic films
In this Ph.D. thesis we study the interaction of low energy electrons with thin materials, namely layered materials (graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, molybdenum disulfide) and organic films. At these low energies the quantum mechanical wavelength of the electron wave function is in the order of a…
Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory
The research of the Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory cluster tries to bridge the gap between abstract theory and the world of algorithms and applications.
Science Communication & Society
The research group Science Communication and Society aims to understand how science communication works to improve the interaction between science and society. Central themes are ‘Bridging the gap between experts and the general public’ and ‘Evaluating Science Communication’.
Accurate Probabilities for Highly Activated Reaction of Polyatomic Molecules on Surfaces Using a High-Dimensional Neural Network Potential: CHD3
An accurate description of reactive scattering of molecules on metal surfaces often requires the modeling of energy transfer between the molecule and the surface phonons. Although ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) can describe this energy transfer, AIMD is at present untractable for reactions with…
Career preparation
Leiden University offers you several services related to career orientation and job application skills.
Setup: Static Magnetic Field with Low Noise
Our cantilevers have a low intrinsic damping rate: this enables us to measure with low noise, since damping is proportionate to noise. However, when the magnet is close to the surface of a sample we want to study, we measure a much higher effective damping rate. This is caused by magnetic interaction…
Shining Light on PAHs in Space
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are the most abundant class of organic compounds in space. The PAH field evolves from the constant interaction between experimentalists, theorists, modellers and observers. While laboratory research and quantum chemical calculations together set up the molecular…
Algorithms and Software Technology
The Algorithms and Software Technology (AST) research programme performs fundamental research in the areas of algorithm design and analysis.
The lead zeppelin: a force sensor without a handle
Promotor: T. H. Oosterkamp
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Calculations versus Quantum-State-Resolved Experiments on CHD3 + Pt(111): New Insights into a Prototypical Gas–Surface
The dissociative chemisorption of methane on metal surfaces is of fundamental and practical interest, being a rate-limiting step in the steam reforming process. The reaction is best modeled with quantum dynamics calculations, but these are currently not guaranteed to produce accurate results because…
Hooray! This extremely sensitive microscope survived its relocation
Moving an electron microscope of 2000 kg is a delicate challenge. The highly sensitive instrument needed to be moved to a new measurement hall, but even a tiny bump could damage it. After a few nerve-racking weeks of preparing the move and reinstalment, the researchers finally have a verdict: the instrument…
Language production: expertise and modalities
Lecture, LACG Meetings
Herenboeren Rotterdam: Farming for the Future
Consumers are encouraged to think of food production and consumption as amoral activities – Michiel Korthals in his book Goed Eten: Filosofie van voeding en landbouw (2019, 353)
Glucocorticoids in zebrafish
A novel in vivo model system for studies on glucocorticoid resistance
Circular fuel: researchers and technicians work hand in hand on tomorrow’s solutions
From a meaningless block of plastic to an advanced component that contributes to the energy transition. The technicians and scientists of our faculty think it out in detail and make it a reality. This special project shows that they need each other.
Understanding Single Photon Detectors
Leiden physicists have developed a way to address how accurately a superconducting single photon detector (SSPD) can be characterized by detector tomography. SSPDs are not fully understood, and tomography is a key element to determine how these devices detect light. A better understanding of these detectors…
Geometric approach to evolution problems in metric spaces
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotor: O.W. van Gaans
The Metabolic syndrome affects over 5 million people in the Netherlands. The HealthBox is an initiative from LUMC and NeLL to provide an innovative solution to help prevent and manage this chronic condition.
Building Blocks for the Rule of Law
Legal education initiative of the Leiden University, the University of Groningen and Universitas Indonesia.
About Us
The Decolonising Collective Leiden is a platform for staff and students interested in exploring strategies to foster pluralistic, diverse, and decolonised knowledge production at Leiden University. While many discussions about decolonisation are ongoing in discrete spaces across the University, there…
Global Abolitionisms Network
The Global Abolitionisms Network, established in 2015, is an international network of scholars working on antislavery activism and abolitionism. It is affiliated to the Leiden Slavery Studies Association.