8,153 search results for “starting” in the Public website
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
- Dutch SPOC 1B
Dutch Caribbean Homicide Monitor: murder and manslaughter in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
The goal of this project is to keep a close watch on the developing nature of homicide in the Dutch Caribbean region.
Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology (MSc)
In the master’s specialisation Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology at Leiden University students are trained by experts in the areas of molecular biology, microbiology, plant genetics, cellular imaging, animal disease models, and various –omics technologies and the corresponding bioinformatics.
About the programme
The two-year Master in Statistics & Data Science consists of 120 European Credit Transfer System (EC) points. It consists of a core set of mandatory courses, electives and a Master's Thesis Project.
Molecular, Cellular and Organismal Biology (MSc)
The master's specialisation Molecular, Cellular and Organismal Biology at Leiden University examines the molecular mechanisms underlying health and disease and how cells and organisms adapt to environmental factors.
Alessandra Silvestri Group - The Late Universe
We are cosmologists, in other words we use physics to study the Universe, how it started and evolved into the structure that we observe around us.
Democratic Secrecy: A Philosophical Study of the Role of Secrecy in Democratic Governance
The starting hypothesis of the project is that secrecy is not always inimical to democratic governance as conventional wisdom has it.
Leiden Law School Green Team
LUGO is launching Green Teams throughout the University, starting with the Law Faculty.
In 2019 citizen scientists inspected elevation maps of the Veluwe region and discovered several thousand potential new archaeological structures. The project started as exploration into the potential of citizen science in Dutch archaeology, but developed into a fully flexed project in which citizen…
Sallie Mae Student Loans
Bachelor, Master, Short Course, PhD
Genetic and environmental factors determining heterogeneity in preservation stress resistance of Aspergillus niger conidia
Fungal food spoilage often starts with a contamination with spores. Experimental data strongly indicate the existence of subpopulations of spores with different levels of resistance to preservation methods.
Career College: Working as a Data Scientist
Career and apply for jobs
Career prospects
With the knowledge and skills you have acquired in the programme Learning Problems and Impairments, you can apply for a variety of jobs, for instance in
Pre-master's programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Literary Studies but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization…
Career preparation
It’s a good idea to start thinking about your future (academic) career already during your study. Not sure yet which career you would like to pursue or how to find a suitable job? The master Biomedical Sciences and Leiden University offer different ways to prepare yourself for the job market.
Blended learning
The programme is also offered in a blended learning version: this is a combination of distance learning and face-to-face learning. Read more information
Sustainability Award
The moment is there: LUGO can finally announce the winner of the Sustainability Award 2020!
The role of grave sets in Corded Ware and Bell Beaker funerary practices
Connected with the University
Many members of the Royal Family have studied at Leiden University and several have been awarded an honorary doctorate.
Young suns and infant planets: Probing the origins of solar systems
Even though more than 4000 extra-solar planets are known today, only a small fraction of these has been captured in an image. To better understand the planet formation mechanisms in solar-like environments we started the Young Suns Exoplanet Survey (YSES).
Evolutionary traps – Balanced lethal systems
How do balanced lethal systems originate and persist in nature?
The recognition process of youth with problematic anxiety in general practice
Do general practitioners recognize children with or at risk of problematic anxiety and is there a pattern that might help differentiate those with and without anxiety disorders in general practice?
Alumni's experiences
What's it like to participate in the Leiden Leadership Programme? Alumni share their experiences: 'You learn things about leadership and can immediately put them into practice.'
Sustainability Award
The moment is there: LUGO can finally announce the winner of the Sustainability Award 2020!
PhD Supervisors
As a supervisor, you are responsible for the adequate supervision of your PhD candidate. Read here about your duties as a supervisor, the procedures relating to this, and which forms you will need.
Green Team The Hague
LUGO is rolling out Green Teams across the University, starting with the Law Faculty, and now expanding to include the Archaeology and The Hague Campus Teams.
Botanical lino cutting
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure